Cruising Map of the Manchester Bolton & Bury Canal including Main Line Bolton and Bury Branches Fletcher’s Canal Route 23M5 Map IssueIssue 117 88 Notes 1. The information is believed to be correct at the time of publication but changes are frequently made on the waterways and you should check before relying on this information. 2. We do not update the maps for short term changes such as winter lock closures for maintenance. 3. The information is provides “as is” and the Information Provider excludes all representations, warranties, obligations, and liabilities in relation to the Information to the maximum extent permitted by law. The Information Provider is not liable for any errors or omissions in the Information and shall not be liable for any loss, injury or damage of any kind caused by its use. MMBABBAB 0011 See www.waterwayroutes.co.uk/updatesThis is the 6633 CChurchhurch WWharfharf WWarehouse to the latest monthlySeptember issue at a free2021 or discounted price. 6622 CCroalroal RRailwayailway VViaduct BBradfordradford SStreettreet BBridgeridge Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right. HHaulghaulgh HHallall BBridgeridge 6611 arehouse Licensed for personal use only. Business licences edition on request. of the map. iaduct All other work for updating © MManchesteranchester BBoltonolton Waterway Routes. & BBuryury CCanalan SSpringfieldpringfield BBridgeridge BBoltonolton BBranchranch al MMBABBAB 0011 60 BurndenBurnden RaRailwayay ViaViadductuct RRepepllacemacemenntt reqquuiiredred Innffiilllleded BBeenntltleeyy BBririddgege 5599 58 DDamsiamsiddee AAqquueedduucctt Horrridridge anndd HHolmeolmes BBridgeridge 57 Smmiithy BBridgeridge InInfillefilled MManchesteranchester BBoltonolton MMBABBAB 0022 & BBuryu Canal BBoltonolto Branch ry Canal n Branch RRepepllacemacemenntt reqquuiiredred 56 Foogggg''ss AAquequedduucctt 55 Foogggg's's CCululveertrt RRepepllacemacemenntt reqquuiiredred HHalall Lannee Aquueeductct - RepReplaclacemenment requirerequired 54 Farrnwonworrthth Brridgidge AAquequedducuct FFarnwortharnworth SSaltalt HHarbourarbour HHarbourarbour 5533 MManchesteranches Bolton MMelroseelrose BBasinasin TTopop o' th' Lodge o' th' Lod & BBuryutreyr Canal ge 4] BBoltonolton BBranchraBolton [1[1 Canal idgege d Bri RoaRoad Br nch ee stol PrePrestol oror ad MManchesteranc Bolton w RoRo ge sco Bridg & BuryBury Canal BBoosco b Brid h Noo BuryBury Branchest 5151 N Canear Bol PPipeipe Branc BBridgeridge l to [[113B]3B] Horseorse BridgBridge 48 h n 5500 B 15-17 r [[13A]13A] PrePrestolleee AAqqueduduct 47 49 5-17 Pre Foo eea 12- 9 ootb a 2-14 Pr Fe c oooo 1 Pre tbr h 6644 B PPrreessttoolee BBridridggee 4646 4 Pr tbbr r B r idi MMytythhameeaale B id st d aiail [1133] SSililverer HilHill oror ggee tol g le e o e ley MMBABBAB 0011 s l y oor e SeSeddddon's Folold BriBridge ttoleeole e M a y e m BriBri Top ecec r T R N e op c BBoot o aandnd ddgg MBAB 03 aann aad SStaitai d e o B y tt B om BBriri rridg L m rrcaca idg aanene AApppleleyayard BridgBridge 45 88.. d SStaitai g e [13 8 s e o PrePrestolstoleeee FoFold or 9m e [13 r m L 10 rrcaca CC]] 0 ((2 ocks OaOakhill or DickiDickie Bridridge 29'2") cks ..66 s 9'2 7 e m ((33 Loc ") MManchesteranchester BBoltonolton