E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 113 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 160 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2014 No. 31 Senate The Senate met at 10 a.m. and was RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY going to move along. It is not fair to called to order by the President pro LEADER Members to keep them waiting around tempore (Mr. LEAHY). while someone else is finishing a phone The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The call. PRAYER majority leader is recognized. Following the disposition of the nom- The PRESIDENT pro tempore. To- f ination of Beth Freeman to be a U.S. day’s opening prayer will be offered by district judge for the Northern District COMPREHENSIVE VETERANS our guest Chaplain, Father Patrick J. of California, the Senate will recess HEALTH AND BENEFITS AND Conroy, who is the Chaplain of the U.S. until 2:15 p.m. to allow for the weekly MILITARY RETIREMENT PAY House of Representatives. caucus meetings. RESTORATION ACT OF 2014—MO- The guest Chaplain offered the fol- ORDER OF PROCEDURE TION TO PROCEED lowing prayer: I ask unanimous consent that when Let us pray. Mr. REID. Mr. President, I move to the Senate reconvenes at 2:15 p.m., Loving God, we give You thanks for proceed to Calendar No. 301. there be an hour of debate equally di- giving us another day. On this day, The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The vided and controlled between the two help us to discover the power of resting clerk will report the motion. leaders or their designees prior to a in You and receiving assurance and en- The legislative clerk read as follows: cloture vote on the motion to proceed couragement in Your amazing grace. Motion to proceed to Calendar No. 301 (S. to S. 1982, the veterans’ benefits bill. Send Your Spirit down upon the 1982) a bill to improve the provision of med- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Members of this Senate, who have been ical services and benefits to veterans, and for objection, it is so ordered. entrusted by their fellow Americans other purposes. Mr. REID. I suggest the absence of a with the awesome privilege and respon- SCHEDULE quorum. sibility of sustaining the great experi- Mr. REID. Mr. President, following The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ment of democratic self-government. my remarks and those of the Repub- clerk will call the roll. May they be reminded always of who lican leader, the Senate will be in a pe- The legislative clerk proceeded to they are. May they be open to Your in- riod of morning business until 11:05 call the roll. spiration, that they might overcome a.m., with Senators permitted to speak Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- the temptation to work through the for up to 10 minutes each, with the ma- imous consent that the order for the issues of this day on their own strength jority controlling the first half and the quorum call be rescinded. and cleverness. Grant them wisdom, in- Republicans controlling the final half. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without sight, and vision, that the work they At 11:05 a.m. the Senate will resume objection, it is so ordered. do will be for the betterment of our Na- executive session to consider the nomi- VETERANS HEALTH CARE AND JOB TRAINING tion during a time of struggle for so nation of James Moody to be a U.S. Mr. REID. Mr. President, today the many millions of Americans. May they district judge for the Eastern District Senate will vote to advance bipartisan earn the trust and respect of those they of Arkansas. legislation that expands and improves represent, whether or not they had At 11:15 a.m. there will be five roll- the health care and job training avail- earned their vote, and make history call votes in order to confirm a number able to our Nation’s veterans. that expands the great legacy of so of district court nominations. I thank the Senator from Vermont, many who have served in this Chamber BERNARD SANDERS, for his leadership ORDER OF PROCEDURE on this issue and for his dedication to before now—a legacy of noble service, I ask unanimous consent that there sometimes political risk, but always America’s service men and women. be 2 minutes of debate equally divided The 19th century British statesman great leadership. between the two leaders or their des- May all that is done this day be for George Canning said: ‘‘When our perils ignees between the votes in this series. Your greater honor and glory. Amen. are past, shall our gratitude sleep?’’ The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. ‘‘When our perils are past, shall our f BLUMENTHAL). Without objection, it is gratitude sleep?’’ PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE so ordered. Although it is clear the world is still The President pro tempore led the Mr. REID. Mr. President, I would a very perilous place, the United States Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: also note, these are 10-minute votes is finally winding down more than a I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the after the first one, and we are going to decade of war in Afghanistan, and we United States of America, and to the Repub- cut them off when the time is up. So if are out of Iraq. lic for which it stands, one nation under God, people are late, they are at their peril. Mr. President, our gratitude shall indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. We have a lot to do today, and we are not sleep. It is time to demonstrate the ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S1011 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:52 Feb 26, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A25FE6.000 S25FEPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S1012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 25, 2014 depth and breadth of our appreciation strained our military and our financial appalling’’ that money that was put to the men and women who have kept resources for more than a decade. The away for senior citizens is now being this country safe in spite of the risk to Pentagon projects that war spending used for things like ObamaCare. ‘‘It their lives and the sacrifices required will go down as we continue to reduce seems like most politicians are only of their families. the number of American troops in Af- working for themselves instead of the I think of a young man from Haw- ghanistan. people,’’ they wrote. thorne, NV, who enlisted right out of This legislation will lock in those Well, look, they have every right to high school, who was 18 years old. He savings, establishing caps on overseas be frustrated. I mean, why on Earth was in Afghanistan for a matter of war spending for the very first time. It would we want to ruin one program days, and one of those explosive devices is only fair that we use a small portion that is helping people in order to fund blew off his legs at the hips. I think of of those savings to invest in our re- another that is causing them so much him and his parents. What a struggle. turning veterans, who have given so pain? The question answers itself. That is what this legislation is all much over the past 13 years to ensure That is why I, along with Senators about. our safety. CORNYN, THUNE, BARRASSO, MORAN, and This bill would not only improve vet- Even with the perils of the wars in BLUNT sent a letter to the administra- erans’ access to health care, it would Iraq and Afghanistan past for so many tion today—to express our deep con- extend job training programs for serv- of our servicemembers, our gratitude cerns with these proposed cuts to Medi- icemembers reentering the civilian shall not sleep. We owe it to our vet- care Advantage and other proposals workforce. It would bolster benefits for erans to make the transition to peace a that would increase premiums, reduce choices, and cause America’s seniors to surviving spouses and children. And it very productive time. lose access to the health plans they would make the Veterans’ Administra- RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY LEADER were promised they could keep. Our tion more transparent and more effi- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Re- letter asks the administration to act cient. publican leader is recognized. within the bounds of the law to limit Senator SANDERS’ legislation would MEDICARE ADVANTAGE the negative impact these misguided allow the Veterans’ Administration to Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, late policies would have on seniors. open 27 new clinics and medical facili- last week the Obama administration It is notable that even some of our ties in 18 States and Puerto Rico. proposed yet another round of drastic friends on the other side of the aisle These clinics will improve the quality cuts to a popular Medicare program seem to understand the pain all of this of care and reduce travel time for our used by millions—millions—of Amer- is causing. That is why 19—19—Senate retired heroes, particularly for vet- ican seniors. Not surprisingly, they did Democrats recently signed a bipartisan erans who live in rural areas—as the it quietly, in the hopes that these lat- letter with 21 Republicans that called young man I just talked about is from est cuts to Medicare Advantage would on the administration to mitigate the a very rural part of Nevada in Haw- somehow get lost in what folks around impact of these cuts to Medicare Ad- thorne.
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