TTheThehe PPHIPHIHI GGAMMAAAMMAMMA DDEDELTAELLTATA VVOL.OL. 112727 NNO.O. 2 SSPRINGPRING 22006006 llearningearning lleadershipeadership ffromrom ccorporateorporate eexecutivexecutives LearningLearning LeadershipLeadership atat FijiFiji AcademyAcademy p.p. 3434 CAREERCAREER LINKLINK RevivedRevived p.p. 1616 Who’sWho’s SupportingSupporting thethe EducationalEducational Foundation?Foundation? 20052005 HonorHonor RollRoll ofof DonorsDonors p.p. 4343 The Phi Gamma Delta Spring 2006 Volume 127, Number 2 Editor William A. Martin III (Mississippi State 1975) [email protected] Director of Communications Melanie K. Musick [email protected] Circulation 51,756 155,197 men have been initiated into the Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta since 1848. Founded at Jefferson College, Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, on May 1, 1848, by John Templeton Mc- Carty, Samuel Beatty Wilson, James Elliott, Ellis Bailey Gregg, Daniel Webster Crofts, and Naaman Fletcher. Phi Gamma Delta Web Site www.phigam.org For all the latest information, updates, and anything you need to know about Phi Gamma Delta, log on to our updated web site. Change of Address Send any address changes to International Headquar- ters by email to [email protected], by phone at (859) 255-1848, by fax at (859) 253- 0779 or by mail to P.O. Box 4599, Lexington, KY 40504-4599. AtAt RightRight A perfect example of “Not for College Days Alone.” Tau Deuteron graduates from the University of Texas annually trek to south- ern Texas for the “Stone Ranch Reunion.” Pictured L-R: Bryan Stone (1980), Kevin Snod- grass (1982), Bill Campbell (1980), Bobby Orr (1979), Carcy Clinton (1980), Jack Womack (1978), Jeff Webb (1980) and DeWitt Walt- mon Jr. (1980). OnOn thethe CoverCover Jack Creighton (Pittsburgh, Ohio State 1954), Ro Parra (Maryland 1982) and John Edwardson (Purdue 1971) take time out of their busy corporate schedules to share with brothers at Fiji Academy in St. Louis. The Phi Gamma Delta (USPS 429-880) is published by Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity, 1201 Red Mile Road, P. O. Box 4599, Lexington, KY 40544-4599, (859) 255-1848. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: The Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity, P. O. Box 4599, Lex- ington, KY 40544-4599. Member of College Fraternity Editors Association and the North American Interfraternity Conference 2 THE PHI GAMMA DELTA www.phigam.org Friendship, the Sweetest Influence COVERCOVER STORYSTORY learning leadership Corporate leaders inspire undergraduates at Fiji Academy 34 CAREER LINK Revived PGD partners with monsterTRAK 16 Who’s Supporting the Educational Foundation? 2005 Honor Roll of Donors 43 F E A T U R E S 15 Firsthand Account of Katrina 17 Graduate Dues Update 18 Living Large in Georgia 20 New Crib at Cincinnati 22 North Star Ekklesia in Minneapolis 26 2005 Distinguished Fiji Awards 28 Mu Sigma on National Register 30 Fiji Golf Classic 31 Maag’s Strategies for Success D E P A R T M E N T S 4 President’s Message 5 GammaGram 6 On Campus 23 Graduate Almanac 38 Spotlight 67 Ad Astra 71 Fraternally Speaking TheThe MissionMission ofof PhiPhi GammaGamma DeltaDelta Phi Gamma Delta exists to promote lifelong friendships, to reaffi rm high ethical standards and values, and to foster personal development in the pursuit of excellence. Phi Gamma Delta is committed to provid- ing opportunities for each brother to develop responsibility, leadership, scholarship, and social skills in order to become a fully contributing member of society. Not For College Days Alone SPRING 2006 THE PHI GAMMA DELTA 3 PRESIDENT’S Archon President M E S S A G E MARVIN J. CARVER III (North Carolina 1975) with educational grants and to their fraternity. To date, “I told you so.” deductible contributions. This over 5,200 brothers have re- need triggered the fi rst dis- sponded positively, a number cussions of resuming the old far beyond the Archons’ most Normally that is not something that dues program in some form. optimistic expectations for any of us want to hear. It usually means Those discussions occurred the fi rst year. These broth- off and on for a number years. ers’ gifts will help Phi Gamma that we have made a mistake or mis- The chief impediment was Delta pay for Field Secretary judged how something would turn out. the challenge of coordinating services, training of Purple a dues appeal in conjunction Legionnaires, the Section With the early success of the Fraterni- with the Educational Founda- Chief program, this magazine, ty’s revitalized graduate dues program, tion’s campaign for support. starting new chapters, and it is a statement that a number of cur- revitalizing many that have Finally, at the August 2005 been dormant. rent and former leaders of Phi Gamma meeting of the Archons, the Delta are making. And it is music to staff presented a plan for a At the Minneapolis Ekklesia