Sr. No. SAP Cods Name & Address of the Company M/s Teralight Lmited, VRS/0001 4100801 House # 13, Street 46, Sector F-7/1, Islamabad. M/s Telecom Foundation VRS/0002 4100802 TF Complex Mauve Area, G-9/4, Islamabad. M/s Arian International, Mezzanine Floor, VRS/0003 3300001 Manzoor Plaza, Blue Area, Islamabad. M/s Bahum Associates (Pvt) Ltd, 2nd Floor, M.K VRS/0004 4100077 Arcade, 32 Davis Road. Lahore-54000. M/s United Cool Services, VRS/0005 3000432 Office # 10, 2nd Floor, Aslam Business Center, Iqbal Road, Rawalpindi. M/s SATCO Enterprises VRS/0006 3000375 Plot # 7, I&T Center, G-8/4, Islamabad. M/s Pak Tech Engineers, VRS/0007 4100300 Office # 8-A, Islam Plaza, G-9 Merkaz, Islamabad. M/s Rawat Engineering Enterprises, H # 746, St VRS/0008 4100333 # 03,Sector I-9/1, Islamabad. M/s Bashir Pipe Industries (Pvt.) Ltd. VRS/0009 4100831 99-Railway Road, Lahore. M/s Powertech Engineering Solutions. 202, VRS/0010 4100846 Gulistan Plaza, Blue Area, Islamabad. M/s Creative Electronics & Automation, VRS/0011 4100116 Plot # 142, Industrial Triangle, Kahutta Road, Islamabad M/s Metro Engineers, Plot # 02, Near Share VRS/0012 4100820 Rabani, General Store Sector T No. 5, Bund Road, Lahore. M/s Hascombe Business Solutions (Pvt) Ltd. VRS/0013 4100829 House # 708-A, Street # 82, Sector I-8/4, Islamabad. M/s Bukhari Telecommuication Company, House VRS/0014 4100093 # 02, Street # 11, F-6/3, Islamabad. M/s BTC Network Solutions VRS/0015 4100830 House # 02, Street # 11, F-6/3, Islamabad M/s Shenzhen Xiaguang XP Co.Ltd. 6/F, M-10 VRS/0016 4200025 Building, Hi-Tech Industrial park, Middle Section Chennan Road, Shenzhen, P.R.C. China. M/s Haq Traders Karachi, Room # 20, Ground Floor, Abid Chambers, New VRS/0017 3601903 Challi, Shahra-e-Liaqat, Karachi M/s Excel Freight Systems (Pvt) Limited, VRS/0018 3601902 8/1, Habib Ullah Road, Off Davis Road, Lahore M/s Equinoz Marketing (Pvt) Limited, U.N. VRS/0019 4100131 Boulevard diplomatic Enclave-1, P.O. Box-1134, Islamabad. M/s Corvit Networks (Pvt.) Limited VRS/0020 4100115 14-D/1 Gulberg-III, Ghalib Road, Lahore. M/s Frontier Cable Industries (Pvt.) Limited VRS/0021 4100145 House # 7, Street # 66, F-7/3, Islamabad M/s Techno Engineering Corporation, Suite # 3- 4, Ist Floor, Mumtaz Arcade, 61-17-B1, College VRS/0022 4100417 Road, Muhammad Ali Chowk, Twon Ship, Lahore. M/s Premier Systems (Pvt) Limited. VRS/0023 3200580 House No. 311-A , Aurangzaib Road , Sector E- 7 , Islamabad. M/s Seesam Solutions (Pvt) Limited. VRS/0024 4100430 House # 11, Grnd Floor, G-11/2, Islamabad M/s United Business Systems (Pvt) Limited M/s Atlas Rubber & Plastic Industries (Pvt) Limited. VRS/0025 4100069 9th Floor Textile Plaza, Mumtaz Hussan Road, Karachi M/s World Star Business Systems, Plot # 134, VRS/0026 3300006 Street # 9, Sector I-10/3, Islamabad. M/s Tyco Electronics Logistics VRS/0027 4200032 AG.Diestsesteenweg 269, B-3010 Kessel-Lo, Belgium. M/s Acrologix (Pvt.) Limited VRS/0028 4100832 106/2, Saint Johns Park, Lahore Cantt. M/s ZRG International (Pvt) Limited VRS/0029 4100835 Suit # 101, 26-A, Block -6, Business Avenue, PECHS, karachi M/s Pronet (Pvt) Limited, VRS/0030 