Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 2-18-1967 The Ledger and Times, February 18, 1967 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, February 18, 1967" (1967). The Ledger & Times. 5592. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/5592 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. •P fr 411.111111111assamat"6"avisme Selected Al A BM All Round Sentricry °mummify Newspaper reeetteeessomowasoneem ot% The Only Afternoon Daily Circulation 1 In Murray And Both In City [Calloway County j And In County. United Press International In Our 88th Year Murray, Ky., Saturday Afternoon, February 18, 1967 10e Per Copy Vol. LXXXVIII No. 41 Murray Student Is Seen & Heard Help Meeting Delegate To National Shoemaker 4 For BTU Set, Honor Society Resigns As Ara,and A Murray student has been elect- ed delegate of the Moirray State AssociAtion Veit(OrsiSy chaEter of Alpha Chi, Commissioner MURRAY or, national college scilirshiti hon- c, or society:- and- nine others'ehirve been accepted for membership. Darrell Shoemaker, civic and bus- A two-night "HELP- meeting for Charles Foinell, 215 North 13th DiNIMPSO of the heort and blood Meru leader in Murray for a number Eapiet Training Union leadership Street, is the new officer, He Is vessels are responoble tor more of years has resigned as Master , has been announced for Februazy a senior majoring in English and in his country Commissioner of Calloway County. deaths than all Sherrill history and minoring in philosophy 30-21 by Coursey, Blood Shoemaker made his resignation 4 Other diseases and causes com- River and speech. Asecciatichil Trairung Lin- known this morning and notified bined The nine new members of the ton Director. The meeting, to be Circuit Judge Richard Peek of his society are Mrs. Betty Gibson, held at Altana Baptist Church, Intentions by letter. junior, Hale Trailer Court, Miss cone ratulations to Robert Lowe will run from seven to nine pm. In his letter to Judge Peek, Shoe- Mary Lou Smith senior, 1625 on winning his Eagle Scout badge. each night maker said that "for the past several Sunset Drive; Mrs Judy Stahler, privilege and The "HELP" meetings "Help Darrell Shoemaker years it has been my senior, 1606 Miter; Mrs Edna serve the Calloway Cir- Every Leader Prepare" are de- pleasure to Here is a little Jewel we lifted Nelson, senior, Richerson Trailer Court as Master Commissioner signed to acquaint leaders and cuit from the weekly Rotary bulletin Park: Warne Gwaltney, senior. 30 -It was my Fpecial effort to serve adult and young people members written by Herbert N Casson. Onnutrd Heights, Miss Donna Sea- Impartially and for the best interest wtth the latest in Training Un- ford. senior, 746 Nash Drive. Mrs. in every case for those involved, but ion methods and concepts The WEATHER REPORT Margaret Wallace, junior, 406 ToP- for personal reasons. I submit this We all have twenty-four hours a Roo-night rtudies will be based on ler Street; Morris Greg Parrish, By United Press International as my resignation as Master Com- day, but very few of us have new organuatimol manuals Cred- Junior, 715 Elkin Street; and Miss missioner for your courr effective two hours a day of time wen it Or soots may be obtained by Kristie Kemper. junior, 600 Olive. March 1, 1967. creatively We spend eight hours thoee soHing to do a nuntmuiti To become a member of Alpha cloudy to- "I will always appreciate the kind- in sleep or rest-and *lent hours in amount of written work. KENTUCKY Mostly Chi, a senior must rank in the ness and understanding of you and rotitine That leaves only eight day with occasional light snow Mier three per cent of his Mass, members of the Calloway County hours for self improvement and Conference leaders are as fol- extreme north this morning creat- and a junior must rank in the Bar Association and this also ap- hours is na- lows: ing harordous driving conditions recreation. This eight upper *o per cent. plies to your predecessor, Judge Earl away in one way or Decreasing cloudiness and colder ge* Bitted J ames Whaley, Secretary of Osborne." some sort of tonight. Stuxiay partly cloudy to another, or put to entocky Training Union Depart- Shoemaker has been active in the we manage to nave Mud leellosil themb Bill letugenisso left, lo ots on cloudy and a little warmer with 4106's use U approvingly as James Boone, right, chair- ment General Officers — -The political, civic and business life of man of the Football Appessiallem Rhone, presents