server Vol. XI, No. 16 .,.~ ol nofr• dam•- st. mary's cal1ge Tuesday, September 21, 1976 -,..,:'. ,._ --- Presidential debate planned 1 f_:,,_..,..._7~i- __ - • l 'P'r"' .. " ...P~--.- -- -~-j for telecast in Carroll Hall ..,;.:.;.,_!...- casts. will take part in the informal r-;;t -·­ Cathy Coyne, vice-president for discussions. -...l:::-7. !">' academic affairs in student govern­ Coyne explained the reason for - .... r-. ment, is co-sponsoring the showing academic affairs' interest in the ..,... __ - with Notre Dame and St. Mary's event. "Dr. Duggan has indicated government departments. Govern• that he would like to see more ment teachers from both schools intellectual debate and discussion on the St. Mary'.s campus." She continued, "One of my goals is to schedule events that will aid in building up this sense of intellec­ tual interest outside the class­ room. ·'This all sounds great on pap­ er." she added. "but it would be nice to hear contemporary issues discussed on Friday and Saturday . nights instead of how loaded you're going to get." Coyne stressed the point that the elections may very well be deter­ mined through these debates. She added it is important for those students who are not aware of the P.8. issues or the candidates positions to take advantage of these telecasts ******************** and discussions. Conrad opposes Bowen tax plan by Katie Kerwin package ·'wrapped with Christmas promise to eliminate the business Senior Staff Reporter ribbon." He contended that it inventory tax, the Tribune story provides a bonanza for ~ig _c~rpora­ said. · tions at the expense of mdtvtduals, Conrad rebutted a claim Bowen Larrv Conrad, Democratic can­ who are faced with a doubled sales made Saturday that when there has didate· for governor, discusst:d a tax, the Trihune story said. been unfavorable news about the pm1sible gasoline tax increase, a Conrad called for a "progres­ Republican administra­ [Photo by Dominick Yocius] proposal for open-door government sive, graduated income tax" and a tion. the public and the media meetings and his plan for a program for financing education heard it from the governor's office graduated income tax in a meeting without reliance on the property first, AP reported. Sunday. tax. "When ti1ese problems have Conrad also criticized the Bowen Huddle being repaired Conrad placed a large mea~~re erupted, it has been the press and Administration for failure to follow of the responsibility for high uttltty the reporters bringing them to the through on promised utility reform, by Bob V arettoni assistant director of maintenance, rates on Bowen and the Public attention of the public," Conrad Staff Reporter said repairs would be completed as for inadequate correctional institu­ Servie Commission appointed by said. ''And it is the governor and tions and for poor highway main­ soon as possible. University per· the governor. his aides who have appointed study sonnel started work on the stairway tenance, according to a story in the commissions and hidden the prob­ South Bend Tribune yesterday. Conrad has frequently called the Three Notre Dame students Monday morning. price of utilities "the number one lems from the public under more drove a golf cart into the stairway ·'The cost of the damage cannot Conrad charged his opponent, Gov. agencies and bureaus." Otis Bowen, with unfulfilled pro­ issue in the governor's race" and outside the north entrance of the be determined at this time." said has accused Bowen of failing to Bowen Saturday conceded cor­ Huddle late Sunday night. Moorman. "We won't know that mises, growing bureaucracy and rectional institution reform to be ineffective leadership. deliver promised reforms in this Arthur Pears, Notre Dame direc­ until the work is completed and the area. his one a.rea of disappointment tor of security, said that three white man-hours can be counted. I will Addressing a meeting in South Although Conrad has acknow­ during his administration, the Tri­ Bend of the Indiana Associated males were responsible for the not even be able to give an estimate ledged that Bowen has recom­ bune related. Press Managing Editors' Associa­ "extensive damage." He did not until after I talk with the workers mended a utility rate formula Conrad attacked the governor's tion, Conrad said he cannot elimin­ release the names of the students. sometime Tuesday.