BProceedingslack Twig Boforer the andhawaiian Tropical entomological nuT Borer insociety coffee (2012) Beans 44:71–78 71 First Report of Exploitation of Coffee Beans by Black Twig Borer (Xylosandrus Compactus) and Tropical Nut Borer (Hypothenemus obscurus) (Coleoptera; Curculionidae: Scolytinae) in Hawaii Elsie B. Greco* and Mark G. Wright Department of Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences, University of Hawaii at Manoa, 3050 Maile Way, Honolulu, HI 96822. *Corresponding author, [email protected]; Phone: (808) 956-2451; Fax: (808) 956-2448 Abstract. The black twig borer, Xylosandrus compactus, is an ambrosia beetle that was reported in Hawaii in 1960 and attacks branches of more than 200 plant species, including coffee. This beetle was found for the first time boring coffee berries in the district of Hilo on the island of Hawaii. Beetles reached the endo- sperm and caused damage without making galleries or ovipositing. The tropical nut borer, Hypothenemus obscurus, is a pest of macadamia nuts that has been in Hawaii since 1988 and was recently found for the first time in Hawaii attacking coffee berries. Its entry hole was observed close to the blossom area or the side of the berry. Sometimes damage was caused near the endosperm but no galleries or eggs were found. Descriptions of the biology, behavior and management of these beetles are provided in this paper. Key words: Coffea arabica, coffee berry, Xylosandrus compactus, Hypothenemus obscurus The landscape of the Kona district of the in 1961 attacking pink tecoma, Tabebuia island of Hawaii is characterized by a wide pentaphylla (L.) Hemsl. on Oahu (Beard- diversity of plant species, including both sley 1964), and it is now present on all endemic and naturalized plants (Elevitch major islands of the state (Hara and Beard- et al. 2009). Coffee (Coffea arabica L.), sley 1979, Bittenbender and Easton Smith macadamia nut (Macadamia integrifolia 1999). The black twig borer is classified Maiden & Betche), and avocado (Persea as an ambrosia beetle because the parent americana Mill.) are the main agricultural beetles provide a food source of fungus for crops in Kona (Beardsley 1990, Jones et their offspring (Hara 1977, Burbano 2010). al. 1992, Bittenbender and Easton Smith The black twig borer is a familiar pest of 1999). Vegetation surrounding coffee coffee in the Kona area, where it bores plantations in Kona often includes plants into stems and causes branches to die that are hosts for several Scolytinae spe- back. The tropical nut borer was reported cies such as the black twig borer Xylosan- in Hawaii in 1988, attacking macadamia drus compactus Eichhoff and the tropical nuts, and its impact is most serious in the nut borer Hypothenemus obscurus Fabri- drier production areas (Beardsley 1990, cius (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) (Hara Jones et al. 1992). Neither of these species 1977, Hara and Beardsley 1979, Jones has previously been reported to attack the 2002). The black twig borer was reported berries of coffee. This paper describes 72 greco and wrighT the biology, damage and management of was first reported in Fort Lauderdale, X. compactus and H. obscurus in coffee Florida in 1941 (Ngoan et al. 1976) and berries in Hawaii. has spread throughout the southeast US, General characteristics of the black along the coastal plain from Texas to twig borer and tropical nut borer. North Carolina. In Hawaii, this beetle The family Curculionidae, subfamily was first reported in 1961 attacking pink Scolytinae, comprises ambrosia beetles tecoma, Tabebuia pentaphylla (L.) Hemsl. that have a symbiotic association with (Beardsley 1964) on Oahu, and it is now fungi and live in wood or other plant present on all major islands of the state tissue, as well as bark beetles and other (Hara and Beardsley 1979, Bittenbender sub-cortical feeding beetles (Rudinsky and Easton Smith 1999). 1962). All species of the tribe Xyleborini Hypothenemus obscurus has been re- are ambrosia beetles and the black twig ported in Florida, Puerto Rico, Mexico, borer, Xylosandrus compactus, is among Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Co- the most economically important species lombia, Panama, Dominican Republic, of this tribe (Wood 1982) (Fig. 1A). This Trinidad, Guyana, Venezuela, Surinam, beetle lives in symbiotic association with Brazil, South Africa, Southeast Asia, and ambrosia fungus cultivated on the walls Jamaica (Wood 1982). This beetle was first of galleries in stems constructed by the reported in Hawaii attacking macadamia female (Hara 1977, Beaver 1989, Daehler nuts in the Kona district of Hawaii island and Dudley 2002). Members of the tribe (Beardsley 1990) and it is now present on Cryphalini, unlike the ambrosia beetles, all major islands of the state (Jones et al. are primarily phloeophagous, feeders of 1992). phloem tissues of the inner bark, or my- Biology. The black twig borer repro- elophagous, feeders on pith within small duces by a form of haplodiploidy (arrhe- stems (Wood 1982). Among the