90th Year, lssu~ 9 © 1999 March 26, 1999 Newark, Del. • 50¢ THIS WEEK Rental ordinance possible By MARY E. PETZAK NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER The ordinance to li mit rentals in Newark to areas where they already predominate was tabled for the sec­ ond time on Monday night. City council first tabled the so­ called "rental cap" ordinance back in February, the same evening they imposed a 60-day moratorium on HELPFUL HOME & issuing new rental permits in the city. GARDEN GUIDE! Thi week, they extended that moratorium another 60 day . IN SPORTS City building director Junie Mayle told council that the reason for the mor;:ttorium had not changed. "I think we would be backwhere we were in January (if we lift it now)," said FORMERGHS Mayle referring to the marked increase in permit applications at that time. "All the talk about limiting STAR SECOND TO rentals was scaring people into buy­ ing permits they really didn't want:: Kells Avenue resident Jennifer NONEON Dean urged council to extend the 19 moratorium. "it's really over for my HENS. neighborhood; if you don't extend it," said Dean during a discussion of whether the permit emergency still See ORDINANCE , 4. IN LIFESTYL~ MACIARY Education RFADYTO study OPEN TIME CAPSULE. 8 NEWARK POST STAFF PHOTO BY HEIDI SCHEING released By SHARON R. COLE INDEX . Bauscher dispels rumors_ NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER A majority of Delaware citizens NEWS 1-5 Second district candidate for Newark City complaints about two of the challengers in the and educators strongly favor class­ POLICE BLOTTER 2 Council John A. Bauscher has rejected rumors April 13 election and requested proof of residence room size reductions to improve stu­ circulatiQg .in George Read Village that he does from all three - Bauscher, District 4 candidate dent achievement, according to a OPINION 6 not live in the district. Dan Beaver and Susan Heagy, a resident of Dis­ recent poll done by the University of LIFESTYLE 8 "They're mistaken" was the 53-year-old land­ trict 1. Delaware. lord's initial response when asked about com­ "All of them showed me electric bills, voter The poll done by the University's THE ARTS 9 ments made at the March meeting of the commu­ registration cards, and drivers ' licenses," said education and research development center showed 98 percent of educa­ DIVERSIONS 10 . nity 's civic association. According to persons who Burns this week. "But all I · attended the session, claims were voiced that know was what they had on the tors and 89 percent of citizens hold CROSSWORD PUZZLE 11 Bauscher does not live at the 12 Caldwell Place piece of paper." Burns said, the this position despite the high costs address that he listed on his petition to run for the documents showed the address­ involved. SPORTS 19-23 council seat. es indicated on the candidates' Other findings include rejection of PEOPLE NEWS 12-13 "I have fulfilled all the requirements," Bausch­ nomination petitions. monetary awards for school districts er said Wednesday, "I have a signed lease and I A search this week of public when they meet an absolute standard OBITUARIES 25 ~ pay utilities here. I am residing at Caldwell records at the Recorder of of student performance, but support from the majority of those taking the CLASSIFIEDS 26-32 Place." He said he signed the lease on Jan. 8 and Deeds office in Wilmington moved in a few days later. revealed a mortgage for 903 · poll to compensate teachers for Proof of residence is a basic' qualification to Church Rd., which is located in demonstrated competence. run for office in the city of N'ew.ark, and in some council District l. It-was signed "One very interesting point," said cases it comes down to -which pi~ce bf paper you o~ Jan. 13 by Bauscher and lists Bausch~n Audrey Noble, the University's accept as verification. " his address as Church Road. senior associate for evaluation & pol­ According to the City Secretary's office, a can­ Language in the mortgage requires that icy analysis, "is the finding that peo­ didate for city council must be a resident of Bauscher, the borrower, "establish and use the ple would like more indicators to be Newark on the day they file. Questions about a property" as his "principal residence" within 60 considered in determining the pro­ candidate's residential qualifications are referred days of the signing and retain residency for one motion of students to the next grade to the city's Election Board. year from the date of occupancy. level." Board president Sam W. Bu~s said he had See EDUCATI ON , 5 .... 