Ttnth Series, Vol. XXXVI, No. 4 Monday. Det'tmber 12, 1994 Agrahayana 21. J916 (Saka) LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) Twelfth Session (Tenth Lok Sabha) ,--:... --.. - L :"' tiRLl.4MENT LmRAiY"l No ~ '3 ~ D' ..... ~ ........•...... --, J_ at~"· __~.: ..l_.Cj{_ I ._..,_~ - .~ .... - -.._,.. '(Vol. XXXVI contaim Nos. 1 to 10) LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DRUII Price. RI 50 ()(} (ORlGJNAL ENoUSH PROCEEDINGS INa.UDED IN ENGI-I$H V£IlSIQroI AND ORIGlN~1. HINDI PAOC"EEDb.,GS INCI.UJ)(;&-­ "'IN HINDI vEiwoN WIU. BE TREATED AS AUTHORITATIVE "PlD 'IJIOT TH£ TRANSLATION meREOF.j CONTENTS Tenth senes, Vol XXXVI, Twelfth SeSS4on, 199411916 (Sakal No 4, Monday, December, 12, 19941Agrahayana 21, 1916 (Saka) CoLuMNS ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS 1-22 'Starred Question Nos 61 to 64 1-22 WRITTEN ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS 22-276 'Starred Question Nos 65 to 80 22~ Unstarred Question Nos 627 to 663 and 665 to 856 40--276 RE AGITATION BY FISHERMEN AGAINST LICENCE GIVEN FOR DEEP SEA FISHING TO MULTINATIONAL COMPANIES 276--286 Shn Ram Nalk 276-277 Shn A Charles 277 Shn P G Narayanan 277 Shnmatl Suseela GopaJan 277 Shn Kashlram Aana 277 Shn PC Chacko 277·278 Shn Chandra Shekhar 278 Shn M R Kadambur Janarthanan 278-279 Shn N K P Salve 279·280 Shn Sobhanadreeswara Rao Vadde 280·281 Shn Lal K Advanl 281 Shn Snkanta Jena 281-282 Shn Upendra Nath Verma 282 Shn Hannan Mollah 282 Shnmatl Geeta Mukhel"J8e 282 Shn Oscar Fernandes 283 Shn Bhogendra Jha 283 Shn Chitta Basu 283 Shn K P Reddalah Yadav 283-284 Shn P C TfJomas 284 Shn E Ahamed 284-285 Shn Ramsagar 285 Shn K V Tomas 285 Shn Mullappally Ramchandran 285 Shr Tel Narayan Singh 285 Shn Sontosh Mohan Dev 286 RE BOMBAY BOUND INDRAYANI EXPRESS TRAIN RUNNING WITHOUT ENGINE DRIVER 286--289 RE LAYING ON THE TABLE OF GYAN PRAKASH COMMITTEE S REPORT ON SUGAR IMPORTS 289-294 Shn Jaswant Singh 289-290 Shn Chandra Jeet Yadav 290-291 Shn Atal Blhan Valpayee 291·292 Shn Snkant Jena 292 Shn Nlrmal Kanli Chattel')ee 292-294 'The sogn + marked above the name 01 a Member .ndtcates that the questIOn was actualy asked on the IIoor 01 the House by that Member CoLUMNS PAPERS LAID ON THE TABLE 294-302 Public Accounts Committee Seventy sixth Report - Presented 302 Bills Introduced Maritime Zones of India (Regulallon of Fishing by Foreign Vessels) Amendment Bill 302 Recovery of Debts Due to Banks and Financial Institutions (Amendment) Bill 302-303 MAnERS UNDER RULE 3n 303-305 (i) Need to open a sub-regional office of employees' Provident Fund Organisation in Keonjhar and Mayurbhanj districts of Orissa for the benefit of SC/sT mining labourers there Kumari Sushila Tiriya 303 (Ii) Need to ensure adequate supply of urea in Tamil Nadu Shri P.P. Kaliaperumal 303-304 (iii) Need to set up Industries al Mauranipur and Lalilpur areas of Uttar Pradesh Shri Rajendra Agnlholri 304 (iv) Need 10 provide adequate financial assistance to Bharat Pump and Compressor Lirr::'o;j, Allahabad to protect the interests of workers Shrimati Saroj Dubey 304-305 (v) Need to include Tilelbanl block in Deogarh district of Orissa In the Tribal Development Agencies Programme Shri Sriballav Panigrahi 305 (vi) Need to provide alternative land to Tharu Tribals displaced from forest land under Dudua National Park in U,P. Dr. G.L. Kanaujia 305 STATUTORY RESOLUTION RE: DISAPPROVAL OF SPECIAL PROTECTION GROUP (SECOND AMENDMENT) ORDINANCE: AND SPECIAL PROTECTION GROUP (SECOND AMENDMENT) BILL 305-340 Motion 10 consider Prof. Rasa Singh Rawat 3O~08 Shri S.B. Chavan 308-309 Maj. Gen. (Reid) Bhuwan Chandra Khandufi 309-312 Shri Syed Shahabuddin 312-313 Shrimati Malini Bhattcharya 313-315 Shri Yaima Singh Yumnam 315·316 Shri Bnogendra Jha 316·317 Shri Mohammad Ali Ashraf Fatmi 317-319 Shri Virendra Singh 319-321 Kumari Mamata Banerjee 321-323 Dr. S.P. Yadav 323-325 Shri Tej Narayan Sjngh 325-326 Shri Umrao Singh 326-330 Shri P.C. Thomas 330 Shri Sobhanadreeswara Rao Vadde 330-331 STATUTORY RESOLUTION RE: DISAPPROVAL OF SPECIAL PROTECTION GROUP (SECOND AMENDMENT) ORDINANCE-NEGATIVED 331-340 Special Protection Group (Second Amendment) Bill Motion to consider Clauses 2, 3 and 1 Motion to pass, as amended Shri S.B. Chavan STATUTORY RESOLUTION RE: DISAPPROVAL OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BANK OF INDIA (AMENDMEND ORDINANCE AND INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BANK OF INDIA (AMENDMENT) BILL Motion to consider Prof. Rasa Singh Rawal 340-343 Shri M.V. Chandrashekhara Murthy 343 Shri Ram Kapse 344-346 Shri Vijay Naval Patil 346-348 LOK SABHA DEBATES LOt< SABHA people, the presumptiWI CUee of plague reported were 876 and the number of deaths was 54. Unfortunately, the Monday, December 12, 19941Agrahayana 21, 1916 news on plague spread in such a manner thai it created (Sakal