Service and Its Prospects p. 4 Metro Cars: Moving to a New Level р. 16 Power Engineering at Transmashholding p. 20 MAGAZINE FOR PARTNERS OF FOR PARTNERS MAGAZINE 4 12/2014 № World’s 4ES5K Most Powerful Electric Locomotive р. 10 № 4 12/2014 MAGAZINE FOR PARTNERS № 4 12/2014 A Magazine for Transmashholding Partners Contents company Editor-in-Chief Konstantin Dorokhin 4 news [email protected] Editorial Office address: 26 Butyrskiy Val St., bldg. 1, Moscow, 127055 Viktor Ivanov,personality Deputy Phone: (495) 660-89-50 Director General for Servicing at Published in collaboration Transmashholding, Speaks with MediaLine Publishers www.medialine-pressa.ru About His Job General Manager Larisa Rudakova Design Artist Ilya Malov Editorial Director World’s Mostcover Powerful story Dmitry Dorofeyev 4ES5K Electric Locomotive 10 Copy Editor Irina Demina Design and Typesetting 10 Inna Titova, Maria Tyrylgina Alexei Sukonkin Metro Cars:innovation Moving to Proofreaders Larisa Nikolina a New Level 16 Alina Babich Galina Bondarenko Prepress Andrei Klochkov Maxim Kuperman Anastasia Morozova Dmitry Slavin, Chiefinterview Power Approved for printing on 24.12.2014 Engineer at Printed by Union Print Press run: 999 copies. 16 Transmashholding: “Power Engineering is a Key Instrument Supporting 20 24 Production Processes” Showcasingtraditions the Fita in Europe 24 1 NewsHappy Journey! RZD Receives Novocherkassk Electric Locomotive Plant (NEVZ, a member of Trans- mashholding) delivers to RZD the “Scythians”first two 2ES5 Scythian freight electric locomotives. service and reaching the target of It is noteworthy that the 2ES5 Scythi- The locomotives have been delivered to freight traffic increase along the an is Russia’s first AC mainline freight Vikhorevka Depot of the East Siberian Baikal-Amur and Trans-Siberian main electric locomotive with asynchronous Railway. They will become a crucial lines. By 2020, two hundred 2ES5 traction motor. The electric locomotive’s element of the development strategy electric locomotives will be supplied to capacity is 8,400 kW. The new locomo- for the Russian rail transport with Russian Railways under the existing tive meets all reference requirements regard to developing heavy hauling contract. and rail transport safety regulations. Tests The new TEM33 shunting diesel locomotive with a double diesel engine unit manufac- tured by Bryansk Machine Building Plant (BMZ, a member of Transmashholding) successfully completes its 300-hour test in service. TEM33 diesel locomotive During its tests at Bryansk-II Depot, TEM33 demonstrated its significant advantages over the serial diesel locomotives operated by the same successfully tested depot. It is equivalent to two ChME3 shunting diesel locomotives and can deliver cargos weighing from 5,000 to 6,900 tons to a hump yard. TEM33 consumes 10% less fuel than the locomotives operated by Bryansk-II Depot. Environmental friendliness is another advantage of the new locomotive; its operation will allow reducing air pollutant emissions to 20%. According to drivers, TEM33 differs from its predecessors in its enhanced control comfort, noise isolation, diesel locomotive safety, and amenities. In late 2014, the locomotive will undergo further acceptance and certification tests at the test center. 2 № 4 12/2014 Production Implementation BMZ Creates Tver Carriage Works (TVZ, aDouble-Deck member of Transmashholding) Car Undergoing Tests delivers an experimental dou- Bryansk Machine Building Plant ble-deck car with soft seats to Another(BMZ) manufactures Hopper a prototype the Belorechensk test site (North of a hopper with a large-size Caucasian Railway) for dynamic body (19-3058 model) for tests. transportation of grain and other The 61–4492 model car is a new bulk food cargos requiring product of TVZ, which continues the protection against precipitations. lineup of domestic double-deck The new car will carry up to 118 m 3 rolling stock. It is based on the cars of cargos (versus 112 m 3 transport- with sleeping berths built by Tver ed in serial cars), whereas its cargo Carriage Works in 2013. However, it carrying capacity is similar to that of differs from them significantly both the basic model (70.5 tons). in its exterior and interior. Dou- nents used in manufacturing this car Operation of the hopper with a ble-deck cars with soft seats have account for more than 90%. large-size body will reduce the costs not been manufactured in Russia Upon completion of the test stage of transportation of cargos with before. and obtainment of conformity relatively low bulk density, such as A key feature of the new rolling certificates, Tver Carriage Works will barley, oats, buckwheat, sunflower stock is a modified side wall with deliver to Federal Passenger seeds, etc. Structurally, the body of radial windows. The interior design is Company 15 double-deck cars with the new car does not feature the a product of cooperation with Italian soft seats (5 business class and main beam, which allowed changing company ItalDesign-Giugiaro, the 10 economy class cars). The first the structure of hoppers and, leader in industrial and transport delivery is expected