Nashville Campus 2021-2023 Official School Catalog Volume 95 Revised and Effective, June 2021 At the time of publication, every effort was made to assure that this catalog contains accurate information. Advanced notice will be given to authorized state boards or approval agencies in the event of changes in the content of this catalog. Please refer to the catalog addendums for any changes or revisions that have occurred since the catalog was published. Lincoln College of Technology Nashville, TN Campus LINCOLN COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY 1524 GALLATIN AVENUE NASHVILLE, TN 37206 (615) 226-3990 • Toll Free 800-228-6232 Fax 615-262-8466 A branch campus of LCT Indianapolis LINCOLN COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY 7225 WINTON DRIVE, BLDG 128 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46268 317-632-5553 www.lincolntech.edu The information contained in this catalog, supplements, and addendums are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and are expected to remain effective during the forthcoming licensing year. David Whiteford CAMPUS PRESIDENT Unless otherwise captioned, the photographs contained in this catalog were purchased from any of several reputable stock photo companies with which we have a license agreement. All photos containing equipment depict the kinds and types found in industry. Nashville Campus 2021-2023 Official School Catalog Volume 95 Revised and Effective, June 2021 Table of Contents INTRODUCTION. .3 Educational Equipment . 34. Our Mission . 4 ACADEMIC INFORMATION . .35 History . 4. Student . Conduct . 36 . Historic Administration Building . 4 Dress Standard . .36 . Educational Philosophy . 4 . Class Schedules . 36 . Welcome from the Campus President . 5. Consultation and Tutoring . 37 A Letter from the President & CEO . 5. Student Advising . 37. CAREER PROGRAMS . .6 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Policy . 37. ASE Accredited Master Automobile Service Technology . 7 Attendance Policy . 37 DIPLOMA PROGRAMS Blended Delivery . 38. Automotive Technology – AUTO105D . 8 . Make-Up Work . .38 . Automotive Technology with High Performance – AUTO110D . .9 . Course and Academic Measurement . 38. Diesel and Truck Technology – DTT107D . 10 Grading Policy . 38 Heavy Equipment Maintenance Technology – HEM101D . 11 Grade Appeal Policy . 39 . Collision Repair and Refinishing Technology – COL105BD . 12. Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) . 39 Welding and Metal Fabrication Technology - WLD100D . 13 . Introduction . 39 . DEGREE PROGRAMS Qualitative Measure of Progress Automotive Service Management – AUTO210AOS . .1 4. (Grade Point Average) . 39 Heavy Equipment Maintenance Service Management – HEM201AOS . 15 Quantitative Measures of Progress Diesel and Truck Service Management – DTT210AOS . 16 (Pace of Progression and Maximum Time Frame) . 39 Collision Repair and Refinishing Service Management – COL211BA . 17 Evaluation Period . 39 . COURSE DESCRIPTIONS . 18 Failure to Meet Standards . 39 GENERAL INFORMATION. .24 Appeals and Probation . 40 . Accreditation . .25 . Notification of Status and Appeal Results . 40. Approvals . .25 . Reinstatement . 40. Associations and Memberships . 25. Treatment of Grades and Credits . 40 Statement of Ownership . 25 Satisfactory Academic Progress for VA Beneficiaries . 41 Notice to Students . 25. Withdrawals and Incomplete Grades . .41 . Compliance with City, State, and Federal Regulations . 26 Course Repeats . 41 . NonDiscrimination and Harassment Policy . 26 . Withdrawal . 41. Campus Crime Statistics . .26 . Leave of Absence . 41. Facilities and Training Aids . 26 Transfer Credits . 41 . Learning Resource Center . 26 . Re-entrance Policy . 42. ADMISSIONS POLICIES . 27 Requirements for Graduation . 42. Admission Requirements . 28 Orientation Program . 28. CAMPUS INFORMATION . 43 Introductory Period of Enrollment . 28 . Meet Our School Staff and Instructors . .44 . FINANCIAL AID INFORMATION . 29 Corporate Administration . 44. Financial Aid Programs . 30 School Administration . 44. Scholarships . 30 Academic Dean . .44 . Tuition and Fees . 30 Program Directors . 44. Tennessee Cancellation/Refund Policy . 31 . Education Supervisors . 44 . Return of Title IV Federal Student Aid . 31 . CAMPUS ADDENDUMS The Refund Process . .31 . Schedule of Fees . Addendum . Other State Cancellation and Refund Policies . 31. Academic Calendar . .Addendum . GENERAL STUDENT INFORMATION . 32 Instructor List . Addendum. Office Hours . 33 Program Equipment . .Addendum . Housing . 33. SPECIFIC STATE CATALOG ADDENDUMS Career Services . .33 . Arkansas . Addendum Official Student Communication . .33 . Georgia . Addendum . Student Records . 33 Kentucky . Addendum. School Calendar . 33 Louisiana . Addendum. School Closing . 33 Mississippi . Addendum Student Complaint/Grievance Procedure . .33 . Missouri . Addendum. Other State Student Complaint/Grievance Policy . 