Training Manual for Lao Integrated Water Resources Management December 2015 National Integrated Water Resources Management Support Program - Capacity Building Training Manual for Lao Integrated Water Resources Management December 2015 National Integrated Water Resources Management Support Program - Capacity Building Asian Development Bank Technical Assistance No. 7780 National Integrated Water Resources Management Support Program - Capacity Building Supported by iii Contents VI Abbreviations VIII Acknowledgments 1 Background 4 Introduction to the Training Manaul 5 Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) Framework 6 i. Fact Sheet 9 ii. Situation Analysis, Training Concepts and Training Modules 13 iii. Training Program Agenda 18 iv. Training Materials Integrated River Basin Management and River Basin 23 Management Planning 24 i. Fact Sheet 27 ii. Situation Analysis, Training Concepts and Training Modules 33 iii. Training Program Agenda 38 iv. Training Materials 45 River Basin Knowledge Development 46 i. Fact Sheet 50 ii. Situation Analysis, Training Concepts and Training Modules 56 iii. Training Program Agenda 61 iv. Training Materials IWRM-Ecosystem Based Approach: Exchange Visit and 69 MONRE Demonstration Site Proposal Development 70 i. Fact Sheet 73 ii. Situation Analysis, Training Concepts and Training Modules 78 iii. Training Program Agenda 83 iv. Training Materials iv 89 Participatory Flood Risks Management 90 i. Fact Sheet 93 ii. Situation Analysis, Training Concepts and Training Modules 99 iii. Training Program Agenda 105 iv. Training Materials 113 Project Cycle Management 114 i. Fact Sheet 116 ii. Situation Analysis, Training Concepts and Training Modules 122 iii. Training Program Agenda 125 iv. Training Materials 129 Introduction to Groundwater Management 130 i. Fact Sheet 132 ii. Situation Analysis, Training Concepts and Training Modules 135 iii. Training Program Agenda 136 iv. Training Materials 155 v. Conclusions & Recommendations 157 Collaborative Flood Modeling 158 i. Fact Sheet 160 ii. Situation Analysis, Training Concepts and Training Modules 166 iii. Training Program Agenda 167 iv. Training Materials 187 Water Quality Management and Monitoring 188 i. Fact Sheet 190 ii. Situation Analysis, Training Concepts and Training Modules 200 iii. Training Program Agenda 201 iv. Training Materials A1 Annex v I.Abbreviations ADB Asian Development Bank MEM Ministry of Energy and Mines AFD Agence Francaise de MIWRM Mekong Integrated Water Re- Development sources Management AusAid Australian Aid MONRE Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment CDTA Capacity Development Technical Assistance MPI Ministry of Planning and Investment CSO Civil Society Organization MRC Mekong River Commission CTA Chief Technical Advisor MRCS Mekong River Commission DMH Department of Meteorology and Secretariat Hydrology NIWRMSP National Integrated Water DONRE District Office of Natural Resources Management Support Resources and Environment Program DPC Department of Planning and NN Nam Ngum Cooperation NNRB Nam Ngum River Basin DWR Department of Water Resources NNRBC Nam Ngum River Basin EA Executing Agency Committee EIA Environmental Impact Assessment NNRBCS Nam Ngum River Basin EMSP Environmental Management Committee Secretariat Support Program NNT2 Nam Theun 2 GIS Geographic Information System NRBMTF Nam Ngum River Basin GOL Government of Lao PDR Management Task Force IFC International Finance Corporation NREI Natural Resources and IWMI International Water Resources Environment Institute Management Institute NT-NKD Nam Thuan Nam Krading IWRM Integrated Water Resources NTPC Nam Theun 2 Power Company Management NUOL National University of Laos IRBM Integrated River Basin Management PCM Project Cycle Management KKU Khon Khaen University PIU Project Implementation Unit (one for each IA) KFW German Development Bank Group PMU Program Management Unit LAO PDR Lao People’s Democratic Republic PONRE Provincial Office of Natural Resources and Environment LMB Lower Mekong Basin QPR Quarterly Progress Report LNMC Lao National Mekong Committee RBC River Basin Committee LFA Logical Framework Analysis RBCS River Basin Committee Secretariat vi MAF Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry RBM River Basin Management RBO River Basin Organization SEA Strategic Environmental Assessment SIA Social Impact Assessment SWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportu- nities and Threats TA Technical Assistance TAF The Asia Foundation TNA Training Needs Assessment TOR Terms of Reference TWG Technical Working Group WB World Bank WERI Water and Environment Research Institute WWF World Wide Fund for Nature WREA Water Resource and Environment Administration vii Acknowledgments This Training Manual is one of the key outputs of the Training Manual. The Consultant team includes