Missouri University of Science and Technology Scholars' Mine Missouri S&T Magazine Special Collections Missouri S&T Magazine, November 1993 Miner Alumni Association Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarsmine.mst.edu/alumni-magazine Recommended Citation Miner Alumni Association, "Missouri S&T Magazine, November 1993" (1993). Missouri S&T Magazine. 396. https://scholarsmine.mst.edu/alumni-magazine/396 This Magazine is brought to you for free and open access by Scholars' Mine. It has been accepted for inclusion in Missouri S&T Magazine by an authorized administrator of Scholars' Mine. This work is protected by U. S. Copyright Law. Unauthorized use including reproduction for redistribution requires the permission of the copyright holder. For more information, please contact [email protected]. --. ---.;;.--===:, :::::::= I ....-:. __ .. =:=:=::: .-- .. MSM-UMR ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Cas tlemall Hall. UMR.Rolla.MO 65401-0249 Telephone (314}-341-4145 OFFICEIlS Dear jriends_ Presldenl ROB ERT V. WOLF, '5 1, 244·L McNu" Hall . UMR, Roll •. MO 65401 Your alun . Pr csld cnl-elcct We lnl aSSOCiation celebrated G ERALD l. ST EVENSON, '59 , Jacobs Engin eer Group, 25 1 South Lake Dr. , Pasadena, CA ekend oj October 1.3 F: 1993 HomeCOming the 91 101 and nostalgic occos . Or those who attended it w Vice Pr es id ent W.R "PAT" BROADDUS, '5 5. AAI, P.O. Box 2545, D.lton. GA 30722 with a genero IOn. Alums jrom the class 0 1 1 ;93 as both a joyous Vice Pres id ent us contll1gent 'I I 'retumed I ALFR ED J. BUESCH ER, '611 , Sverdrup Corp., .1 3 723 Rlvcrpon Drive. MMyiand H eigh ts, MO ago and hundreds who grad~a:;~s; who graduated more than ~~ ::! 63043 My ojjice dictionary d 'b unng the intervening years rs Volume 6' Vice Pres ldenl returning home /' . escn es homeCOming as tl " MATTEO A. COCO. '66. 7 115 Alicelon Ave., AflIOO1 . MO 63 123 ... , willch seems .. a comll1g to Or UNIVERS I Secretary that homeCOming I'S aWjully site,specific I'd tl ROBERT T . BERRY, '72, Burns & McDonnell , 10795 Watson Road. Sunset Hills, M O 631 27 more pe I " . ra ler je I CHANCEL Trc{ls urcr oj jriends oj homeCOming canebe John T P J.L. ' JACK " PAINTER, '50, P.O Box 723. Roll • . MO 65401 I: r::agt~:: ri~;g lo~;. ::~;:::;~~:t:~, MS,j·U'lf oJ recolleclion and a I' are a common past Robert V. DIRECTORS AT LAR GE reminiscence and at· Ime oj jellowship' a lime .r . Ime oj celebr . ' oJ EXECUTI\ gatheling oj alums is a hom otlon. I'd like to think that any Donald G CHR ISTA DEGON IA ANDREW. 2436 Wesb.y Dr., M.ryland Heights, MO 63043 I ' dl ecomll1g h I ROBERT S. BRUCE, '69, 15 C.rrswold, CI.ylon, MO 63 105 Jnen y chat arOund II ' w el ler th at gatheri . 1e water cooler ng IS a JAMES W HOELSCHER, '48, 11 3 Slonebridge Dr., Hend ersonville, NC 28739 TheMSM ALISSA M. GALLAGHER. '8 1.816 S. Berry. 