program that the Archons felt in August, this Archonate will my ears. was effi cient, conservative close our term gratifi ed that and realistic. It was designed so many brothers who want- In the fall 2005 issue of or how their gift would be to set a good base on which ed to give something back The Phi Gamma Delta, we used. At the same time, the to build graduate dues sup- have helped us open up an informed brothers that we Foundation agreed to provide port over several years. The untapped source of support would be resuming the gradu- grants to the Fraternity for Archons adopted the plan, di- for Phi Gamma Delta. And if ate dues program that the its educational activities and recting the staff to coordinate any of the brothers come up Fraternity discontinued about programs for undergraduate every step with the Educa- to us and say, “I told you so,” 20 years ago. Through 1986, brothers and chapters. One tional Foundation’s fundrais- we’ll just grin and bear it. the Fraternity ran a very result of these changes was ing efforts. We did not know successful and effi cient direct that the dues income from how brothers would respond. Fraternally, mail program to solicit gradu- graduate brothers, which the We were prepared to start ate brothers for what was Fraternity could spend on any small this year, educate broth- called dues. Then, as now, the expense, became restricted in ers on the need, and build the dues were entirely voluntary. use when converted to tax- program over time. Perge! Brothers who did not con- deductible donations to the tribute did not forfeit any of Educational Foundation. We have been amazed by the P.S. Do you want to join the the benefi ts of membership. support brothers have given growing list of dues-paid In the early 1990s, Phi brothers? See page 17. In 1986, the Phi Gamma Gamma Delta and the entire Delta Educational Founda- fraternity system experienced tion decided to expand its a decline in undergraduate fundraising among gradu- membership, with a re- To date, over 5,200 ate brothers. This was done lated decline in unrestricted with the concurrence of income from undergraduate the Archons, who chose to dues and fees. The Fraternity brothers have re- close the Fraternity’s gradu- needed more unrestricted ate dues program so as not income to pay for activities to confuse brothers about that were not educational and sponded positively. who was soliciting them thus could not be fi nanced 4 THE PHI GAMMA DELTA www.phigam.org Friendship, the Sweetest Influence GAMMAGRAM N E W S , E V E N T S , F E E D B A C K Phi Gamma Delta at Archonate Fills Board Vacancy the Smithsonian Archon President Marvin Carver (North Carolina 1975) announced November 11, 2005, that the Archons have approved changes to the Fraternity’s board of direc- Phi Gamma tors. A vacancy was created on the Archonate when Vice President Rick Smudz Delta owns the (Ohio State 1975) passed ad astra on September 25, 2005. only full-length portrait of Archon Secretary Bill Kramer (Gettysburg 1978) moves to Archon Vice President, Calvin Coolidge while Archon Councilor Bill Miller (Indiana 1962, Purdue 1996) moves to Archon painted while he Secretary. was President. Normally that Scott Mikulecky (Colorado State 1982) is the new board member, filling the portrait hangs in Archon Councilor position vacated by Brother Miller’s move to Secretary. This term the International will expire at the next Ekklesia in August 2006. Brother Mikulecky has served as the Headquarters, Fraternity’s General Counsel since 1996. In 1982 he received the Wilkinson Award with an exact copy on display in the as the outstanding senior in Phi Gamma Delta. He subsequently served as a Field National Portrait Gallery (NPG) of the Secretary and as Purple Legionnaire at Colorado State. Scott is an attorney in private Smithsonian. However, through De- practice in Colorado Springs, Colorado. cember 2007, the original portrait is on loan to the Smithsonian. The National Of these board changes, Brother Carver said, “Scott Mikulecky will be a great addi- Portrait Gallery has undergone exten- tion to the Archonate. As General Counsel, he has attended Archons’ meetings for sive renovations, with a grand opening nine years, so he is well aware of the work of the board, our opportunities and our scheduled for July 4, 2006. The Fraterni- challenges. Even as we make these changes, the Archons are still very mindful of the ty’s Coolidge portrait is included in the sad event that necessitated them, the passing of our brother Rick Smudz.” America’s Presidents exhibit, traditionally the most popular exhibit of the NPG. Josh Holly (Tennessee 1997) Appointed PR Director On November 28, 2005, the Archons rises to the opportuni- thon and other philanthropic activities. appointed Josh Holly (Tennessee 1997) ties of the future,” said as Director of Public Relations.
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