

INDEX INDEX ABBOTT, , share of money due AIDE, Jean Baptiste, dit Crequi, sketch, Miamis Co., 419, 440, 477-78, 519. 464. ABBOTT, James, I, mentioned, 254-55; AINSE, Joseph Louis, sketch, 173. money due Miamis Co., 137, 503-504; AINSE, Sarah (Sally), sketch, 101. sketch, 113; death, 310. See also ALAIN, Mary Ann, wife of Jean Baptiste Miamis Co. Beaugrand, sketch, 727, ABBOTT, James, II, sketch, 254; share of ALAIN, Pierre, mentioned, 727. money due Miamis Co., 489-90; land ALEXANDER of Russia, battle with commissioner, 705. See also Miamis Napoleon, 510. Co. ALLAN, , mentioned, 488, 561, 585. ABBOTT, James Whistler, birth, 255. ALLAN, Ebenezer, letters, 157, 297-98; ABBOTT, Mary, wife of William Hands, sketch, 157-58; recommended to Henry, mentioned, 112. 196; offers to buy Cuyahoga Purchase ABBOTT, Robert, mentioned, 133, 254; shares, 297-98; suit against, 612; petitions to create Territory of Michi- prisoner, 711-12. gan, 455. ALLAN, Capt. James, sketch, 264; assists ABERCROMBY, Sir Ralph, sketch, 352. at Dr. Harffy's funeral, 377. ACHIN, Andrew, mentioned, 189. ALLAN, William, mentioned, 308; sketch, ACHIN, Francis, dit Catin, I, sketch, 189. 300. ACHIN, Francis, dit Catin, II, identified, ALLCOCK, Judge Henry, sketch, 260; 189. returned to office, 302; fails of re- ACHOAKIGIQUE, signs deed, 11. election, 351; in England, 442; chief ACT for the Relief of Persons Imprisoned justice of Lower Canada, 506. for Debt, 319. ALLEGRAIN, Mary Joseph Charlotte, ACT of April 25, 1808, 603. wife of Louis Vesina, sketch, 279-80. ADAMS, sketch, 695. ALLEN, , mentioned, 520; debt to ADHEMAR, Mary Joseph, dit St. Martin, Askin, 34. wife of Alexis Laframboise, sketch, 225. ALLEN, Deodat, marriage, 496. ADHEMAR, Patrick, sketch, 428. ALLEN, Susan Randolph, wife of Charles ADHEMAR, Toussaint Anthony, dit St. Jouett, sketch, 472. Martin, mentioned, 225, 345-46, 428; ALLISON, Susanne, wife of Philippe letter, 36-37; sketch, 37; business rela- Aubert de Gaspe, sketch, 306-307. tions with Gamelin, 150, 282-84; debt ALLISON, Capt. Thomas, sketch, 306-307. to Askin, 367. ALOIRE (Alloir, Aloir, etc.), Jean Bap- ADYE, Lt. Ralph Willet, sketch, 540. tiste, dit Lapierre, sketch, 532. AGOA, signs deed, 12. ALOIRE, Marie Magdelene, birth, 532. AGRICULTURE, celery, 147, 472, 572, 605- AMBROISE, , lawsuit, 379. 606; potatoes, 211-12, 572, 605-606; pumpkins, 337; roses, 337; Spanish AMERICAN Fur Co., rivalry with British, beans, 337; hemp, 353-55, 596; cotton, 500. 408-409; clover, 436-37, 605-606; tim- AMHERST, Jeffrey, Baron, signs capitula- othy, 436-37, 605-606; oxen used for tion of French, 273-74. plowing, 480; harvest, 527; raspberries, ANCRUM, Maj. William C, Moravian 554; prickly ash, 555; spruce, 565; land claims, 309-10, 327-29, 664-66; cherries, 565; pine, 565; cabbage, 572, sketch, 310; letter, 327-29. 