University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 3-16-1922 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 03-16-1922 Journal Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_mj_news Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 03-16-1922." (1922). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ abq_mj_news/507 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. CITY TT"0' CITY EDITION ALBUQ NG JOURNAL EDITION - 'iTitam.-an- . sk(im) ykak Daily hy Carrier or Mu.t HT,c VOL. CLXXII. No. 75. Albuquerque, New Mexico, Thursday, March 16, 1922. a Month f 4-POW- ER s OPPONENTS OF Chain Gang Clears Up Wreckage IPECTED 19 TREATY ABANDON PLANS Caused by Southern Hurricane DENIED USE OF FOR A PROLONGED FIGHT ,mi CEDT1 FUNDS alliance for conference" and that Received from Liqui- Ten-ente- the reservation constituted a "ridic. Money Solid Block of Thickly d DEBATE ON PACT ttlous absurdity." In the course of CALLING UP OF dation of Assets Is With- the day ratification was urged by , Buildings Destroy- Senator Hansdell, democrat, Lou- held; Proposal to Buy ed, Causinrj a Loss of isiana, a charge of "propaganda" In Land Is Turned Down. favor of the treaty was made by 11 More Than $5,000,000. LI MITED: MARCH Senator and an attack on SOLDIER BONUS Pittman, AsNoetute . "Irish-America- n influence (Ity I'lio I'itsO against March"-- n ONE MAN IS the four-pow- pact," was made " Washington. a.Py KILLED; Senator vote of "7 to 19, tlie hnusa refused by Williams, democrat, senate amend- 20,000 WORKERS IDLE SET AS DATE Mississippi. PUZZLING today to agree to a U Two New Reservations. Ol' ment to the independent office ap- Meantime, also two new reserva- propriation bill, which would per- Investigation By State. City tions and one more amendment mit the shipping board during the were consideration. year to continue to life and Insurance Officials FOR VOTE offered for later LEADERS coming of Oi.e of the was in P. funds received from liquidation reservations put d. Author- Is Bequn; by Senator Johnson, republican, assets up to $5.1,000,000, Skyscrapers Hi and embodied the lan- to use such funds until next Baffle California, ity Firemen. guage of the reservation which bar' July 1 was granted the board in a Administration Leaders Hail Favors Consid a nuo been presented by (Senator Brand .0 V i Group supply measure passed year (By The A.HiicInt'-- It realized a of Pre.) Action Indi- see, republican, Connecticut, in but lias only part 15. Investlca-tio- n As a Certain eration Monday Under I.as-ke- ClvcnKo, March relations the maximum, and Chairman r foreign committee, of the cause of the fire which cation That Ratification abandoned by him after a c Suspension of the Rules; had requested extension of the ence with President Harding. destroyed a solid block of thickly Is privilege. In Assured, The other reservation was .y Others Favor Delay, Concurrence was nlso refused tenanted office buildings, caused a Senator Shields, democrat, Tennes tho senate amendment anthori.'ng lossi of more than $.1,000,000, re- see, tne mmmz of $1,600,000 of land and would declare tho ACCEPT UNANIMOUS treaty DECISION TO AWAIT purchase an sulted In the death of nno man meant no interference in foreign j tvm in Washington to be used for x and made 20,000 was CONSENT AGREEMENT quarrels. The amendment offered GILLETT'S RETURN ill k8H addition to the povernmrn: print- workers idle, by Senator Kobinson, democrat. ing office. begun tonight by state, city and pT' ac- Arkansas, would pledge the four The house, however, ratified insurance officials. No Further Reservations or or Believe There Should who had powers against secret treaties Many 14. tion of tho conferees Tho manner in which the flames a wh'ch In- Amendments Be understandings. Be a Conference With reached enmpronrno flared out In Shall Anxious For Final Vote. serts in tlie bill tho language, pro- several places at the same Voted on Until Next It was Senator Hrandngce who Measure posed by the senate, limiting the moment, the extraordinary consent agree- Harding; May cantonments Is laid the unnnimous uso of army camps or rapidity with which they spread Tuesday Decision, ment before the senate, with a Be Reported Today, as vocational centers to until nothiiif- - hut been training smouldering statement that he had prompt Camp Sherman, Ohio, and which ruins was left ot tho entire block n? Tin AmwclMrd Vrm.) ed to prepare it, because several l!y Tlie Awurlutrd Tress.) restores a clause stricken out by Washington, March 15. democratic senators had