ISO COUNTRY CODES Below is a list of the codes of sovereign states produced by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). There has been widespread use of these ISO codes as TLDs (‘top level domains’) in Internet applications (used in lower case), managed by the Internet Assigned Numbers Association (IANA), to denote ‘national’ domains in addition to the common TLDs such as ‘.com’ and ‘.org’. There are some IANA codes used in preference to the above on the Internet (eg. ‘.uk’ rather than ‘.gb’). AD ANDORRA FI FINLAND AE UNITED ARAB EMIRATES FJ FIJI ISLANDS AF AFGHANISTAN FM MICRONESIA AG ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA FR FRANCE AL ALBANIA GA GABON AM ARMENIA GB UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND AO ANGOLA NORTHERN IRELAND AR ARGENTINA GD GRENADA AT AUSTRIA GE GEORGIA AU AUSTRALIA GH GHANA AZ AZERBAIJAN GM THE GAMBIA BA BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA GN GUINEA BB BARBADOS GQ EQUATORIAL GUINEA BD BANGLADESH GR GREECE BE BELGIUM GT GUATEMALA BF BURKINA FASO GW GUINEA-BISSAU BG BULGARIA GY GUYANA BH BAHRAIN HN HONDURAS BI BURUNDI HR CROATIA BJ BENIN HT HAITI BN BRUNEI HU HUNGARY BO BOLIVIA ID INDONESIA BR BRAZIL IE IRELAND BS BAHAMAS IL ISRAEL BT BHUTAN IN INDIA BW BOTSWANA IQ IRAQ BY BELARUS IR IRAN BZ BELIZE IS ICELAND CA CANADA IT ITALY CD CONGO (DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF) JM JAMAICA CF CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC JO JORDAN CG CONGO (REPUBLIC OF) JP JAPAN CH SWITZERLAND KE KENYA CI CÔTE D’IVOIRE KG KYRGYZSTAN CL CHILE KH CAMBODIA CM CAMEROON KI KIRIBATI CN CHINA KM COMOROS CO COLOMBIA KN ST KITTS AND NEVIS CR COSTA RICA KP NORTH KOREA CU CUBA KR KOREA CV CAPE VERDE KW KUWAIT CY CYPRUS KZ KAZAKHSTAN CZ CZECH REPUBLIC LA LAOS DE GERMANY LB LEBANON DJ DJIBOUTI LC ST LUCIA DK DENMARK LI LIECHTENSTEIN DM DOMINICA LK SRI LANKA DO DOMINICAN REPUBLIC LR LIBERIA DZ ALGERIA LS LESOTHO EC ECUADOR LT LITHUANIA EE ESTONIA LU LUXEMBOURG EG EGYPT LV LATVIA ER ERITREA LY LIBYA ES SPAIN MA MOROCCO ET ETHIOPIA MO MONACO 1512 iso country codes 1513 MD MOLDOVA SC SEYCHELLES ME MONTENEGRO SD SUDAN MG MADAGASCAR SE SWEDEN MH MARSHALL ISLANDS SG SINGAPORE MK MACEDONIA SI SLOVENIA ML MALI SK SLOVAKIA MM MYANMAR SL SIERRA LEONE MN MONGOLIA SM SAN MARINO MR MAURITANIA SN SENEGAL MT MALTA SO SOMALIA MU MAURITIUS SR SURINAME MV MALDIVES ST SÃO TOMÉ E PRÍNCIPE MW MALAŴI SV EL SALVADOR MX MEXICO SY SYRIA MY MALAYSIA SZ SWAZILAND MZ MOZAMBIQUE TD CHAD NA NAMIBIA TG TOGO NE NIGER TH THAILAND NG NIGERIA TJ TAJIKISTAN NI NICARAGUA TL EAST TIMOR NL THE NETHERLANDS TM TURKMENISTAN NO NORWAY TN TUNISIA NP NEPAL TO TONGA NR NAURU TR TURKEY NZ NEW ZEALAND TT TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO OM OMAN TV TUVALU PA PANAMA TZ TANZANIA PE PERU UA UKRAINE PG PAPUA NEW GUINEA UG UGANDA PH PHILIPPINES US UNITED STATES OF AMERICA PK PAKISTAN UY URUGUAY PL POLAND UZ UZBEKISTAN PT PORTUGAL VA VATICAN CITY STATE PW PALAU VC ST VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES PY PARAGUAY VE VENEZUELA QA QATAR VN VIETNAM RO ROMANIA VU VANUATU RS SERBIA WS SAMOA RU RUSSIA YE YEMEN RW RWANDA ZA SOUTH AFRICA SA SAUDI ARABIA ZM ZAMBIA SB SOLOMON ISLANDS ZW ZIMBABWE ABBREVIATIONS ACP African Caribbean Pacific K kindergarten Adm. Admiral kg kilogramme(s) Adv. Advocate kl kilolitre(s) a.i. ad interim km kilometre(s) kW kilowatt b. born kWh kilowatt hours bbls. barrels bd board lat. latitude bn. billion (one thousand million) lb pound(s) (weight) Brig. Brigadier Lieut. Lieutenant bu. bushel long. longitude Cdr Commander m. million CFA Communauté Financière Africaine Maj. Major CFP Comptoirs Français du Pacifique MW megawatt CGT compensated gross tonnes MWh megawatt hours c.i.f. cost, insurance, freight C.