Te Shutle July 2016 The Next NASFA Meeting is 6:30P Saturday 16 July 2016 at the Regular Location Concom Meeting 3P at the Church, 16 July 2016 Concom Meeting 30 July 2016—see below for details on north Memorial Parkway in Meridianville AL. (That com- d Oyez, Oyez d munity is in the far north exurbs of the Huntsville metro area.) ! Further details will be provided at the 16 July meeting. The next NASFA Meeting will be 16 July 2016, at the regu- Going forward, it is expected that concom meetings will be lar meeting location—the Madison campus of Willowbrook twice a month. Normally, one of those meetings will be on the Baptist Church (old Wilson Lumber Company building) at club meeting day, with the other offset by about 2 weeks. Stay 7105 Highway 72W (aka University Drive). Please see the closely tuned for more details. map at right if you need help finding it. JULY PROGRAM The July program will be group-participation gaming. Among other plans, there will be Live-Action Furious Fowl—a Road Jeff Kroger redux of the game debuted at Con†Stellation in 2015. It in- volves birds and pigs, ’nuff said? JULY ATMM US 72W The July After-The-Meeting Meeting will be hosted by Judy (aka University Drive) and Sam Smith at the church. The usual rules apply—that is, please bring food to share and your favorite drink. Also, please stay to help clean up. We need to be good guests and leave things at least as clean as we found them. Road Slaughter CONCOM MEETINGS Map To The next Con†Stellation XXXIV Concom Meeting will be Meeting Parking 3P on 16 July 2016—the same day as the club meeting—at the church. Location Willowbrook Madison After that, the next Concom Meeting will be Saturday 30 7105 Highway 72W July, to be held in the Community Room of the Dominos Pizza Huntsville AL 35806 Continuing Our 36th Year of Publication Inside this issue… World Fantasy Awards Nominations .........................................4 News & Info ...............................................................................2 Awards Roundup ........................................................................4 Minutes of the June Meeting (Not) ............................................3 Letter of Comment .....................................................................8 NASFA Calendar ........................................................................3 Enceladus Travel Poster from NASA JPL ................................9 Deadline for the August 2016 issue of The NASFA Shuttle is Monday 25 July 2016 NOVEMBER MEETING INFO The 19 November NASFA meeting/program will be a spe- News & Info cial one. While it will be on the regular day, it will not be at the ! regular time or location. We will gather at the Huntsville Mu- RETRO HUGO BALLOT CHANGE seum of Art <hsvmuseum.org>—300 Church Street South in MidAmeriCon II <midamericon2.org>—this year’s World- downtown Huntsville near Big Spring Park—for a docent tour con to be held 17–21 August 2016 at the Kansas City Conven- of their special exhibit “My Hero: Contemporary Art & Super- tion Center and nearby hotels in Kansas City MO—has an- hero Action.” Please gather starting at 2:30P. There is an ad- nounced that one of the items previously announced as a final- mission charge for non-members ($10 adult, $8 student/senior, ist in the Novelette category of the 1941 Retro Hugo ballot $5 child ages 6–11). Some scholarships will be available de- —“Darker Than You Think,” Jack Williamson—has been re- pending on need. moved because its length actually places it in the Novella cate- The After-the-Meeting Meeting will be held offsite from the gory. The story did not receive enough nominations to be a museum, probably at a house in south Huntsville. finalist in that latter category. It has been replaced in the Novel- FUTURE PROGRAMS ette category by “Vault of the Beast,” A.E. Van Vogt (Astound- All future programs for 2016 have been set: ing Science-Fiction, August 1940). • August: Les Johnson will give a talk as well as reading from RETRO HUGO VOTER PACKET AVAILABLE his new book On to the Asteroid <tinyurl.com/OttA-Ama- A downloadable packet containing some of the items nomi- zon>(co-authored with Travis Taylor). The book will be re- nated for the 1941 Retro Hugo Awards (and links to some oth- leased 2 August 2016. ers) is available for members of this year’s Worldcon. See • September: More-or-Less Annual NASFA Auction. Please <midamericon2.org/home/hugo-awards-and-wsfs/1941-retro- start rounding up donations for actionable items—genre- ballot> for more information. related is good but not at all required. The 2016 Hugo packet had previously been published. • November: See above for info on the November meeting/ HUGO BASE DESIGNERS CHOSEN program. MidAmeriCon II has announced the designers for the bases • October: Con†Stellation Postmortem. of