t. ' '"m V •: O.B. '•e/j/n 'S PUBLIC State VL''el'am.- Forty-Sixth Year Ayer, Mass., Saturday, February H'J^M No; 23. Price Four Cents spoke on "Encpuragement for practi­ cal dairymen," emphasized the need ^•Hav e You Seen the New of cleanliness and told of some experi­ ences In testing milk, examining hallk-' room.s, barns, etc. It Is the man who Is neat In his habits that supplies the markeu with clean mUk, whether It ^i^€^^^^ is the product of cows kept In the 'j\rea. most apprgved'Tjarn or those housed ciornien- At4,S». In a. ramshackle building. A bountiful dinner, well -up to the standard,' was served by the local WE ABE NOW IN THE MIDST OF OUB HALF-YEABL? grange. Tlhls waa'foUowed by story telling by Rev. O. J. Fairneld, a short COUNTEB CLEABiNO speech by Rev. H- L.: Caulklns; two FOUR vocal solos by George A, Cook, ac­ companied at the iPlano by Mrs. J, D. Flve-possengcr Christie,' piano solo by Mrs. G. W. Prouty and a vocal solo iby Miss - E^lectrically Started Bertha' TUive, dccomJMinled at" the Electrically Iilgh'tcd $1050 piano by Mrs. Prouty. •Patriotic SodaL. ASK THE man whose judgment in automobile/construction The patriotic social at the Congre- you respect.most, to give you the ideal specifications and eqnipmentjtweSat"evening'"mwl than'^nfe" As you well know, our store policy does not allow of onr taatf- .'for a fouiNcylinder, five-passenger-car. the expectations of the large company ing goods of our present stock over to next season. So'w© have present Much credit ia due the able made prices very low—t^t a complete clearance must be the resnlt. , Tell him that it must be of the highest quality, and electrically committee who put In much thought, time and good work, to all those who Any man who needs aoything at all to wear for this winter .or jiezi started and lighted. ' • " took part In the splendid program, and 40 Littleton friends and George can come here now and choose from the best that the market affords^ Brown, of Ayer, who lent costumes Check the specifications he gives you by those of the Stude­ (for the occasion. .. ••••'•- . and at extremely low prices vrbien. you consider the high quality-of baker FOUR and you will be astonished at the completeness wth The vestry, was appropriately.-deco­ the merchandise oflTered. You"will find'on sale, the balance t^.i^":" rated with red, white and fclue bunt­ which all the important essentials are inchided in the following list: ing and flags. The different. periods stock of onr FaU and ^^ter '.• .H.....i.'I,'.'' In the history of our oouijtry were Full floating rear ajde—timken bearings throughout—alloy well represented in tableaux, litera­ ture and eongB, BehJEunln Conant Im­ Clothing, Caps and Furnisiiing»: steel exclusively-r-lohg stroke, small bore motor—cylinders cast en personating Uncle Sam, revlewSd his own history briefly, and announced' Please remember that these price redtiistions are made from our bloe—enclosed'valves-;-exhaust and intake manifolds Mntegral--108 the program. in. wheelbase—full-elliptic rear springs—32x3i^ in. tires—left hand • Tableaux Included an Indian fam­ former low selling prices and represent real savings, and thkt the ily and wigwum. Pilgrims-and Purl- goods offered are our r^rular.high-grade merchandise-of known steering and center control—detachable demountable i-ims, with ex­ tans, Sajnantha and Joslah Allen go­ ing to interview the 'president, mili­ quality. You will find. & good showing of Suits and Overcoats frdin tra rim—gasolene; supply beneath cowl—clear vision and rain, vision, tary, leadership; present day Immi­ ventilating windshield — Studebaker-Jiflfy curtains — illuminated grants and other Interesting and char­ the well-known and reliable house of A. Shuman & Co., .^of.Boston. acteristic scenes and events.In Ameri­ Look over the items carefully, you certainly will find something to speedometer, oil feed and electrie current indicator—clean running can • history^ with speeches,' recita­ tions, poems and songs, A-quartet interest yon. • boards—Gray & Davis best parabolic lamps—electric horn and full composed of Messrs. HUl 'and Cook snpply of tools. and Misses Miriam Davis and Ruth Thacher sang several selections, Mrs; Christie pianist, accompanyliig; . Thc MEN'S SUITS MEN'S AND YOXJTH'S FANCY OVE^OATS He will hesitate to put a price upon such a car unless he knows entertainment closed .with the singing Balance of our stock of .Men's and Youth's of "America" by a group of those Every Overcoat now at a.reduced price. All , that his ideal is actually being built and sold by nsfor $1050. who were In costume. Fancy ^Mixture Suits. Many Shuman Suits among riew and up-to-date in style, including the popular this loi. Only the magnitude of Studebaker operations make.f the price Ii. w. c. Chinchilla. ',; . possible. Mrs. EUza'beth H. Proctor, as host­ $lQ.OO..