havoc both in the country and outside. One of the reasons is the Health Ministry at the Centre as well as the State Governments could not give a The LoI< Sabha mel at clear pict.... e 8bout plague like how many people died had Eleven of the Clock been atfected by plague, how many people had died out 01 plague. [MR. SPEAKER in the Chair] My question to the Government is, what steps the Government has formulated, what machinery the ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS Government has got so that in Mure if some epidemic [English] occura, the Government can give exact happenings in the Statee and how the news would be given to the people Outbreek of PI8gue through the media. +61. tPROF. K.V. THOMAS: THE MINISTER OF STATE tN THE MtNISTRY OF SHRI SULTAN SALAHUDDIN OWAISI; HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE (DR. C. SILVERA): Sir, Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE piague ut!ed to be a killer disease and it used to kill be pleased to state: thousands and millions of people in the past. People knew that when the plague had been sounded, the people (a) whether the Union Govemment have instituted had panicked. But plague today is like any other disease any inquiry for finding out the reasons for the outbreak of which can be prevented, which can be treated, which can plague in Sural and other parts of the counlr,,; be cured. Therefore, in the pr~sen! context, with the (b) if so, the details thereof; modem medicines available, plague is not as dangerous as we used 10 feei before. (c) the total number of parsons affected and the number ot persons left dead by this disease in each Now this unfortunate thing has happened. The plague State: has occurred after the gap of so many years and, therefore. on the part of the medical professionals also, (d) whether the Union Government have provided the facilities are not adequate. special assistance to tne State Governments where< plague epidemic broke out: But having gone through this now, a Technical Aovisory Committee has been established and this (e) il so, the detaiis thereof: and Committee will go into all the details as to what had (I) the concrete steps taken by the Govemment to happened, what steps should be taken by the prevent recurrence of plague In the r.ountry? Government in future and so on. The Committee was THE DEPUTY MI"'ISTER IN THE MINISTFW 0" establiShed on the 11 th of October, and the report will be HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE (SHRI PABAN SINGH submitted after SIX months from the date of the GHATOWAR): (a) and (b): The Government oonstituled II establishment of this Committee. T echnica! AcMsorl Committee on Plague to elucidate PROf. K.V. THOMAS (EmakulB."n): My Question has factors responsible tor the current outbreak of Plague aoo no. been answered. The number of aff8cl1ld people was ils spread; to adviH on str8tegieS, pOlicies ano so smaIi compared to the total populatit.>n, but the Central pmgrammes. to control it and to rttOOt'TImend steps to!' Government tai!eci completely to get II clear picture IIbout Dfeventioo of sue!! outbreaks !n future. tm plMigUfJ in different Stales and give that news to the (c) The total number 01 presumptive cases were 676 people This has created havoc throughout the country. (Maharashtra: 596 Gujarat: 151: Delhi 68: Kamataka: SO. So. the Governrnenl should have a machinery to find O';Jt Uttar Pradesh: 10 and Madhya Pradesh: 1:: The totai as 10 what is happening in differan! States if a similar nUmber 01 deaths W8f8 54 (Gujarat: 52, DeihL 1, Sitvalion arises. This was my QUestion which was not Kamataka: 1). answered (d) and (s): 2360 MTs ot BHC and 372 Iald1 capsules Coming back to my second 5upplementaty, at that ot Tetracyciine _re allot1ed 10 the Stalee alongwilh time, I"hen this piague news came out, it was reported in Dhoopan Samagri (Ayurvedic and Unanl t..migallon the newsoapers that the essential medicines to curtl material) to facilitate alr ptAification. plague were not avallable In the States and the Government did not supply important materials like BHC (I) surveillance and preventive measures are aose and other things to prevent the plague. So, t would like to Strengthening of laboratory facilities is also continuing. know whether the Government has taken any actiorI 10 envisaged. that eaenIlaI medicines are available with the different PROF. K.V. THOMAS: Sir, In 8 country of !MO million Slate Health Ministries and aIIO enough matet'ials like 3 Oral Answers AGRAHAYANA 21. 1915 (Sakal Oral Answers 4 BHC and DDT are supplied to the States because it is the visited by him. I had been health Minister in Orissa for Central Government which supplies BHC and DDT to the about four years and I know what type of medidnes people State Governments.
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