oc 5 kkss '0 "")) & BBuryury CCanalanal MMBABBAB 0011 57 Smithy Bridge Infilled MMBABBAB 0022 RRepepllacemacemenntt reqquuiredired 56 Foogggg's's AqueAqueduductct 55 Foogggg's's CCululveertrt RRepepllacemacemenntt reqquuiiredred HHalall Lannee Aquueeducctt - RRepepllacacemmenent rrequireequired 54 Farrnwonworthrth Brridgidge AAquequeducduct FFarnwortharnworth SSaltalt HHarbourarbour HHarbourarbour 5533 MManchesteranches Bolton MMelroseelrose BBasinasin TTopop oo'' tth'h Lodge ' Lodge & BuryButreyr Canal 4] BBoltonolton BranchBraBolton [1[1 Canal dggee d Bri RRoaoad Bri nch ee stol PrePrestol oror ad MManchesteranc Bolton w RRoo ge sco Brid & BBuryury Canal BBoosco b Brid h Noo BuryBury Branchest 5511 N Canear Bolto MManchesteranchest Bolton & Bury Canal PPipeipe Branc BBridgeridge l [[113B]3B] Horseorse BridgBridge 48 h n MMBABBAB 0022 5500 B [[17C]17C] CCausewayauseway WWater Street Bridge 74 15-17 r [[13A]13A] PPrerestolleee AAqquedduuct 47 49 5-17 Pre Foo eae 1 9 oo a er Bolton[[17B]1 7&B] VVictoriaBury StreetCan aFootbridgel 73 22-14-1 Pr Fe c oooo Pre h 6644 B ttbbr PPrreesstotolee BridBridgege 4646 4 Pre tbbrr r Beale ictoria Street Footbridge 73 iid MMyty hamea Ba 67 Traamwamway BBridgridge id s d ail [1313] SilSilverer HilHill oror ggee ttoole g t le iley ater Street Bridge 74 s e h y oor e 6655 68 Ladydysshorehore BBriridgege [1515] SeSeddddon's Folold BriBridgege ttoleeole e M am y e BriBri Top eecc r 69 PPiipe BriBridgege T R N SScotsoncotson FFoldold FFootbridgeootbridge 7722 e Bo op c Bot o aandnd dgdge MMBABBAB 0033 BBuryu Branch aann aad SSchoolchool SStreettreet BBridgeridge SStaitai d e o y ry Branch ttom B o BBriri ridridg L m rrcac aanene o AApppleleyayard BridgBridge 45 88.. d SStaitai a g e 8 s e PrePrestolstoleeee FFoold or 9 e [1313 r m L 10 rrcaca C]C] 0 ((2 o OaOakhill or DickiDickie Bridridge 2 ccksks WWhhiitete Brridgidge [1166] ..66 s 99'2'2") 7 e m (3 Loocc ") 70 Mooununt Siionon Brriidggee MManchesteranchester BBoltonolton (3 5 kkss '0") PPipeipe BBridgeridge ") & BBuryury CCanalanal MMBABBAB 0044 7711 NNickerholeickerhole BBridgeridge CCamsams LLaneane BBridgeridge [[17]17] RRiningleeyy TTopop Locckk 2.97m2.97m (9'9")(9'9") 44 CCaauseusewaayy RRiingleeyy BBoottttom Locckk 3.30m3.30m (100'10'10"")) 43 CaCauseusewayay 42 KKeeaarrsley RRoaoad BrBridgidge RinRingleyey New Road Bridgridge 41 RRinginglleyey Olldd Brroow BBriridggee Cauausesewayway CCauauseway RRininglleey Foolld BBrriidgdge 40 BBuuillddings Brrididge Maanchestenchester BBoltolton & BBuryury CCananaall MMBABBAB 0011 3388 Giianant't's SeaSeat TToop Loockck 3..2020m ((1100''6"")) 39 CCaauseusewaayy Giianant't's SSeaeat BBottoottom LoLock 33..51m ((11'11'6"")) 37 CaCauseusewaayy BBrridge 3366 Kiilcolcoby BBridgeridge CaCausewayuseway Fooootbridggee WWetet EEarartthh MManchesteanchester BoltBolton Colllieliery BasBasin & BBuryury CCananaall MMBABBAB 0022 RRaailwwaay Brriidgdge 3..2288mm ((110'0'9"9") RhodeRhodes Locock 35 Foottbbridge FFletcheletcherr's's CCanalanal 33 RRhhooddeess BBriridggee Diickickie Pee BrBridge er's tch Fle Canal BRIDGEW 03 MMBABBAB 0022 MMBABBAB 0033 MMBABBAB 0033 BBuryury TunnelTunnel NNoo 2 BBuryury TTunnelunnel NoNo 1 8899 8888 WWalshawalshaw