Gardner-Webb University Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University The tudeE Magazine: 1883-1957 John R. Dover Memorial Library 3-1-1951 Volume 69, Number 03 (March 1951) John Briggs Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/etude Part of the Composition Commons, Ethnomusicology Commons, Fine Arts Commons, History Commons, Liturgy and Worship Commons, Music Education Commons, Musicology Commons, Music Pedagogy Commons, Music Performance Commons, Music Practice Commons, and the Music Theory Commons Recommended Citation Briggs, John. "Volume 69, Number 03 (March 1951)." , (1951). https://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/etude/142 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the John R. Dover Memorial Library at Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The tudeE Magazine: 1883-1957 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The Pi-oblem of Sincerity -by Virgil Thomson Fornest Ansermet Re\1elU'lle8"Firebird" _ ..,~ You Look to Your Audience? Luigi Dall . The U niversit • tone opera, 'f~ccol~'~ tragic 12· month will I y of Ilhnois this . aunch be given its fi e Prisoner," will estival of C a two-month rst F ontempo A Alllel ice t h performance in Its campus at U b lary rts 011 , ate '11' J lights of th Fr. ana, Ill. HiO'h- this month. The Ul lard School e estival "II ~ upeJa had it co~trovelsial new pearances b r P WI be ap- . s premIer Jtl urm, Ital e a yeal ago and Rafael) K aJul Hindemtth T d 11 aellk Carpenter's )'75 it' John Alden con uctors of the . as guest celebrated Itt bnthday was chestra and Universltv Of- academic as month . h I G"' a student p I concei ts of h. Wit special o ian-Carlo M . er OJ mance IS musi b caao. St L' C Y the CI . Maid and the T~~olt~~'s "The Old '.-' . ours d 'u- base of Symphonies ::; a~, Indianapolis Th' ier. e sixteenth 1\1 an opera" .. : The Dybbuk" tival in Flo ay l\'lusic Fes IC version of I ' M renee It I . made famous b h the drama ay 6, with a' a y, will open t tre. will highlYh e Hahima Thea- Verdi's "M b performance I C' Ig , the N ac eth." 0 0 heard opera' to' 'her seldom- tty Opera sort ew York be opens March ~~mg season, which lIlg the Fe ti I performed dUI- "G enoveva." 5 IvaHeumann'sare S h Rent-Ire e vacatio. f and E' aydn's "0 h HI any part of th ns or teachers " Ul ydice," I p eus choose can be . ~ country thev Oberon" T' and Webel's Mrs. Mildred Leal,~~nged through HIzer C ompany... he hRudolph W ur- ers' R _. \\ IS new "T I esidence E I eac 1- al del' for 100 I as received an e West 42nd JXC lange," 100 part of the A ectronic 01 eans a, M. St., New York . rmy' o 1s. Lewis a. 01 CIt)· program N s procurement I SSlstSI I . tomes durina n exc ianeine Theatre'I'," ew York's Roxy o summe. 0 ° I curre ,I ' or a return any negotiatino- O or sabbatical Ieaves N1 vacation"I ' made except . 0 c larrre i, Philharmo . S ppearance by th a small I ~ I mc- ympl - e tIe Roxy staO" h lOnyas part of swap has been arranged. ee when a elu,ion 01 the o;h~lhoW at the con- m April. armOJl]C season Bruno Walt and Guido C er, ~eorge Szell antelh '11I Rudolf Serk' con uctors . h WJ Je uue,' over 50 concert Ill, who. I has pi a)•e(I ·d WIt th N ~ PhJiharmonic-S e ew Yark delphia 0-IC h estra'Wltl. the Ph'lI a- \~'ith Dhuitri My~phony next year with the or . SInce his debut . ~ ltropo I ' gamzatio . Enftnce tf;J£J7I 40ur C/jTtrC/J/" /" InUIl1O"a, In . I U 08 con month donated hi n III 1937.' Iast u .::;u mttstC t ° USlca d· . second Casals F~ ~rector ... A concert fo th s servIces at place this ye stlval will take chestra F r d e benefit of the 0 a ar at P . un. As a a f- southern Franc jerpignan, in preclation tl oesture of al'- w/lff/;2tl~ LledroltlCrr ' " I e, UIl(er tl d' , Ie orche t q, l.on 0 cellist Pabl Ie lrec· ment on th'e maht fs rah manaO"~e· o ClallS who . ? Casals. Musi· presented Serk' .0 t e concert The sacred m . 