Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC August 1974 8-1-1974 The aiD ly Egyptian, August 01, 1974 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_August1974 Volume 55, Issue 216 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, August 01, 1974." (Aug 1974). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in August 1974 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 'Daily 'Egyptian lhursoay, ALgust I, 1974-Vol 55 No 216 Southern ll1inois University · h 2 0 hs Gus says he wants a vacation before he Eh r I lC man gets mont goes back to school. Nixon advisor sentenced WAS'iINGTON (AP )"':John D. psychiatrist. and two counts of perjury Bernard L. Barker and Eugenio R . allegations or .. the sentence would have Ehrlichman. once President Nixon 's before Watergate grand juries. Martinez. convicted Watergate burglars been far more severe." right hand man for domestic affairs, who admitted bre,king into Fielding's "You're a lawyer." Gesell told drew a minimum 20 months im · Ehrlichman's penalty was the most office on a White House mission, were Ehrlichman, "and among the defen­ prisonment in the Watergate olumbers severe meted so far to any high official given three yean; probation after Gesell dants you held the highest position of case Wednesday (or his part in ·what the of the Nixon administration. He remains said they had suffered enough. public t rust in our government and the court called a "sordid episode in the free without bond pending appeal. All four men were convicted by a jury major responsibility for this shaO'leful history of our ' country." G. Gordon Liddy. already under 20- in U.s. District Court here July t2 after a In other developments : year sentence in the Watergate break­ two-week trial. AI! are appealing. ep~~: ~f ~~rJ~~~r~t~~~~r d~~~lrs -SOme Congressional supporters of in . drew another 1 to 3 vears concurrent GeselJ said he was taking into con­ were already conceding gl= prospects President Nixon-including his chief to his present term . He was convi.cted sideration the positive as{lec ts of in the House as the Judiciary Committee defender during the House Judiciary as a leader of the Fielding break-i n Ehrlichman 's public service and Committee's impeachment hearings­ operation. ignoring othll?l Watergate related ~~a~;!,,:-,,I s~~~:a~t'ftsW~t"::!~y ir;,~ say odds are that the full House will peachmenL case. approve impeachment. -A guilty plea was filed by a defen­ dant accused of conspiracy to bribe former Treasury Secretary John Con­ nally-and indications are he may testify for the government against --- Connally. IJ .S. Dist. Court Judge Gerhard Gesell sentenced Ehrlichman to three con· current sentences of 20 months to five years on each of his convictions of authorizing the break-in at the office of Dr. Lewis Fielding. Daniel ElIsberg's 8m,Ii 10 school The third annual back-LO-school edition supplementing the daily paper tooay is the largest special issue ever printed by the Daily Egyptian. The special edition has five sectIOns. totaling 100 pages and used 24 .500 pounds of paper. If all of the editions were laid out end to end, they would stretch almost to Memphis, Tenn. Adrian Combs, business manager of .he Daily Egyplian said the special edition will be delivered to all usual distribution points and to home ad­ dresses of persons who have been ad­ mitted to SIU in the fall. This includes new and continuing students, he &aid . Combs said the purpose of the edition is , 'to provide students attending SIU this summer and fall with information concerning the university and to provide local advertisers with a chance to communicate with potential customers." Among other things. the issue in­ Stream of Nlary Rickard. seniorJ Spanish educatioo maior, is absorbed in some early cludes articles about SIU 's campus. studying for finals. Staff photographer Steve Sumner found her gracing a sun­ Carbondale and the surro""ding area. consciousness dappled rock by :he Morris Library pond. Volunteer aid helps 14 ~f 1 04 land jobs By Diane Solberg group worked quietly because the cam­ tee Ideus said about twenty of those ter­ According to Richard Gray, con­ Dally EIYJIdaa Staff Writer pus was "shell41ocked" as a result of minated requested help by the center. sultant for business and administration the terminations. " We made a special effort through this majors at the center. standard Fourteen of the 104 terminated committee, so we couJd respond to a procedure for registrants is for them to After the committee was formed faculty have found jobs as the result of human problem ," he said. seet jobs on their own initiative. a faculty volunteer group working with members planned a procedure to help Keith Leasure, vice-president of faculty job-6eekers and