ISSN 0378-3693 Bulletin of the European Communities Commission No 1/2 D 1993 Volume 26 The Bulletin of the European Communities reports on the activities of the Commission and the other Community institutions. lt is edited by the Secretariat-General of the Commission (rue de la Loi 200, B-1 049 Brussels) and published 10 times a year in the official Community languages. The following reference system is used: the first digit indicates the part number, the second digit the chapter number and the subsequent digit or digits the point number. Citations should therefore read as follows: Bull. EC 1/2-1992, point 1.1.3 or 1.2.36. Supplements to the Bulletin are published in a separate series at irregular intervals. They contain official Commission material (e.g. communications to the Council, programmes, reports and pro­ posals). © ECSC-EEC-EAEC, Brussels • Luxembourg, 1993 Reproduction is authorized provided the source is acknowledged. Printed in Belgium Bulletin of the European Communities Commission ECSC- EEC- EAEC Commission of the European Communities Secretariat -General Brussels No 1/2 D 1993 Volume26 Sent to press in May 1993 Bulletin information service Readers can obtain information on developments since this issue went to press (date of adoption of instruments by the Council, of opinions given by Parliament or the Economic and Social Committee, of publication in the Official Journal, etc.) by telephoning the document services of the Information Offices at the following numbers: London 222 8122 Belfast 240708 Cardiff 371631 Edinburgh 225 2058 Dublin 712244 References in the text References to other parts of the same issue of the Bulletin are given in parentheses in text, thus(---+ point 2.1.53). Standardized abbrev1at1ons for the designation of certam monetary units m the different languages of the Community. £fU European currency un1t BFR Belg1sche frank I Franc beige OKR Oansk krone OM Oeutsche Mark OR Greek drachma ESC Escudo FF Franc fran~a1s HFL Nederlandse gulden (Hollandse flonJn) IRL lnsh pound I punt LFR Franc luxembourgeo1s LIT L1ra 1tahana PTA Peseta UKL Pound sterlmg USO United States dollar contents ACTIVITIES IN JANUARY/FEBRUARY PART ON 1993 News in brief 6 1. European union 8 2. The single market and the Community economic and social area 10 - Internal market 10 - Economic and monetary policy 17 - Statistical area 20 - Competition 22 - Industrial policy 28 - Enterprise policy 31 - Research and technology 32 - Education, vocational training and youth 32 -Energy 34 -Transport 35 - Telecommunications, information services and industry 38 -Consumers 39 - Economic and social cohesion: structural measures 40 - Social dimension 45 - Environment 47 - Agriculture 51 - Fisheries 60 - A people's Europe 62 - Audiovisual media, information, communication and culture 64 3. The role of the Community in the world 67 - Enlargement 67 - European Free Trade Association 68 - Central and Eastern Europe and the independent States of the former Soviet Union 68 - Mediterranean and Middle East 70 - United States, Japan and other industrialized countries 74 - Asia and Latin America 76 - African, Caribbean and Pacific countries and overseas countries and territories 79 - General development cooperation 82 - Humanitarian aid 82 - Commercial policy 83 - International organizations and conferences 86 - Human rights in the world 87 - Diplomatic relations 90 4. Intergovernmental cooperation 107 - European political cooperation 107 5. Financing Community activities 97 -Budgets 97 - Financial operations 98 6. Community institutions 100 - Interinstitutional relations 100 - Parliament 100 -Council 106 - Commission 109 - Community lawcourts 131 - Court of Auditors 135 - European Investment Bank 135 - Economic and Social Committee 137 DOCUMENTATION I. The ecu 142 2. Extraordinary Council meeting (environment and transport) 144 3. Infringement proceedings 148 4. Additional references in the Official Journal 150 5. Index 153 Annual index 1992 I-XXXV £66 L A~'Vn~83:1 IA~'Vn N'Vr NI S3111/\11J'V 3 "d News in brief The single market and the Community economic and social area Economic and monetary policy D The Commission adopts proposals on establishment of the European Investment Fund (-+ point 1.2.40). D The Commission adopts the Annual Economic Report 1993 (-+ point 1.2.38). Industrial policy D The Council adopts conclusions on restructuring of the steel industry in the Community (-+ point 1.2.82). Transport D The Council adopts conclusions on shipping safety (-+ point 1.2.1 03) and the Commission adopts a communication on safe seas (-+ point 1.2.104). Consumers D The Commission adopts a proposal for a Decision introducing a Community system of information on home and leisure accidents (-+ point 1.2.116). Economic and social cohesion: structural measures D The Commission approves proposals for amending the Regulations on the tasks of the Structural Funds (-+ point 1.2.121 ). Agriculture D The Commission adopts its farm price proposals for 1993/94 (-+point 1.2.167). D The Commission adopts its report on the agricultural situation in the Community in 1992 (-+ point 1.2.165). A people's Europe D The Council adopts a Regulation on the establishment of a European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (-+ point 1.2.207). 