51 Loul" MO 63122 game, Or a meeling oj one 0 1 • al work, a luncheon, a card COuntry. ' Our dozens oj alum ' . lographe< DENNIS F. JAGGI, '70, 1509 Nlghlhawk Dr.. Edmond, OK 73034 n, sections arOund th ROBERT R MORRISON . '7 1. 730 R.lnlree, N.pervllle, IL 60540 We ' h e UMRDep ve ad an increasin Marke t in~ A RE A DIRECTORS Rolla jo' . g number oj Our I " I va no us events during th a urns coming home" t sociaUon . YOu r alma mat . e year. Ij you jind '1 . 0 Area Zip Co des w·o er. enjoy yow' perSonal h I Impossible to visit EDITOR 00· 14 S. DALE McHENRY, '8 1, AT& T. RI. 2021206 Norlh, Room 4B232. Bedminster, NJ I 1 some othe I omecoming b 0792 1 in r a ums in your area Ij II. Y getting together KalhyMa 15·26 ROBERT C. PERR Y. '49, 302 Fox Chapel Rd .. ApI. 500. Pi ttsburgh. PA 15238 YO ur area. attend the s. lere IS an active alum' . 27-36 WILLIAM H. GAMMON '49, 4142 Soulhwell Way. SarC'l sota, FL 3424 1 about hi' eClion actiVities' ij II " m sectIOn e Ping LIS to form one? / Jere Isn t a section how ASSOCIA' 37-4 5 G RAH AM G . SUTH ERLAND III, '64, Morrison Knudson-MK Ferguson, 1500 W . 3 rd 51., (Alumni I Cleveland, Of-! 4411 3 All oj Ihe ojjicers d" . , tl 6-52 W ILLIAM M. FARRELl., '65,5400 Winthrop Court, Evansville, IN 47715 me in b,in in '. /l ectors and stajj oj YO UI' al . (Fealures 53·6 1 ROBERT M. SAXER. '6 1, 704 E. Ced ... Ave .. 5 1. Charles, IL 60 174 g g you gleetll1gs and Ou . b . umm association jOin I est Wishes. 62·62 ROBERT F. UTHOFF. '52. 42 Ci rcle Drive. Springfield. IL 62703 CONTRIBI 63·65 JERRY R. BAYLESS. '59. 101 ERL. UMR, Rolla, MO 65401 Laura Bes WILLIAM W. COLLINS, '50. 1608 WUson Orcle, Rolla. MO 6540 I Dick HaIfi MI CHAEL E. FERR ETTI. '67. 2493 Country Place Dr., Maryland Heights, MO 63043 Robert V W II . JAMES l. FOIL. '74 , 207 NE Country Lane, Lee's Summit, MO 64063 PreSident, MSM.UM . OJ, 51, '52 John Keal ROBEHT J. SC HNELL, 78,3526 Brookstone 5 Dr., 51. Louis, MO 63 129 R Alumni ASsociation Carol Kie l HUMBERT E. "BOB" SFR EDDO, '58, P.O. Box 1302. Jellerson CJly, MO 65 102 Mari anne KEV IN C. SI<IBISI< I, '75, RI. 7, Box 7325. O,arl< ,MO 65721.·9807 JAMES 1<. VAN BUHEN. '63, 9807 Copper H;[I Rd .. 5 1. Louis, MO 63124 66 ·72 JOHN MOSCARI, '5 1,503 Coleman Dr, l.ongvi ew, TX 75601 · 7786 PHOTOGR 73 ·75 JAMES E. BERTELSMEYER. '66.3303 E. 100lh PI. 5 .. Tuls•. OK 74137 Kalhy Mal 76·77 JOl1N C. "CURT" I<ILLINGE R. '73, 14823 Preston P. rk. Houston. TX 77095 Khan Pow 78·84 HANDY G KERNS. '74. 