4 Annual Report 201 AnnForewordual fromR Chairperson:eport The summary presentation of SEBAC Nepal’s social undertakings pertaining to 2014 AD has come to publication. It is extremely a jubilant occasion to share & cherish the meaningful outcomes and the degree of social economic transformation implanted in the social milieu entailing excluded, deprived, marginalized, vulnerable, poor, exploited dalits, ethnic groups and women. The enlightenment in terms of qualitative & quantitative outputs engendered through various socio-economic inputs has been inspirational & energizing for the eternal social ventures. Our effort, endeavor and commitment for the sake of the underprivileged people have been unabated since the foundation of SEBAC Nepal nearly two decades ago. That is why we are designing & launching people oriented, empowering, participating, pro-people oriented social development programs in joint collaboration with the donor community. We would like to thank our generous donor of development programs i.e. USAID, TBSU / Helvetas, GSF / UN Habitat, SIMAVI, Plan Nepal, Practical Action, PAF, ADB / DoLIDAR for their fi nancial & technical support. This year was a busiest year for SEBAC Nepal family as ever, that our enthusiastic, dedicated, disciplined & result oriented program staffs, whose magnanimous duties have produced the best results in the fi eld level. Their demonstrative ability was instrumental in Community Infrastructure Project, Safe WASH II project, Trail Bridge Project, PAF, Girls Power Project, Community Irrigation Project, Household Economy Program, WASH and SMCPTA project. The most delightful news for us this year was to achieve a status of Rural Technical Assistance Provider from TBSU / HELVETAS for the seventeen districts of Far-West and Mid-Western Part of Nepal, SEBAC Nepal began its programs initially from Achham district has now emerged as a dedicated and functioning national level organization. Currently SEBAC Nepal is expanded in 23 districts of the country. Mr. Remant Nath Chairperson SEBAC-Nepal Annual Report 2014 Page i 4 Annual Report 201 AnnForewordual from ExecutiveR Directoreport I am very glad to note that SEBAC Nepal is a leading national level NGO that has been working in community development and social transformation since its establishment in 1997. SEBAC Nepal is contributing in the thematic areas of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), Nutrition, Health, Education, Sustainable Livelihoods, Natural Resources Management and Community Infrastructure. SEBAC has already completed its glorious 17 years working with the socially excluded and disadvantaged communities around the country. It is my great pleasure to refl ect the progress and achievements on the organization’s accomplishments during the year. I strongly emphasize in publishing the annual report in future that will also refl ect our planning process including its positive change in the targeted areas. I am fully convinced that the bottom up planning process which SEBAC is applying at the community and the district is a very effective means to achieve intended goal and objectives of the program. At present, the district and VDC planning processes are relatively weak due to the absence of locally elected bodies at all levels, the reason that our staffs, partners and stakeholders have to put their tremendous efforts to make things happen at the fi eld level. Nepal has made enormous progress on the issues such as health, sanitation, livelihoods and poverty reduction. However, inequalities, social disparity and exclusion still exist. We were also a part of these processes in addressing these issues in the past years and will continue in the future as well. I would like to offer my sincere thanks to all our partners, donors and stakeholders for their cooperation, immense support, coordination, and participation. I trust and hope that this spirit can continue in future so that we will be able to demonstrate real progress on priority actions to improve services for all. I am extremely happy and proud to be a part of this great process. This report includes the brief information and data of the annual outcome and achievements of our projects. It is also a call for everyone that we should join together to achieve our dream of an equitable society with sustainable development. Mr. BB Thapa Executive Director SEBAC-Nepal Annual Report 2014 Page iii 4 Annual Report 201 nnualContents eport A1. Acronyms R vii 2. Highlights On Social Empowerment 1 3. Programs Accomplished In 2014 AD 2 4. Partnership 3 5. Financial Situation 3 6. Grant/Expenditure (2013/2014) 4 7. Human Resource 5 8. Major Publication 6 9. SEBAC-Nepal’s Preliminary Information 7 10. Working Areas 8 11. Map 8 12. Sebac-Nepal’s Projects 11 13. Safe Practices On Water, Sanitation And Hygiene (Safe Wash- II) Project 11 