Laughter: The Best Medicine? by Barbara Butler elcome to a crash COLI~SCin c~onsecli1~11cc.~ol'nvgarivc emotions. Third, Oregon Institute ofMarine Biology Gelotology 101. That isn't a using Iiumor as :I c~ol)irigs(r:itcgy n~ayalso University of Oregon typo, Gelotology (from the I~enefithealth inclirec.tly I)y moderating ad- Greek root gelos (to laugh)), is a term verse effects of stress. Finally, humor may coined in 1964 by Dr. Edith Trager and Dr. provide another indirect Ixnefit to health W.F. Fry to describe the scientific study of by increasing one's level of social support laughter. While you still can't locate this (Martin, 2002, 2004). term in the OED, you can find it on the Web. The study of humor is a science, The physiology of humor and laughter researchers publish in the Dr. William F. Fry from Stanford University psychological and physiological literature has published a number of studies of the as well as subject specific journals (e.g., physiological processes that occur dur- Humor: International Journal of Humor ing laughter and is often cited by people Research). claiming that laughter is equivalent to ex- While at the Special Libraries As- ercise. Dr. Fry states, "I believe that we do sociation annual conference last June, I not laugh merely with our lungs, or chest was able to attend a session by Elaine M. muscles, or diaphragm, or as a result of a Lundberg called Laugh For the Health of stimulation of our cardiovascular activity. It. The room was packed and she had the I believe that we laugh with our whole audience laughing and learning for the physical being. I expect that this total par- entire 90-minute session. I have always ticipation will eventually be recognized." used humor as a coping strategy and it He goes on to say, " . it is appropriate to was validating to learn that others actually conclude that humor, mirth and laughter promote this behavior, and that I haven't are on the side of contributing positively simply grown eccentric after 13 years of to the maintenance of health and survival, working in a remotely located one-person from the standpoint of their physiologic library. Among other interesting tidbits, effects" (Fry, 1994). Ms. Lundberg reported that laughing Ronald A. Berk of Johns Hopkins aloud (real or feigned) 20 times produces University agrees, writing that, "Humor a cardiovascular workout similar to three produces psychological and physiologi- minutes of work on a rowing machine. I cal effects on our body that are similar to have seen similar statements elsewhere the health benefits of aerobic exercise" in my reading, but as a science librarian I and in synthesizing 30 years of research need to see citations and I want the facts; in this field he lists 15 psycho-physiologi- here is what I found. cal benefits of humor and laughter (see sidebar on page 13). Humor is considered The mechanism to be a genetic, biologic characteristic of Rod A. Martin, University of Western On- the human race. But, we aren't alone. Be- tario, describes four potential mechanisms sides humans, three of the higher primates by which humor might influence physical (chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans) health. First, physiological changes in the show a paroxysmal, expiratory breathy body may result from vigorous laughter, respiration, much like human laughter, the results being relaxed muscles, im- when exposed to tickling (Fry, 1994). proved respiration, enhanced circulation, Interestingly enough, Dr. Fry also writes, increased production of endorphins, and "The incidence of heart attack while decreased production of stress-related shoveling snow, for persons hormones. Second, a positive emotional with impaired heart func- 11 state may increase pain tolerance, enhance tion, is alarmingly high. immunity, and undo cardiovascular But unexpectedly and OREGON LIBRARY ASSOCIATION against logic, the incidence of heart attacks suffered while laughing is surprisingly low, despite the occasional greatly elevated Know the lingo heart rate. Occurrence is so infrequent; there is no medical literature on mirth-pro- From Journal of Nursing Jocularity we have a complete introduction voked heart attacks." Now that we know to the language of laughter (Kuhn, 1994 as adapted by Berk, 2001). we aren't likely to die laughing-bring on 1. Smirk: Slight, often fleeting upturning of the corners of the the humor! This man is an expert and I, mouth, completely voluntary and controllable. for one, won't argue with him! 2. Smile: Silent, voluntary and controllable, more perceptible than Positive emotions and increased a smirk; begins to release endorphins. pain tolerance 3. Grin: Silent, controllable, but uses more facial muscles (e.g., Nurses and researchers can attest to the eyes begin to narrow). therapeutic value of humor and laughter (Adams, 1986). There is even an organiza- 4. Snicker: First emergence of sound with facial muscles, but still tion known as Nurses for Laughter and controllable (if you hold in a snicker, it builds up gas). their leader is known as the Master Gig- 5. Giggle: Has a 50 percent chance of reversal to avoid a full gler. To top it off, there is even aJournal laugh; sound of giggling is amusing; efforts to suppress it tend of Nursing Jocularity. Librarians are like to increase its strength. the nurses of the inforn~ationworld and 6. Chuckle: Involves chest muscles with deeper pitch. perhaps we can follow in the steps of our medical counterparts. 