7 99462 00002 3 See BAUSCHER, 4 .... INTENTIONAL SECOND EXP •••• Greater Newark's Hometown Newspaper Since 1910 90th Year, Issue 9 © 1999 March 26, 1999 Newark, Del. • 50¢ Rental I THIS WEEK ordinance possible By MARY E. PETZAK NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER The ordinance to limit rental'\ in 1ewark to area~ where thcv alrcad\ predominate \\ aS tabkJ f01: the . cC'­ ond time on Monday night. City council first tabled the :-.a­ called "rental cap" (,rdman ·c back in February. the same evening the) imposed a 60-day moratorium on HELPFUL HOME & i .. uing nev. rental permits in the cit . GARDEN C::UIDE! This week. they extended that moratorium another 60 days. City building director Junie Iayle told counci I th at the reason for the moratorium had not hanged. "I think we would be back \~here\.\e were in January (if v.:e lift it now):· . aid FOR.\1ER GHS I Mayle referring to the marked increase in permit application. m th at time. "All the talk about limitin!!. 1 STAR SECOND TO rentals wa~ scanng peorle into huy~ ing permit:-. they re a lly didn't \\ant." Kell AYenue rc-;ident Jennifer NO~tO~ 19 Dean ur,.., ed council to extend the moratorium. "it': reall y over for m) HENS. I neighborhood. if you don't extend it," said Dean Juring a discu~ s ion of whether the permit~ emergenc . till See ,4 MACIARY Educatio READYT O study OPEN TIME NEWARK POST STAFF PHOTO BY HEID I SCHEING released CAPSULE. 8 By SHARO N R. COLE .--: . INDEX ' NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER ~ ~ ""1, - Bauscher dispels rumors A majority of Delaware citizen: NEWS ____!:§ Second district candidate for Newark City complaints about two of the challenger in the and ducator. strongly favor clas '­ POLICE BlOTTER 2 Council John A. Bauscher has rejected rumors April 13 election and requested proof of re idence room size reduction. to improve ru­ circulating in George Read Village that he does from all three - Bau cher. District 4 candidate dent achie ement. according to a OPINION 6 not live in the district. Dan Beaver and Susan Heagy. a re ·ident of Di. ­ recent poll done by the nive~sit of LIFESTYlE 8 ·'They"re mistaken" was the 53-year-old land­ trict 1. Delaware. lord's initial response when asked about com­ ··All of them showed me electric bills. 'oter The poll done by the Univer it_·" THE ARTS 9 ments made at the March meeting of the commu­ registration cards. and drivers· li en. es.'' said education and research de elopment center showed 98 percent of edu a­ DIVERSIONS 10 nity"s civic association. According to persons who Burns this week. "But al l f attended the se~sion. claim were oiced that know was what they had on the tors and 89 percent of citizens hold CROSSWOR D PUZZlE 11 Bau cher does not live at the 12 Caldwell Place piece of paper.'' Burn " aid the thi po iti on de. pite the high cost. addre that he li . ted on hi petition to run for the document. bowed the address­ involved. SPORTS 19-23 counci l seat. e ind icated on the candidates· Other findings include reje tion of PEOPlENEWS 12-13 '·[ have fulfill ed all the requirements," Bausch­ nomination petitions. monetary awards for sc hool district. er said Wednesday. ·'I have a signed lease and J A earch this week of public when they meet an ab olute ·tandard OBITUARIES 25 pay utilities here. I am residing at Caldwell records at the Recorder of of student performan e. but upport from the majority of those taking th ClASSIFIEDS 26-32 Place." He said he signed the lease on Jan. 8 and Deeds office in Wilmington moved in a few day later. revealed a mortgage for 903 poll to compensate t a her. for Proof of re idence is a basic q ualification to Church Rd., which is located in demonstrated compet nee. run for office in the city of Newark, and in some council District I . lt wa signed ''One very in tere ting point." aid case it come down to w hich p iece of paper you on Jan. 13 by Bau cher and li sts Bauscher Audrey Noble. the Univ r ity's accept as verification. hi address a Church Road. enior as ociate fo r evaluation & pol­ According to the C ity Secretary's office, a can­ Lang uage in the mo rtgage requires th at icy analysis. "is the find ing that peo­ didate for city council must be a resident of Bauscher, the borrower. "establish and use the pl e would like more indicators to be Newark on the day they file. Que tions about a property' a hi " princ ipal residence" within 60 con idered in det rmining the pro­ candidate' residential qualifications are referred days of the signing and retain re idency for one motion of student to the next grade to the city's Election Board.
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