Hon. Editor IVAN STEPHENSON 27 HILLHEAD DRIVE BIRSTALL • BATLEY YORKS. WF17 OPA «;, Copyright FHOh YOUR .e.:DITOR, Not much to s3.y a:·; s1. e.cf.: i.s t.oo val1w.b] e,. hove ve r I ,.,i:l.sh t,,:_; as sur e men. oe r s tha t all concerned 1,.JJ._ th. NL~lJ a re m9..kij1{! e·,re~~·:r ::f±:or·t tu t!0T~ 9ti t) y cu ·, on ti~:H./'': Your subscription snou l d have bet..~1 paid on tl':(~ Ls t: Apr i.L, iJ.' stilJ outs i~e:odine please remit by return us i.nsr t.ne to rm sent, out ,1:~t.h issw.,, N,JouG of the inagaz i.ne , Ordinary Membership is still. on Iy Z.2, CO and a.I I payn1(·w.t.s shoul d bo serrt to the Membe-r- ship Secretary: A few back iss ue s cf' t.}12 Nevs i e t.t.e r r;.):-e a vei Lab.l.e , cove r i.ng ":.he period February-December 1973 and these can be ob t a i.ned i-'i:xn t.he i'vfemters.h:5.p Secret.a:cy at t.ne above address. The cos t is 2 Op pe r copy pos t pa.i d 'J.lC &.nd payment. can be made i .. r: current U,K. stamps. O!'J_y a few of' each iESUc~ so f'in;t come Y.:l.rst. se rved . arrv ericu.i r-v • U A J must be accompan.i ed by J,A.L '<, LON DON & SOUTHiHN AP~ •._ Hor,. e :;,;:1c: •· Peter Lemmevi 11/-. ?i t.z.gr,,-.y.:-ge Ma.nsio:;.1s. 1"\j_ :i,:.. ;get~r;·c A venue , London l-·!J~4:, Lb t.h ApriJ. 1975 (Wed.) An ill'.1-"'trGtt.Bc.i -z,c:.H: on t..be :-;:::l'?lNG.::10UH.Nt & r~tt-1::3LtY .L:ClH:.· fuiI.Lii>Y presented by the Locomot.Lve Cl.uo ;_,.f (;:rec•.t 13:d.t~:i.'!;. Come aI cng to Caxt on Ha.c. on Hpril lbth and hear acou t l:.h1::: ni s t o ry :::,t t . .i'l:\.[; 2: V' line in Ken t, ::•ot:.li 1.n l t s .o·~:.,Ettr>:>.'~ day s and more par td cul ar.Iv in :;. t s cur ren t. !-;Ul :;;:, as 7·es~.:·\0ec. t.;y tl'18 LCl.;d .. .). A:'..l rntetings held at Caxton HalI. Caxton ~3treet, ·.-fcls+,mir~ster._. ~ st,9.:r·t,i~R Gl ;,.~ Ne ar-e s t, t.ube c,trt·' ... "· ,:i· ~,,,.,. s c " r, ... ,;, 7 o 30 porno .1:" .&. .••.•. v, ·U;,..1,~ ... ,~cc.,lOri .1.~-· •.....• ·.·o J:..,..,,_lt .. ;:; S 1~0:.:1,c. Janu£!ry Ne..s!.t.lng:. The narrow gauge lines of 'l,:.t:Lcs rema in as r..:0r-,ula~· e. S'.tbject as evar a i, ')U! meetings, arid a good cz-ovd t.urr.ed ou c. ~G hca r .John re:.,y:~.t Mo~~:a~ · !°> l.ect.urG on t/,c Co}"ris Railway on January 18th. After ha.I f .::..n L::iur er: e o ' 8 t.alk on the h i s i~;:n·y o:' t.h o j_iD8 John showed us some slides of trie Co r r i s Ln iL; hr-.:y---c.:2.~'r t~og;e'(hP.r with &. shC':'.'l, cli}- o.\- i"il.Jn taken of t.r.e railway· j_11 t,ne l lj):'.'Js... The t~ ,.·er;~;.:--ig ·,vus 17rY0.nded :).t':t.° t,J5. tt·l 171::,re !::li :3.e.s taken by John Horgan an i David !:ll°e'.,G::' sho:,.;i:;g 1,~•.:-.t, reme i ns o:' Lhe Li ne t.oday; Februa:ry_M~e1iMo hreu Cormnittee mernbe r .ttU.rian Gc.~.r~t:r Ji~it.-:.~.J i...l~ .... : U/iilt:d St.ac..-es i.n J.S~-7}) o:.1r1 a: ... our February meeting he snowed a seL,ct:lO!l :,li' sU .ie e and f i Im s taken on hi s tour, i,:-1i·.:.~1 centred particularly on th,, 2 ft. 1~:1u1~cline ,il .:.c.i;;,.1-'iJ.le and the pr~.·ser-.red -:;r-~ svs t.. ems 1.:: r 1 "\' =r1 rv h ... & -n 1-}-. l ~....-..ci··..... tlor :,. (:• .• r- .•.••... .., .. : .. : ,-,-~:.-,..,... ~Y',· ~ .....•.... ;. .-·:, - ..;--.! _· •..... vO oraac.o ne vlun .... res .l.0.J..•.;E:; .... ·-':.J-It...:,.v .... , l .,...a,? ..... .J. >-'tl..! ._.L-....v:I-1 ..•.. r.d"L81c:;-: v:. c.:~XH.l n•..t.!.· ... c.n c, expert camera-work showed oC' the lirn: ur,,l t.}1,; ~pec:.c.c:'J.Li.r c cene rv th1·ou._:" w!n:.;.:: L• runs to perfection. There being a little ti.rnt: o·.;;.:,,· -...1.t. ~.t,c, ew·: c I' th:~ meet.Ln.z, .-,· ..h·Lrn :t'i:1~:~·':,.1·. ", srrow by screening a b & w fi.JJ:, of t!·~~ _)f.i.n·:i.:,: .~ti\1f~I· ,°..:.. Hanr.{1:::-.:J.y .i.,a1{cs Li ne takc.:i J.:1 : l 9'30s" This included some fabcinat.inf-; sh ot.s of t,lit..l 1Lw: ,., 2r't gau5e )V:c.;(,)~·_s ;:,~•,:;-__ ·:. through the snov-cover-ed Haine count.rvs i de, t.he Locos cc,,11p}.e·~e with :,u_',.,r ;;luu.j,r; .. N um btff~..9.4 April-May 1975 YORKSHIRE AREA Hono Sec:- Ron Redman, 14A Oliver Hill, Horsforth, Nr. Leeds. llth April. 