S10130 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 30, 2008 Service located at 2523 7th Avenue East The idea of bartering goods for services ignating the week of October 2, 2008, through in North Saint Paul, Minnesota, as the is by no means a unique idea, but it is October 4, 2008, as ‘‘Celebrate Safe Commu- ‘‘Mayor William ‘Bill’ Sandberg Post an idea that allowed many Virginians nities’’ week. Office Building,’’ was ordered to a third the opportunity to enjoy the arts. The There being no objection, the Senate reading, read the third time, and idea of trading ‘‘ham for Hamlet,’’ as proceeded to consider the resolution. passed. Barter Theatre calls it, was a success, Mr. WEBB. I ask unanimous consent that the resolution be agreed to, the f a success that allowed the theater to endure to today. preamble be agreed to, the motions to KENNETH PETER ZEBROWSKI In 1946, the Virginia General Assem- reconsider be laid upon the table, with POST OFFICE BUILDING bly designated Barter Theatre as the no intervening action or debate, and any statements related to the resolu- The bill (H.R. 6199) to designate the State Theatre of Virginia, the first the- tion be printed in the RECORD. facility of the United States Postal ater in the Commonwealth of Virginia The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Service located at 245 North Main to receive this distinction, and rightly objection, it is so ordered. Street in New City, New York, as the so. The excellence of Barter reaches far The resolution (S. Res. 662) was ‘‘Kenneth Peter Zebrowski Post Office beyond the lengthy list of famous ac- agreed to. Building,’’ was ordered to a third read- tors who have graced its stage through- The preamble was agreed to. ing, read the third time, and passed. out its years and touches more on its The resolution, with its preamble, efforts to enrich and enhance the cul- f reads as follows: ture of our Commonwealth. S. RES. 662 MURPHY A. TANNEHILL POST The impact of this historic theater Whereas communities across the country OFFICE BUILDING does not go unnoticed in southwest face localized increases in violence and other The bill (H.R. 3511) to designate the Virginia, as it has continually aimed to crime; facility of the United States Postal increase levels of artistic development Whereas local law enforcement and com- munity partnerships are an effective tool for Service located at 2150 East Hardtner in the region. Each year, Barter Thea- tre’s Appalachian Festival of Plays and preventing crime and addressing the fear of Drive in Urania, Louisiana, as the crime; ‘‘Murphy A. Tannehill Post Office Playwrights showcases and honors Ap- Whereas the National Sheriffs’ Association Building,’’ was ordered to a third read- palachian history and culture for all to (NSA) and the National Crime Prevention ing, read the third time, and passed. see upon its stage. I also want to recog- Council (NCPC) are leading national re- nize the efforts of Barter Theatre as sources that provide community safety and f they continue educational outreach crime prevention tools tested and valued by COMMENDING BARTER THEATRE programs to Virginia’s youth. Several local law enforcement agencies and commu- programs, such as the Young Play- nities nationwide; Mr. WEBB. Mr. President, I ask wrights Festival, the Internet Distance Whereas the NSA and the NCPC have unanimous consent that the Senate joined together to create the ‘‘Celebrate Safe Learning Program, the Student Mat- proceed to the immediate consider- Communities’’ initiative in partnership with inee Program, and the theatre’s tour- ation of H. Con. Res. 416, which was re- the Bureau of Justice Assistance, Office of ing company, are in place and continue ceived from the House. Justice Programs, Department of Justice; to foster creativity through play- Whereas Celebrate Safe Communities will The PRESIDING OFFICER. The wrighting and theatrical performances. be launched the 1st week of October 2008 to clerk will report the concurrent resolu- I must note that Barter Theatre re- help kick off recognition of October as Crime tion by title. mains true to its humble beginnings Prevention Month; The legislative clerk read as follows: Whereas Celebrate Safe Communities is de- and pays homage to its history. At signed to help local communities highlight A concurrent resolution (H. Con. Res. 416) least one performance a year cele- commending the Barter Theatre on the occa- the importance of residents and law enforce- sion of its 75th anniversary. brates the Barter heritage by accepting ment working together to keep communities donations for an area food bank as the safe places to live, learn, work, and play; There being no objection, the Senate price of admission. An endeavor rooted Whereas Celebrate Safe Communities will proceeded to consider the concurrent in the ideals of community continues enhance the