members notokus parthenogenesis), whereby males of the tribe Cryphalini is the tropical nut develop from unfertilized eggs (Hara borer, H. obscurus (Fig. 1B) a pest of 1977). Adult females produce haploid macadamia nuts (Beardsley 1990, Jones males from unfertilized eggs, while fertil- 2002). ized eggs produce diploid female progeny. Origin and distribution. Xylosandrus It is possible however, that a functional compactus attacks more than 200 host haplodiploid breeding system occurs in plant species, including macadamia nut this species, as is the case in closely re- (Macadamia integrifolia F. Muell), litchi lated species (Brun et al. 1995), where the (Litchi chinensis Sonn), avocado (Persea male progeny have the full chromosomal americana Mill), anthurium (Anthurium component, albeit with one chromosome spp. Schott), mango (Mangifera indica set condensed and non-functional. L), coffee (Coffea arabica L.), Eucalyp- Pupation and mating of brood adults tus spp., and koa (Acacia koa A. Gray) occurs within the infested plant material (Hara 1977). The black twig borer is na- before emergence of the brood. Damage tive to Asia and is widespread in Japan, to plants is caused only by adult females; Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaya, Sri Lanka, the male is flightless, remains in the brood Madagascar, South India, Seychelles, galleries and is rarely observed outside the Mauritius, West Africa, Fiji, Cuba, and plant. Female beetles excavate the tunnels Brazil (Venkataramaiah and Sekhar 1964, into the host plant and inoculate the plant Vasquez et al. 1996, Oliveira et al. 2008). with an ambrosia fungus, which is the In the United States, the black twig borer source of nutrients for larvae and adults Black Twig Borer and Tropical nuT Borer in coffee Beans 73 A B Figure 1. Dorsal view of adults of Xylosandrus compactus (A, left) and Hypothenemus obscurus (B, right). (Ngoan et al. 1976, Hara and Beardsley trees by boring into the wood (Kajimura 1979, Beaver 1989). Females initiate cut- and Hijii 1994). However, X. compactus is ting the xylem after reaching the pith one of the few ambrosia beetles that attack (cambium) and excavate it along the twig healthy plants as well as plants that are on either side of the initial entrance tunnel under stressed conditions such as drought, to make a brood chamber where the eggs pruning, or recent transplanting (Hara and are laid. Beardsley 1979, Jones and Johnson 1996, The tropical nut borer exhibits a female- Hayato 2007, Burbano 2010). biased sex ratio, incestuous inbreeding Xylosandrus compactus females bore a (sib-mating) as usually attributed to hole into the branch and construct galler- haplodiploidy, whereby unfertilized eggs ies (Fig. 2A) where they then lay eggs (Fig. result in males (Constantino et al. 2011). 2B) (Hara 1977). There are two potential The life stages consist of the egg stage, two mechanisms through which the black twig larval instars, the pupa, and the adult, and borer can cause damage to, or the death it takes 28 days at 26°C to develop from of, the host plant: mechanical damage and egg to adult (Constantino et al. 2011). the introduction of the ambrosia fungus, Females bore a hole in the pericarp of which may be phytopathogenic (Hara macadamia nuts and construct galleries in and Beardsley 1979, Daehler and Dudley the endosperm where eggs are deposited 2002). Mechanical damage might also be in the husk or in the kernel, and larvae caused by feeding subsequent to excava- can be found in either location (Jones et tion of the gallery and the inoculation of al. 1992, Constantino et al. 2011). Females the ambrosia fungus introduced by the lay between 10 and 30 eggs. Adults and female (Hara and Beardsley 1979). larvae feed within the kernel. After mat- Initially, leaves of infested branches ing, females bore several holes in the turn light green (Fig. 3A), and wilted endocarp and emerge to colonize other leaves and bark beyond the affected area fruits (Jones et al. 1992, Constantino et al. turn brown or black within a few days of 2011). Males are smaller than the females, beetle attack (Fig. 3B) (Ngoan et al. 1976, and are flightless. Daehler and Dudley 2002). The dieback of Damage to host plant material. twigs is the result of the mechanical dam- Beetles of the subfamily Scolytinae are age to water-conducting vessels caused by among the most damaging insects in the beetle boring (Daehler and Dudley 2002). world. Their cryptic life cycles inside the Subsequent necrosis in the bark and the host plant make these insects difficult to desiccated zone in the xylem is likely the control (Rudinsky 1962). Most ambrosia result of the invasion of associated fungi beetles attack unhealthy, stressed, or dying into the twig tissue, which then invades the 74 greco and wrighT A B Figure 2. Gallery of Xylosandrus compactus in coffee branches. Xylosandrus com- pactus female adults (left) and immature stages (right). A B Figure 3. Damage symptoms of X. compactus in coffee branches.
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