-in-C. Commander-in-Chief NA not available CIS Commonwealth of Independent States n.e.c. not elsewhere classified cm centimetre(s) NRT net registered tonnes Col. Colonel NTSC National Television System Committee cu. cubic (525 lines 60 fields) CUP Cambridge University Press cwt hundredweight OUP Oxford University Press oz ounce(s) D. Democratic Party DWT dead weight tonnes PAL Phased Alternate Line (625 lines 50 fields 4·43 MHz sub-carrier) ECOWAS Economic Community of West African States PAL M Phased Alternate Line (525 lines 60 PAL EEA European Economic Area 3·58 MHz sub-carrier) EEZ Exclusive Economic Zone PAL N Phased Alternate Line (625 lines 50 PAL EMS European Monetary System 3·58 MHz sub-carrier) EMU European Monetary Union PAYE Pay-As-You-Earn ERM Exchange Rate Mechanism PPP Purchasing Power Parity est. estimate f.o.b. free on board R. Republican Party FDI foreign direct investment retd retired ft foot/feet Rt Hon. Right Honourable FTE full-time equivalent SADC Southern African Development Community G8 Group Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, UK, SDR Special Drawing Rights USA, Russia SECAM H Sequential Couleur avec Mémoire (625 lines GDP gross domestic product 50 fields Horizontal) Gen. General SECAM V Sequential Couleur avec Mémoire (625 lines GNI gross national income 50 fields Vertical) GNP gross national product sq. square GRT gross registered tonnes SSI Supplemental Security Income GW gigawatt GWh gigawatt hours TAFE technical and further education TEU twenty-foot equivalent units ha. hectare(s) trn. trillion (one million million) HDI Human Development Index TV television ind. independent(s) Univ. University ICT information and communication technology ISO International Organization for Standardization VAT value-added tax (domain names) v.f.d value for duty 1514 STATESMAN’S YEARBOOK SOURCES The Statesman’s Yearbook references the following sources to maintain accuracy and currency of information contained in our database: • United Nations Statistical Yearbook • United Nations Development Programme Human Development Report • United Nations World Population Prospects • United Nations World Urbanization Prospects • United Nations Demographic Yearbook • United Nations Energy Statistics Yearbook • United Nations Industrial Commodity Statistics Yearbook • United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Statistical Yearbook • International Labour Organization Yearbook of Labour Statistics • Food and Agricultural Organization Production Yearbook • Food and Agricultural Organization Fishery Statistics – Capture Production • International Telecommunication Union Yearbook of Statistics • Selected World Bank Reports • International Monetary Fund Government Finance Statistics Yearbook • International Monetary Fund Balance of Payments Statistics Yearbook • International Monetary Fund World Economic