'Il/L. r uSle 1 pating i a ministryor " partICIpate I . national Har JIl wIth a red Intel' Organ. fhe M adeI 5 orof yourth I church deserves the B Id ) ear s event '11 {111 las' veste t - at a cost 'UrPfl'Ing~ arger Model 10 provld· Win Electronic r. WI ret arm in V. r ractor for I . l' estival this , urn for the I J ermont. u, y mod~~t by any st'lllda~':II:?lTlng mu,ic G ..n ummer S e expert org,lnJst f I companson. securing such training. S ". er, fir,t violin;" o'f ',' ydney .ames W. Baln t lrlllg Quartet I he Griller reSIgned as pr .d p Oil last month the Baldwin' th lee s at home at made a Comr,,' last month was dore Presser Ces\;nt of the Theo- performer find' Ie ess expenenced amcr f th s t Iat I by Herhert LOB· e was succeeded easliy. Th lustery comes o the Briti"h E .0 e Order e word trad f ~ descnbes tl ttwllal best George VI. y mpll'e by Kino' IeSJ ent in charO" ,seOiorvice- dlstlllctlve v Ie w,ly the nch and COUPETITIONS . ~e of the company. Olces of the B I ~r~o:"~"l~::' ~ played take If .l dWln are ~:::~~;u~~:;~~)~'~';~~~~'C onsult your"e 1 ect ,an d sound • 19 I (For de/ail . t I biennjal Y 5, wn/.e 1.0 5 directory for tl c asslfied telephon~ Prizes: $1000 oung Artist, Aud-I" . ponsors listed) Ie name d your B.tldw. an address of National~ F' each. To be h Id .JOI IOU' 111 piano • C .ederalion 01 Mu,;c ~I b March and Apv10111n. 1orgall~, voice . 1ll repre . _ write Dept. E-3 sentatlve-or ompe"'ion I . u ,,455 W 23 II, 951. S . C ' the Bald' . premiered by B~II .orchestral work . rd St.,New York flonN;or: ompany Cin . WJl1PIano Detar,.1 Irom Dr. aLUrnBare Symphony.. notCI over" 10 minute, Ion. .-Y your free co } cmnatl 2) Ohio for • Chamber mu,;c' . ~eeler, 3818 TUd~;r~ da'e: March t~95ble To Select A Ne opy of the booklet "8 BOB JONES 15' w n;r<ln_ For ~_Ollr Church.", ow Pnzes' $25 or ,mall . I rm, Ave B I· ' '. Greenville S UNIVERSITY I . , $10. CI' OIC Jestra wk" a trmore Md , outh Carolina •cgeCI'of Musi c, Indlanapoli;. oSlllg date:2 IApll'·1 30,or,1951byScomp oser under,. ]9 IOU Ph' C ::;, nd tt 1\ • ponsor' ) d .. F' . 0 a olltest 0 ., a . "iL W'll' . or an Col, Irst pme, 382 50. : pell to non. I lam Pelz. :h~:u~:i~~:66 W."l~~ho~~e.r Jd~l~~~~:I~::le c~;,r~19~{oUP' only. 7teBALDWIN r aca ernie tUition to 25 year, ot~::rs Contest-Chamber'. Spon,or: THE BALDWIN PI ELECTRONIC ORGAN music, speech, and art Without. addTI lOnal cost abo ve regula d' . Sponsor: Nation:i 'FPdrizes:e eration$150of' 1\{$50: ~us~cosmg workdate·byAcom'IPosers 16 n lISIC Club" ( . pn 1. 1951 8ALDWIN• ACIWSONIC • HAMILTONANO COMPANY& HOWARD' Dept. E·3,CrNNATICIN 2, OHIO PIANOS· BALOW IN ELECTRONIC OI?GANi cTUDc-MARC''I ' addre" above) . ,r 19,1 . 1 BEJ;'ORE YOU BUY ANY . AUTHORS IN THIS ISSUE NOW the mUSlC magazine VIRGIL THOOISON ("The Problem of Sincerity," p. 11) burst PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY THEODORE PRESSER co., PHILADELPHIA, PA. ort the New York musical scene a dozen years ago, and it has not YOU MAY HAVE Editoriel end Advertising Offices, Bryn Mewr, Po. been quite the same since. His witty and provocative opinions PIlll\TO on the state of music, appearing regularly in the New York Herald Your Own Library send for this Tribune, are widely discussed (and quoted) in musical circles. HOW Founded 1883 by THEOOORE PRESSER James Francis Cooke, Editor Emerilul A native of Kansas city, Mr. Thomson graduated from Harvard TO (Editor, 1907.1959) of Radio's Best-Loved Music CHOOSE JOHN BRIGGS, Editor in 1922, spent three years on the Harvard faculty as an instructor THE in music, then went to Paris for further work and study. During a (The perfect Gift-to last a life time) Dorothy F. Garretson, Managing Editor Charles J. Reed, Art Director J. Clees McKray, Music Edilor BEST visit to France in 1947 he was made a Chevalier of the Legion of PIANO Elizabeth A. Cest Harold Berkley Maurice Durnesnil Karl W. Gehrkens Honor. Guy Maier Alexander ,McCurdy WiJfrid Pelletier William D. Revell! Mr. Thomson is the composer of a long list of works, including The Scribner symphonies, string quartets, Masses, chamber music of all kinds, and two operas with texts by Gertrude Stein. He has written four • What are the important hidden qual. books and numerous magazine articles. ities to look for? Vol. 69 No.3 CONTENTS MARCH 1951 Radio Music Library • How con you make sure of musictll GEORGE P.
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