7. Chortle: originates even deeper in the chest and involves muscles of torso; usually provokes laughter in others. Humor as a coping strategy 8. Laugh: Involves facial and thoracic muscles as well as abdomen Dr. Fry quotes three colleagues who wrote: and extremities; sound of barking or snorting. "Freud places humor beside neurotic and 9. Cackle: First involuntary stage; pitch is higher and body begins psychotic disorders as basic mechanisms to rock, spine extends and flexes, with an upturning of head. of adaptation to human suffering, with the essential difference that humor alone is not 10. Guffaw: Full body response; feet stomp, arms wave, thighs pathological" (Fry, 1977). Once again, are slapped, torso rocks, sound is deep and loud; may result in free you going to argue with this expert now flowing of tears, increased heart rate, and breathlessness; stron- that we have a green light and know that gest solitary laughter experience. our behavior isn't pathological? 11. Howl: Volume and pitch rise higher and higher and body be- comes more animated. Humor and increased social support The trick here is to know the difference 12. Shriek: Greater intensity than howl; sense of helplessness and between good and bad humor. Elaine vulnerability. M. Lundberg says that positive humor is 13. Roar: Lose individuality; i.e., the audience roars! nurturing and makes everyone feel goocl. 14. Convulse: Body is completely out of control in afit of laughter Joel B. Goodman agrees and urges us to resembling a seizure; extremities flail aimlessly, balance is lost, use humor as a tool and not a weapon. 1 It- gasp for breath, collapse or fall off chair. writes: "Laughing with others builds confi- dence, brings people together, and pokes 15. Die laughing: Instant of total helplessness; a brief, physically fun at our common dilemmas. Humor is intense, transcendent experience; having died, we thereafter laughter made from pain, not pain inflictccl report a refreshing moment of breathlessness and exhaustion by laughter." If there is one overriding with colors more vivid and everything sparkling; everything is criterion necessary in order to have a goo(/ renewed. sense of humor it is clearly the ability to laugh at yourself. Mr. Goodman urgc,s 115 Vol 11 No 1 SPRING 2005 to take our jobs seriously but ourselves Kuhn, C. (1994). Stages of Laughter. Jour- lightly and I believe that is sage advice. nal of Nursing Jocularity, 4, 34-35. Why librarians need humor Martin, R. (2002). Is laughter the best Everyone needs to incorporate humor medicine? Humor, laughter, and physical into their life and this is particularly true health. Current Directions in Psychological of librarians. We care for the needs of our Science, 11, 217-219. patrons. Our budgets are limited yet patron needs are not, so we struggle as third Martin, R. (2004). Sense of humor and party purchasers of increasingly expensive physical health: Theoretical issues, recent services. We must not only do our jobs, findings and future directions. Humor: but also influence the marketplace and the International Journal of Humor Research, scholarly publishing process. We know we 17, 1-19. are professionals, yet we don't pass the bar exam like lawyers and we aren't board cer- tified like doctors. As a profession, we are misunderstood and as we seek to correct misconceptions and educate others about Humor really is good for you what we do as librarians in our constantly changing work environment, a sense of 15 psychological and physiological benefits of humor humor is a vital tool. There is no single (Berk, 2001). prescription when it comes to humor, so pick what works for you, insulate your- Eight psychological benefits of humor: self with positive humor, and keep up the good work. A$ 1. Reduces anxiety 2. Reduces tension References 3. Reduces stress Adams, E., & McGuire, F. (1986). Is laugh- 4. Reduces depression ter the best medicine? A study of the 5. Reduces loneliness effects of humor on perceived pain and 6. Improves self-esteem affect. Activities, Adaptation and Aging, 7. Restores hope and energy 8, 157-175. 8. Provides a sense of empowerment and control Berk, R. (2001). The active ingredients in humor: psycho physiological benefits and Seven physiological benefits of laughter: risks for older adults.
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