the 2016 Hugo Awards and 1941 Retro Hugo Awards. • December: NASFA Christmas Party (location TBD). The 2016 Hugo Award base will be by Sara Felix <sillysara FUTURE ATMMs sue.deviantart.com> <www.etsy.com/shop/sillysarasue>, cur- We need After-The-Meeting Meeting volunteers for all fu- rent president of the Association of Science Fiction and Fantasy ture months in 2016 except possibly November. In particular, Artists <asfa-art.org>. we need a volunteer for the Christmas Party at or in lieu of the The 1941 Retro Hugo Award base will be designed by Brent December meeting. Also stay tuned for a probable New Year’s Simmons, an architectural designer (and sf reader) born and Eve party. living in Kansas City. He currently works at PGAV Architects FUTURE CLUB MEETING DATES <www.pgavarchitects.com>. Two future 2016 NASFA meetings have been changed off of MISCELLANEOUS WORLDCON ANNOUNCEMENTS the normal 3rd Saturday due to convention conflicts: • Progress Report #3 has been released. For this and other • The August 2016 meeting will be on the 13th, one week ear- convention documents see <midamericon2.org/home/reg lier than usual due to the KC Worldcon. istration-hotel-member-information/for-our-members/publi • The October 2016 meeting will be on the 22nd, one week cations>. The PR includes Hugo & Retro Hugo ballots plus later than usual due to Con†Stellation. Site Selection Ballots for the 2018 Worldcon and 2017 In addition, the location and time (though not the date) of the NASFiC. November meeting has been changed—see info above on that • Day Rates have been announced. Adult day admissions are month. $70 (for each of the 3 middle days) and $40 (for the first or CHANGING SHUTTLE DEADLINES last day). A 3-day pass covering the final 3 days of the con In general, the monthly Shuttle production schedule has been (Friday–Sunday) is $150. Military, YA, and Child Day Ad- moved to the left a bit (versus prior practice). Though things missions will also be available, but only at the door. are a bit squishy, the current intent is to put each issue to bed • Friday of MAC2 has been declared “Star Wars Day,” with about 9 days before each month’s meeting. several events marking the 40th anniversary of the presenta- Please check the deadline below the Table of Contents each tion of the first Star Wars movie at the first MidAmeriCon. month to submit news, reviews, LoCs, or other material. • The MidAmeriCon II International Film Festival will run JOINING THE NASFA EMAIL LIST through all five days of the convention, starting at 3P on All NASFAns who have email are urged to join the NASFA Wednesday 17 August 17 and concluding at 2P on Sunday email list, which you can do online at <tinyurl.com/ 21 August. NASFAEmail>. The list is usually low traffic, though the rate is • Some details of the YA and Child programs have been an- rather variable. Generally the list is limited to announcements nounced, as well as childcare details. about club activities plus the occasional message of general HEINLEIN PRIZE TO JEFF BEZOS interest to north-Alabama sf/f/h/etc. fans. Non NASFAns are Jeff Bezos—who made his name and fortune as founder and both encouraged and welcomed to join the list, but please only CEO of amazon.com—has won the 2016 Heinlein Prize do so if you’re interested in the above restricted topics. <www.heinleinprize.com> for his work founding spaceflight NASFA CALENDAR ONLINE company Blue Origin. The press release notes that the win is NASFA has an online calendar on Google. Interested parties “for his vision and leadership in commercial space activities can check the calendar online, but you can also subscribe to it that have led to historic firsts and reusability in the commercial and have your Outlook, iCal, or other calendar automatically spaceflight industry.” The Prize will be awarded to Bezos at a updated as events (Club Meetings, Concom Meetings, local sf/ ceremony to be held 14 September 2016 in Washington DC. f/h/etc. events) are added or changed. You can view the calen- WOLLHEIM SCHOLARSHIPS dar online at <tinyurl.com/NASFACal>. Two Donald A. & Elsie B. Wollheim Memorial Scholar- "2 ships have been awarded for 2016 by the New York Science the north exurbs of the Huntsville metro area). Fiction Society (aka the Lunarians <www.facebook.com/Lunar 30–31 Rob-Con 30—Bristol TN. ians>). The awards, for $300 each, went to Taimur Ahmad (of AUGUST NYC NY) and Matthew Dunn (of Stewart Manor NY). Ah- 07 Purple Heart Day. mad will use the scholarship to attend the 2016 Clarion West 08 BD: Jim Woosley. Writer’s Workshop in Seattle WA. Dunn will attend the 2016 12 BD: Sue Thorn. Odyssey Writing Workshop in Manchester NH. 13* TENTATIVE Con†Stellation XXXIV Concom Meet- TREK FAN FILM DEVELOPMENT ing—3P at .Willowbrook Madison.
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