34 Nebraska . Addendum. Visitors . 34 Ohio . Addendum. Tools . 34. Oklahoma . .Addendum . 2 Introduction Our Mission . 4 History . 4. Historic Administration Building . 4 Educational Philosophy . 4 . Welcome from the Campus President . 5. A Letter from the President & CEO . 5. 3 Introduction Our Mission As a result of goals established in the long- Educational Philosophy range strategic plan for our institute(s) and Lincoln’s mission is to provide superior its parent corporation, Lincoln Educational In preparing the whole person for a education and training to our students for Services (LESC), Nashville Auto- Diesel changing world, Lincoln College of in-demand careers in a supportive, accessible College changed their name to Lincoln Technology is dedicated and committed to learning environment, transforming College of Technology on September 1, providing an up-to-date, high-quality, and students’ lives and adding value to their 2012. enriching instructional program, designed communities. Lincoln Educational Services Corporation for serious-minded students in quest of is a leading provider of diversified career excellence in education. History oriented post-secondary education. Lincoln The philosophy of the College extends offers recent high school graduates and beyond the teaching of technical proficiencies Nashville Auto-Diesel College was working adults degree and diploma and practical knowledge. Each and every established in 1919 by Mr. H.O. Balls. programs in five principle areas of study: member of the student body is cared for, Our first course of training was auto health sciences, automotive technology, recognized, and respected. Concern for mechanics. In those days, the training was skilled trades, hospitality services and individual needs, abilities, and interests is primitive in some ways. We had to teach business information technology. Lincoln the hallmark of our philosophy of education. driving. Our training was also advanced. has provided the workforce with skilled We believe the fundamental purpose of For example, in electricity we taught Ohm’s technicians since its inception in 1946. education is to help individuals to develop Law, starting with the structure of the Lincoln Educational Services Corporation fully, to help instill them with ideals and atom. Our 1920 catalog was a leaflet. It currently operates over 20 campuses in 14 attitudes, to enhance their ability to adapt contained testimonial letters from graduates states under 3 brands: Lincoln College of to variations and differences, and to enable expressing appreciation for helping them get Technology, Lincoln Technical Institute, them to make a definite contribution to a job. Originally students came from close to and Euphoria Institute of Beauty Arts and society. Nashville, but Mr. Balls realized he would Sciences. We believe that education augments the soon saturate the market with graduates, moral worth and dignity of all individuals so he began to advertise in publications Historic Administration and broadens their intellectual horizons, such as Popular Mechanics and Popular affording them greater opportunities for Science. By the mid-twenties, we received Building living a more meaningful and productive life. our first foreign student and also our first We believe that an individual learns as rehabilitation student. Our market area was a total person and that learning requires gradually expanded to all states and 62 self-activity, discipline, and skill-mastery foreign countries. practices on the part of the learner. In 1935, we included the diesel engine We believe education means growth in in our course. In 1946, we added Collision purpose and self-direction. Students should Repair and Refinishing Technology (body grow to feel that their destinies are within and fender). In our history we have also their own control. taught Radio Repair, Refrigeration, and Air We believe that the time-honored values Conditioning. We have performed three of truth, honesty, consideration, sincerity group-training programs for the Federal and the putting forth of one’s best effort at Government. all times promote a sense of “esprit de corps” • 1,296 men for Army Ordnance within our school community. during WWII • 500 Air Force mechanics in the Korean War If you happen to be looking at either of • 57 foreign students sponsored by the U.S. two books titled, NASHVILLE – A Short Department of State under the Point Four History and Selected Buildings or Images of Program of President Truman America, East Nashville, you will see our Administration Building listed. We have been approved for the training This property was given to Zachariah of veterans since 1946 and have trained Stull, Pennsylvanian, as a Revolutionary War thousands of veterans
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