JULY IB, 1945. 1PAGE TEI? to maintain an extra home In wealthy Washington? bo we want REGISTER NOW NJC To Award incompetents on Capitol Hill who COSTLY BATTLES The Rahway Record 8tay~there~i)ecause—they—could- FOR BLOOD BANK ~KaUTfllflit<rjnly-13. 18M~ ARE^ET-TG „';!;'.iF • 1470-Broad Stnet TeTtlL. BahRah. 1-0600 Baliway, New Jency never .earn so much anywhere AUG. 13 < Published Thursday ttteroona by The R»hw»y Publishing Oorpomtlon. Feltowsliip^Fdr else? The answer is "no" of course; COME Xntered at the post office it Rahway, New Jeney. u second din mail mutter America can afford the best. Then '"•>'#• under the set of March 3, 1878. Library Degree contratulate your congressman on Walter P. Morple. _Pat>Uiher this Increase and don't let him Entered at the post office at Rahwsy. H. J., w second class mall matter under the act of March 3, 1879. wait 20 years for the next one. PCBSCRIPTION RATES—Single copy, 5 cents. Local delivery or by mall, post- Rahway 50 Year,s Ago A library fellowship covering a PAYING PARLIAMENT Local Subscription 13.00 a Tear In Advance PER COPY FIVE CENTS paid within Union Connty, one-rear, J2.00. six months, *1.23. Three months, How would you like to be elected 63c By mall, postpaid ontalde of Union Connty, one year, $2.50. Biz months, Advertisement—A full line of Zither strings and other two-year period is being offered flZO. single copies by mall, 10 cenu. All payable In advance. 'or-the-first-tlme-by-New-Jersey-Ko-the board'-Trf-guveruura -of-the-| 1USIC:al supplies"hgs~}U5t~b"een received by A. b\ Kirstcin's me&t country club you ever saW7 This newspaper was fonnded and Is maintained upon the principle of »~ clear, Council Has Late Meeting, ruumw mm mtnumu [iremiimHui ill all We ihUMMht Btw« in tile cum- lusic .Department, 158 Main street. /ersity, New Brunswick, was an-Unless you are an exceptional per- Weather Man Plays No Favorites Rev. Hauser and Blood Plasma Legion Post No. TurkeyTliieves mniilty, and upon the basis of a progressive editorial policy, nounced last week by Dr. Marga- son, you cant.afford such a Job. Operi Thursday Night 'til 9 Member ol New Jersey Press Ajsoclatlon ret T. Corwln. dean of the college. It uses a lot of time and there's Veterans Topic Chief Interest To read" of the devastation by the cyclone that passed The fellowship will permit the re-no salary connectedwithjt. Help- Spoiled Kiddies Play-Program Family Leave for Need Crows as 5 Plans To Give Admit Stealing > a cipient to complete-a full profes- ing to boss a lovely palace In the iver-northerrr New-Jersey Saturday afternoon, makes one" Home Front and Local Veteran's Service Committee Thursday, July 19, 1945 imagine that Dakota conditions have been transported sional curriculum in library serv- middle of a big playground Is fun Closed Mondays for the Summer Little Folks Praying Old Sole Healthy Poke at St. Vacation, Aug. 1 Boys Welcome 19 Choice Birds ice while holding a half-time posi- (I Imagine) but it's an expensive V-J Day Nears Fail to See Eye to Eye; Health Officer's Job Causes •astward. Nearly the whole village of 'Gherry Valley, near ;ion in the College library. pastime. _^_ Swithin For Dumping Water All Over Their DINE WITHOUT JUKEBOX Hackensack,_was_wrecked,_andLa.numbenoLpeople^killed pg 1 n Youngsters Show Boldness Anxiety; Mayor's Letter on Hospital Contract Read JTo _qualify_, _a candidate should —People- who-habit-such jspots-fa ThId 'fT Filit^ * 'Ynntli Program Starts Labor Day What woulcfbe very mucfi appreciatecTirf Rahwayi^a; iy the falling buildings. Woodhaven, Long Island, also had Tiave at least a bachelor's degfeeT enjoy their spare time are in the Playgrormd^and-Driving-Them-Indoors should have stood well in her col- Stone Harbor; Commit- of America with Pint Plan Monthly Meetings; And Daring mTRaids The Rahway Common Council employment and re-employment, first class restaurant where people can dine in peace and many buildings demolished, even as near as Plainfield, financial upper brackets. If they What Old Man Weather did toprett, y dull week. After Ole Man lege courses, should have a real in- work at all, they do things they Clambake August 12 On Farmyard at its regular semi-monthly meet- education, loans, domestic prob- quietness without the ravings of the jukebox drowning con- he wind, rain and hailstones were terrific. terest in and concept of the value the Playgrounds program during. Rain did his job so well there tee Plans Renovation Of Blood, Aug. 13 ing last night covered a lot of lems (welfare), housing, hospital- enjoy doing, or perhaps they do Uie week will not ring like chimes Iwas little left for the