"" I ) CHIEF BILLY WHITE WOLF WHICH ONE IS THE BEAST? . AUSTRALIAN M'EN NEGLECT THEIR WOMEN I M'ORE LETTERS DID YOU KNOW? ® The referee's lot is a sad one, and with one exception, no referee can be said to be popular. Certainly Ron Hanson, Hunter Shaw and Bob McMaster are top ring officiators, but none of the fans seem to like their decisions. The one exception we must mention is Melbourne's MICHAEL HUNT. He is a great referee and the fans love him. Michael has a gym at the City Baths in Melbourne which is extremely popular and all the wrestlers train there. * * e FRANK SHIELDS, former protege of Prof. La Belle is now one of hi s greatest detractors. Shields, a man of few words, says, "One day I'll get e THE ALASKAN has as much re­ him!!" spect for the rules in the wrestling ring as Pierre La Belle - better known as * * * "The Beast" - which is very little, ~ BILLY WIDTE WOLF is a student indeed. It is, in fact, doubtful who of of languages and is at present writing the two would break more rules- and a book on Indian Lore in the United more quickly - once they are intent States. on defeating an opponent. The fans • MARK LEWIN, after a recent long of The . A laskan can be happy about * * 'acatic n, is gettine back into action in one thing though, with which The e HAYSTACKS CALHOUN is clad the States and hasn't lost any of hi s Alaskan scores easily compared to in blue denims and doesn't wear any sk ill or vigour. He is building up a The Beast: his beard is by far better boots, but wrestles barefoot. His fantastic following and still gets many trimrr:ed and rEuch neater looking. weight varies between a slim 615 lbs. fan letters from Australia. He sends up to almost 700 lbs. But with ail that best wishes and greetings to all hi s weight, l:e can stili wrestle. He has many friends in Australia. * * * been 'upended' by a few men. Sammartino did it and so did Lou e NICK BOCKW!NKEL is probably Thesz. But even they had difficulties * * the number one camera enthusiast not to be sq uashed right underneath among all the wrestlers. He has the mammoth. e EMILE DUPREE is one of the wealthiest wrestlers in the business. cameras of all sizes and descriptions. ot only is he a leading draw card in However, he favors mo vic cameras all parts of Canada, he owns a flee t of above a ll. fishing boats, sever2.l apartment houses, a fleet of taxi-cabs, and is also backing * * * :-;ome wre tling promotion. Yet, Emile had a most humble beginning. He e GENIAL JOHNNY DOYLE has started life in an orphange, left tl~cre now been flying ali over Australi a in penniles . His great ability as a wrest­ his Cessna 310, and he loves it. So ler earned him much money, and his tT.a ny of the wrestlers fly their own business acument caused him to invest the money wisely and it really paid of7 planes. Incidently, Mr. Doyle's plane handsomely. is about the best equipped light air­ craft in the southern hemisphere. HAYSTACKS CALHOUN * * CHIEF BILLY WHITE W 0 LF - " H ••• just a /;u/e better everlf week · AN INTERVIEW with MAURICE JACQUES Indian Chief Billy White Wolf is a But what makes Billy White Wolf world wrestling champion who refuses dissatisfied most of the time? to be satisfied. Is it because he does not have a Billy White Wolf, 28, 6 feet and 17 string of scalps around his waist to stone, holds the world title because his indicate he is the "big chief" of the dreaded Indian Death Lock is almost wrestling world? inescapable. No. Certainly not!! Billy, a chief of the Cherokee tribe, could not avoid being an exponent of The skilful, quick thinking White the Death Lock which was used by hi s Wolf is not happy unless he is a a ncestors centuries ago. BETTER wrestler THIS week than he was LAST week. "It was just something that came to me when I was a kid wrestling with "I like to think I improve every time my playmates and others", he said. I step into the ring for a contest. So 1 "I fo und that I could slip my leg should improve every week", added into position quickly for the death the Chief. lock, and decided this was to be the This is why White Wolf does not greatest asset in my wrestling career". worry about recreation a great deal ............................ during his wrestling tours. "Whenever l have a day off", he said, "I like to do some good, strenuous work in a gymnasium and exercise my legs so I can get greater power into the death lock". "I know when the death lock is applied correctly no opponent can get out of it. But the more power I have in my legs the quicker I can gain sub­ S Y D N EY - Sydney Stadium mission falls!" Every Wednesday and Saturday night "I like lifting heavy weights in my B R I S BAN E •- Festival Hall training sessions because this helps me He was light heavyweight champion Every Thursday and Friday night in my bouts when I am tired and have of the Amateur Association Union to find some extra strength to avoid also . • defeat", he sa id . M El B 0 U R N E - Festival Hall "I seem to have been wrestling Every Sunday night "If a wrestler is to stay world continuously since I was a kid. And I champion he has to be fitter than any like it better all the time", the champ­ of his challengers. That is why I am ion said. always fit so I can stay champion", he added with a wry smile. The Chief won gold medals as a discus thrower and shot putter at White Wolf comes from Oklahoma, and has a B.A. and Master's Degree College. So it is no wonder that in Physical Education. opponents reel away when the Chief is forced to retaliate against illegal "I would have liked to continue tactics. adding to my physical education M EL B 0 U R N E Festival Hall How long will Billy White Wolf be Every Friday night honors, but wrestling took up too much of my time", the ambitious Wolf said. champion of the world? "It is the greatest honor any wrestler can gain . S Y D N EY - •Sydney Stadium Billy White Wolf was one of You don't give it up easi ly", the Every Monday night America's top amateur wrestlers before champion said . moving into the tougher sphere of the B R I S B AN E •- Festival Hall professionals. He was champion of the Chief Billy White Wolf will be Every Monday night National Colleges Amateur Association wrestling's top name until some oppo­ which conducts one of the biggest nent can find a way of beating his ............................... ~ tournaments in the United States. Indian death lock • Audrey R. Coombes Oh D@ar -- What Can the Matt@r Be jl Our poetry-writing fan, "Lilac", has sent in two more of her little ditties on our matmen. The first one, "amid tears of fare­ well" for "Skull" Murphy and Brute Bernard, is sung to the tune of "Oh, dear, What can the matter be", and goes like this: Oh, dear, what can the matter be, Skull and Brute lost all their telepathy, They don't know if its Monday or Saturday- Sandy and George called the tune! "WHERE IS THAT LILAC?" asks BRUTE BERNARD * * Well, shiver me timbers'­ The two readers combined to pro­ In the second contribution, our I do declare - duce a verse, signed "from two Stevens poetess takes up staff writer Des Is it a clairvoyant? fans"; alas, I don't believe they mean Maurice's invitation to comment on Or a mad millionaire? it. Here is their effort: Ray Stevens' remarks regarding hi s He sails round the bay Ray Stevens comes from the future. with the greatest of ease, U.S.A.: His blond tresses flowing Oh how I wish he'd stay away. You may remember that Ray told in the salty sea-breeze. Des that he has a very ambitious plan He thinks that he is very tough, A T-shirt of stripes­ But we all know he's just plain after quitting wrestling: "I plan to a jaunty old cap purchase a schooner - and sail it rough. And bell-bottomed pants: He's only fit to sail a boat, around the world. J think a 50 foot typical sailor chap ... schooner would be about the right 'Cause in the ring he's quite a But wait- that's odd, goat. size", said Stevens. I'm having some 'doots': He shouldn't try to be so mean - Des Maurice then invited readers to Why the heck would a sailor But he doesn't know how to comment on this peaceful picture of wear big wrestling boots? wrestle clean. a calm and lethargic Stevens asking: Not an 'old salt' at all­ "Can YOU imagine the fiery Stevens more like mustard I'd say! si tting up in his schooner sailing on In a schooner- Ray Stevens! * * The surprise of the day! placid waters in the Pacific or Atlantic Them's hard words, friend s! In the oceans? With nobody to be hurt ­ main, yo u're quite right, but don't ever under-estimate Ray Stevens.
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