Property of the Watertown"Ike Historical Society Watertown - Oakvffle watertownhistoricalsociety.orgWeeHy . TIMES Vol. 15, .No. 745 Subscription Price. $3.75 Per Y Single Copy, 10 Coifs March 15, 1962 17 Contractors May Bid On New Watertown High Red Cross Drive Opening Of Bids Lagging; Cite Scheduled Next Disaster "Needs Week At Swift Watertown's- 1962 Red 'Cross Bids for the construction, of W»-- Fund campaign is lagging far be- tertown's new 1,200 pupil senior hind, the pace .needed to meet 'this year's "quota, co-chairman Edwin high school, will, 'be opened by OW C. Douglas and Donald Masi, re- School Building Committee at -a. ported this week. To date, only special meeting next. Wednesday, $1,568 has, been collected toward Mar.. 21, at 8 p.m.. at. Swift Juniar HONORED GUESTS at the annual meeting and of the Council's Citizenship Award. Standing., 'the .goal, .of $8,500. High School... left to .right, are four past chairmen of the Coun- 'The co-chairmen urged area cap- election of officers of the OakvtMe-Watertown tains to 'intensify their efforts and Superintendent of Schools Rich- Veterans Council recently was the group-above. cil. They are Russell W. Weymer, Oscar D. to canvass every house',., 'Those who ard C.' Briggs told the Board «f- Seated, left to right, are John T. Miller, Wilfred LeCJalir, Frank A. Hlavna and Albert O. Mon- have .not yet picked up their work- Education Monday that. 1? major Bryan and G. Wllmoflt Hungerford, past: winners - tambault (Staff photot er kits at the Red, Cross office' contractors have obtained plans are requested to' do SOL and specifications to' .date. He al- The chairmen said they hope' so .said, that subcontractors must: Dr. Lane' Heads townspeople will recognize the pre-fi!e their bids. .and. 'these will magnitude of 'the burden carried be opened next Monday, March 19. Democrats Seek Sentiment 1962 by the Red Cross in. disasters such 'Whether the contract will ...*e "as "the recent storms 'which ••-rav- awarded at1 . Wednesday's meeting Crusade Drive aged large sections of the Atlantic or whether the bids, will 'be audited seaboard. Red 'Cross has been before- the award is not known, in. On Senatorial Candidate Dr. Thomas W, Lane has been feeding' .and. housing more than 6.- all probability, announcement of named, town chairman of Water- 000 .persons, driven from their the apparent: low 'bidder will indi- A public opinion poll to deter- town's 1962 April 'Cancer Cru- homes by violent, tidal flooding. cate the successful, contractor. mine whether local" Democrats sade, it was announced today by from. North 'Carolina to Long Is- 'The town has, $2,500,000' avail- .favor former Governor A, A. Rib- Mr. McConneli. Arnold Minicucci, 'Chairman, of the land. able for the school and .all. .con- icoff or Congresstnan-at-Large Waterbuxy 'District of the .Ameri- can, Cancer Society. Mr. Douglas and Mr. Masi asked nected costs. Officials .are hopeM Frank Kowalski as the" party's To Resign Chapel that those who already have .given, 'that" the bidding will, result in a 'candi.date for U. S: Senator vrii. • The District, chairman said the local 'Crusade leader will lose no consider giving again, and those contract price .somewhat umior be conducted here in the near fu~ Post May 1 . time moving into the task of .set- who have not, yet given give more 12,000,000. tare, . according to ... Democratic than 'their 'usual annual, contribu- " Theodore A. McConnell, student | ting' up Crusade goals;, appointing Awarding of a .contract for the' Town. Chairman Donald Masi. committee chairmen and' organiz- tion. new school at this time will per- The. 'poll will be a joint undertak- pastor at. Trinity .Lutheran Chap-, ing volunteer" teams to carry out, Watertown has not met its quota mit construction to begin almost ing by the 'Town. Ooai.mi.ttee and el. since' last' summer, .announced, the campaign. during' 'the past: few .years, despite immediately at 'the Tower the r Democratic Women's dub. this week 'that he is resigning,, ef-- Watertown raised, a total of $2.- the concerted efforts, of the 'vari- site. The schedule calls, for with the committee in. 'charge head- 300' 'in the 1961 Crusade. This, ous chairman, and their .workers. pletion of at least 'the classroom ed_Ay -Miss Rosiyn Butler. fective May 1. year's quote .has not 'been an- 'The Co-chairmen urged .an. all-out wing by the' fall of 1963 so 'that .it • Every .fifth • person' on. the Dem- Mr. McConnell said that he will nounced, but, according to 'the 'new effort, on the part of all residents may be used, at the start of' the ocratic Caucus 'List will 'be called, be- succeeded on that date by the chairman, "We will aim high, to top the |8,S0O goal "in 1962. 