About which of prophet's wives was the verse of Al-Ifk revealed? Questioner: Ali Amanat Answer: A group of companions accused one of the wives of prophet of doing fornication and until on the side of the Almighty revealed the following verse on the innocence of the wife of the holy prophet of Islam (peace be upon him) ئَِْ جٌَز٠َِٓ جَحءُٚج ذِحٌْاِفْهِ ػُظْرَسٌ ِِْٕىُُْ ٌَح ضَحْغَرُُٖٛ شَشًج ٌَىُُْ ذًَْ َُٛ٘ خ١َْشٌ ٌَىُُْ ٌِىًُِ جِْشِبٍ َُُِْْٙٔ َِح جنْضَغَدَ َِِٓ جٌْاِغُِْ َٚجٌَزِٞ ضٌَََٝٛ وِرْشَُٖ ػ ٌَُٗ َُُِِْْٕٙزَجخٌ ػَظ١ٌُِ. Those who brought forward the lie are a body among yourselves: think it not to be an evil to you; On the contrary it is good for you: to every man among them (will come the punishment) of the sin that he earned, and to him who took on himself the lead among them, will be a penalty grievous There are plenty of discrepancies regarding the status of revelation of this verse if it is revealed for Aisha or Marieh Qobtieh, and the time of revelation, or does it make any virtues for Aisha or Marieh? The story of Ifk based on the books of Sunnites The following is a brief of Hadith Ifk based on the Sehah (whose narrator is only Aisha ) ... ٚلفً ٚدٛٔٔح ِٓ جٌّذ٠ٕس لحف١ٍٓ آرْ ١ٌٍس ذحٌش ح١ً فمّص ح١ٓ آرٛٔج ذحٌشح١ً فّش١ص حطٝ جحٚصش جٌج١ش ... ٚوحْ طفٛجْ ذٓ جؼٌّطً جٌغٍّٟ غُ جٌزوٛجٚ ِٓ ٟٔسجء جٌج١ش ... ٠مٛد ذٟ جٌشجحٍس حطٝ جض١ٕح جٌج١ش ... ٚوحْ جٌزٞ ضٌٝٛ جﻹفه ػرذ جهلل ذٓ أذٟ جذٓ عٍٛي فمذِٕح جٌّذ٠ٕس فحشطى١ص ح١ٓ لذِص شٙشج ٚجٌٕحط ٠ف١ضْٛ فٟ لٛي أطححخ جﻹفه ﻻ جشؼش ذشة ِٓ رٌه ٛ٘ٚ ٠ش٠رٟٕ فٚ ٟجٝؼ أٟٔ ﻻ أػشف ِٓ سعٛي جهلل طٍٝ جهلل ١ٍػٗ ٚ عٍُ جٌٍطف جٌزٞ وٕص جسٜ ِٕٗ ح١ٓ أشطىٟ ئّٔح ٠ذخً ٍٟػ سعٛي جهلل طٍٝ جهلل ١ٍػٗ ٚ عٍُ ف١غٍُ غُ ٠مٛي : و١ف ض١ىُ ، غُ ٠ٕظشف ، فزجن جٌزٞ ٠ش٠رٚ ٟٕﻻ أشؼش ذحٌشش . فخشجص ٟؼِ جَ ِغطح . فمحٌص : ضؼظ ِغطح ، فمحٌص ٌٙح : ذثظ ِح لٍص أضغر١ٓ سجﻻ شٙذ ذذسج . لحٌص : أٞ ٕ٘طحٖ جٚ ٌُ ضغٟؼّ ِح لحي ، لحٌص لٍص : ِٚح لحي ؟ لحٌص : فأخرشضٟٕ ذمٛي أً٘ جﻹفه فحصددش ِشضح ٍٝػ ِشضٟ ، فٍّح سجؼص ئٌٝ ذ١طٚ ٟدخً ٍٟػ سعٛي جهلل طٍٝ جهلل ١ٍػٗ ٚعٍُ ضٕٝؼ عٍُ غُ لحي : و١ف ض١ىُ ، فمٍص أضأرْ ٌٟ أْ آضٟ جذٞٛ ، لحٌص: ٚأٔح ح١ٕثز جس٠ذ جْ جعط١مٓ ِٓ لرٍّٙح. لحٌص فأرْ ٌٟ سعٛي جهلل طٍٝ جهلل ١ٍػٗ ٚعٍُ فجثص أذٞٛ ، فمٍص ﻻِٟ : ٠ح جِطحٖ ِح ٠طحذظ جٌٕحط ؟ لحٌص : ٠ح ذ١ٕس ١ٍػ ٟٔٛ٘ه ، فٛجهلل ٌمٍّح وحٔص ئِشأز ٚض١ثس ػٕذ سجً ٠حرٙح ٚﻻ سضشجب ئﻻ وػشْ ٙ١ٍػح ، لحٌص : فمٍص : عرححْ جهلل ٌٚمذ ضحذظ جٌٕحط ذٙزج ؟ لحٌص : فرى١ص ضٍه ج١ٌٍٍس حطٝ جطرحص ﻻ ٠شلأ ٌٟ دِغ ٚﻻ أوطحً ذَٕٛ ، حطٝ أطرحص أذىٟ فذػح سعٛي جهلل طٍٝ جهلل ١ٍػٗ ٚعٍُ ٍٟػ جذٓ أذٟ طحٌد ٚجعحِس ذٓ ص٠ذ سضٟ جهلل ٕٙػّح ح١ٓ جعطٍرع جٌٛحٟ ٠غطأِشّ٘ح فٞ فشجق أٍ٘ٗ . لحٌص : فأِح جعحِس ذٓ ص٠ذ فأشحس ٍٝػ سعٛي جهلل طٍٝ جهلل ١ٍػٗ ٚعٍُ ذحٌزٞ ؼ٠ٍُ ِٓ ذشجتس أٍ٘ٗ ٚذحٌزٞ ٌٙ ٍُؼ٠ُ فٟ ٔفغٗ ِٓ جٌٛد ، فمحي : ٠ح سعٛي جهلل أٍ٘ه ِٚح ؼٍُٔ ئﻻ خ١شج ، ٚجِح ٍٟػ ذٓ أذٟ طحٌد ، فمحي : ٠ح سعٛي جهلل ، ٌُ ٠ض١ك جهلل ١ٍػه ٚجٌٕغحء عٛج ٘ح و١ػش ٚئْ ضغأي جٌجحس٠س ضظذله ، لحٌص : فذػح سعٛي جهلل طٍٝ جهلل ١ٍػٗ ٚعٍُ ذش٠شز ، فمحي : جٞ ذش٠شز ً٘ سأ٠ص ِٓ شة ٠ش٠ره ؟ لحٌص ذش٠شز : ﻻ ، . لحٌص : فّىػص ِٟٛ٠ رٌه ﻻ ٠شلأ ٌٟ دِغ ٚﻻ جوطحً ذَٕٛ ، لحٌص : فأطرح جذٛجػ ٕٞذٚ ٞلذ ذى١ص ١ٌٍط١ٓ ٛ٠ِٚح ﻻ جوطحً ذٚ َٕٛﻻ ٠شلأ ٌٟ دِغ ٠ظٕحْ أْ جٌرىحء فحٌك ورذٞ لحٌص : فر١ّٕح ّ٘ح جحٌغحْ ػٕذٞ ، . فر١ٕح ٔحٓ ٍٝػ رٌه دخً ١ٍػٕح سعٛي جهلل طٍٝ جهلل ١ٍػٗ ٚعٍُ فغٍُ غُ جٍظ . لحٌص : ٌُٚ ٠جٍظ ػٕذٞ ِٕز ل١ً ِح ل١ً لرٍٙح ٚلذ ٌرع شٙشج ﻻ ٛ٠حٝ ئ١ٌٗ فٟ شأٟٔ ، لحٌص فشٙذ سعٛي جهلل طٍٝ جهلل ١ٍػٗ ٚعٍُ ح١ٓ جٍظ ، غُ لحي : أِح ذؼذ ٠ح ػح٠شس فأٔٗ لذ ذٍغػ ٟٕٕه وزج ٚوزج ، فاْ وٕص ذش٠ثس فغ١رشته جهلل ، ٚئْ وٕص جٌّّص ذزٔد فحعطغفشٞ جهلل ٚضٛذٟ ئ١ٌٗ ، فاْ جؼٌرذ ئرج جػطشف ذزٔرٗ غُ ضحخ ئٌٝ جهلل ضحخ جهلل ١ٍػٗ . لحٌص : فٍّح لضٝ سعٛي جهلل طٍٝ جهلل ١ٍػٗ ٚعٍُ ِمحٌطٗ لٍض دٟؼِ حطٝ ِحأحظ ِٕٗ لطشز فمٍص : ﻷذٟ أجد سعٛي جهلل طٍٝ جهلل ١ٍػٗ ٚعٍُ ف١ّح لحي ، لحي : ٚجهلل ِح أدسٞ ِح ألٛي ٌشعٛي جهلل طٍٝ جهلل ١ٍػٗ ٚعٍُ ، فمٍص ﻻِٟ : أج١رٟ سعٛي جهلل طٍٝ جهلل ١ٍػٗ ٚعٍُ لحٌص : ِح أدسٞ ِح ألٛي ٌشعٛي جهللطٍٝ جهلل ١ٍػٗ ٚعٍُ ، لحٌص : فمٍص : ٚأٔح جحس٠س حذػ٠س جٌغٓ ﻻ ألشأ و١ػشج ِٓ جٌمشآْ ، ئٚ ٟٔجهلل ٌمذ ػٍّص ٌمذ عؼّطُ ٘زج جٌحذ٠ع حطٝ جعطمش فٟ أٔفغىُ ، ٚطذلطُ ذٗ ، فٍثٓ لٍص : ٌىُ ئٟٔ ذش٠ثس ٚجهلل ؼ٠ٍُ أٟٔ ذش٠ثس ﻻ ضظذلٟٔٛ ذزٌه ٌٚثٓ جػطشفص ٌىُ ذأِش ٚجهلل ؼ٠ٍُ ئٟٔ ِٕٗ ذشت١س ٌطظذلٚ ، ٟٕجهلل ِح أجذ ٌىُ ػِﻻ ئﻻ لٛي أذٟ ٛ٠عف لحي » فظرش ج١ًّ ٚجهلل جٌّغطؼحْ ٍٝػ ِح ضظفٚ » . ْٛأٔضي جهلل » ئْ جٌز٠ٓ جحؤج ذحﻹفه ػظرس ِٕىُ «. Sahih Bokhari, Ketab Al- Tafsir tafsier Sura Nour, vol 6, p 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, Hadith 1175, and vol 3, p 154, 155, 156, 157, Ketab Al- Shahadat, Hadith Al- Afak, and vol 5, p 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, Ketab Al- Moghaghazi Baab Qazwa Banel Mostaleq, Men Khazaae wa Heeya Qawatal Morsi, Baab Hadithal Ifk, and vol 8, p 163, Ketabol Etesam Belketal Wal Sonnah, Baab Qolel lah Ta'aala Wa Amrahom Shawra Baynahom, Fil Amr,…, Sahih Muslim , vol 8, p 166, Ketabol Towba, Baab Fi Hadithal Ifk Narrated Aisha: During a Ghazwa (battle) (some people accused me falsely) and the leader of the false accusers was `Abdullah bin Ubai bin Salul. After that, we returned to Medina, and I became ill for one month while the people were spreading the forged statements of the false accusers. I was feeling during my ailment as if I were not receiving the usual kindness from the Prophet, which I used to receive from him when I got sick. But he would come, greet and say, what is your story)?' I did not know anything of what was going and one night on the way Um Mistah. I and Um Mistah bint Ruhm went out walking. Um Mistah stumbled because of her long dress and on that she said, 'Let Mistah be ruined.' I said, 'You are saying a bad word. Why are you abusing a man who took part in (the battle of) Badr?' She said, 'O Hanata (you there) did not you hear what they said?' Then she told me the rumors of the false accusers. My sickness was aggravated, and