.. ‘ L ■ .‘ li.l l ;f I r j ' m ■ . • 7 v .. ■'St, .-'t! :,-■ V ATcragt Dally Net Press Run -The Weather --'■ i ; '- .V'" ■ .' ■' THURSDAY, APRIL *5, l»lfA / .. For^the Week Ended ForeOMt nf U.' 8. Weather ipmreaa ipAGB TWENTY-POtm ^ ^ ' Ap-rU 20. 1957 • V " *, iitinrlifBter lEttitttttg ; V - - aioudy, becoming foggy agala 12,579 tofdgfit. Low near 60. Clearing by afternoon Satarday, warmer. High Mias Marjorie Reid, dai^hter of The meeting of the Army u d Member of the Audit Senior Girt Soout Troop 1 wlU near .78. ' > hold a food sale at the J. W. Hale Mr.l and Mrs. Raymond Reid, 28 Navy Club Auxiliary achedulea for Bureau of Otrculatlott' AboutTawn Department ,Ston beginning at 9 Marble St.-, a freshman at West­ Wednesday, May 1, haa been post­ Mdnche»ter-^A City of Village CharH o’clock Saturday morning. Chair­ brook Junior College, Portland, poned; ^ " / r PINEHURST IS OPEN THURSDAY RRi FRIDAY NIDHTSTILLS Kr. and Mn. Albert K. Eacle- man of the sale is Miss Linda Har­ MAne, it on the- dean’a honor roll Dr. Ruth Fanta left this morn­ M n Jr. o( s is Charter Oak St.. wUl rison. for the third quarter at the col­ VOL. LXXVI, NO. 176 (TWENTY ^GES) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 1957 (Claasifled AdTertlsIng on Page 18) PRICE FIVE CENTS obaerv* their. 95th annlvereary lege. ^ - , . ing for Atlantic City, where she will attend the acience conclave of Sunday. Open nouee will be held at Auxiliary PoMce from this area the Brltiah American Q ub Sunday the Natioiiai Association of wtl'l be .guests of the Manchester pr. Amoi K .*Fri^ will partlcl- X Eftamoon frtiih S to S>. Chiropodists at the AmbasMdor Auxiliary Police at an F?I ahoot- pete in a post-graduatp* courae in corrective surgery of the nose, to Hotel. Business Raps *nM lUnoheeter Community ing course i f the-Finley St. out­ door shooting range Saturday af­ be presented at the Yale Univer­ CHOICE Flagrpra will hold a meeting at the sity . School of Medicine, New Tha,-Little Flower of Jesus home of Mr. e^d Mn. Ekimond J. ternoon atarting at 2 >'clock. Mothers Circle will meet tomorrow or HaVen, May 11 to 18. Nose special­ U.S. Gontral on Foleom. 83 .Durkin 8t., Saturday at the home of Mrs. Jamea.-E. The Americian Legion Band will ists frojn about 10 countrids will nl«M at 0 6 . Among other bu»l- participate. ' - Murphy. 23 Waddell Rd. Initiation neea, pSajim for the yearly banquet hold a special rehearsal tomor­ of new m'embers will take place at row night at. 8 o’clock at the W elfare^ unds will bethaoiased. Mrs. Florence Streeter, c a r d ' this meeting. Co-hosteases will be poai homt.- party chairman of Anderson-Shea Mrs.. Donald J. Duffy and Mrs. Ed- AprH meeting o f the Past Post, VFW,- announces that the fd Olschefskle. Washington, April 26 (/P)— 1 dub of Memorial Temple, A special gospel seri’ice will be 4.'* ■president Eiilenhower’s call held tonight at 7:30 on Main St. public setback, parties will resume , ____ ut Staten, win be held at the tomorrow evdnlng at 8:30 at the King David Lodge, I^o. 31, lOOF, for government .supervision of home oC Mrs. Joseph Rollaaon, 71 bv the SalvaUon Army. A prayer poet home. Mrs,' Streeter is being will meet tomorrow night at 7:30 New York^, April 26 (/P)— Rumlan agenU to obtain de- employe welfare funds aj^ WaMitngton S t, tomorrow night at ier\'lce will follow in the Citadel, in Odd Fellows Hail. Refresh­ conducted by Col. ®nd Mrs> Wil- assisted by Mrs. Lillian Linders. parently faces -more opposi­ 8 o'clock. She will be assisted in Friends aijd members are wel­ ments will be Served after the ChoicH Grade-Finehursf > /.cob AlbaSi, .cco»d on liam Spatlg. .who recently moved entertaining by Mn, Herbert meeting. ber ot a Soviet spy ring, to., tion from business than from to Manchester. come. J AUsy. day pleaded guilty to con-i The gravent of the .remaining organized labor. ' spiring with Russians to ob- | couiita — the onis which could have I Business organizations contend that whatever scandlas have, oc­ 9T. RIB OVEN ROAST of BEEF tain U.S. defense data for'1 brought them death if umy^ were lev Tliioaia coHvlcted OH trial — charged con- curred have been In respect to Ar^b Allies transmission to Russia. .piracy actually to transmit the union-operated and not to manage­ ' i France Say^ ^ .e r s ( Albam. 64, was the third mem secret papers and information. ment-operated funds. The latter Meaty 3rd thru 7th ribs. ber of an espionage ring seized b y . It is cust"omary*when a defend­ type, however, compose some 90 J ■ the FBI eirly this year to confess per cent of ail employe benrilt ant pleads gtilUy to ^parf of ao. In I^erment funds. 