6 Bull. EC l/2-1993 News in brief D The Council adopts a Decision on establishment of a third Community action programme to assist disabled people (-+ point 1.2.208). The role of the Community in the world Enlargement D Accession negotiations are opened with Austria, Finland and Sweden (-+ point 1.3.1 ). Commercial policy D The Council adopts a Regulation on checks for conformity with the rules on product safety of products imported from third countries (-+ point 1.3.59). Financing Community activities Budgets D The Commission adopts four proposals relating to budgetary discipline, the establishment of a Guarantee Fund, the amendment of the Financial Regulation and the amendment of the Regulation implementing the own resources Decision (-+ points 1.5.2 to 1.5.5). Community institutions Parliament D The Council adopts a Decision amending the number and allocation of seats in Parliament (-+ point 1.6.2). Commission D The Commission adopts its work programme for 1993 and 1994 and its legislative programme for 1993 (-+ points 1.6.15 and 1.6.16) and the General Report on the Activities of the European Community in 1992. D Parliament adopts a resolution on the presentation of the new Commission and the statement by its President on its guidelines (-+ point 1.6.17). Bull. EC 1/2-1993 7 1. European union 1.1.1. Parliament resolution on the structure of the presidency and the development of the and strategy for the European union with Council into a standing body of the union, regard to its enlargement and the creation of a second legislative chamber holding its meet­ a Europe-wide order. ings in public and taking decisions under the eo-decision procedure on an equal footing Adopted on 20 January. Although it is in no with Parliament. The Commission should be doubt that the integration of European States the executive branch with increased powers within the framework of the European union to act in the field of external relations, where has proved itself to be a uniquely successful it alone would represent the European union way of overcoming nationalism, bringing in the areas within its jurisdiction. As for about peaceful settlements to disputes, and itself, Parliament considers it should become promoting economic development, Parliament more representative, with the number of mem­ does not believe that it is possible or necessary bers being determined in accordance with the for all the nations of Europe or those which principle of 'degressive proportionality'. U feel themselves to be European or are allied should be involved in all aspects of legislative with Europe to be brought into the union at activity and in all decisions concerning rev• some point in the future. In the case of the enue and expenditure, and its control over countries of Central and Eastern Europe, foreign and security policy should be con• Parliament proposes that other forms of siderably enhanced. association should be explored enabling them OJ C 42, 15.2.1993 in particular to participate in the common foreign and security policy. 1.1.2. Parliament resolution on the insti­ It would also like to see a system of confeder­ tutional role of the Council. ative cooperation in Europe stemming from a number of functionally or regionally oriented Adopted on 20 January. In the belief that the confederations but not allowed to weaken or specific characteristics of the different Corn .. affect the process of integration in the Euro­ munity institutions must be redefined and the pean union, which is linked with the transfer essential balance between them improved with of national responsibilities. It is convinced a view to establishing a union on a federal that the European union will not prove equal basis, Parliament would like to see the Euro .. to the new challenges unless it grows into a pean Council's function of stimulating and union founded on federal structures with guiding the union preserved and the Council's limited but real powers and fully developed political role restored. democratic institutions, based on a consti­ tution to be ratified by the national parlia­ As to how this could be done, Parliament ments. It accordingly calls for an intergovern­ believes the Member States should be rep­ mental conference to be convened before resented in the Council by permanent del­ 1996 and before any decisions are taken on egations, chaired by a minister responsible, enlargement with a brief to start this process. reflecting their different constitutional struc­ tures and representing those regional authori­ In addition, Parliament insists that at least ties which have exclusive competence. The per­ the most urgent institutional and structural manent nature of each delegation should not reforms should be agreed as part of the only ensure that the general interest and the current accession negotiations.
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