come to Washington, March 15. There ) the senate, providing that no part bounded by South Canal. West er the a time vocation- Van P.uren and South Clinton Opponents of the four-pow- him with suggestirn that developed today a difference' of of the nppropr'at'nn for be fixed so they would be free to leaders al training shall be expended for streets and West Jackson boule- Pacific in the sen- attend to other duties away from opinion timong republican Prisoners at work rescuing victims ol torrado which swept over Warrenville, S. C, causing great loss of fur nec- treaty in the housu as to tho method of cnnstruetlon work except vard, caused Shirley T. IfiKh, fire ate abandoned all Washington. The 'irreconcilable" lite und i.rj ty. essary "repairs" instead for neces- today a to announce that element also had been consulted calling up the soldiers' bonus bill Tl.e "cnain gang" of the prison sections of South Carolina and jeverythlng In Its path. The "minor as proposed attorney, "every- for a was on One favor- in valiant A was In sary repairs." to incendiarism." plans prolonged fight before the formal proposal the lioor. group stilt Warrenville, S. C, oid recently. number of tall declared the worst by "the house. As tho bill now thing pointed ac- ed consideration next un- in aw the lives were lest and scores were in- - twenty-thre- e against ratification and made and had given their consent, Monday service helping clear iy yjars. Many of the stands no, limit Is placed on the Tho first "still" alarm was unanimous con- although Senator Johnson told the der a suspension of the rules, which wreckage caused by the terrific jured in the hurricane. In some injured were pinned under tho number of former service men who turned in at 12:50 a. m., but it was cepted a it unwise be- would cut otf all amendments, rain and wind storm sections the storm of homes. de- senate he considered that swept swept away (Wreckage their can he trained at the Ohio ramp. not until four hours later that tho sent agreement to limit cause it would serve to deaden in wnilo another held to tho opinion Another conference agreement firo was brought under control. in be bate and to take a final terest and keep senators away from that delay uclton would pre- approved bv the house, apnropri-ati- s Itccords Destroyed. the sessions that aro to intervene ferable. $40,000,000 Just across the street from tho vote on Friday, March 24. vote. On all sides, it was stated that a approximately before the final FIGHT ISAIAH MOORE, WITH and expenses of tlie vete- charred landscape of tottering The agreement, which Ratification Assured. decision wuuid await the return BACKS 10 MINERS rans' as by the walls and twisted, smoking ruins would hero of Uiilelt. 13 WANTS TO bureau, proposed was hailed by administra- The opposition leaders Saiuuluy speaker WIVES, OEIi senate instead of $2fj.000 000 as on which firemon expected to be not discuss what bearing the woo is in I'lorirtu witn President the as well a working for tho next three tion leaders as a certain in- Meantime was EE AN EVANGELIST pronosed by house, days, agreement will have on their hopes Harding. there $1 so. 000,000 for nnd na- towered the massive skeleton of con- member military dication that ratification is of defeating ratification, but speculation among house U. S. JOIN WAGE INCREASE val as proposed bv the "Fire proof" Burlington build- saw lit- aa to whether the would en- March 15. compensation, assured, was on ceded privately that they spculier HE Indianapolis, Intl., the house Instead of $1 45,000.000 ing tonight. The walls still stood proposed tle to b gained by delaying a vote. tertain u motion to suspend tho Isaiah Moore, 32, In Jail and not $16,000,000 of Intact, but its fifteen stories of a ac- rules exceeding the senate floor after This admission in itself was and pass the bill. here for having thirteen wives, as pro- windows stared like sightless eyes of con- any unexpended balance, cepted by those in charge of th: Chairman Kordney the ways declared tonight that he vided In a Remit" amendment over the scene of desolation. The series of conferences among and means disclosed LEAGUE evan- OF CENT for treaty aa virtually th committee, templated becoming an nnd $Hi!,40!).00 for vocational re- structure housed the headquarters the various senate elements of effort to beat that he Ii mI been Informed by Mr. so he warn others MO collapse ..ny real gelist might n't by ithe of the Ch'cagn, Burlington and Uillett before the lcf.
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