Ogden / Companion to Greek Religion 1405120541_1_pretoc Final Proof page i 22.11.2006 11:20am A COMPANION TO GREEK RELIGION Ogden / Companion to Greek Religion 1405120541_1_pretoc Final Proof page ii 22.11.2006 11:20am BLACKWELL COMPANIONS TO THE ANCIENT WORLD This series provides sophisticated and authoritative overviews of periods of ancient history, genres of classical literature, and the most important themes in ancient culture. Each volume comprises between twenty-five and forty concise essays written by individual scholars within their area of specialization. The essays are written in a clear, provocative, and lively manner, designed for an international audience of scholars, students, and general readers. ANCIENT HISTORY Published A Companion to the Roman Army A Companion to the Classical Greek World Edited by Paul Erdkamp Edited by Konrad H. Kinzl A Companion to the Roman Republic A Companion to the Ancient Near East Edited by Nathan Rosenstein and Edited by Daniel C. Snell Robert Morstein-Marx A Companion to the Hellenistic World A Companion to the Roman Empire Edited by Andrew Erskine Edited by David S. Potter In preparation A Companion to Ancient History A Companion to Late Antiquity Edited by Andrew Erskine Edited by Philip Rousseau A Companion to Archaic Greece A Companion to Byzantium Edited by Kurt A. Raaflaub and Hans van Wees Edited by Elizabeth James A Companion to Julius Caesar Edited by Miriam Griffin LITERATURE AND CULTURE Published A Companion to Catullus A Companion to Greek Rhetoric Edited by Marilyn B. Skinner Edited by Ian Worthington A Companion to Greek Religion A Companion to Ancient Epic Edited by Daniel Ogden Edited by John Miles Foley A Companion to Classical Tradition A Companion to Greek Tragedy Edited by Craig W. Kallendorf Edited by Justina Gregory A Companion to Roman Rhetoric A Companion to Latin Literature Edited by William Dominik and Jon Hall Edited by Stephen Harrison In preparation A Companion to Classical Receptions A Companion to the Ancient Greek Language Edited by Lorna Hardwick Edited by Egbert Bakker A Companion to Ancient Political Thought A Companion to Hellenistic Literature Edited by Ryan K. Balot Edited by Martine Cuypers and James J. Clauss A Companion to Classical Studies A Companion to Roman Religion Edited by Kai Brodersen Edited by Jo¨rg Ru¨pke A Companion to Classical Mythology A Companion to Ovid Edited by Ken Dowden and Niall Livingstone Edited by Peter Knox A Companion to Greek and Roman Historiography A Companion to Horace Edited by John Marincola Edited by N. Gregson Davis Ogden / Companion to Greek Religion 1405120541_1_pretoc Final Proof page iii 22.11.2006 11:20am A COMPANION TO GREEK RELIGION Edited by Daniel Ogden Ogden / Companion to Greek Religion 1405120541_1_pretoc Final Proof page iv 22.11.2006 11:20am ß 2007 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd BLACKWELL PUBLISHING 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148-5020, USA 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ, UK 550 Swanston Street, Carlton, Victoria 3053, Australia The right of Daniel Ogden to be identified as the Author of the Editorial Material in this Work has been asserted in accordance with the UK Copyright, Designs, and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, except as permitted by the UK Copyright, Designs, and Patents Act 1988, without the prior permission of the publisher. First published 2007 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1 2007 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A companion to Greek religion / edited by Daniel Ogden. p. cm. — (Blackwell companions to the ancient world. Ancient history) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN-13: 978-1-4051-2054-8 (hardcover : alk. paper) ISBN-10: 1-4051-2054-1 (hardcover : alk. paper) 1. Greece–Religion. I. Ogden, Daniel. BL790.C66 2007 292.08–dc22 2006025008 A catalogue record for this title is available from the British Library. Set in 10/12pt Galliard by SPi Publisher Services, Pondicherry, India Printed and bound in Singapore by Markono Print Media Pte