^Suits marked down to..; $7.47 ess received the meraberB' of the Wo­ $10.00 Overcoats, marked down price . $7.47 man's club and many of their daugh- ,j^.O O 'Suits marked down to....... $8.47 $12.50 Overcoats, marked.down price $8.47 The Studebaker SIX The Stndebaker FOUB ters at the Unitarian vestry on Mqa^'(&5.00.„Suit s marked down. to.!...... $10.47 $15.00 Overcoats, marked down price $10.47 day afternoon. The ladles entered Th- $18i)0" Suits marked down to $13.47 $18.00 Overcoats, marked down price $13.47 Touring Car ' ?1575 to the "at hotne" spirit with their ' -""--' - Touring Oar $1050 usual Warmth of . cordiality ' and the $20.00 Suits marked down to. $14.47 $22.50 Overcoats, marked down price. $16.47 Landau-Eoadster young-guests thoroughly enjoyed-their ^1800 Landan-Boadster $1200 reception Into club :llfe for an after­ Sedan $2250 noon. BOYS' AND CHILDBEN'S OVEBCOATS MEN'S BLACK EEBSEY OVEBCOATS Delivery Oar $1150 Mra. Proctor -was most fortunate in having with her two' frlch'ds, who Every Overcoat at a Cut Price $10.00 O-^ercoats, marked down price $7.47 All Prices F. 0. B. Detroit gave a generous share ot the enter­ tainment, Mrs.. Hines, of Milford, N. j'- Ages 12 to lis $15.00 Overcoats, marked down price $11;47 H., who in pleasing voice, sang sev­ eral solos, accompanied at the piano .00 Overcoats marked down tOv '... $3.47 $20.00 Overcfliats, marked down price $15.47 by Mlss Fannie Sanderson, and Mrs. Annabel Phillips, of Jamaica Plain, a .00-Overcoats marked do'wn to... 1 $5.00 talented reader. Tea was served by $6.47 MEN'S FUB COATS Mrs. Adella M. Parker and Mrs. Ellen .50 <J)yercoat8 marked do-wii to; M. Hartwell. To everyone who had Ages 4 to 12 $20.00 Fur Coats miarked down to $15.47 Ayer Auto Station a share in providing the entertain­ ment the club Is Indebted for this de­ .30 Overcoats marked down to $2.89 $30.00 Fur Coats marked down to....... $25.00 BOBT. nnJBPHT'S SONS COMPANY lightful occasion. .$3, ,00 Pvetcoats marked down to;.;.,... $3.47 $33.00 Fur Coats marked do-wn to....... $30.00 OOand $7.00 Overcoats marked down to $5.00 ^ Phone 86-3 Ayer, Mass. .SHIELEY,.., —J^.-' Also,-all our stock of Fur-lined' Overcoats at a big rednction from their .'market.value;; • w.>-.....; Xcw.i Itcm.<;< MEN'S TBOUSEBS On Friday evening, February 20, the iast concert in the .series of the $2.00 Working Trousers now $1.69 FUENISHING GOODS DEPABTMENT entertainment cour.se under the direc­ $2.50 and $.3.00 Working Trousers now $1.98 tion of Old Shirley chapter. D. A. It.,$3.0 0 and .$.3..50 Working Trousers now $2.47 Underwear Bargains Will be given. Thc Mozart ladle.s' quartet, of Bo.ston, will give choice $3.50 and .$4.00 Faney Worsted Trousers $2.98 All our Double-breasted, Fleeee-lined, High •, vocal selections. Ail lovers of good .$5.00 Fancy Worsted Trousers now $3.47 Kock make of lJnderwe3r,.a bargain music should be sUre to attend. at 50c., price for this sale only......, 39^ The Ladies' Circle met at the home of Mrs. Xellie Holbrook on Wednes­ SHOE DEPABTMENT Derby-ribbed Underwear,.in Blue and Ecru - day afternoon. colors, regular 5.0c. grade^ now...... '- 39^ .John Edward Adams and Miss Ora We have many broken lines of Women's, Misses' Ella Holden, both of Shirley, were and Children's Shoes which we have put on the Boys' Fleece and Derby-ribbed Underwear, united in marriage at Ayer on Thurs­ Bargain Counter. Here are si few of the many 25c. and 29c. regular price, now.... 21^ day. They will reside for a time at bargains: the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Shirt Bargains Eva Holden, Center road. One lot of Queen Quality and Mayfair LITTLETON. society of forty members' will ren­ J. Fred Brown was t.iken suddenly makes of shoes in Kid, Gun Metal One lot of Fancy Coat Shirts, regular $1.00 der choruses conducted by Robert W. ill early Thursday morning with N'ews Items. Carter, of Boston. The following fa­ hemorrhages of the lungs and is In a and Patents, regular .$2.50, $3.00 grade, now. 79^, mous artists will as.slst In the enter­ serious condition, A trained nurse Is One lot of our regular SOc. Fancy Shirts, now ., 39^ The next meoting of the Woman's In attendance;^ and $3.50 grade?, for this sale..... $1.48 Missionary society of the Baptist tainment: George S.
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