Singing Planned By Light rain or snow likely west two hours out of the mess, we tickets to Dave Aycock, vice-president of Alpha Training Program of a Church" Murray for some years He was own- TIMM OMNI& MAW txsLvr4.41/1111? Of the dinner portion late Sunday Highs today fl do wilt with the Young Beane= Men's Club. 1110 W W Johnson, Missionary for Church Sunday, Week er of Shoemaker Popcorn Company MOM. Ida be Isalleigrest ea mar eh 4 upper 20s to upper 301. Lows to- top . The gent Is nod time fools us. had IA Tickets will be mid for the event. Multrenbety Association Sduk Ot- Long Meeting Series and built this into one of the , To Asest actenti- night mostly in the 20a. bualkesare in Antl_Menilare "A Church popcorn processing is eternally last dediff. The future be- Training Adults". There INF be a minting- at- 2' counts. He said this Wining flow is Final Rites For Ben 333.7, 0111111thir the past, and this Appreciation Ralph Tomek. Miodomity he ay atternoon in the new Irentsalty take: 7 a.m. year. "time" down his wife live on Oldled Scherffius Today Campus Lights Oaklweg Association Young People bung just completed by the down 0.1; below darn 3006. Shoemaker and future Farm Road, There Ls In reality no Leaders and Members — "A West Murray Church of Christ 2.4 Water temperature: 45 the College Commissioner Settles and no pax, except in hope and Church Training Young People". and located at the corner of Bartley Lake: 353.7, down 0.2; The Master Dinner Set letnal rites for Ben F Scheel- the Circuit Court of the memory There Ls no time but To Be Shown Harold Skaggs, Pastor, Oak South lgth and Holiday Drive All below dam 3077, up 0.3. estates for nothing, except flus were held this morning at county and is usually appointed b/ DOW and time is Grove Intermediate Leaderetup— who enjoy singing or enjoy list- Sunrise 6:42. sunset 5:40. as we use it 10:30 at the J H Churchill Fun- H seta 1:49 am. the Circuit Judge. "A Chunti Training Intermed- ening to ainging are urged to at- Moon man of twenty-five For March 4 swat Ikeree chapel with Rev. Henry A young ere Tonight iates" tend. Everyone is invited to look time than an and Rev. Tohuny Jack- may have had more Mrs W W Johnson, Junior over the new building while they cad man of eighty becauae he he. son olliciailne. Burial was in the 1- "11WIT-1141111beill Appresildion Leadership — "A Mairch Tinni- me there. seised it as It flew past and made UMW -Ognistere. • Tito Ilartiath annuaL product... Medicare Has Added To The Dinner" sponsored by Alpha Thu ng" Anurinr. night- MR begin a aer- It his own INIbeafers were Philp and Bit- Ion of Commis Lights, prockacal Omega. a social .fraternkty, and Airs Ralph Ilintok. Primary ies of meetings with a different Moat people are doped either iy Murdccit Olen and Hardy Kel- by Iota Seta cthapter of Sigma WIP Young Mamas Men's Club *Up — -The Primary Lead- speaker each evening. Monday by Inc future or the pest ifaially. so, Herbert arid Warne Hughes. = i. Iota and dsmou Delta Hospital, Wilson Wed Masan Problems Of wit be heid Igor* 4. Manua"... Harris from Steele, • young men dreains shout Hp /10PCIAIT Pallbearers were Paul IC of Pht Mu Alpha. Proles- illiblinters of fraternity Ftli Mickey Associate in - ale, will weak on "Sttitudes, - 4 Si future for the first hot of his Lynn, Louis Wikow, Charlie Craw- dens' music fraternities, will be (0 house to house Tuesday night Kentucky TrainIng Union Depart- Toesdee night Lee Sargent from !erred to as State aid or nfe. then he dresms about the ford, Jack Beiote, R. L. Cooper, preaented at 6•15 pm., tonight In A talk on "Medkore" and its meting tickets for the event. A ment Beginner and Nursery Lead- Denson, Team, wili answer the fare". - past for the second half of his May Brandon. and Fred dingles. the Murray State University Aud- effect on Nuptial occupancy and ticket costing one dollar. will en- ership. question "What If We Quit?" The life And in this way he loses Scherfflua, age 89, died Thurs- itoritan. care was made by Robert Wilson. agencies title the holder to one of three Bail Warlord, Mlationary for subject on Wednesday night win There are also other both halves. day at the Murray-Calloway Coun- Catiosus Lights is a musical Administrator of the Murray-Cal- medical meals: pancakes for breakfast Blood River Association Interme- be "The toorrnity of Sin" by Ruf- that provide funds for This can be avoided by living ty Hospital.
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