Mr. TA7780 Lao National Integrated Water Resources Suparerk Janprasart, Chief Technical Advisor and Team Management Support Program (Lao NIWRMSP) Leader; Mr. Eric Tilman, International IWRM Capacity supported and funded by Asian Development Bank, Building Specialist; Mrs. Nongnout Daothong, Senior Australian Government’s Department of Foreign Administrative and Finance Specialist, and; AECOM Affairs and Trade (formerly Australian Aid), and project team including Mr. Delton Ng and Ms. Maporn Spanish Cooperation Fund for Technical Assistance. Lertsuridej. Government of Lao PDR’s Ministry of Natural Resources All the trainings would not become possible and and Environment (MONRE) and Department of Water very successful without a number of invited resource Resources (DWR), the Project Executing Agency and persons from various agencies from MONRE, MEM one of the direct beneficiaries of this TA, are always and MAF, and national and international individual grateful for the consistent supports and kindness of expert and university professors. Great thanks to the the development partners. international organization partners, including IWMI, Special thanks to Mr. Bounsanong Fongnaly, the WB, IFC, the Asia Foundation and Environmental Director of Awareness Building and Training Center Management Support Project (EMSP) that have of DWR and the Manager of the Component 1 of consistently provided excellent technical supports National IWRM Support Program (TA-7780) who is in many of our trainings and have been very patient behind all the training arrangements and is one of the with some training program and schedule changes. principal trainers. In addition, we would like to thank And last but not least, we would like to extend our the Consultant Package 1 Team from AECOM Asia gratitude to almost 1,000 trainees across Lao PDR who Company Limited who led the technical designs and attended our trainings, who we believed to fully enjoy facilitated most training programs, and compiled this the trainings and gain knowledge from our trainings. viii Background The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment for different target groups in MONRE’s departments (MONRE) led by the Department of Water Resources from national, provincial, district and local levels, water (DWR) is the Project Executing Agency (EA) of the related agencies in other different ministries, river basin National Integrated Water Resources Management organizations and National University of Lao PDR. The Support Program (hereafter NIWRMSP or “the main outcomes of the deliveries of these training and Program”). The implementation of the Program capacity building program are that necessary human commenced in October 2011 will end at the end of 3rd resources and strengthened institutional capacity of quarter of 2015, approximately after four years. The the target agencies and organizations - in which at Program has four components, which are Component least eight specific areas of capacity building outcomes 1: National Capacity Building in Integrated Water are identified and elucidated as: Resources Management, Component 2: River Basin 1. Leadership: MONRE’s leadership to be widely Management Development, Component 3: National recognized by Lao PDR institutions as a reference Groundwater Action Plan Preparation, and Component Center of Competence for Water and Water related 4: Integrated Water Resources Management Education Natural Resources Management; Strengthening at the National University of Lao PDR. All of the four components are designed to directly 2. Institutional Development: The mandates, duties assist MONRE in implementing the National Water and “day by day” activities of MONRE Departments Resource Management Strategy and Action Plan 2010- and River Basin Committee Secretariat (RBCS) to 2015, and to complement and coordinate other IWRM be consistent with IWRM principles, Water Law and capacity building activities/projects funded by other Environmental Law. development partners that are outside the scope of 3. Water Law Implementation: The new Water Law ADB TA. The outputs of the TA aim to support MONRE shall be clearly understood by MONRE’s Depart- to settling itself in the center of coordination and ments. The respectively concerned MONRE’s facilitation of sustainable integrated water resources Departments shall have the necessary legal frame- management (IWRM) at national, provincial, district, work (Decrees, Agreements, Guidelines, etc.) and local and basin levels. the institutional capability (Mandates, Duties, day The key outputs of the Component 1: National Capacity by day organization rules and clarification) to Building in Integrated Water Resources Management is proceed to its implementation in terms of public to deliver trainings and capacity
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