when I returned home, Allah's Apostle came to me, and repeated the same metonymy ' I requested him to allow me to go to my parents. I wanted then to be sure of the news through them I Allah's Apostle allowed me, and I went to my parents and asked my mother, 'What are the people talking about?' She said, 'O my daughter! Do not worry much about this matter. By Allah, never is there a charming woman loved by her husband who has other wives, but the women would forge false news about her.' I said, 'Glorified be Allah! ' That night I kept on weeping and could not sleep till morning. In the morning Allah's Apostle called `Ali bin Abu Talib and Usama bin Zaid to consul them about divorcing me Usama bin Zaid said what he knew of the good reputation of his wives and added, 'O Allah's Apostle! Keep your wife, for, by Allah, we know nothing about her but good.' `Ali bin Abu Talib said, 'O Allah's Apostle! Allah has no imposed restrictions on you, and there are many women other than she, yet you may ask the woman-servant who will tell you the truth.' On that Allah's Apostle called Buraira and said, 'O Burair. Did you ever see anything which roused your suspicions about her?' Buraira said, 'I cried the night neither did my tears stop, nor could I sleep. In the morning, my parents were with me and I had wept for two nights and a day, till I thought my liver would burst from weeping. While they were sitting with me and I was weeping,. While we were in this state, Allah's Apostle came and sat down and he had never sat with me since the day they forged the accusation. No revelation regarding my case came to him for a month. Then said, 'O `Aisha! I have been informed such-and-such about you; if you are innocent, then Allah will soon reveal your innocence, and if you have committed a sin, then repent to Allah and ask Him to forgive you, for when a person confesses his sin and asks Allah for forgiveness, Allah accepts his repentance.' When Allah's Apostle finished his speech, my tears ceased completely and there remained not even a single drop of it. I requested my father to reply to Allah's Apostle on my behalf. My father said, By Allah, I do not know what to say to Allah's Apostle.' I said to my mother, 'Talk to Allah's Apostle on my behalf.' She said, 'By Allah, I do not know what to say to Allah's Apostle. I was a young girl and did not have much knowledge of the Qur'an. I said. 'I know, by Allah, that you have listened to what people are saying and that has been planted in your minds and you have taken it as a truth. Now, if I told you that I am innocent and Allah knows that I am innocent, you would not believe me and if I confessed to you falsely that I am guilty, and Allah knows that I am innocent you would believe me.
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