Promoting the Culture of Life and Fighting the Culture of Death since 1987 CATHOLIC • PRO-LIFE • PRO-FAMILY May - June 2012, Vol. 23 No. 3, Circ. 4475 www.DefendLife.org • [email protected] Voice Mail: (410) 296-LIVE • Pro-Life Action News: (410) 296-BORN Dark times call for armor of God, says Swetland It is getting pretty dark in our “They’re going to come into our He recalled Cardinal Francis land – not just for the United States, Church, which is protected by the George’s ominous prediction in but for many parts of the world, Constitution, and say that healing, 2010: “I expect to die in bed, but says Msgr. Stuart Swetland. teaching, and taking care of the poor my successor will die in prison, and Abortion on demand is the and sick are not religious activities, his successor will die a martyr in the rule almost everywhere, the chair so you can’t have an exemption for public square.” of Catholic Identity at Mount St. these activities.” “Cardinal George is not a rash Mary’s University told his audience The Church does these things man, but he recognizes that we’re at a Defend Life-sponsored talk at two generations away from blood St. Joseph’s Church in Baltimore martyrdom.” April 26. We are living in a dark time, but The Minister of Justice of Ire- it is actually the norm for Christians land proposed a bill in April re- to be persecuted, Swetland noted: quiring a priest to break the seal of “Jesus told us that if we really fol- confession and report to police if a lowed His way, we would be treated penitent confesses the sexual abuse just like He was.” of a minor. The monsignor described what “In my alma mater, Oxford, two it was like for the first-century professors, in a leading medical Christians under Roman persecu- ethics journal, have coined a new tion, who underwent horrible tor- phrase: ‘post-birth abortion.’ tures and death for refusing to deny “They argue that there are no Christ. ethical differences between late- Some of our most cherished reli- It isn’t like that yet here, but it’s term abortion and infanticide: since gious freedoms are ‘up for grabs,’ getting there, he predicted. we recognize the former, we should warns Msgr. Stuart Swetland. “If I live to be 80 – I’m 52 now recognize the latter.” – I fully expect that some of what I Massachusetts will vote this year because Christ told us to do them, preach and teach today will be illegal. on whether to legalize euthanasia. said the priest – but the government “If they make same-sex mar- “Some of our most cherished has now declared that they are secu- riage a civil right, then they will freedoms we hold are now up for lar activities. have to make illegal my proclama- grabs,” declared Monsignor, refer- “Most people, including a huge tion of the Church’s teaching on ring to the Obama administration’s number of our so-called brothers marriage.” mandate that Catholic hospitals, and sisters in Christ, don’t see any- In Ottawa the legislature is cur- universities and charitable groups thing wrong with this. But many of rently trying to pass a bill that would must cover contraception and abor- our senior spiritual leaders realize make it illegal in Catholic schools to tion-inducing drugs in their em- what’s at stake,” Monsignor Swet- teach that marriage is only between ployee insurance plans. land asserted. a man and a woman. 2 DEFEND LIFE • May - June 2012 “I’m just telling you previews of apostle advises. be unselfish – for others,” said Swet- coming attractions,” he said. In antiquity, having your sandals land. We are supposed to be the Church on meant you were ready to move, to “Pray constantly, attentively – Militant, but for all too long, we have get on your way, Swetland explained. prayer of all kinds: prayers of thanks- been the Church Milquetoast, Monsi- In all circumstances, says Paul, giving, of adoration, contrition, in- gnor charged. hold faith up as your shield. tercession, contemplative prayers, “We’ve allowed ourselves to be- “Our faith protects us like a novena prayers, sacramental prayers.” come soft. We’ve tolerated the in- shield,” Swetland observed. “But for In this time of darkness, one of the tolerable, we’ve accepted the unac- all too long, we have failed to teach things the opposition is trying to do is ceptable. We must now carry on the the faith.” divide and conquer us, he warned. mission of Christ and have the cour- When the seminarians come to “It’s not surprising that the age of Christ.” Mount St. Mary’s, men who have [Obama] administration, in its at- How are we going to do it? given up everything for Christ and are tempt to destroy the