000580125 October 25,1995 INSIDE... BCIT looks to regaining the corners of campus... page 3 The comers of campus are oui on Iu;i.se foriii BCIT. Tlie admin• istration is planning to develop tliein when the lea.ses expire but where is the money to come from? Campus Crime Stoppers page 4 New group forming on campus to 'take a bite out of crime.' The Darkside page 9 Local Music Reviews page 6 & 7 A station of ttie cross since 1965 CFML: BCIT radio a station seeking an audience by Greg Nesterofi hstening to it. It's really frustrating, for both radio and journalism students. t's the campus radio station, and There's stories we do around BCIT it's on the air 24-hours a day, 7 that people would want to hear, but days a week. Only few students they don't get to. And the music have ever listened to it. Or for that has cenainly been improved in the matter, ever heard of it. last couple of years. People are IEarlier this month, the Student putting a lot of time into their from Association began playing radio over the shows. Why not get the reward t h e loudspeakers in the new smdent center's of having people hear you?" CMFL great haU, most often the Vancouver rock Radio students began of f i ce. station CFMI. campaigning toward the end You can On a whim last week, The Link took a of last year to have it heard heiir the survey in the hall, asking this question: on campus. station in "Would you like to have CFML pumped '"What I did was com• t h e b .T c k - in over the loudspeakers?" It proved to be plain to my instructors, ground. a proverbial exercise in futiUty. The most and asked them why it "So Ihey common response was; "What's CMFL?" wasn't," says Shannon do play radio. Before the survey was quickly ended, Poulter, now a sec• They just won't eight of nine people questioned said they ond year student. play us. A lot cf didn't know what it was. "The answer I got other studeni was it had been radio stations can • done before and broadcast whatever they want, but wc CFML 104.5, BCIT's radio station, didn't work. have a tolaUy resjx^ct- (stereo as of last week) is produced by "I mostly ed program, and wc second-year students in the radio and spoke witl know what we're journalism options of the Broadcast Kat Stewart doing. Communications program. and she said "The CRTC looks ai It's used as a learning tool for the pro• I'd have to us like any other station. gram, unlike CITR at the University of write up a When your school doesn'l BC. proposal * ^ suppon you, it's hard to get. It originates from broadcast centre, the and take it to . 'passionate' about it, you large building next to the library. For the the dean of broadcast• know?" last month of the year, when second years ing. Everyone else was into it, John Ansell, head of the go out into the industry to do practicums, but then finals came up and school radio program, says the broad• first years take over. It signs off during ended. Now we're getting back into it. cast program has no intention the Christmas, summer and spring breaks. I've talked a lot with our set rep, Orianna know having it piped throughout cam• While ratings aren't considered, hsten- Lot, and we have full intentions of putting there's listen• pus, "unless someone else has the ership is small. CMEL is available most something together — a lot of the second ers. money lo pay for it." places in the Lower Mainland on FM years do. We're going to get together and "This is the campus sta• "We would love to have it in the cable, but the station has a very weak- brainstorm." tion. It's something to be proud of other buildings, in the T'N'T stores, powered AM transmitter (again unlike She thinks CMFL could be played in We've got some great personalities, some and so on," he says. "Over the years, stu• CITR, which has a fairly powerful one). "the cafeteria for one. It doesn't have to great voices, and some are going to be big dents «'ho are responsible for the promo• The cost of upgrading it is prohibitive. be loud. The Student Association build• someday, so you might want to hear Ihem tion of the station have asked [people m "Nobody Ustens to the bloody station ing. Telephone lines when secretaries put now while they're first starting." those places] to gel it ch.