d $ Fair and mild today and to- 1 morrow. J &[)£ fiUl$idc £ imes 'OFFICIAL NEWHPAPKM HILLSIDE, N. J„ THURSDAY; JUNK i/, m lT OF TUE TOWNSHIP OF HILLSIDE PRICE FIVE CENTS - ” Mark 171st Anniversary Of Adoption Of American Fla« See Accredited Rating Threatened If School Facilities Are Inadequate Zoning Ordinance Ballots' in last Tuesday’s referer to debate on the public platform could be done before two years. dum on adding a wing to the high with anyone.'’ school'had hardly been counted be She was informed there was no Leibo criticized the parent-teaeh regulation as to lime. fore sentiment appeared at Thurs­ er associations for not working hard Revision Proposed day night's meeting of the Board of cn-ugh. He said he was willing to Mrs. Franklin Lange, president of Education either for re-submission abide by the will of the people, but Saybrook School P.T.A.. slated that Mayor Says Changes of the same referendum or some felt the referendum was not an ex­ as a group the parent teacher asso­ other plan that would be likely to pression of the people's will and ciations,, could not ring door bells, School Janitors Over Period Of Years meet With the approval of the that the outcome did not leave his a view which was supported by Require Attention voters. a conscience clear. Mrs. Carl Hexamer. also active in Walter Leibu kept the topic alive I don't know what were going P.T.A work. Seek $300 Bonus Necessity for revision of the exist­ when, as chairman of the board’s In do for schools," hi* continued. H. B. Zients, of 1)39 Sterner road, ing zoning ordinance to recognize Sites and New Buildings Commit "Our program was the only out. We said it was the duty of the board changes which have come with the tee. he thanked board members and don't want to be hampered by a poor to provide a good educational sys­ For Living Costs years throughout the township was Dr. Wayne T. Branom. supervising system We refuse to play with the tem and that it was a travesty on cited by Mayor Raymond R King principal of schools, for presenting luture of the children for a six the school system that the opposi­ A request for n $300 cost of living at the meeting of the Township Committee hist night. The mayor’s the picture of the school problem point tax increase. The board tion was so well organized us to bonus, the same as has been grant­ engage the use of a sound truck. statement was made during discus­ to parent-teacher organizations. He would not be doing its duty if it ed to municipal employes, was con­ admitted he was disappointed in permitted the situation Id remain He urged passage of a resolution to sion of a recommendation by the tained. In a communication from the Zoning Board of Adjustment to per­ the turnout for the vote on the as it is Even some of my friends I • Id a new referendum soon, de- Hillside School Janitors Association referendum. iring there must be an answer mit an exception to the prevailing have been misled or don’t under- i l' to the Board of Education last zone at Sweetland avenue and Paul He declin ed, however, that he was stand. We want to give the children | for the children. He said he was Thursday night. The association had street for the erection of a diner. not discouraged. He charged the a chance. We don’t want a system opposed to seucjuig Saybrook chil- met the night before to vote on the There has been a constantly in­ opposition to the high school wing that is not accredited. 1 suggest the dren to the Hillside Avenue School, request. The communication was creasing number of requests for ex­ with misquoting the truth and as­ parent-teacher associations get be-' Mrs. Knox iVflnted out that only Dlaved on file. ceptions to existing zones, Mayor sorted one member of the Township Lind another referendum." the older Savbrhk- children would King declared, and added it was Walter Howell, representing the American Lcgio n, presenting the flag to David Harris, principal of Say­ Mrs Marie Rohrba.eh, secretary Committee fought against the plan Harold Sirkin, of 938 Sterner road, j have to be sent to l)lillside Avenue, of the Hillside Recreation Board, hi.s hope that work of revising the brook School. £oy Scouts: Left, Elwood Cox; right. Carl Hexamer. Cub Scouts: Left, Robert Kcttenburg: without having appeared at a single one of two representatives of the j The younger ones, she said, could rrrrHl. nnniqrd-X'.iipit. Brownie. Seoul: Carol Ann McTernan.