4100317 House # 116, Street # 60, Sector I-8/3, Islamabad. M/s Ismail & Brothers VRS/0031 3000187 Plot # 5-A, Shop # 1, I &T Center, G-8/4, Islamabad. M/s Furnishing Pavillion, VRS/0032 3602154 Plot # 111, Street # 08, Sector I-10/3, Islamabad. M/s Ahmed Enterprises, VRS/0033 3000008 Office # 6, 1st Floor, London Shoping Center, Sector G-9 Markaz, Islamabad. M/s Mashalla Autos VRS/0034 3000245 Shop # 1, Plot # 4L, Noman Plaza, I-10 Markaz, Islamabad. M/s Technocrats Office Automation Systems, VRS/0035 3200214 2nd Floor, Block 13-S, College Road, Near F.G. College for Women F-7, Islamabad. M/s Khalid Enterprises, VRS/0036 4100837 Office No. 44, Ist Floor, Qasim Market Qasim Road, Rawalpindi. M/s Habib Rafiq International (Pvt) Limited. VRS/0037 4100839 13-A, Block-H, Gulberg-11, Lahore. M/s Karachi Shipyard & Engineering Works VRS/0038 4100840 Limited. West Warf Dockyard Road, Karachi M/s Sillicon Technologies VRS/0039 4100838 77-E, Block-2, PECH, Ghazali Road, Karachi M/s Premier Cables (Pvt) Ltd, 43-E, Block - 9, P.E.C.H.S, Opp Federal VRS/0040 4100312 Express,Off Razi Road, Shahrah-e- Faisal, Karachi M/s Agility Logistics (Pvt) Limited VRS/0041 3602212 Plot # 200, Street # 1, I-10/3, Industrial Area, Islamabad. M/s Ideal Distribution Line VRS/0042 4100841 Office Ano 7, 3rd Floor, Tata Mansion Plaza, Fazl-e-Haq Road, Blue Area, Islamabad. M/s Industrial Power Services VRS/0043 3000174 House # 222, Asghar Mall Scheme, Rawalpindi. M/s Sesco (Pvt.) Limited VRS/0044 4100365 House # 141. Street # 23, Sohni Road, I-10/4, Islamabad. M/s Sigma Engineer & Contractors, Basement VRS/0045 3200203 -3B, 69 East, Adeel Plaza, Fazal-e-Haq Road, Blue Area, Islamabad. M/s Balouch Enterprises, VRS/0046 4100081 NE 1400, Street No. 02, Dhoke Farman Ali, Rawalpindi M/s City Electronics, 74-E Unit # 1, Ajaib Plaza, VRS/0047 3001571 Jinnah Avenue, Opp, Saudi Pak Tower, Blue Area, Islamabad. M/s AutoMan Workshop, Opposite Street # 1, F- VRS/0048 3000059 11/1, Main Service Road, Cilling Market, Islamabad. M/s Symbia (Pvt) Limited. VRS/0049 4100408 Plote # 291, Street # 03, Sector I-9/3, Islamabad. M/s Haier Pakistan (Pvt) Limited, 63-B, 8th VRS/0050 3602360 Floor, Mega Tower, Main Boulevard Gulberg-III, Lahore. M/s Mega Mart (Pvt) Limited , Office # 8, Ist VRS0051 4100847 Floor, Plaza 2000, I-8 Merkaz, Islamabad. M/s Syed Brothers Construction Company VRS/0052 3001621 BK Plaza, Murree Road, Bhara Kahu, Islamabad. M/s Redline Communication Inc.Canada,302 VRS/0053 4200040 Town Center Blvd, Suit 100, On Markham Canada M/s S.A Brothers (Pvt) Limited. Plot # 77-78, VRS/0054 4100343 Street # 10, Industrial Area Sector I-9/2, Islamabad. M/s Friends Engineering & Services Office # 501, 1st Floor, Rafaqat Plaza, VRS/0055 3001624 Peshawar Road, Nasirabad, Rawalpindi M/s Shehbaz Hardware Stores VRS/0056 3000458 Store # 24- Circular Road, Out Side Lohari Gate, Near Akhbar Market, Lahore. M/s Ericsson Pakistan (Pvt) Limited. 