605-606; turnips, 572, 605-606; cran- ANCRUM, Mrs. William, mentioned, 310. berries, 578, 584; apple trees, 583-84, ANDERSON, John, mentioned, 327, 370, 605-606; echallots, 584; garlic, 584; 648; letters, 134, 267, 362-63; sketch, tree onion, 584, 605-606; currants, 723. See also Anderson, John, and Co. 597-98; grapes, 597-98; beets, 605-606; ANDERSON, John, and Co., activities, 62- carrots, 605-606; cucumbers, 605-606; 64, 134, 159-61, 237-38, 292, 334, 362- melons, 605-606; oats, 605-606; radi- 63, 380, 390-91. shes, 605-606; spinach, 605-606; huckle- ANDREWS, Colin, mentioned, 219. berries, 609; corn produces two crops, ANDREWS, Elizabeth, wife of Capt. 695. James Andrews, mentioned, 19. AGUE, mentioned, 753. ANDREWS, Capt. James, sketch, 19. AIDE, Cecilia, dit Crequi, wife of George ANQUEQOAD, signs deed, 12. Cottrell, mentioned, 464. ANIGROTHE (Anicratte), Jean, men- AIDE, Jean, dit Crequi, sketch, 464. tioned, 323. 793 BURTON HISTORICAL RECORDS ANNE MARY (Molly), Moravian Indian, veyor, 512; letters, 527-30, 547-48, debts, 336. 567-68, 595-96, 697-99, 703-704, 735-42, ANNETTE, wrecked, 148-49, 174-76; sal- 750-60, 763-68; captain of militia, 567; vaged, 255-56. manager of Hamilton estate, 637; ANTAYA, Angelica Peltier dit, see Peltier, journal during War of 1812, 711-29, Angelica, dit Antaya. 774-76. ARMSTRONG, John, carpenter partner- ASKIN, Ellen Phyllis (Nelly), wife of ship, 50-51. Richard Pattinson, mentioned, 88, 131, ARMY, militia: duty, 67-68; arms, 70; 174, 378, 388, 486, 488, 499, 517, 529, shortage of officers, 78-80; regulations, 537, 554, 577, 743, 769; tuition, 357; 179-80, 240-41, 546, 552-53, 595; com- land claim, 520; marriage, 600, 604; missions, 308, 548-49; uniforms, 521- death, 773, 776, 778. 22; meeting at church time, 563-64, ASKIN, James, Sr., father of John Askin, 587; mustered, 565-66, 585-86; dis- 341. missed, 597; preparedness measures, ASKIN, James, mentioned, 352, 486, 499, 703; regular army: drinking, 165; 551, 554-55, 565, 577, 596, 600, 609, desertion, 316-18; pay, 635, 644. See 628, 631, 639, 664, 671, 676-77, 699, also War of 1812. 751, 756, 770, 790; tuition, 155, 357; ARPENT, denned, 512. land, 449; letters, 537-40, 566-67, ARTELL, , mentioned, 315. 748-49; captain of militia, 710; service ASKIN, Adelaide (Alice), wife of Elijah in War of 1812, 731; marriage, 779. Brush, mentioned, 88, 112, 174, 185, ASKIN, Jean Baptiste (Johnny), men- 193, 211, 214, 281, 301, 344, 352, 374, tioned, 378, 554, 565, 572, 574, 585, 378, 385, 410, 459, 461, 480, 486, 488, 590, 605, 627, 630-31, 640, 646, 655- 499, 517, 529, 539, 542, 566, 581, 584, 66, 689, 770, 773, 780; sketch, 342; 609, 657, 677-78, 708, 729, 743, 763, imprisoned, 576-77; assistant com- 773, 778, 790; fashions, 128; sketch, missary and barrack-master, 636, 643; 370; land claims, 520, 623; garden, letter, 651-52; Mississippi expedition, 598; letter, 769. 658, 661, 669, 688, 691, 694; salary, ASKIN, Alexander David, mentioned, 697; service in War of 1812, 728, 731. 111, 378, 459, 480, 486, 499, 511, 520, ASKIN, John, mentioned, 30, 57, 59, 60, 529, 540, 551, 577, 582, 609, 628, 658- 83-84, 86, 88-89, 97, 102, 118, 129, 131, 59, 644, 677, 708, 739, 750-51, 756; 157, 258, 301, 499-500, 528, 691, 693, tuition, 155, 357, 426; sketch, 243; 721, 723, 763; land: speculation, 5-8, witness, 533; studies law with Brush, 27-28, 68-70, 101-102, 144-47, 166-68, 556, with Elliott, 600; letters, 599-601, 297-98, 311-12, 320, 330, 333, 453-54, 675-76, 770; service in War of 1812, 470-71, 508, holdings, 16-17, 39-41, 710, 728, 731, 735; visits Mackinac, 102-104, 176, 197-200, 309-11, 327-29, 761-63; ague, 769. 