·· similar to his own, he has blamed penal reform record, saying, "The He also reported no injuries. Security reported the incident ate the possibility of a gasoline tax Bowen for not putting enough governor doesn't seem to be in increase next year, if he is elected. ·'The students who are responsi­ occured at II :20 pm. Thomas pressure on the Republica_n-con­ control of our government. It is ble have already been contacted," Grogan, manager of the Huddle. "I wouldn't rule it out. Those trolled House of Representatives to inconceivable that the governor Pears said. "They will be expected are the kind of hard decisions that was not aware of it until he came to get the measure passed. was unaware of the problems in our to pay the bill for the damages." work Monday morning. "I really are going to be coming around next He also charged that unemploy­ prisons, while young men are being The golf cart leveled the top part year." However, Conrad said he is don't know anything about it." ment has declined in Indiana raped and women packed into of a two foot brick wall which runs Grogan said, "but I'm happy it's "running studies" on the problem because Bowen did not fulfill a rooms." beside the steps. John Moorman, and will have a proposal by next being fixed." month for highway funding. "We're going to need more money from somewhere for high­ way maintenance,'' Conrad stated. Hesburgh addresses Howard residents Besides an increase in the eight­ cents per gallon gasoline excise by Virginia McGowan apathetic as a group, Hesburgh tax, he said other possibilities - ~ Staff Reporter commented, "I would like to think include a graduated scale, placing that in the vanguard of people a higher tax on higher consump­ making a better world, there would tion, and an increase in the University President Theodore be Notre Dame people." He four-cents sales tax on gasoline ~=~eur;t~:;:;a~:e~~;:y t~~ ~~~: emphasized that one third of the alone, according to an Associated serious about education and less Notre Dame student body is cur­ Press (AP) story. rently active in some organization. Conrad said Bowen transferred ~~~:!c~~~:naf~~~~~~f~ali~ ,::te~~;~~ Hesburgh also stressed a politi- $20 million last winter from the before 60 Howard Hall residents. cal reawakening by the present and state general fund to highway Citing the 60's as a time of great future American leaders. ·'There maintenance "Just to avoid a social concern, Hesburgh noted are a lot of people in America who gasoline tax increase until after the "Now 1 think that's over, and the are not getting a fair share of the election.'' students are more serious aca- American dream, and there are a "Even with this action," Conrad demically... lot of people in political life who added, "our Hoosier highways are "What I wish is we had the don't care about that," he said. unsafe and deadly.'' studiousness of today which was Commenting that the U.S. bud­ The Democratic gubernatorial almost completely lacking in the gets $130 million· "just to build candidate also pledged his support revolutionary years and the social stuff to destroy people," Hesburgh to ·an open-door law that would concern that I think is terribly called for a development of politi­ require that government meetings important," he continued. cians who are concerned with the be open to the public, according to "I have a feeling that students of heart of America. He declined to the AP story. Bowen, who spoke today will get turned on if you turn indicate his preference for Pres­ before the editors Saturday, also them on but you have to work ident. promised his administration's sup­ pretty hard at it," he said. Hesburgh also lamented the lack port next year for the law. Questioned by Jim Daly, Howard of value education in universities of Conrad cr· · ·i7Pd Bowen's tax vice-president, as to whether Hes- · today. He held that the most plan, calling it an "inequitable" [Photo by Dominick Yocius] buq~h considers the student body [continued on page 3! 2 the observer Tuesday, September 21, 1976 ~--News Briefs--~ Carter bids for Catholics I:==:=======~=~==Intemational A central issue dominating Jim­ with the implementation of better Park, a section of Boston; and my Carter's bid for the White adoptive procedures, sex education Woodside, N.Y., a community ten Lebanon war House is whether he can win the and family planning. miles from Manhattan. The results BROTIY* Lebanon - Lebanon sank deeper in its bloodbath Monday Catholic vote before election night ofthe survey revealed that "almost after the collapse of yet another effort to end the 17-month-old civil on November 2. Under fire from bishops without exception" Catholic voters -war. The casualty toll in the latest 24-hour period since the collapse insisted that religion was not -- and of a tripartite Lebanese-Syrian-Palestinian peace conference at ACI::ording to a story in U. S. USNWR stated that both Carter should not be -- an issue in the 1976 Chtoura Sunday, was 110 killed and 150 wounded, according to News and World Report, both and Ford have met with leaders of Presidential election. hospital estimates Carter and President Gerald Ford the National Conference of Catholic "Why should I be concerned are putting top priority on winning Bishops to show their concern for about Jimmy Carter's religion? I British ship sinks the nation's 33 million Catholics of the Church's views.
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