11SPANISH INDUSTRIALS 1974", colour slide show by John Holroyd. 2nd May. "End of Season Spectacular", details announced at April meeting but we can say now that this is a show that should not be missed. "Some Neath Abbey Locomotives" by Dr. M.J.T.Lewis of Hull. University... A return visit from Michael Lewis who gave us an exceptionally well researched ·- taJ.k which was real railway archeology and quite unlike any Loco builder show given in Leeds previously. Micha.el' s talk was illustrated by slides of early drawings for tramroad locos from the 1825-50 era, mostly built forSeuth Wales, for use on angle-iron rails. This talk is highly recommended for steam enthusiasts and was much enjoyed by the 28 members present. ( R.N. R. ) CAN - U - HELP. Ron Redman 14A Oliver Hill, Horsforth, Nr , Leeds. I have been researching a quarry line at Pool in Wharfdale, Yorks. Owned by Whitakers and 31611 gauge, it was steam worked from 1890/2 to closure in 1915. One loco reputed to be a new or nearly new Hudswell 0-4-0ST which despite tube trouble ran from the early 90's untill 1910. Although Whitakers had several Hudswells around this period none were sent new to Pool. Can anyone enlighten us on the identity of this and another lo~o named LEA? YOU WILL BE_WELCOME. NGRS members will be welcome to join London memberso.tfthe Welshpool & Llanf'air Railway Pres. Co. on a visit to Mr. Geoff' Robinson's private miniature railway at Furnace Lodge, East Grinstead, on Sunday September 2lst. Probably also another visit or visits in same area, transport by members' cars. If interested please send a SAE to Derek Bayliss, 20 Knighton Close, South Croydon, Surrey CR2 6DP stating whether you need, or can provide, transporto COHRESPONDENC!!,; Mr. E.K.Stretch, 11 Mount Pleasant, Newcastle, Stafrs. ST5 lDA. One or two corrections to NGN 91 (October) o Book Reviews, page), last item: There is no such language as Jugoslav (as in - fact your reviewer seems to suspect). The languages 01' Jugoslavia are Serbian, - Croatian (the same language written in different alphabets and often referred to as Serbo--Croat) and Sluvenian ( virtually a dialect of the other two), BUT: the book ref• erred to is in fact written in GiRMAN and not in'any of the Jugoslav languages - unless, that is, there are two separate versions of it, which seems unlikely: certainly the title quoted is in German and it is published in Vienna, and I have seen it advertised in Austrian publications as being Gennan. C.F'.Vivarais, page 13: While there are a number of Ra coaches on this line, at least half the stock is genuine "native" stock, i.e. f'rom the CFD Reseau Ju Vivarais. CoF.Regionaux: I am not up to date enough to say that there are NO ex-Rhaetian coaches on this line, I understand from a French friend of mine who is a regular worker on the line, t.hat several or the coaches came from the Mittelbadische Eisenbahnen in Germany, ( and the rest from the Reseau Breton, as mentioned), Number 9.4 - .1 - April - May 197'.2., NEW READING. LEIGHTON BUZZARD NhRHOi~ GAUGE RAILWAY GUIDE. Published for the LBNGRS, Price 10 pence. Bt x 5t, Soft back, 40 page s , 22 photos,· 1 line drawing. Map of system on backcover. The second edition of the Leighton Buzzard Narrow Gauge Railway Society's guide book is real value for money and is printed throughout on glossy paper. After a brief review of the line's sand hauling days the guide brings the society story up to date, describes the route and reviews the motive power and rolling stock in detail. Available from:- LBNGRS Publicity Of't'I cer-, 20 Beranburh Ft e Ld, Overtown Wroughton, Nr. Swindon, Wilts, BRUSH BULLETIN No,2 - Steam & Electric Locomotives, &} x l0t9 26 pages, 20 illustrations, Price 50p. post free from publishers:• Industrial Railway Society9 44 Hicks Avenue, Greenford, Middx. This is an excellent reproduction of the Brush Cos.
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