Brwnt_Colleae. Smithfield. RI 02917 Uolume 48. Number 21 The BTA: On the road A gain By Linda Plplnes of The Arehway Staff. A while back, a marketing project to the ollege to fund a full-time shuttle to group-sponso red outings as well as tarting this Saturday (tomorrow) the Bryant supervised by Bryant Instructor Michael system or to purchase a van and/or bus to ho meward-bound students, students who Transit A u thority- BTA will res ume Lebby hawed that 2S cents was the optimal support a shuttle syslem. T his proposal will be might work off-campus, and students just operation, continuing to run on the last eight fare that students would be willing to pay for submilted in the 1982-83 budget process. dying to get 0(( campus once in a while. 10 Althou g h a permanent ,ource of Saturday of the seme ter. transportation the mall or downtown. As a Like everything e1se, transportation costs The Student Senate voted overwhelmingly result. the are wil l remain at a quarter for a transportation would be convenient and nice have soared in the past several years, and, to in favo r of unding up to S800 for the bus one way ride to Lincoln Mall or downtown to have. notably for Maway" sports events and cut costs, transit authorities have made severe service to continue during this Spring Providence. fo r access to the bus or train station. the stops. Quite a few years ago the Rhode Island Director of Student Activities is not overly Semester. Last semester the BTA was funded Last semester the Student Activities Center Transit Authority used to include the Bryant by the College on an experimental basis. attempted to fmd out tesid nt students' optimi tic about the hances of tho CoUege campus on its runs, but considering that During the 14 eeks of operation, the bu attitudes toward the bus service by runing a a pproving lhe proposal because tbe bus Bryant commuters and ther students who service is "not a necessity". The main focus of utilized the service was not significant enough service did not raise nearly enough revenue to survey in the A R H WAY. T he results, payor itself (bus are wa only a quarter),but however, did not accurately reveal the views attention will be n financial id. A coDege­ to make it orthwhile. Ju t recently, the ccording to Gerri Hura, Director of Student of the student majority as th re were only owned vehicle is stm a possibility however. Rhode Island Transit Authority discontinued Presently a van tbat seat 21 people is being its roule between Lincoln Mall and Activities, it appears that the BT A did about 19 returns. The majority of Bryant investipted, and while not a luxury coach, it Providence on Saturdays and Sundays. respond to a need of tb students. students wn cars, but lhe encouraging still costs $25,000 ithout any extras, taxes, starting tomorrow the bus will bcginils Stalistics show that 1069 students (82%) number of student who climbed aboard th So t registTatlon and license plate fees . etc. Ms. trips to the Lincoln MaU and before. Ms. rode the bus on Saturdays: 133 (14%) on BT A on Saturdays la semester prove lhat as Sundays; 88 (22%) on the four Fridays that possibly 40% ofTesident students neither own HUra explained tbat lhi van would be ideal. Huta reminds students who stiU have bus as a school bus is too large. By pOSSibly passes thai th.es passes are still vahd and will lhe bus operated. The average riderships for nor have ready acce, s to a car. Actual be honored when the BTA staTts roUing atain. Saturday, Sunday. and Friday were 76. 13 , statistiCS as to the percentage of students who working in coordination with the Grandstand hne car on campu ere nOI available as Club and other supporters withm the Albletic With Ihe recent addition af a Washington and 22 respectively. Because rider hip wa 0 Department. M . HUI1I hopes to substantiate Hill Liquor Store as pan of the Lincoln comparatively high on Saturdays, the bus will ecunty records auto registrations on a the usefulness of a permanent shuttle sy tern Shopping Center, perhaps more Bryant run on just that day for the remainder of the rolling basis from year to year. GcrTi Hura is urrently writing a proposal students wdl make the bus trip 10 Ihe mall. semester. H a th F ir Today M A Highlights The 1982 ·Summer Registration inlerviews in the Graduate Office on Tuesday Information has been mailed to all current and ThUrsdllY from 9-11:00 a m. Bryant College in Smithfield, Rhode I. nd I I, blood pressure creening and cancer tudeoo. We are pleased 10 announce that The Alumni A otiallon is span oring an is ho ting Health Check on Friday, March 26, G"lI ,jOM. For a ~ blood analv i many !uden h4 ~ . \\'0 In inleresl ine.rlv ards reception which will be held on April from 9 a.m.