, - ft ' > IPAGeeiGHTEElf MONDAY, MAY 10, 195^ V' w* ^tt^nftt0 \l|(rald Average Jly Net Press Run '-F or I Week Haded ills Weathsr xK t»54 Forecast of C. & Woathar Barms 11,184 Toalght geueraUy Ihir aad esM- ■il Member ef the Audit er. Wedaesday fair aad Nightly H i U . E ' S HALE'S HALE'S Bureau *f OIrciIrcalatlon wanner. Mid SOia Manche$ter^— A City of Village Charnt (CXaaalfled Advsrtiahig oa Page 14) VOLk LXXm , NO, 194 MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, MAY 11, 1954 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE nV E CENTSf U. S. Seeks Reds Answer ! Psict to Halt Plan Asian R eds Washington, May 11 (JP)— Saigon, Indochina, May 11 <JP>—Rebel Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap Secretary of State Dulles said broadcast over the Vietminh Radio today his agreement to a today the United States wants meeting with French Army representatives on the airfield at a Southeast Asian alliance Dien Bien Phu to arrange for evacuation of the Woundetffrom which would pledge member that fallen fortress. i.*"---------------- :—^----------------— Olap agreed to tho quick ovacua- -r-q « nations to fight if openly tioir of tha fortress' 1,300 wounded §4 '■ujCh'Fl / h 5 l challenged by Communist ag­ after Gen. Henri Naverre, French { M. A R gression. Honoreii Guests nml Principal Speaker Union commander, had addreeaed< While Dulles said he hope:* ouch an alliance will cover ail of Indo­ SLIGHT IRREGULARS OF $1.19 * a message to him which waa drop- ■>. DOUBLiE Green Stattips ped on tha battered fortreee by k | china, he asaerted firmly that the Chances Small CANNON FINEST QUALITY French plane early this afternoon. T o D iscuss lots of some or all of that country COATS and TOPPERS TTie French commander aleo would not necessarily bring the made an attempt to contact Giap losa of, all Southeast Asia. ^rasiieally Reduced Given With Cash Sale# HAND SIZE TURKISH TOWELS by Radio Hirondelle, the voice o f ; R ed P eace The Secretary noted that Presi­ Every shipment a complete aell out! The fhiMt the French forcea In the Far East dent Eisenhower once advanced For Adoption quality towels that Canaoa makes but the irregu­ at Hanoi. the theory that Southeast* Asia larities are se slight they can hardly he found. Asks Meeting at AlHleM |t.‘. ' Geneva, May 11 (/P)—So- might go down like a row of domi­ All Day Tuesday, May .11 Beautiful Jacquard patterns In R colors. ‘ viet Foreign Minister V. M. noes if Indochina falls. Dulles went Speaking over the Vietminh on to ray that in conversations Washinifton, May 11 (/P)— Sen. Dirksen (R-III) offered a Radio, the victorioue Communist Molotov today assailed the COATS $<% rt.9 5 with friendly nations the United new'proposal today for suspending public hearings on the Mc- REG. $5.95 FIRST QUALITY commander proposed the French W estem -propo^ Asian De­ States is trying to cihstf s situa­ YolHMto$49.n ■. and Vietminh representatives con- tion In which this will not happen. Carthy.Army ro\v but chances of its adoption appear^dim . REGULAR $1.00 [K front each other at the northern fense Pact as an American The Army oppiosed.it and Chairman Mundt (R-SD), although B A B Y S H O P schdme designed to preserve The Secretary of State set forth . x ’ — — LATEX FOAM BED PILLOWS \ portion of the Dien Bien Phu alr> his position In' a news conference ssjing he hop^ "thla miserable^------------------ . .. .. ' GIRU' OAIARDINE TOPfERS SIMUUTED PEARL NECKLACES \ Said. and perpetuate colonialism. in advance of a feecret report this business’’ could be cut short, de- ^ ^ R«9. Pries $3.98.......... Sols Pries $3.29 ^ TTie helicopter carrying the afternoon . to the." House Foreign dared he would not vote to impose TOPPERS EARRINGS AND BRACELETS Extra Special Regular Height French should, he attpulated, be (leneva, May 11 (/P)— A Affairs Committee on his efforts to any procedure bbieh any principal Suspension GIRLS' SUITS $3.99 ptelnly marked with a Red Croea. FVeiich spokesman said today line up a lO-nStion "united front" considered unfair. The date of the encounter will be A committee vote was ocheduled What a wonderful value! New ventlllte latex foam pillow with France was willing to discuss in Southeast Asia. REG. $U.9S VALUES .... NOW $12.95 Fermtriy Priesd at $7.98 ......... Serfs Pries $4.59 honeycomb core iHM^mctton. More cores, finer rores, brought to fixed a day in advance by Disagrees with Truman . for n session beginning at 1:30 Each 69c the surface for a lighter, softer,, flufner pillow. Printed fteur de lla French commander .General Henri the Communist plan for an In­ On other mattera Dulles: p.m. (EST). F