1963^64 school •year. and asked which candidate 'they Rev, Otto Plagemann, of Ivy Drive. knowing the wonderfully .generous prefer and 'if' possible, the reason Meriden. Mr. Plagemann, has response given by the people of ••for 'their cbo.se. served as minister of large Watertown 'in past 'Crusades, and. "- After the data, is complied, ' the churches in New York City and their desire to help conquer can- Briggs Given Three- Year :Town. Committee win review and New Britain, retiring; from, 'the lat- cer as speedily as possible." 'evaluate it, .and then announce the ter post last year. He will .serve "Saving lives is, everyone's re- results. in Watertown for- .an, indefinite 'pe- sponsibility"", Dr. .Lane added. "We " Mr. Mast stated, that delegates riod and 'Will, 'be the permanent proudly accept our community's to the state convention will be,, minister of the Chapel on. a re- share, of 'responsibility in the Contratt, $2,000 Increase bound to reflect, the opinion ofWa duced, schedule basis. American Cancer Society's 'na- .An. naturalized citizen who. was A three-year contract calling for increased to $15,000 for 'the third tertown registered Democrats as tionwide fight against cancer. a salary increase totaling $3,000 year. to which" candidate they think wiH born in Germany, Mr. Plagemann - 'The ''Crusade chairman pointed, 'be a better Senatorial nominee. came to this country .as a young 'Out: 'that' 173,000 .Americans will was voted for Superintendent of Mr. Briggs now is completioK minister out, of a. German Theo- be saved, from, cancer in, 'the com- Schools Richard C. Briggs by the his second year in Wateitown. He "We want 'the people 'to be con- r Board of Education at its monthly was, hired by 'the Board od 'Edu- 'clous of' the coming election and logical Seminary, He has, 'traveled ing year. "Yet: .some 87,000 Amer- meeting .Monday at the Munson cation in the summer .of 1960 to .to "stimulate' the feeling of parti- extensively during .his life, includ- icans will, die who might have been, House. replace Dr. Joseph B. Porter 'What - cipation, and "'when, through, we ing a trip last, year to' both East saved, through .early diagnosis and 'the latter left to take over .as" heaS. will be sure' "-that 'this will be a and West. Germany. .Prior to- re- treatment," he said. ""'I feel sure Supt. Briggs was voted a $2,000 of 'the Bridgeport School system. representation that we may 'carry tiring from St. John's Lutheran that every citizen of Watertown increase, from $12,000 to $14,000, Michael Vernovai, reporting imr to the convention," Mr. Masi said. Church,, New .Britain,, last- year, will want to pledge their dollars effective at the start of the next the Board's 'personnel relations Of 'the total" 2,173 registered he had served as. pastor of St. to help cut down this" terrible fiscal, year. The salary will, re- committee, said.' he felt 'the Democrats, about .400' 'will 'be Matthew's Lutheran Church,- New main the same for the second year contract' was "fair for called. Persons interested, who York City... (Continued on. Page' 2) of the new contract .and then be sides,""1 adding' that he looks "far are; not called, are invited to state continued growth, in "our school -their preference by notifying the system, under the present super-. committee. , . • in ten dent. 'Mr'... 'Vernovai also reported that negotiations .are continuing wim local teachers in relation to- .sal- Mrs. Thyra Bjorn aries for the: coming year. A pro- posal has 'been .submitted, by * Union Lenten teachers" committee and. is being studied, by the 'board's committee. '"Service -Speedier'. Mr. Vemovai said Ms committee is not .prepared to .make its pro- Mrs. Thyra Ferre Bjbrn, 'Long- posal as yet... Another meeting will meadow, Mass., will return to be held .in- the near future with the Watertown, next: . Wednesday, teachers' group, .and the commit- .March 21, to speak on, "Positive tee also will meet to discuss sal- •Prayer" at 'the " Union-, Lenten aries with school principals. service to be -held at 7:30 p.m. at Action, on a dental, fluoride pro- .the Methodist 'Church. gram, for 'the. 'public schools was Mrs.. Bjorn was guest speaker tabled until the hoard's next meet- at the Methodist Men's Club La- ing, 'when Dr. Jackson,, school 'diem-. ••dies- Might, program in, January. tal advisor, .and 'Mrs;. Fagerholm. when she" thrilled 'her listeners school dental hygiemist will meet .with the story of '"'How Mama Got: with the board to go over the pro- Papa*". gram... Born, in Sweden as .one of eight: Mr. Briggs told the Board 'that .children of "the Rev, and Mrs. for several years, the'' school sys- Pantos Franzon, Mrs". Bjorn -has. tem's Health Council has been. •'written ..several' books -based -on working on a.
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