14. Rural Access Programme (RAP III) 13 15. Girl Power Project (GPP) 14 16. Community Irrigation Project (CIP) 17 17. Wash Sindhupalchowk 19 18. Suaahara 21 19. Open Defecation Free Campaign In Dolkha District 23 20. Promotion Of Sustainable Agriculture For Nutrition And Food Security 26 21. Household Economy Security Program (HESP) 28 22. Capacity Building & Mobilization Of Local Stakeholders In Sindhupalchowk 31 23. Trial Bridge Sub Sector Program 33 24. Poverty Alleviation Fund Program( PAF ) 35 25. Trachoma Prevention Through Wash Intervention 39 26. Promotion Of Sector Coordination, Planning And Open Defecation Free Campaign In Bajura District 42 SEBAC-Nepal Annual Report 2014 Page v 4 Annual Report 201 nnualAcronyms eport AAEPC : Alternative Energy Promotion CenterR ADB : Asian Development Bank BLOP : Better Life Option Programme CAF : Commercial Agriculture Facilitator CBO : Community Based Organization CLTS : Community Led Total Sanitation CMS : Consolidated Management Service CO : Community Organization CODEF : Community Development Forum DADO : District Agriculture Development Offi ce DAO : District Administration Offi ce DDC : District Development Committee DEO : District Education Offi ce DFO : District Forest Offi ce DFSN : District Food Security Network DHO : District Health Offi ce DoLIDAR : Department of Local Infrastructure Development and Agricultural Roads DPAC : District Project Advisory Committee DPMC : District Project Management Committee DPSU : District Project Support Unit D-WASH-CC : District Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Coordination Committee DWSO : District Water Supply Offi ce EDF : Enterprise Development Facilitator EDP : Extended delivery point F/CfA : Food and Cash for Asset FDP : Final Distribution Point FHI Nepal : Family Health International Nepal FWDR : Far-Western Development Region FWR : Far Western Region GIFT : Generating Income to Foster Transformation GoN : Government of Nepal GSF : Global Sanitation Fund Ha : Hectare IRs : Intermediate Results JRC : Job Resource Centre JTA : Junior Technical Assistant SEBAC-Nepal Annual Report 2014 Page vii 4 Annual Report 201 KIRDARC : Karnali Integrated Rural Development and Research Centre K NP : Khaptad National Park LDO : nLocal Developmentnual Offi cer eport MFALD : Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local Development AMoAC : Ministry of Agriculture and CooperativesR MT : Metric Ton MToT : Master Training of Trainers MUS : Multiuse of Water System NRCS : Nepal Red Cross Society NRs : Nepalese Rupees NSHSC : National Sanitation and Hygiene Steering Committee ODF : Open Defecation Free ODOC : Other Direct Operational Costs PAC : Producer Apex Committee PAF : Poverty Alleviation Fund PD : Programme Director PGs : Producer Groups PM : Programme Manager PMM : Preliminary Market Mapping PRRO : Protracted Relief and Recovery Operation RAP : Rural Access Programme RCIW : Rural Community Infrastructure Works RHP : Rural Health Programme SEBAC Nepal : Social Empowerment and Building Accessibility Centre Nepal SIDEF : Sustainable Infrastructure Development Foundation SIYB : Start and Improve Your Business SLTS : School Led Total Sanitation SSHE : School Sanitation and Hygiene Education TBSU : Trial Bridge Support Unit ToT : Training of Trainers TVTC : Technical and Vocational Training Centre UC : User Committee VAM : Vulnerability Analysis and Mapping VDC : Village Development Committee V-WASH-CC : Village Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Coordination Committee WASH : Water, Sanitation and Hygiene WFP : World Food Programme WSCC : District Water Supply Coordination Committee Page viii SEBAC-Nepal Annual Report 2014 4 Annual Report 201 HIGHLIGHTS ON SOCIAL EMPOWERMENTS: SEBAC Nepal was legallynn registeredual in Achham in 1997 AD, prospered ase leadingp nationalor level NGOt to underpin the lives of marginal, poor, deprived, excluded and vulnerable people for their empowerment and Amainstreaming in national development initiatives. It hasR now come out as a pioneer organization amplifying the voices of deprived, excluded and marginalized people of remote, backward, & underdeveloped region. So far, it is able to serve about 3 million people residing 1188 VDCs & 15 Municipality of 23 districts with different projects/programs, from all fi ve development regions. The organization has been working so far with 21, 914 CBOs, 219 network groups and 6 local NGOs operating ongoing programs performed in partnership with 15 I/NGOs, 3 UN Agencies, 3 bilateral agencies, 9 government agencies along with a number of DDCs, municipalities and VDCs. Currently, it has total of 383 staff team, out of which,79 are from agricultural academic background. Agriculture & Livelihoods Program: SEBAC has operated large agricultural and
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