o r T h r e e GIRLS'COATS Plus Tax pattern, sanforized zipper cover. A regular XS.es value! , Navarre. dochina armistice along with 1. Disagreed with farmer Pres­ There was s poaMbillty that Sen. Fermsriy Priesd from $8.98 to $13.98 The Vietminh agreed at the Ge­ its own plan, but declared ident -Truman who said in a McCarthy might be called to the REG. S19.9S VALUES .... NOW $15.00 neva Conferefice yesterday to per­ speech yesterday that foreign pol­ witness chair immediately after Sols Pries $8.00 to $10.00 59c COLORFUL BEAUTIFUL FRINGED mit the French- to fly out 1,300 strong opposition to major the vote, whatever the outcome. At Michigan provisions of the Comniunist icy Is no longer bi-partisiui. Dulles REG. $2S.OO and O O O C BOYS'SUITS aerlously wounded union troops the said he has done and will do DIrksen’s plan calls for McCar­ Reds claimed were In the Dien Bien proposal. everything in his power to contin­ thy to take the stand and for -Lansing, May 11 (JP)— $29.95 VALUES ......... NOW ^ I T.VD SIMULATED FLOWERS HOBNAIL BEDSPREADS Phu bunkere when they captured public hearings to be suspended Fermtriy Priesd from $9.98 to $11.98 The spokesman made it clear ue the bi-psrtissn approach at,.n Three Uniyersitj' of Michigan the fortreas. France had no intentibn at present time when the United States faces once the Senator has been exam­ Rm . $35.00 and C O C A A S d s Pries $8.00 ined. All with pins for coat, ault and blouse wear. Each Glap's me'-oage said his field of breaking off the Indochina talk.<i the greatest danger in' its history. faculty members were under Speciq) agreement wa,v "Ih, conformity in Geneva despite the apparent However, there was a chance $39.95 VALUES ...... NOW BOYS'TOP COATS $4.98 Reg. $5.98 Value. 2. Declared the Communist suspension today after they with the humanitarian policy' of Eaat-West deadlock. McCarthy would begin his testi­ had refused to answer ques* ALL SALES PINAL . Fermsriy Priesd from $8.98 to $13.98 What a value! Solid color grounds with white bohnall. You wHI President Ho." He referred to the He explained- France’! position proposal St Geneva for an Indo­ mony even if Dirksen’s plan was LADIES’ lev* these fer a beautiful summer spread. Full or twin bed sizes. Sfoacow-tutored Vietminh leader, at a apecially called newi confer­ china settlement is unacceptable rejected. tions by the-House Un-Ameri. ■ S d s Pries $8.00 to $10.00 Blue, rose, yellow, hnnter green, red and aqua. Hi OhI Minh. who claimed to be ence aa the French National Aa- because it is simply a device for Stevens Ailing can Activities Bub-commit* SI|»R I to a and 8Ho 8x. extending Red conquest. He said For This Salt Only—Our Entirs Stock Of Regular President of the phantom go'-ern- sembly prepared to debate the Just before the committee re­ tee. SHEER NYLON GLOVES ment he haa set up )n the Indo- government'! policy on Indochina. that on the basis of the French SOCKS ^ REG. $7.95 proposal it would be possible to cessed for lunch.' counsel for Ste­ One of the faculty members and riiinese Jungiqs. Headline! Caiiae Conerrn vens said the Secretary was under two atudente were recommended Rs^. Pries 39e Pr. ......S d s Pries' 3 Prs. $1.00 Once arrangements with Giap He obviouily was concerned save Southeast Asia from Com­ $10.98 DRESSES In medium and longer lengths. P a ir ............ munism. treatment for a virus infection for contempt citations by the sub. Hlua 8 to 7. l^ ^ te, etripee or Mild, with bow tl4 and cuff linka 88c are made, the big problem will be over headlines which appeared in •nd suggested "It would be • gra­ committee after their appearancoa to match. BATES BEDSPREADS V - • 3. Asserted that he does not ye:$terday. A beantlfnl ne)s homespun pattern that will cious act" to excuse him from $1.00 LADIES’ (CautiBued on Page Eleven) (Continued on Page Eleven) know of any basis in dei'elopments further testimony until he recov­ The committee entered the see* BOYS' SHIRTS give years of sersice. Twin and full bed sizes. at the Geneva Conference on ond day of hearings in Lansing to Reduced To S A . 0 0 Bed, green, black aad green. Cross stripe pat­ ers. Asian affaira for any -view that Stevens himself declat^ he felt hear John Hunter, Pontiac at- Priat eettoM, ooUd oottoao and Rsg.^ries S2.98........... .... S d s Pries $2.59 tern. $5.95 the United State* suffered, a dip­ Herald Photo PLASTIC BILLFOLDS Nattonsl AmerlMui Legl^.^ Commnkder Arthur Cdnaell M lvar the priaclpol addreaa at lost alght’s fine. tomey, Harold S’uspiro of tha in. -priat ahwn. All the aeweat lomatic detest there.
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