395-96, 448-49, 459-61, 484, 512, 530- ASKIN, Archange, wife of David Meredith, 33, 613, 619-20, 622, 676-77, claims, mentioned, 105, 107, 118, 139, 174, 29, 122-24, 161-63, 238-39, 300-301, 250-51, 428, 521, 523, 528, 708, 742- 314, 446-47, 526-27, 647-48, 658, 664- 43; letters, 57-60, 71-74, 83-90, 95-98, 66, plea for Crown lands, 90-91, cer- 127-29, 183-85, 491-92, 541-43; hus- tificates, 223, 228-29, 232-37, 241-42, band's death, 626-27; financial aid 245-46, 307-309, 496-98, U. S. ruling from John Askin Jr., 635, 643, from on claims, 472-74; sketch, 8-10; Todd, 706; financial difficulties, 639-40, executor for: Askwith, 15-16, Weston, 642-43. 25, Knaggs, 119-20, Harffy, 376; ASKIN, Catherine, wife of Samuel attorney for: Bird, 19-21, Adhemar, Robertson (first), and Robert Hamil- 36-37, Hembrow, 77; letters, 22-23, 29, ton (second), mentioned, 58, 73, 87, 46-50, 65-68, 78-80, 100-102, 120-23, 599, 719; death, 96, 174; children 144-47, 150, 156, 159-68, 171-72, 176, inherit from Askin, 787. 179-80, 187-90, 195-96, 203-209, 212- ASKIN, Charles, mentioned, 260, 332, 336, 14, 218, 224-25, 227-29, 231-33, 245-48, 352, 378, 380, 388, 390, 480, 486, 494, 260-63, 274, 279-87, 292-93, 300-301, 498-99, 526, 583, 609, 626, 628, 645, 307-10, 312-20, 327, 329-30, 333, 338- 662, 668, 674, 677-78, 731, 743, 770; 39, 341-42, 347-49, 354, 360, 369-74, education, 155-56, 353, 357; sketch, 378-80, 385-87, 390-92, 395-96, 403- 211; agent for Robertson, 427; witness, 407, 409-13, 426-28, 434-35, 439-40, 448; land, 449, 664; business ventures, 453-54, 459-67, 469-76, 478-84, 496-98, 466-67, 469, 482, 525, 668-69; sur- 501-503, 507-15, 519-21, 526-27, 545- 794 INDEX 49, 551-53, 564, 581-82, 611-13, 619-20, death of father, 785; death and funeral 622-24, 626-28, 637-44, 646-48, 656-59, expenses, 790. 662-66, 670-72, 686-88, 704-10, 772-74; ASKIN, John Alexander, marriage, 562. business relations: North West Co., ASKIN, Julia, mentioned, 697, 733; 24-25, money due, 33-35, 207, Todd identified, 671. and McGill, 40-42, 64-67, 135, 144-47, ASKIN, Madelaine, wife of Robert Rich- 160, 176-78, 314, 459-61, 465, 467, 505, ardson, mentioned, 58, 73, 87, 96, 129, 514, 611-15, 624, 646-48, McTavish, 209-10, 278, 574, 590, 686, 705, 748; Frobisher and Co., 66, Vincennes, 99- Crown lands, 90; letter, 131-32; mar- 100, 136-37, 182-83, 201-203, 253-54, riage, 174; at St. Joseph, 355-56, 368; 279-85, 344-47, 367-68, 396-98, 410-11, death, 675-76, 678, 693. 413-14, 439-40, 489-90, 503-504, 621- ASKIN, Therese, wife of Thomas McKee, 24, 651, shipping: ferry, 129-30, An- mentioned, 29, 46-49, 52, 57-60, 65, 73, nette, 148-49, 174-76, 255-56, Sagui- 84, 90, 96, 98, 107, 109-10, 118, 129, nah, 333, 370-71, 379-80, 399-401, 445, 481, 495, Robert Hamilton, 148- 135, 173, 183, 209, 218, 318, 352, 422, 49, 245-47, 289-90, Daly, 152-53, 165- 508, 517, 539, 541, 639, 671, 676, 679, 66, U.

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