61-A F-7G- VRS/0057 4100132 7, Jinnah Avenue, 3rd Floor, Saudi Pak Tower, Blue Area, Islamabad. M/s Raza International, 90-Bank Square Market, VRS/0058 4100334 Model Town, Lahore. M/s International Marketing Services VRS/0059 4100183 2/28, Amtullah Mansion, Najmuddin Street, Nanakwada, Karachi M/s Synergy computers VRS/0060 4100849 Unit B, Block # 1, Diplomatic Enclave, Sector G- 5, Islamabad. M/s Sunrise Metals.CCA 245, Block FF, Phase 4, D.H.A VRS/0061 4100850 Lahore M/s I.I Enterprises, Office No. 14, 3rd Floor, VRS/0062 3200105 Capital Trade Center, F-10 Markaz, Islamabad M/s Munir Sons. VRS/0063 4100259 133 Abid Chamber, Abid Market Temple Road, Lahore M/s Umar and Company VRS/0064 3000427 Basement 4, Victory Tower Plaza, F-8 Markaz, Islamabad. M/s Khan Traders, B-11/512, Opposite Potohar VRS/0065 3001626 CNG Station, Akram Market, Muslim Town, Rawalpindi. M/s Alcatel Lucent Pakistan Ltd. Street # 9, Sector H-8/4, Islamabad. 4100030 & VRS/0066 M/s Alcatel Lucent International 4200292 148-152 Route de la Reine 92100, Boulogne Billiancourt, France. M/s Communication Links. VRS/0067 4100112 Suite # 1, 5th Floor, Shan Arcade, Civic Center, New Garden Town, Lahore. M/s Ericsson AB, Sweeden Torshamnsgatan 48, VRS/0068 4200041 KISTA Stockholm, Sweeden. M/s Waqar-ul-Haq Ghauri, House # 20, Street # VRS/0069 3001629 1, Block W, New Multan. M/s Copier Professional Services VRS/0070 3200062 9-Mezzanine Muhammadi Plaza, Blue Area, Islamabad. M/s Muhammad Rashid Bhatti & Co. VRS/0071 4100219 85-A, Block/A, Satellite Town, Rawalpindi. M/s Muhammad Akram & Co. VRS/0072 4100217 House No. 11/3 Main Harley Street, Rawalpindi Cantt. M/s M.A & Co, Block # 38-A, Shop # 3, I & T Centre, Near VRS/0073 3000229 Sarya Chowk, Sector G-8/4, Islamabad. M/s Bismillah Auto Workshop VRS/0074 3000081 Shop # 2, Plot # 7, Punjavani Plaza, Near Japan Auto, G-7 Merkaz, Islamabad. M/s Saleem Pasha Associates VRS/0075 4100863 B-55, Zeb Plaza, Commercial Market, Satellite Town, Rawalpindi. M/s Anjum Raza & Co.Office # 2, 2nd Floor, Old VRS/0076 3000041 American Centre, Kashmir Road, Saddar, Rawalpindi Cantt. M/s Pakistan Telephone Cables Limited VRS/0077 4100303 E-3, Block -17, Al-Raee Avenue, Behind National Stadium, Karachi M/s General Trading Establishment (GTE). VRS/0078 4200052 41-C, Road 4, Pak PWD Islamabad M/s Punjab Traders. Office # 165, R.A Bazar, VRS/0079 4100319 Peshawar Cantt.Peshawer. M/S InfoTech Private Limited VRS/0080 4100866 1st Floor, Waheed Plaza, Plot # 52 West,Blue Area, Islamabad. M/s Info Systems VRS/0081 4100178 H-13/A Shafiq St# 2, Pir Ghazi Road, Ichra Lahore. M/s Eltek Valere Pakistan Pvt.Limited. House # VRS/0082 4100868 80, Street # 90, G-6/3, Atta Turk Avenue, Islamabad. M/s Multi-Tech Systems VRS/0083 4100256 Office # 3-5, 1st Floor, Plaza 2000, I-8 Merkaz, Islamabad. M/s Palmchip Pakistan (Pvt) Limited. 2nd Floor, VRS/0084 4100867 NetSol IT Village, (Software Technology Park), Main Ghazi Road, Lahore Cantt. M/s Arwen Tech (Pvt.) Limited SRB Business Center, SRB Plaza F-6 Markaz VRS/0085 4100061 Islamabad 37-G, Block 6, PECHS, Karachi M/s JOHNSON Controls International LLC. PO. VRS/0086 4200057 Box 32459, Office No 601/903, Khalid Al Attar Tower, Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai, UAE.
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