Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, April 19, 2012 OUR 122nd YEAR – ISSUE NO. 16-2012 Periodical – Postage Paid at Rahway, N.J. www.goleader.com [email protected] SEVENTY FIVE CENTS Lance, Larsen In GOP Primary; Winner to Face Chivukula in Nov. By PAUL J. PEYTON In a phone interview last Thursday, “consistent record of conservative Specially Written for The Westfield Leader Mr. Larsen said the Washington, D.C.- principle,” and noting that as a state REGION – Two-term incumbent based Cook Report has listed the Senator he sponsored a New Jersey Rep. Leonard Lance (R) faces his newly realigned Seventh District, Constitutional amendment requiring second straight Republican Primary which now includes 75 towns spread voter approval for state borrowing battle this June when he faces busi- across parts of six counties, as the which was passed “overwhelmingly” nessman David Larsen of Hunterdon most Republican and most conserva- as an election ballot question by vot- County, whom he defeated in a four- tive district in the state. He said 39 ers. candidate field in the 2010 Primary percent of the district’s population is Mr. Larsen said while the Con- Election in the Seventh Congressional new constituents and who are mostly gressman won the party line in all six District. The winner will face Demo- conservatives. counties that make up the district for cratic Assemblyman Upendra “That’s why you see Representa- the 2012 June Primary, GOP county Chivukula of Somerset, a section of tive Lance all of a sudden calling committee members only account for Franklin Township, in November. himself a conservative,” Mr. Larsen around 2,300 people. “It’s not the The Seventh District includes the said, saying the Congressman cam- people in the committees who’s go- Union County towns of Berkeley paigned as a moderate under the old ing to elect the new congressman; it Heights, Clark, Cranford, Garwood, district lines in 2010. is the constituents who are the Pri- Mountainside, New Providence, Mr. Lance, however, described mary voters who are going to elect Summit, Westfield and a small part of himself as the “Ronald Reagan can- the new congressman,” Mr. Larsen Scotch Plains. didate in this race,” saying he has a said. In response, Rep. Lance said he was “grateful” for GOP committee members giving him the party lines in Essex (Millburn only), Hunterdon, Morris, Somerset, Union and Warren Greg Ryan for The Westfield Leader OPENING DAY PARADE…Westfield Mayor Andy Skibitsky enjoys a ride in a custom New York Yankees convertible as Counties. he makes his way to Gumbert Field from Mindowaskin Park for Westfield Baseball’s Opening Day on Saturday. “Of course I am critical of anybody who’s critical of the convention pro- cess because I think that the county committee members are the grass Dems for Change Challenge Clerk roots of the Republican Party,” Rep. Lance said. He said the new district includes additional communities in Hunterdon and Warren Counties that For Rejecting Candidates Petitions he had represented as a state Senator By DELL SIMEONE Mohamed Jalloh of Roselle, and at- be verified by oath, or other affirma- from the 23rd State Legislative Dis- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader torney Bruce Bergen of Springfield, tion, by one or more of the signers. trict, along with new towns from REGION – Last Wednesday, April who are running on the regular Demo- The circulator must verify, under oath, Morris County. 11, Union County Clerk Joanne crats of Union County ticket in place that each signer is a member of that Mr. Larsen criticized the Congress- Rajoppi threw the Democrats For of retiring Freeholder Deborah party, and has signed his or her own man “for being for earmarks rather Alex Taner for The Westfield Leader Change’ (DFC) proposed slate of Scanlon. name. Furthermore, the circulator CLASSIC AUTOS…Attendees enjoy a day of looking at beautiful, classic cars at than against earmarks,” and for vot- candidates off the June 5 Primary According to legal briefs, the peti- must verify that the petition is pre- the “Wheels and Wishes” car show and auction held Saturday at the Westfield ing in favor of increasing the nation’s Election ballot after questioning the tion is required to have 100 valid pared in good faith for the purpose of National Guard Armory. A portion of every ticket sold was donated to Make-A- debt ceiling to $2.1 trillion. authenticity of signatures on their signatures of county voters of the endorsing the candidates named on Wish New Jersey. In response, the Congressman said nomination petitions. appropriate party. The petitions must CONTINUED ON PAGE 12 he has voted to ban earmarks, but The DFC candidates are Ana Maria supports grants which include such Bercik, an