young folks ization, rehabilitation and legal versation and the diner can address his wife and friends • * • if libraries, and "preferably some a few Jobs nobody else can do as The schedule of services for the Army and Navy combat casual- If the plans of the Rahway Am- It took 19 stolen turkeys to lead ground, although very little was library experience. In the ears of those little folks who to do until the sun comes out and to the arrest of a gang of young- really accomplished. In fact it was advice. in a modulated tone. well. Such wealthy people are look upon their "Commons" as the takes over. remainder of the .summer at St. ties reported since the war began erican Legion, Post No. 5, do not F. L. Graves will resume his stage coach to Boynton At the completion of this work- sters and have them turned over the busiest meeting of the summer .As a model to carry on the work The jukebox is certainly no educational of artistic gift world's brightest spot during these On Monday several of the chil- Paul's Episcopal Church was made now total well over the one mil-fall through, and there is very lit- in Mr. Wiempr mentioned _the City leach next Monday, starting at 9 a. m. and 1 p. m". from public this week in a notice mailed to the Juvenile Court. session giving evidence there was to American, or any other culture. What one hears coming ner days. Every day. rain or dren painted. Several girls found lion mark. How many will be tle doubt it will,-as the Legion is much in the wind for the fall and of Des Moines. Iowa, listing "46 .ambert's Hotel and from the Exchange Building 15 ', "gn'rl TTnagland-and his staff themselyes busy braiding and sew- to parishioners.. Fox the past three weeKs "waiter "forth from the jukebujw is not music, and,-as one critic puts Jng steaauy smaller, but issilll — M r tfms u. je^Owier, jay reader, •nofr-fenewn for ito failures, the re winter sessions, especially wliun minutes later Fare is 15c. money value of the fellowship of assistants, had -full plans,, but the afternoon a Jack con aaaeavotni Gage, Rahway water works—en- more of soldiers, and sailors be- cover- the field In the most- effi- it, "not even noise. This so-called music is not written for exists. when rain washes out the founda- test was held. Susan Johanson was will be in charge of serv}ces-dur^ even guessTbut itTs an established turning veterans of World War H, gineer., of 1065 Westfield avenue, overs tuition, room and board at Ing. the absence of the .Rev. John • receive a wholehearted recep. gan ~~settIns~Toot~iii;am~~on~~horne cient-manner: The- -statementr~ Mew JerseylColJege-forJYomenZlf.^ Work-Well-Done tlonpall-one^on-da la wait fnr.Olp - wlnnpr. with ..Sandra—Nelson. —A-rlch-country-club-ls-prover- second, Linda Cooper, third. Fri- H. Hauser, rector. Rev. and~MrsT tion in their home coming, never soil. »sslblersppllcatlons-3houldbe-re- yhn flip frnm fraft.tp wqj^rfe'wii! hp I "»*»"•appearanc' e o--f -severa- - l choice tur- t ions Music can be as beneficial as clean healthy sports. In n Uuy_llie. ljUlB fulju. amked ytth- -Hauser—and—ehHdren—Virginia'? lu be K —"While really nut Llm .must iiur, creased^atiendancfi-eaoK-pvpning.--Wijl-KanptmanJ a enn- elved-by-September-1-for-the-en— hlolly MTPTI monggfid. Tt dpPfl T7 t- - r-giTHsnaayjittvei'ul KUUoa.sttfe John and Mary, will leave Wed- fewer,":Uy" many thousand, if the keys from the barn. Try a& he each "other, and aimedat'rhember- . need to economize and cut corners, well Playground got together and crepe paper—making paper belts. At a meeting on Thursday night, portant at the present time, yet ~sp6rTs~the erted Atheist, John Gilchrist, converted opium fiend and ;uing year. Further information nesday for .Stone Harbor, might, Mr. Gage's eagle eye, was mm pvhlhit.pri ;hlp listings consisting of the same may be obtained from the director but that's only part of the story. started a Jacks tournament. (Roosevelt Playground) a-commlttee-comprising-Chnrlfs TV "noTTceernenough to~detertr a-soul ersons on both committees would coordination. No athlete with short jerky motions ever itiss Minnie Hauptman will address the meeting on Sun- It is governed by men of singular Jacks proved thexhief recreation Jersey, where they will be on va- erican Red CTOSS IS kept adequate Drake, chairman, Theodore Olsen by all memgers of the council, AS f the personnel bureau*at N. J. C. Among the players were Kathleen cation until early September. flitting in and out the barnyard. ause an overlapping of member- stands the gaff. The same goes for music, it must have ay afternoon at 4 o'clock.
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