4797 V. lhalla Dr. , Boulder, CO 80301 DanSeif" 85 ·92 WILLIAM M. HALLEn , '55, P.O. Box 6'121 6. Tucson. AZ 85728·42 16 93·99 VI C HOFFMAN, '60,31057 E. Lake Morl on Dr. S.E., I<enl. WA 9804 2 SUPPORT STUDENT REPR ESENTATIVES Tamie H" Lisa May JENNIFER ZUNG Stu de nt Union Board , 2 18 Unive rsity Cenwr-West, UMR, Rolla, MO 6540 1 BEN STELTENPOHL Student Council, 20 2 University Center-W est, UMR, Rolla, MO 6540 1 EDITORIAL COMMITTEE CHAIHS James civil en JEROME 1'. BERRY , '49, RI. 4. Box 41 9. Roll., MO 6540 I mance LU CIEN M. BO LON JR. , '59, 9025 W. Mu"ay Rd . Lee's Summll. MO 6408 1 of Engi J Rl e HAHD HUNT, '50, 149 13 Hlghw.y 82, Ci"bondale. CO 1623 CALVIN M. OCHS. '49, 1304 Bello Paseo CI. , Jellerson Clly, MO 65 109 Paul R. LONNIE J. SI-IALTON. '63, 700 W 471h. Sulle 1000. K. nsas CJly, MO 64 11 2 So rof( 110NALD A TAPPM EYER . '47, 2226 Counlry Club Dr . Sugar Land. TX 77478 Bob Sf ER NST A WEINEL, '44, I 9 We",.1P lace. O·F. llon. IL 62269 neerof PA T PRES IDENTS and Tr. ClaUde ARTH UR BAE BLER, '55, 17 Zinzc r Court, 5 1. Louis, MO 63 123 PO lan" RIC HARD H . BAUER. '52. Missouri El cctrochcm [nc.. 10958 L1n -Villle Dr,. 5 1. LouIs, MO 63 123 gineers R OB EI~ T D. BAY, '49.8947 Lin den Lane, Prairie Village, I( 6620 7 HOBERT M BI1ACKBILL, '42.9 148 Clea rl. ke Dr .. D. II.s, TX 75225 PAUL T. DOWLING. '40. 10 144 Winding Ridge Rd. 5 1. Louis, MO 63 124 RAYJ'vIOND O . KASTEN. '43. 90 1 W . 1141h T elTncc, Kansas City, MO 64114 PETER F MATTEI, '37, 9954 Holliston Courl, 51 Louis, MO 63 124 JA M ES B M CGRATH, '49, 12425 Balv,Iyck Lanc, St Louis, MO 6313 1 JO EPH W ~1 00 N EY. '39. 2 11 N Cenlral , CI.ylon, MO 63 105 MELVIN E NICKEL, '38. 10601 S. HamUlon Ave, Ch icago. IL 60643 J R BERT PATTERSON, '54, Show·Me, Inc .. P O. Box 573 Si kes lon, MO 380 1 LAWR ENCE A SPAN IER, '50.246 Eagle Drive, Ju pJler, FL 33 477·406 1 JO H N B TOOM EY. '49, Starr M tmagement Corp., 7 11 0 Rai nwater PI. , Lorton, VA 22079 STAFF DONALD G BRACKIIAIIN, '93 Executive Vice Presldcnt, M SM -UMR Alu mni Associa tion LINDSAY LOMAX BAGNALL, '76. Asslstllnt Vice: PI(>sldcll t, MSM · U MR Alumni Association the us 'oth a joyoUs I N T H s s s u E ned, along 'an 50 years lrs. Volume 67 - Number4 · Nove mber 1993 ng to Or UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-ROLLA ler feel It was a flood that made history. CHANCELLOR From the heart of Des Moines to the 9 COn be John T. Park FLOOD OF '93 'nfJOst. MSM-UMR ALUMNI ASSOC. PRESIDENT suburbs of St. Louis - and in countless Roberl V. Wolf, '51, '52 small towns and river cities in Iowa, Kan­ EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT sas, Illinois and Missouri - the Mississippi ny Donald G. Brackhah n COVER STORY: THE FLOOD OF '93 Co-op students get the lesson of a lifetime ................ page 4 River and its tributaries overran their banks lTd The MSM Alumnus is written, edited, pho­ last summer, flooding farmland, inundat­ tographed, and designed by the staff of the Flood soldiers battle Mother Nature, ing entire towns, devastating man-made lund the UMR D epartment of Communications and and critics.
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