attorney; Carlos Cedena, Westfield Enters Contract things as fire apparatus and emergen- an Elizabeth councilman, and Babe Cranford Homes Looking cies like Hurricane Irene flooding in Darlene Frazier, who is active in the Cranford and other towns. Democratic Party. This slate is sup- For Shared Animal Services Mr. Larsen charged that by voting porting Oscar Ocasio’s bid to run for To Rebuild After Irene By LAUREN S. BARR Fanwood, Garwood, Mountainside to raise the debt ceiling to $2.1 tril- the mayor of Elizabeth against long- By CHRISTINA M. HINKE The zoning board has heard two Specially Written for The Westfield Leader and Cranford, each municipality is lion Mr. Lance actually voted to fund term incumbent Chris Bollwage, and Specially Written for The Westfield Leader other applications seeking similar vari- WESTFIELD – The Westfield required to provide animal-control ser- national healthcare as $105 billion challenging Freeholder incumbents CRANFORD – The township’s zon- ances. The zoning law currently allows Board of Health has made a move to vices and every municipality has its CONTINUED ON PAGE 12 Al Mirabella of Fanwood and ing board of adjustment on Monday homes built up to 30 feet high, and the save the town nearly $16,000 by en- own board of health. approved two applications from two applications Monday sought to tering into a shared-service contract Dr. Lawrence Budnick, president homeowners who have decided to raise build their homes to 32 feet in height. with Animal Control Solutions. The of the Westfield Board of Health, told MS Residents Recognized; the height of their homes to avoid fu- Zoning Board Vice-Chairman Jef- town will be ending its contract with The Westfield Leader, “all the towns in ture flood damage to their first-floor frey Pistol told The Westfield Leader Associated Humane Societies, which the county have been trying to do living space after floodwaters from that the township council has been was at a cost of $83,148, and is enter- something about this for years.” He Triboro Gets Complaints Hurricane Irene last year destroyed working on a resolution to allow a ing into a joint contract with Summit said that a few years ago, an animal By DELL SIMEONE Memorial Day with the annual pa- their main living areas. maximum height of 32 feet. and New Providence at a cost of facility had been proposed for a loca- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader rade in Westfield. He also urged One homeowner will actually raise Applicant Robert Veca, of 11 Sum- $67,200 per year. tion in Springfield by the county, but MOUNTAINSIDE — The bor- any veterans to contact the local the foundation of his house, and the mit Road, in the R-1 Zone, was ap- Health Officer Megan Avallone said that he did not count on the project ough council’s meeting on Tuesday VFW Post, which is seeking new other applicant will do away with the proved for four variances to raise his that Associated Humane Societies progressing. night was chuck full of something members. first level of their split-level home and home four-and-a-half feet above the “had always been wonderful” and that While the proposed animal facility for everyone. A real life hero of the The Mabel Young Good Neigh- fill their basement in order to avert recent flood-water level of the dwell- “this is really a financial decision.” is listed on the Union County Im- “Best Generation,” was honored, a bor Award was given to Helen further major flood damage. Both ing. Mr. Veca said his home had 18 She added that if more towns are will- provement Authority’s website, no local high school basketball star Bochert and Debra Schrank. Bill homes are located near Nomahegan inches of water on the first floor as a ing to join in, the costs could be further one answers the phone and the voice was too. Two ladies were awarded Young praised both women as Park and the Rahway River. CONTINUED ON PAGE 12 reduced. “mailbox is full.” An e-mail to the the Mabel Young Good Neighbor people who exemplified the mean- The animal-control contract requires authority was not returned as of press Award and the Weeblos took a bow. ing of good neighbors. They are that the company respond to calls for time. Residents who live near the new both active in the community. “I dogs running, injured dogs and cats, Garwood’s 2012 budget listed the Triboro Sports Complex also gave want to thank you for giving ser- stray cats, calls for vicious dogs and cost for animal control as $6,000 and comments in opposition to the new vice to our neighbors,” he said. Ms. complaints regarding wildlife, and Fanwood’s 2011 budget listed its cost facility. Bochert said she has a philosophy follow up after an animal bite, includ- at $18,272.
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