BBrookrook AAqueductqueduct BBrooksrooks MMouthouth AAqueductqueduct 8686 8877 CConveyoronveyor BBridgeridge 8855 CCrompton'srompton's BBridgeridge 8844 BBarlow'sarlow's BBridgeridge 8833 DDaisyfieldaisyfield RRailwayailway VViaductiaduct MManchesteranchester BBoltonolton 8822 MBAB 01 & BBuryury CCanalanal 8811 DDaisyfieldaisyfield BBridgeridge HHindsinds BBridgeridge BBuryury BBranchranch 8800 BBankank TTopop BBridgeridge BennysBennys BridgeBridge [20][20] MManchesteranchester BBoltonolton & BBuryury CCanalanal BBuryury BBranchranch 7799 RRothwell'sothwell's BBridgeridge [[19]19] 7788 WWithinsithins BBridgeridge MMBABBAB 0022 HHampson'sampson's oorr CCrowrow TTreesrees BBridgeridge [ [18]18] 7777 WWhittaker'shittaker's LLoopoop LLineine BBridgeridge [[17F]17F] 7766 WWhittaker'shittaker's NNoo 2 BBridgeridge [[17E]17E] 7755 WWhittaker'shittaker's RRailwayailway BBridgeridge [[17C]17C] CCausewayauseway WWaterater SStreettreet BBridgeridge 7744 [[17B]17B] VVictoriaictoria SStreettreet FFootbridgeootbridge 7733 MManchesteranchester BBoltonolton & BBuryury CCanalanal BBuryury BBranchranch SSchoolchool SStreettreet BBridgeridge SScotsoncotson FFoldold FFootbridgeootbridge 7722 1155] [ e PPipeipe BBridgeridge ggee [ dge e d Bridg idg Bri pe Bri ] ggee y BridgBr e e Bri Pi [1166 rriid Manchester Bolton sshorehor 69 Pi B raamwamwady ridgidge iionon B & Bury Canal 7 T Lady Br t S 6 68 ite Bury Branch WWhhiteMoounun 70 6655 7711 NNickerholeickerhole BBridgeridge CCamsams LLaneane BBridgeridge [[17]17] 6 MMBABBAB 0033 MMBABBAB 0033 4 Baile Bea Myt le y Bri y or dg MBAB 04 ham Na e R n oad Bdy La r ne idg or e [ 13C] MMBABBAB 0044 Ringley Bottom Lock 3.30m (10'10") 42 Kearsley Road Bridge Ringley New Road Bridge MManchesteanchester BoltBolton & BBuryury CCananaall 3388 Giianant't's SeaSeat TToop Lockock 3..2020m ((1100''6"")) MBAB 03 39 CCaauseusewaayy Giianant't's SSeaeat BBottoottom LoLock 3.3.51m ((11'11'6")") 37 CCaauseusewayay BBrridge 3366 Kiilcolcoby BBridgeridge MMBABBAB 0044 CaCausewayuseway Fooootbridggee WWetet EEarartthh MManchesteanchester BoltBolton Colllieliery BasBasin & BuryBury CanCanalal Railway Bridge 3..2288mm ((1100''99"") RRhodehodes Loocck 35 Foottbbridge FFletcheletcherr's's CCanalanal 33 RRhhooddeess BBriridggee Diickickie Pee BBrridge idggee BBrr ay n rw o ootto oltolt M 0 ed er B MM66 s st PPrrooppos nalnal y a ewwaa anche t us MMancheste uucc Caaus t ury C ed ge uc Bury C u rid iad ] s & n AAqq B VVia 0A] rr'' to llee ay s [[110 e CClliiff dddd iilwalw y he cchhe aall ge 2 SaSa rcch t rriid 3 ck on RRaa n A le aann ootbtb PPaa ft tteee F C FFoo 31 CliCli hiirr " e ckck 30 TTh BRIDGEW 03 owry iddgg LLoo "Lowry y BBrir 6") ge wwaay ((1'1' idge m m TTraram 5 e Brid gege 00.4.4 PPipipe Br Brid 29 pe Brid 29 PPipi idge ggg's's BBrridge ] HoHo [[110 FFootbridgeootbridge PProposedroposed MMBABBAB 0022 PPipeipe BBridgeridge MManchesteranchester BBoltonolton & BBuryury CCanalan RReplacementeplacement rrequiredequired 2288 Lumb'sLu Aqueduct MMBABBAB 0055 KKay'say's ((CliftonCmlifbto'sn HHall)all) Aqueduct al Aqueduct Aqueduct MMBABBAB 0044 2266 Agecroft Road Bridge MManchesteranchester BBoltonolton Agecroft
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