Outlook • Selected International Monetary Fund Reports • Selected Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development Reports • Selected World Trade Organization Reports • Selected European Union Reports • Stockholm International Peace Research Institute Yearbook • International Institute of Strategic Studies Military Balance • International Road Federation World Road Statistics • International Civil Aviation Organization Civil Aviation Statistics of the World • International Civil Aviation Organization Airport Traffic • Religious Trends No 5 • Statistical offices, government departments, embassies dan international organizations throughout the world • Selected print and online national and international news media 1515 CURRENT LEADERS INDEX CURRENT LEADERS INDEX An * denotes a further reference in the addenda, page xxxi Abdellahi, Sidi Mohamed Ould Cheikh (Mauritania) 847 Duarte Frutos, Nicanor (Paraguay) 984 Abdullah, King (Saudi Arabia) 1075–6 Dung, Nguyen Tan (Vietnam) 1493–4 Abdullah II, King (Jordan) 726–7 Durão Barroso, José Manuel (European Commission) 32–3 Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed (Somalia) 1121–2 Abe, Shinzo (Japan) 718 Enkhbayar, Nambaryn (Mongolia) 873 Adamkus, Valdas (Lithuania) 799–800 Enkhbold, Miyegombo (Mongolia) 873 Afewerki, Issaias (Eritrea) 434 Erdoğan, Recep Tayyip (Turkey) 1233 Ahern, Bertie (Ireland) 677–8 Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud (Iran) 661 Fakhruddin Ahmed, Dr (Bangladesh) 176–7 Ahmed, Dr Fakhruddin (Bangladesh) 176–7 Fenech Adami, Eddie (Malta) 838 Albert II, Prince (Monaco) 869–70 Fernández, Dr Leonel (Dominican Republic) 408 Aliyev, Ilham (Azerbaijan) 163 Fico, Robert (Slovakia) 1107 Ansip, Andrus (Estonia) 439 Fischer, Dr Heinz (Austria) 157 Arias Sánchez, Oscar (Costa Rica) 356 Fogh Rasmussen, Anders (Denmark) 392–3 Arthur, Owen (Barbados) 180–1 Assad, Bashar al- (Syria) 1196 García Pérez, Alan (Peru) 989 Ayma, Evo Morales (Bolivia) 208–9 Gašparovič, Ivan (Slovakia) 1106–7 Gayoom, Maumoon Abdul (Maldives) 831 Bachelet, Michelle (Chile) 309–10 Gbagbo, Laurent (Côte d’Ivoire) 360–1 Badawi, Abdullah (Malaysia) 825–6 Gnassingbé, Faure (Togo) 1214–15 Bainimarama, Josaia Voreqe (Fiji Islands) 449–50 Gonsalves, Dr Ralph E. (St Vincent and Grenadines) 1062 Bakiyev, Kurmanbek (Kyrgyzstan) 764 Gonzi, Lawrence (Malta) 838 Balkenende, Jan Peter (Netherlands) 910–11 Grímsson, Ólafur Ragnar (Iceland) 592 Ban Ki-moon (United Nations) 8–9 Guebuza, Armando (Mozambique) 886 Guelleh, Ismail Omar (Djibouti) 402 Bashir, Field Marshal Omar Hassan Ahmed al- (Sudan) 1164 Gusenbauer, Dr Alfred (Austria) 157–8 Belkhadem, Abdelaziz (Algeria) 92–3 Gyanendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev, King (Nepal) 902–3 Ben Ali, Zine-Al Abidine (Tunisia) 1227 Gyurcsány, Ferenc (Hungary) 585 Benedict XVI, Pope (Vatican City State) 1482–3 Berdymukhammedov, Gurbanguly (Turkmenistan) 1239 Haarde, Geir (Iceland) 592–3 Berger Perdomo, Óscar (Guatemala) 559 Halonen, Tarja (Finland) 457 Berisha, Dr Sali (Albania) 86 Hamad, Sheikh bin Isa Al-Khalifa (Bahrain) 172 Biya, Paul (Cameroon) 253–4 Hamad, Sheikh bin Khalifa Al Thani (Qatar) 1020 Blair, Tony (United Kingdom) 1270–1 Hans-Adam II, Prince (Liechtenstein) 796 Bolkiah, Sultan Hassanal (Brunei)
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