in the second accordingly, increasing the body design. However, domestic compo- quarter of 2015. volume and improving car unloading conditions. The car is equipped with a new damper unloading mecha- nism, which does not only protect cargos against theft, but also Cooperation regulates the unloading. It allows the possibility of suspending or discontinuing the unloading process. By the end of 2017, Metrowagon - operating 12 trains delivered in In the near future, the 19-3058 Transmashholding’smash (a member of Transmash- Trains2010–2012. Bound for Serbia prototype model will undergo holding) will deliver to Zeleznice The DPS diesel train is equipped with preliminary and subsequent certifi- Srbije (Serbian Railways) 27 two- Hubner (Germany) passageway cation tests; in the first half of 2015, car diesel trains (DPS) and spare between the cars ensuring safe and manufacturing of the car consisten- parts. comfortable passage through the entire cy batch will be launched. Under the agreement, the first two train. The driver’s cab and passenger trains will arrive in Serbia within compartments feature heating and 15 months from its entry into force ventilation systems by Webasto (Germa- (subject to approval by the Ministry of ny). In the car with a sanitary unit, near Finance of the Russian Federation). The the entrance door, there is a multifunc- diesel train is designated for operation tional room for baby strollers, bicycles, on railways with 1,435 mm gauge wheelchairs, and oversize baggage. tracks, which are common in most Folding seats are available in the same European countries. Currently, the area; they are mounted on the side walls Republic of Serbia is successfully and in front of the sanitary module. 3 Personality Control of the life cycle of manufactured equipment is a critical area in the company’s business. VIKTOR IVANOV, DEPUTY DIRECTOR GENERAL FOR AFTER-SALES SERVICE AT TRANSMASHHOLDING, DISCUSSES ServiceTHE BUSINESS SEGMENT DEVELOPMENT. and Its Prospects 4 № 4 12/2014 iktor Pavlovich, your business department is in charge of technical equip- Service and Its Prospectsment maintenance services. What are the holding’s current goals and –Vobjectives and what is their time frame? — Recently, our consumers, primarily the largest companies, such as RZD JSC and Moscow Metro, have adopted new policies in their relationship with suppliers. They expect from us ongoing maintenance of technical equipment throughout its lifecycle. After a new machine (diesel locomotive, electric locomotive or diesel) is manufactured, it has to be operated with a certain average availability ratio until the end of its service life; the customer is willing to pay for that accordingly. This business area is relatively new ReCenTly, RZD JSC anD MoSCow MeTRo Have to the holding; we are actively develop - ing both the lineup of our rolling stock and forms of customer interaction. aDoPTeD new PolICIeS In THeIR RelaTIonSHIP Maintenance services may be carried out throughout a life cycle or with a certain frequency, for example every wITH SuPPlIeRS 10–15 years; different targets can be determined at each consumer’s discretion. cessful both in terms of business and It is no coincidence that we have the condition of the fleet. realized the need for developing In general, advanced models of a special business area dealing with technical equipment, such as the EP20 maintenance. and 2ES5 electric locomotives and new A few years ago, we launched metro cars, require from personnel a business unit specializing in mainte- special qualifications, training and nance of products manufactured over expertise. We will not be able to handle time by our enterprises — TMH-Ser- this without our partners, primarily vice. Its work has proven to be suc - Alstom. 5 We made a decision regarding the nance services for new high-tech Personality new technical equipment we are rolling stock and consist of business developing in cooperation with our units accountable for different European partners and decided to products of the holding. At the create a separate business enterprise moment, we consider this new afTeR wInnIng THe TenDeR dealing exclusively with after-sales company as an entity handling the services. At the initial phase, this will products developed in cooperation be delegated to manufacturing plants. with our colleagues from Alstom, such foR MeTRo CaR DelIveRIeS foR For instance, the EP20 electric as EP20 and 2ES5. If jointly with them locomotives will be handled by NEVZ. we manufacture a tram or electric In the future, we plan creating a busi - train, they will be discussed, too. MoSCow MeTRo In febRuaRy ness entity together with our partners; As far as the products manufactured it will be offering life-cycle mainte - by Transmashholding are concerned, nance services. they will not necessarily be transferred 2014, we STarteD PRovIDIng into the new company’s balance — How will the work of such enter - sheet. The potential of manufacturing prise be organized? Where will it be plants and TMH-Service is likely to be MaInTenanCe SeRvICeS aT based? utilized.
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