institutions of our Look at Paul’s letter to the church strongly motivated, even they don’t Church, is looking for willing accom- at Ephesus for guidance, advised know the catechism well, he lamented. plices within the Church. Swetland. “The Health and Human Ser- “Paul is in prison; his death is not vices Secretary [Kathleen Sebelius] that far off. He writes about how we ‘She has made herself claims to be a Catholic, but when she ought to live as Christians in the dark- was governor of Kansas, she had a ness of persecution, hatred and misun- a Judas in what big sign on her desk with the date of derstanding.” she is doing Roe v. Wade, and underneath, it said, Sitting in a prison cell in chains, to her Church.’ ‘Women’s Liberation Day.’ the apostle looks at his Roman guards “I pray for her; she’s my sister and uses their armaments as a meta- in Christ. But she has made herself phor. a Judas in what she is doing to her He tells us to put on the armor of “For the first year, we have to Church.” God, so that we may be able to stand teach them the catechism – not theol- In response to this opposition we against the tactics of the devil. ogy – just the basic faith.” must come together all the more, lov- Stand fast, with the truth as a belt Our helmet is salvation, says Paul. ingly and with meekness, urged Mon- around your waist, Paul says. “We know the end of the story: it signor. The belt the Roman guards wore is that we have a live relationship with Most people think that meekness held their sword, and held their tunic God that will go on forever,” said the means being a holy doormat. in place, Monsignor explained. priest. But when Jesus took a whip and “The truth is going to allow you Paul tells us to take “the sword of drove the moneychangers out of the to hold everything together and al- the Spirit,” which is the word of God. temple, that was an act of meekness, low you movement; the truth sets you “It amazes me that some Catholics he declared. free.” feel themselves biblically illiterate,” The meek person is one who has You must have righteousness as Monsignor reflected. his or her anger under control and your breastplate, Paul insists. “The Bible is God’s love letters! channels it for the eradication of evil. “The best defense is a life well- What should you know better than If you are angry about what is lived,” said Swetland. “Our lives this? If you can tell me all the con- happening to unborn babies through must be irreproachable. Our oppo- testants on ‘American Idol’ but can’t abortion, that is like Jesus’ righteous nents must violate their own princi- tell me the books of the Bible, there is anger against the moneychangers, said ples to get at us, which is what they’re something wrong.” Swetland. going to do with the violation of the The seventh and final part of the “It’s Christians on fire with the First Amendment.” armor of God is prayer. Lord who, fully armed with the armor Zeal to propagate the gospel of “Notice how Paul talks about of God, will be able to help lead the peace should be your footwear, the prayer: it should be constant, it should Church in the battle we must fight.” DEFEND LIFE IS PUBLISHED BI-MONTHLY BY DEFEND LIFE, INC., 136 STEVENSON LANE, BALTIMORE, MD 21212 DEFEND LIFE • May - June 2012 3 Defend Life marks free speech victory after settlement At a heavily covered press con- ference in front of Maryland State Police headquarters in Pikesville April 16, Defend Life spelled out the importance of the recent law- suit settlement with the State Police over their unconstitutional arrests in 2008. “Our group, Defend Life, and other groups now have a clear man- date to do what we were doing back on August 1, showing graphic imag- es,” said Defend Life Director Jack Ames. Eighteen Defend Lifers were ar- rested by the Maryland State Police on that date, along Route 24 in Bel Angela Swagler recounts the traumatic experience of her unlawful ar- Air. rest and jailing by Maryland State Police. The group was at its final stop on its five-day annual Face the Truth “Increasingly, the courts are rec- (the lawsuit was titled Swagler v. Tour, in which it displayed large ognizing that no matter how some Sheridan). posters of aborted babies along deem pro-life protests politically “I participated in the Face the roadways in Maryland. incorrect, it is indeed an exercise of Truth Tour because I wished to bear “A key part of this settlement fundamental, pristine First Amend- witness for those who could not is that the content of speech is pro- ment rights.” speak for themselves.
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