___________ requested use of the grounds ad­ zoning ordinance would get under meeting at which it was discussed. Tudor Homes area of thr Westmin- | be sent to the Junior High School way in the early fall. The 171st anniversary of the* joining Hillside Avenue School for did not identify the official ter section, declaredleelared many ol tTYe ! umliT thrq-rhm rhrr+i—vhr-4vn .. TT-TTT......... rtrrrrrlTnT--m-r^ T h :u S h a n ty Arxitii-ilvcr Din<>r adoption of the American Flag by the flags of all nations as well as I elapsed without the addition of Leibo branded as an "absolute Saybrook people thought the propn j posted She id something will shack lias been closed for the sea­ The particular case before the the Continental Congress in 1777 the history and meaning of our j new star. The longest previous per- lie" stories that he was to receive sition would win easily, and blamed I have to be done son The board granted the request committee was the effort of Nicho­ was celebrated at the Saybrook American Flag. A unit has been iod was fifteen years between the a’ job as special attorney for the both tin people and the board for j Edward W. Earl president, ori t • on condition that the Janitor hr las and Alfred Marcinkowski, of 556 not going out and working for the cized the opposition for not cominj Leo street, to erect a diner in a School on Flag Day, June 14, by a worked in the hall of the school de­ admission of Missouri in 1821 and projected wing and that there was paid for his services. Local parent- th at of Arkansas in 1836. absolutely no foundation for the wing. He also suggested that if out into the open and giving theii teacher groups will pay for super­ Residence B zone. Ellsworth J. Ha presentation and flag burning picting the following flags: the flags rumor. He decried the1 reports of Saybrok children had to go to Hill­ views instead of waiting until tin vision of the dancing. /Sterner, representing the petition­ T he program consisted1 of the fol­ side Avenue School perhaps the er.*.. pointed out that on the basis ceremony. The exercises were held of 1775-1777 which included "The lowing: Flag raising on the school heavy Lax increases, declaring the last day Dr. Branom backed in Use of the high school field for at the base of the flagpole and at­ Flag of Liberty," "An Appeal to rate would have been increased by Saybrook parents wouldn’t like it this statement, declaring he didn't j tlv of petitions signed in favor of the flagpole as all the children sang Elks Junior Baseball League diner by residents of the area a tended by the children of the Heaven" and "Don't Tread On Me." "T he Star Spangled Banner"; chil­ only six points, or about $4 00 on so well He poihled out that the know the reason for the opposition, was sought in ,i communication M-hool. The exercises were held In another spot in the hall, the the aveiage annual tax bill. school, system must continue to be He said he was confident the peopl oin William Kobin It was re­ diner had already been purchased. dren's program of the story "Plow Another petition, presented by Ed­ under the auspices of the Hurden- history of our American Flag shows the Flag Grew”; Scouts represented The result of the referendum, accredited if the children are *o wanted the best n education and I erred to the athletic* committee, Looker Post 50. American Legion, how it began in 1775, what it was l.eibo declared, did not express the i liter college. He asked what the there was nomi reasonroa they sli nidi i Tin- board voted to cancel an order ward B Miller, president of the by a poem on the flag recited by Hillside Heights Civic Association, and its auxiliary with direct plans like in 1777, the Flag of 1795, 1818 Carl Hexamer; the American Le­ I'i clings of all the citizens, and "if board intends to do about the situ­ have it Asserting be was not di ; for a power lawn mower placed in being formulated and conducted by and the present day flag of 1948. that's all the opposition can get. if ation. since the opposition will prob heartened Dr. Branom expressed 1946 Mrs. Robert C. Kirkpatrick opposed granting the exception. gion's part of the program consisted Communication from various in­ Waiter Howell, representing the TJie .children have been studying of a formal flag presentation cere­ the question is put up again it will ably do nothmg at all confidence that once the situation is presented a vivid and detailed re- American Legion. the meaning of each.
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