STRAIGHT AND LEVEL >­ € 8 of the problem and solved the man's will all do our best to pass along the o :::; dilemma. excitement and satisfaction of coming Q'" I've had calls from people on cross- to Oshkosh, helping out where we could countries who have developed and learning the many lessons to be by Espie "Butch" Joyce problems with unusual engines such as, learned about people as well as for instance, a Warner and asked if I airplanes. They will all say how hard it might know a mechanic in the area is to believe everything and that they familiar with the type. Sometimes I can simply must get to Oshkosh next year. help, sometimes I can refer them to We need to continue to tell everyone With this issue of VINTAGE another member who can. It's another how fantastic the EAA Oshkosh ex­ AIRPLANE EAA Oshkosh '90 will be example of how we at the A/C Di vision perience is and tell everyone to ex­ history. The Antique/Classic Division are better off as a group rather than as perience it for themselves. If we will have hosted more than 800 classics individuals. continue to pass the word and unite our­ and 120 antiques. All of this activity A viation people are unique. They selves, we stand a better chance of will have been administered by volun­ trot off to the airport at every oppor­ retaining the freedoms we now enjoy in teer help. It's a monumental undertak­ tunity while their friends are going to personal flight. ing that gets bigger every year. the golf course. Aviation people would Ask a friend to join the Antique/Clas­ Your Division of EAA now stands at rather work on an airplane than mow the sic Division. While we have a large almost 7,000 members, making us close yard. Have you ever noticed that these organization with close to 7,000 mem­ to being the largest organization in the people also have other interests in bers, there are 35,000 aircraft registered world devoted to vintage airplanes. We similar areas? A number of pilots I that do not have electrical systems. have one of the finest monthly publica­ know, for example, are also ham radio That represents a large number of pilots tions covering these airplanes and this operators, fly model airplanes, are inter­ and owners who could benefit from era of aviation. ested in antique autos or hot rods. These membership in the Division, and could We spend a good deal of our time and are the people I have come to know, and help the Division to help others. energy managing the area of the EAA love to be associated with. As noted last month, the A/C Convention devoted to our aircraft and I know that the friendships I make in Division voted to continue to give out the aviation pioneers who flew them, aviation will be enduring. I know these participant plaques this year. This is not to mention those who restore and people will work tirelessly to help with now solely an Antique/Classic Di vision maintain these fine aircraft today. a project and contribute labor and activity. We are endebted to Bob Lick­ Throughout the year we also handle a materials, while never keeping score. teig and Jack Copeland for their efforts great deal of correspondence relating to What I mean by this is that they also on this project. We were also fortunate these aircraft and their maintenance. know the help of others is available to to have the Polaroid Co. donate the People write from all over the world to them without their having to ask. This cameras and film to photograph our fine me and other members of the Board of is what goes on all the time among avia­ antique and classic aircraft for the pla­ Directors with their needs and concerns. tion people. ques. Thanks Polaroid! One example of this is a gentleman from Oshkosh is a big event and we all As I have said in the past, let's all pull Australia who was having a problem enjoy the experience. When we return, in the same direction for the good of getting his prop overhauled . our flying buddies who stayed home aviation. Boardmember, John Berendt took care will all want to know how it was. We Join us and have it all. • 2 AUGUST 1990 PUBLICATION STAFF PUBLISHER Tom Poberezny VICE-PRESIDENT MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS Dick Malt EDITOR Mark Phelps August 1990 • Vo1.18, No.8 MANAGING EDITOR Golda Cox Copyright I!;) 1990 by the EAA Antique/Classic Division, Inc. All rights reserved. ART DIRECTOR Mike Drucks ADVERTISING Mary Jones Contents ASSOCIATE EDITORS Norman Petersen Dick Cavin Str aight & Levelfby Espie "Butch" Joyce FEATURE WRITERS 2 George A. Hardie, Jr. Dennis Parks EDITORIAL ASSISTANT 4 Letters to the Editor Isabelle Wiske STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS 7 Calendar Jim Koepnlck Carl Schuppel Jefflsom Page 12 EAA ANTIQUE/CLASSIC 8 Vintage Literaturefby Dennis Parks DIVISION, INC_ OFFICERS 12 Vintage Seaplanes/by Nonn Petersen President Vice-President Esple "Butch" Joyce Arthur R. Morgan 604 Highway St. 3744 North 51st Blvd. 14 Members' Projectsfby Nonn Petersen Madison. NC 27025 Milwaukee. WI 53216 919/427-0216 414/442-3631 Secretary Treasurer 16 AIC Half A World Away/by Jim Haynes George S. York E.E. "Buck" Hilbert 181 Sloboda Ave. P.O. Box 424 Mansfield. OH 44906 Unlon.IL60180 20 Ragwing Warbirdfby Gerard Pahl 419/529-4378 815/923-4591 Page 22 DIRECTORS 22 Coon Bottom Monster/by John Larson Robert C. "Bob" Brauer John S. Copeland 9345 S. Hoyne 9 Joanne Drive Chicago. IL 60620 Westborough. MA 01581 24 Interesting Member/by Bob Bauer 312/779-2105 ffJ8/366-7245 Philip Coulson William A. Eickhoff 28415 Springbrook Dr. 415 15th Ave.. N.E. 27 Pass It To Buckfby E.E. "Buck" Hilbert Lawton. MI 49065 St. Petersburg. FL 33704 616/624-6490 813/823-2339 Charles Harris Stan Gomoll 30 Vintage Trader 3933 South Peoria 1042 90th Lane. NE P.O. Box 904038 Minneapolis. MN 55434 Tusla. OK 74105 612/784-1172 34 Mystery Planefby George Hardie Jr. 918/742-7311 Page 24 Dale A. Gustafson Robert D. "Bob" Lumley 7724 Shady Hill Drive 1265 South 124th St. Indianapolis. IN 46278 Brookfield. WI 53005 317/293-4430 414/782-2633 FRONT COVER . Jerry and Nancy Groat Irom Mesa. Arizona Gene Morris Steven C. Nesse rellect a lew evening sunbeams in their polished Emigh Trojan 115C Steve Court. R.R.2 2009 Highland Ave. Roanoke. TX 76262 Albert Lea. MN 56007 during EM Sun 'n Fun '90. The Trojan's externally ribbed wings 817/491-9110 ffJ7/373-1674 combined great strength with ease 01 manulacture (Photo by Jim Koepnick. photo plane Ilown by Jim Dorman). S. H. "Wes" Schmid 2359 Lefeber Avenue Wauwatasa. WI 53213 REAR COVER ... Another rore magazine cover Irom the collec­ 414/771-1545 tion 01 Ted Businger. DIRECTOR ENERITUS S. J. Wlffman 7200 S.E. 85th Lane Ocala. FL 32672 904/245-7768 ADVISORS The words EM, ULTRAUGHT, FLY WITH THE FIRST TEAM, SPORT AVIATION,and the logos of EXPERIMENTAL AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION INC., EM John Berendt Gene Chase INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION, EM ANTIOUEJCLASSIC DIV1SION INC ., INTERNATIONAL AEROBATIC CLUBINC., WARBIRDS OF AMERICA INC., 7645 Echo Point Rd. 2159 Carlton Rd. are registered trademarks. THE EM SKY SHOPPE and logos of the EM AVIATION FOUNDATION INC. and EM ULTRAUGHT CONVENTION are Cannon Falls. MN 55009 Oshkosh. WI 54904 trademarks of the above associations and their use by any person other than the above associations is strictly prohibited. 507/263-2414 414/231-5002 Editorial Policy: Readers are encouraged to submit stories and photographs.Policy opinions expressed in articles are sofefy those of the authors. Responsibility George Daubner John A Fogerty for aocuracy in reporting rests entirely with the oontributor. Material should be sent to: Editor, The VINTAGE AIRPLANE, Wi ttman Regional Airport. 3000 2448 Lough Lane 479 Highway 65 Pobefezny Rd., Oshkosh, WI 54903-~. Phone: 414/426-4800. Hortford. WI 53027 Roberts. WI 54023 414/673-5885 715/425-2455 The VINTAGE AIRPLANE (SSN 0091-6943) is published and owned exclusively by EM Antique/Classic Division,lnc. of the Experimental Aircraft Association, Inc. and is published monthly at Wittman Regional Airport. 3000 Pobefezny Rd., Oshkosh, WI 54903-3006.Second Class Postage paid at Oshkosh, WI 54901 Jeannie Hill Dean Richardson and additional mailing offices. Membership rates for EM Antique/Classic Division,lnc. are $18.00 for current EM members for 12 month period of wNoh P.O . Box 328 6701 Colony Drive $12.00 is for the publication of The VINTAGE AIRPLANE. Membership is open to all who are interested in aviation. Harvard. IL 60033 Madison. WI 53717 815/943-7205 608/833-1291 ADVERTISING -Antique/Classic Division does not guarantee or endorse any product offered through our advertising. We invite oonstructive criticism and welcome any report of inferior merchandise obtained through our advertising so that corrective measures can be taken . POSTMASTER: Send eddress changes to EM Antique/Classic Division, Inc. P.O. Box 3006, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086. Kadiak Speedster Dear Norm Petersen, On page 90 of the May 1990 issue of SPORT A VIA TlON is a photograph of Everett David's Kadiak Speedster. I purchased the airplane in 1942 from someone in Benton Harbor, Michigan. I kept it at the old Hoosier Airport while I was teaching flying during World War II. As the war drew to a close in 1944, I advertised it in Trade-A-Plane and sold it to someone in Texas. He didn't pick up the plane for quite a while so I stored it in an old barn at the airport until it was picked up, several years later.
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