-mged. Il Uists lor because it's only available on cable," says people on hold. 1 don't see why they play • about a day or two, ;ind then they chana- Jeff MacDonald, a second year journalism CFOX or KISS when they could be play• •T hear Z-95 in the T'N'T stores all it back 10 their favourite station. U's a real student. "It's done in complete anonymity ing CFML. Even the Elephant on Campus the time," says Erin Garlick, another sec• on campus. But the fact is a lot of second mentioned putting it in. It's just nice to ond year radio student over the phone continued on page 4 years are busting their hump to get people THE STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF THE BRITISH COLUMBIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY IINKCIASSIHEDS CAMPUS EVENTS LINK CLASSIFIEDS... are $5 for a 3 line ad and $1 for each line Wednesday, October 25th j Monday, October 30th Take Pride: BCIT's group for after^xcept employmenf listings for which the first 3 lines are lesbians gays, bisexuals & Coping with Performance] Building Self-Esteem & FREE. To place a classified as contact The Unk 432-8974 friends. 4-6pm. Call Gordon Anxiety. Counselling Services '' Assertiveness. Counselling (451 -6922) or Mark (432-8964). enthusiasm, some knowledge of workshop. SWl-1125. 12-: Services workshop. SWl-1125. promotion and organizational 1:30pm. j 4:30-6pm. Monday, November 6th Full & Part Time Positons ability. SA Council Meeting. SA Available. $7.50/hr + bonuses. Thursday, October 26th j SA Annual General Meeting. Boardroom, SA Campus Centre Martin at 681^995. 1-9, M-F. Environmental Education SA Boardroom, SA Campus Toastinasters Int'l Sunrise Club. (SE2), 5:45pm. Assistant Cenue(SE2), 5:45pm Assists with the education pro• Your ability to communicate Distnbution Positions Available gram, both in developing and effectively is direcUy related to Tuesday, October 31st wiUi The Link. 3-4 hours every Tuesday, November 7th delivering messages about your success & happiness. Come other week. Mostly on Bumaby Toastinasters Int'l Sunrise Club. reduce and re-use issues in con• & enhace your future. 7-8:15am. Toastmasters Int'l Sunrise Club. campus. Call Paul Dayson at nection with the recycUng pro• Your ability to communicate SA Boardroom, SA Campus Your ability to communicate 432-8974 gram. This position also effectively is direcdy related to Onti^. effectively is directly related lo involves research into new recy• your success & happiness. Come your success & happiness. Come The Student Association has cling initiatives. "PriciUa Queen of the Desert." & enhace your future. 7-8:15am. & enhace your funire. 7-8:15am. workstudy positions available: Requires: A keen interest in the Video showing by Take Pride: SA Boardroom, SA Campus SA boardroom, SA Campus environment and knowledge of BCIT's group for lesbians gays, Centie. Centre. Business Research Assistant issues related to recycUng. bisexuals & friends. 4-6 pm. Assists with the development Call Gordon (451-6922) or Wednesday, November 1st and evaluations of programs, Interested students should sub• Mark (432-8964). Wednesday, November 8th businesses and services which mit a cover letter and resume to: Test Anxiety / Exam Prep BCFT Student Association Work Coping wilh Miod-lerm Blues. enhance the quality of campus Techniques. Counselling Study Program, 3700 Friday, October 27th Counselling Services workshop. Ufe. Services workshop. SWl-1125. Willingdon Ave., Bumaby, BC, SWl-1125. 1210 1:30pm. Requires: Good management Pumpkin Carving Contest. $6 12-l:30pm. and research skills, excellent V7K 1M7 or call Anna-Lisa per team. Cash prizes. Great written and verbal skills. Jones at 432-8549 for more Thursday, November 9th info.. Hall, SA Campus Centre. 11:30 Thursday, November 2nd - 1:30. Toastmasters Int'l Sunrise Club. Student Editors Toastmasters Int'l Sunrise Club. Editorial staffs tasks include: Funding available for anyone Your ability to communicate SA Halloween Costume Ball. Your ability to communicate writing news articles, selling with innovative & futuristic effectively is direcUy related to Live Music & Prizes for the effectively is direcdy related to ads, taking and developing pic• computer program concepts or your success & happiness. Come Best Costume. The Elephant-on- your success & happiness. Come tures, putting together special ideas. Contact Verigin 541- & enhace your futiire. 7-8:15am. Campus Pub. Tix $5 at SA & enhace your future. 7-8:15am. features and writing entertain• 0617. SA boardroom, SA Campus Copy Centre & SA Office. ment reviews. SA boardroom, SA Campus Centre. Requires: Good writing and Proceeds to the Student Centre. desktop skills, advertising expe• Assistance Fund. rience, darkroom experience VOLUNTEERS (not all required for each posi• This calendar column is open for notices of events on all BCIT campuses. tion) NEEDED FOR: Submissions can be faxed to 431-7619, sent by campus mail or dropped ofTat The Link office in • Ongoing environmental edu• the SA Campus Centre.
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