public awareness of vital crime resolution. to give back to that community today. prevention and safety messages and moti- vate Americans of all ages to learn what Mr. WARNER. Mr. President, I rise I am pleased by the passage of H. today in support of a resolution hon- they can do to stay safe from crime; Con. Res. 416, and I thank my col- Whereas Celebrate Safe Communities will oring a longstanding landmark of Vir- leagues in joining me in support of this ginia’s southwest, Barter Theatre. Lo- help promote year-round support for locally resolution. based and law enforcement-led community cated in Abingdon, VA, Barter Theatre Mr. WEBB. I ask unanimous consent safety initiatives that help keep families, first opened in June of 1933 and re- that the resolution be agreed to, the neighborhoods, schools, and businesses safe mains open to this day, having never preamble be agreed to, the motion to from crime; and closed its doors in its 75 years of his- reconsider be laid upon the table, and Whereas the week of October 2, 2008, tory. that any statements relating to the through October 4, 2008, is an appropriate week to designate as ‘‘Celebrate Safe Com- The roots of Barter Theatre are resolution be printed in the RECORD. found in what it calls ‘‘a unique begin- munities’’ week: Now, therefore, be it The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Resolved, That the Senate— ning,’’ during a time in our Nation’s objection, it is so ordered. (1) designates the week of October 2, 2008, history when many Americans, includ- The concurrent resolution (H. Con. through October 4, 2008, as ‘‘Celebrate Safe ing Virginians, were focused on finan- Res. 416) was agreed to. Communities’’ week; cial woes. It was the Great Depression, The preamble was agreed to. (2) commends the efforts of the thousands and a young man named Robert of local law enforcement agencies and their f Porterfield was inspired by providing countless community partners who are edu- theater tickets to the many and not CELEBRATE SAFE COMMUNITIES cating and engaging residents of all ages in just to those who could afford them. It the fight against crime; Mr. WEBB. I ask unanimous consent (3) asks communities across the country to was the idea of bartering goods for that the Judiciary Committee be dis- consider how the Celebrate Safe Commu- services that served as the foundation charged from further consideration of nities initiative can help them highlight for this successful endeavor and earned S. Res. 662 and the Senate proceed to local successes in the fight against crime; Porterfield’s theater its name. its immediate consideration. and By trading goods for theater tickets, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without (4) encourages the National Sheriffs’ Asso- Porterfield was able to fill the seats of objection, it is so ordered. ciation and the National Crime Prevention his theater. The price of admission was The clerk will report the resolution Council to continue to promote, during Cele- 40 cents, but if you had no money to brate Safe Communities week and year- by title. round, individual and collective action in spare, you could bring the equivalent The legislative clerk read as follows: collaboration with law enforcement and in produce. Whether it was vegetables, A resolution (S. Res. 662) raising the other supporting local agencies to reduce dairy products, or a chicken, if it was awareness of the need for crime prevention crime and build safer communities through- worth 40 cents, it was worth entrance. in communities across the country and des- out the United States. VerDate Aug 31 2005 00:24 Oct 01, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G30SE6.030 S30SEPT1 wwoods2 on PRODPC68 with SENATE September 30, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S10131 Mr. WEBB. I suggest the absence of a banks. We want those people who are in the financial markets. They see ex- quorum. the lifeblood of our economy to be able cessive greed at the heart of the prob- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The to keep it in their local banks, the re- lem. They do not understand how many clerk will call the roll. gional banks, the community banks, corporate executives make more in a The legislative clerk proceeded to and not draw it out and put it in Treas- day than many of them do in a year. call the roll. urys. They do not understand how some rich Mr. BOND. Mr. President, I ask unan- I heard today from a broker in Mis- corporate executives can be paid to imous consent that the order for the souri who has been asked by small leave their company, given a golden quorum call be rescinded. businesses if they can take their depos- parachute for failing at their job, not The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. its out and put them in Treasurys.
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