7-Inch cut. --V" his suit. Indictment for the defense^ to move His action came 16 days after The National Assn, of Manufac­ Hold No Gtt a n te e s for dismissal of the other counts two cohorts in the plot J a c k turers (NAM) favors stiff regula­ on the of sentencing. Soble, 53. and Soble’s wife, Myra, day tion of union-run welfare-pension On Jordan Held Without. Ball 52. entered si'milqr ' pleas, and funds and union finances, but not PINEHUNNT TENDEROIJRE CORNED BEEF The government hai not indi­ JeruMalcm, Israeli Sector, April 26 ^/P)—-A Foreign Minis­ threw themselves on the • mercy for employer-run funds. Organized cated if It -will concur in such a labor wants both typer covered -r- Cairo. April 26^ (iP)— King try official Haid today the^new Egyptian Suez plan is un­ JUST CAN’T GO Slice it h o t, . use it sliced wafer thin on rye for sandwiches '^f the court. move. Sentences Due Friday as “-AFL-CIO President. George Hussein tightened his grip on acceptable to Israel. / The three apies, driginally sched­ .... but be sure to start with Pinehurst TENDERCURE I Federal Judge ' Richard H. Le- .Meany reiterated yestei-day. i unruly Jordan today a8 his He said freedom of passage ^rough the canal is„rital to uled to stand trial l>eginning. May WRONG ON THESE CORNED BEEF... Ready for your choice ;. ..Briskets, very vet. Who received the pleas from President Eisenhower, in a crackdown on his enemies Israel and “ we shall vigilantly/pursue the securing of this 32, are being held without ball. statement issued yesterdayyrin.ciua^y ' at i j lean Rumps, Sirloin Tips and Rounds. all corned just right. an three, set next Friday for ssn- inalienable right.” __ fencing them.. Elach could get up Albam, a Uthusnian-born man AuguMa, Ga.. after conferriifig with spur r^®.d intense dickering SPECIALS! SHORT RIBS for bramng have become a popular item to 10 years in prison and a fine who came to this countr.v in 1947 j Secretary oL^^bor Mitchyll, urged ! among his nomifial Arab al­ 6 '■ of lioiooo of both. and married an American woman ; quick .congi'esMonal action on long- "lies. United Nations, N. Y„ April 26 (/P)—The United States . featured this week at ............................................ lb. 45e The trio, all three of them ref­ the following year, had b*eh w o rk -; pending adminlatr^ion propoaals Jordan Radio announced the ap­ agreed today to accept Egypt’s Suez plan on a provisional ugees from the Iron Curtain, were ing before Jil* arrest as foreman, to supervise “unim-, health and pointment of new Defense Minis­ WHITE ROCK basis, but reserved its final acceptance until the plan has It’s getting near barbecue time . for outdoor or indoor charged on a k^ount I'ndjctment, in a Brooklyn tea and apice cojj**' welfare funds." , ' ter Suleiman Toukan as military SELECTED LARGE detailing spy activities here and pany. Would Affecj Both governor of the kingdom. been put to trial. | ALL WHITE Hamblins or meat loaf . we suggest . abroad. His,deciaion to change hif, plea But the administration's pending Toukan as military governor will The U.S. position was laid befofe the U.N. Security Coun­ Their pleas of guilty were to one legislation he talked about would wield tremendous power in the cil by Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge, who said the plan eoiint only, concerning conspiracy (Continued on Page Fmir^ apply .to both union and non-\inion seething country. CHICKEIH employe funds. So until h'e say.s announced by the Egyptiah government earlier thi.s week Continuing the almo.st round- left much to be desired. I ^ ” ■ott)er\vtBe' the President must be the-clock . curfew in Jordan's five BREASTS lb. 75c Pinehurst Ground Meats firesumed to mean that he. like Lodge announced that, pendiikg biggest cities, the new government a final settleinem' U.S. vessels will Mitchell, favors a law requiring of Premier Ibrahim Hashem ban­ Fowl from Miller of Coventry. filing and. financial diaclosuic be authorized to pay tolls to Egypt Haitian Police, FRESHER BY FAR ned all public prayer servlceif for Chicken legs. ' „ / Ike Sees Benefits covering both types of f\inds. only under protest, as has been JACK FROST "nje NAM's oppositfon to govern­ the \fo.slem sabbath today. The the case since Pi-esldent Nas.aer. OONFECnONm or BROWN small frozen eviscerated^ sutter- LEAN CHUCK GROUND Lb. 50e ment supervision of management- idea Is to prevent large gatherings nationalized the 103-mile watetl- Use Tear Gas ball Swift turkeys. operated employe benefit plans which the King's Leftist, Com­ wav last July.
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