made recanT­ Ideus instructed his consultants, who The center usually does not make academic affairs and provost, the Daily mendations to Leasure. Leasure said he ' aid job -6eekers in specific fields. to Egyptian has learned . followed their recommendations, which calls to prospective employers. Job­ treat the tern,inated faculty seeking seekers on flDding a potential job notify Robert E. Davis, chairman of Cinema mcluded Leasure's office partially flm­ jobs. "as a special group." and Photography, org.... izecl a volun­ ding trav~ expenses for job interviews the center to release resumes to the teer faculty group to aid terminated and expenses f~resumes . potential employers. Also, if an em­ Standanl procedure for students and poyer calls the center uking for faculty members in job-&eeking. Davis contacted Harvey Ideus, direc­ facultr members utilizing the center is Last J~nuary Davis contacted specific majors, the center will send out tor of Career Planning and Placement to fiI out a registration form and resumes with the pennission of the Leasure lII\d said he would be willing to Center (CPPC), requesting the center's resume to be placed on file and sent out registJ'8llt. act as chairman of a volunteer faculty consultants work wilh the group in to prospective employers. vouP, to aid terminated faculty find aiding the terminated 'faculty . jobs- The terminated faculty were ~ With the aid of RoM Bolls, EngIish The two drew up a list of faculty Ideus had already ootified his staff on required to follow the procedure. in­ and secondary education, the commit­ memben they thought would be helpful his own that a procedure would be set stead they were asked to fill out a com­ tee SPODliOred business, industry and 011 the committee. up to h~p find jobs for the tenninated. puter card, labeled as ''terminated business consultant. to provide infor­ No publicily was SOIIIIht in order to faculty member." mation in oeeIIing jobs outside of the laave more effectiveness in finding jobs The Davis committee and the cen­ education field. CoasuJtanta included • for tile \a'mlnMed. ter's consultant's drew up a plan, in ldeus ODCOW'~ed his sta(l to make Caterpillar Trac:lor Co ., General JobD Kille. department chairman in which to aid the membefs wbo desired ealIs to other IWversities and pI'OIIpeC_ Telephone, Ovil Service aommia1liOll IIIaber educaIon, IlelVeeI u an a1ter­ to use the center's ..-.urces_ tive. employers, asking about job and the ScbooI 01 a..u- at SIU­ ....... the committee, He said the When ~ about the commit- GpeIIIII8S, EdwardavilJe_ 24-hour service Crisis servIce• starts second year By Cart Coartalu technicians were available at night more a bookkeepi~ diHerence thaD Mooday and all hoW-s .., holidays. Dr . Donald DarIin8 , Dr . Roger Dally EeypUu Slalf Writer 00 an on-call basis only. an actual reduction in total ex- The hospital, which submotracts lOam, Dr . CoortIand L. Munroe, Dr _ " WIth SIU largely paying lbe from SRHMS for the SIU contract, David _eman, Dr. Wilson Scott For the first time in Carbondale doctor's salaries." Dr. John Taylor. ~cn::~~~;kin!c;:~~i~ ~ H!;i~ in tW'11 hires emergency room doc­ hiltory. a fully-staffed. full time administrator 0/ the hoopitaJ said, and Dr. James Crouse, all of Car­ Service. tors from the Carbondale boodale. medicaJ emel'geDcy room bas been He explained that the hospital no Emergency Medical Service Co . ~!tt~~~~D~t~bab~ Each oC the;e doctors holds two available to city and area residents longer pays the University 11,000 a Area physicians own the shares in <kIring lbe past year. aod the other operating ex- month for use of sru's em~ency shares in CEMSC stock. Each share peD&e5. " . the GEMSC, which was formed The 24 ~ bour service, which en­ medical technicians fEMTsi In the represents me to three shifts a week TIle result is the city's first roWld ­ specifically to provide the tered its second year of operation emergency room, although they wijJ emergency room service. in the emergency room. Since this mooth, is a result of a contract lhe~ock emergency room service. continue to perfonn that function. CEMSC is a non-profit corporation, between SIU and Shawnee Region.1 UDder the first year's cootract. Money paid the oorporation by the the shares do not represent Heallb Maintenance System (SRH­ SIU paid $99,440 for use of the ~e ~~~fr;~J~t>!!ra::,ndw~i~~ hospital is used to pay the salaries monetary corporate return but of who are on MS) for after-bour, weekend and emergency room is also available l~ services the city and outlying areas. the doctors, pajd a rather each doctor 's vote in the holiday emergency room service for the hours the SJU Health Service "Instead of us paying them and shift basis.
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