-3 p m. measuring choleslerol a nd tbe level of blood re81stration especially tho e who are plannini 22. The purpo e of lhis event is to honor our idenl from Smilhfield. N Smithfield. sugar will be a ailable. to complete their degree requirement in July current part lime graduate (acuity who ba e Lincoln, and Woonsocket who are 18 years of The Bryanl College Health Check is a kick­ 1992. For the fin;1 time these students will be taught a mAltimum of 10 years and a age and older are invited: off for a week long health fair held throughout per mitled to a tlend Ihe Ma y 2 2 minimum of five years. Those who are to be I) to participate in Cr e medical screenings R hode Isla nd a n d Sou t h eas ter n . Commencement exercise. honored are David W. Claire. Dr. Roben E. 2) to obtain valuable health education Massachusetts. W J AR-TV, WLlC.W radio• . In order 10 b eli gible for recognition at Harding, Dr. Jo eph Hoffman. J r.. Dr. information Hasbro, and Frarn are sponsoring HeaJth commencement students must be enrolled in Richmo.nd W. Uoyd, Edward A. McLaughlin Volunll:ers and student nurses from Rhode . Check which is coordinated by lhe ationa! the course required for the completion oftheir C. P.A. , Gerald F. Mom, Eugene R . Island oUege will taff the she . Health SCreening ounci!. For further proBram. Primeau, Kenneth M. RaCette, Daniel Ryan The services available include height and information. call rmand Parenteau (401 ) As of this date, we have a tentative listing of C.P.A., George W. Shuster J.D., Leo W. weight measurements, hearing and visio n 23 1-1 200. ext. 328 25 1 deaccc candtdates of which there are 227 Spaight C.P.A .• a nd D r. William E. Turcotte. MBA Candidates and 24 MST Candidates. This is the largest graduating class thus fa r. Our first commencement exercise was held in fl~j\\. 1971 with a total o( four graduates. Call For Nominations Many students have expressed a desire to MEET have a separate commencement progra m for C mmencemenl Award Comiuee is issuing Bryant College Good Citizenship Award: MBA students. A decision in favor of this call for nominat ions (or t he 1982 Demonstrated Ihe q ualities of incerily and proposal has not been made as yet, however, if Commencement Awards fo r December 1981 vigorous industry in the interest of good this proposal is granted il will not be initiated and May 1982 graduates. Nominations may ci tizenship and who has,by example.furthered until after the 1982 commencement. come from any member of Ihe Bryant beller government on or off campus. We would like to take this opportunity to "THE PREZ" communily. faculty, s.tudents, staff o r Kappa Tau Brotherhood Award:Exhlbited welcome Dr. Chantce Lewis and Mr. Eugene administra tio n. Nomination forms are outstanding brotherhood and leadership in Amelio as program coordinates in the available in the Student Senate office, Faculty promoting policies beneficial to Bryant Graduate School. office suites, Registrar' office , the placement College and Ihe entire student body. Dr. Chantee Lewis is the coordinator ofthe office. Office of Siudent Programs and Health Care Management program and is All nomination forms should be returned to Services and The Archway office. available (or counseli ng in lhe Grad uate Wednesday, 14 April Dr. Ja m es N. O'Ne ill , Cha irma n, T he 1981-82 Commencement Awards Office on Monda y from 1-4:00 p.m. 1:304:00pm Comnullee members include Ben Edwards· Commencement Awards Commillee, Office Mr. Eugene Amelio is the program Professor Fred Gaucher. Dean Stanley 3, Area A, or should be sent to him through coordinator for Ihe Master of Science in Kozikowski, Nancy Penden and Robert the campus mail. Taut!oD program and is ava.ilable for Scalma. If you ha ve any questions. pl.case addres them to a commi ttee member. Descriptions of the awards foUow: Geofle M . Parks Award: Bachelor' Degree . Humanities Ad-Hoc Candidate. Done the most 10 enhance the college's reputalion through inteUigent use of recognized leadership qualities. Within Jeremiah Clark Barber A ward: Bachelor's THE ARCHWAY Degree Candidale. hown the mo t consistent Committee F rme retord of Improvment in mastering the subject maHe r f a specified program. An Ad-hoc Faculty Committee to tudy the place of advanced level course in the liberal Self-Reliance ward: Bachelor's Degree role of the Humanitie at Bryant College has arts curriculum.
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