Ltd The publisher’s policy is to use permanent paper from mills that operate a sustainable forestry policy, and which has been manufactured from pulp processed using acid-free and elementary chlorine-free practices. Furthermore, the publisher ensures that the text paper and cover board used have met acceptable environmental accreditation standards. For further information on Blackwell Publishing, visit our website: www.blackwellpublishing.com Ogden / Companion to Greek Religion 1405120541_1_pretoc Final Proof page v 22.11.2006 11:20am In memoriam MICHAEL H. JAMESON who had kindly agreed to participate in this volume Ogden / Companion to Greek Religion 1405120541_2_toc Final Proof page vii 17.11.2006 7:37pm Contents List of Figures x Notes on Contributors xii Acknowledgments xvii Note on Authors and Translations xviii Abbreviations xix Ancient Author Fragment Series xxi Introduction 1 Daniel Ogden Part I In the Background 19 1 Greek Religion and the Ancient Near East 21 Scott B. Noegel Part II The Powers: The Gods and the Dead 39 2 Olympian Gods, Olympian Pantheon 41 Ken Dowden 3 A Land Full of Gods: Nature Deities in Greek Religion 56 Jennifer Larson 4 Personification in Greek Religious Thought and Practice 71 Emma Stafford Ogden / Companion to Greek Religion 1405120541_2_toc Final Proof page viii 17.11.2006 7:37pm viii Contents 5 The Dead 86 D. Felton 6 Heroes and Hero-Cults 100 Gunnel Ekroth Part III Communicating with the Divine 115 7 Prayers and Hymns 117 William D. Furley 8 Greek Normative Animal Sacrifice 132 Jan N. Bremmer 9 Divination 145 Pierre Bonnechere Part IV From Sacred Space to Sacred Time 161 10 A Day in the Life of a Greek Sanctuary 163 Beate Dignas 11 Purity and Pollution 178 Andreas Bendlin 12 Festivals 190 Scott Scullion 13 Time and Greek Religion 204 James Davidson Part V Local Religious Systems 219 14 ‘‘Famous Athens, Divine Polis’’: The Religious System at Athens 221 Susan Deacy 15 The Religious System at Sparta 236 Nicolas Richer 16 The Religious System at Alexandria 253 Franc¸oise Dunand 17 The Religious System in Arcadia 264 Madeleine Jost Part VI Social Organization, the Family, and Sex 281 18 Religion and Society in Classical Greece 283 Charles W. Hedrick Jr. Ogden / Companion to Greek Religion 1405120541_2_toc Final Proof page ix 17.11.2006 7:37pm Contents ix 19 Women, Religion, and the Home 297 Janett Morgan 20 ‘‘Something to do with Aphrodite’’: Ta Aphrodisia and the Sacred 311 Vinciane Pirenne-Delforge Part VII Mysteries and Magic 325 21 Finding Dionysus 327 Susan Guettel Cole 22 The Mysteries of Demeter and Kore 342 Kevin Clinton 23 Magic in Classical and Hellenistic Greece 357 Matthew W. Dickie Part VIII Intersections: Greek Religion and . 371 24 Greek Religion and Literature 373 Thomas Harrison 25 Greek Religion and Philosophy: The God of the Philosopher 385 Fritz-Gregor Herrmann 26 Greek Religion and Art 398 T.H. Carpenter Part IX Epilogue 421 27 Gods of the Silver Screen: Cinematic Representations of Myth and Divinity 423 Lloyd Llewellyn-Jones Bibliography 439 Index 477 Ogden / Companion to Greek Religion 1405120541_3_posttoc Final Proof page x 17.11.2006 4:53pm Figures 3.1 The cave of Archedamus at Vari, Attica 60 3.2 Achelous, Pan, and three nymphs 66 4.1 The Maenad Eirene 73 4.2 The two Nemeseis of Smyrna 84 7.1 A prosodion to Athene 121 7.2 Alkmene on the pyre prays to Zeus 128 10.1 Plan and sections of the Corinthian Asklepieion 167 10.2 Amphiaraus heals Archinos 171 14.1 The birth of Erichthonius 226 14.2 Plan of the Periclean Acropolis 228 15.1 Dokana 240 15.2 The most important cult places at Sparta 244 15.3 The most important Lacedaemonian sanctuaries outside Sparta 245 15.4 Agamemnon and Cassandra (?) 251 22.1 Lakrateides Relief, Eleusis 348 22.2 Ninnion Tablet from Eleusis 349 22.3 Relief hydria from Cumae 350 26.1 Athletes preparing to wrestle 400 26.2 Athena Promachos 401 Ogden / Companion to Greek Religion 1405120541_3_posttoc Final Proof page xi 17.11.2006 4:53pm List of Figures xi 26.3 Bronze statuette of Athena Promachos 404 26.4 Reconstruction of the Athena Parthenos in Nashville, Tennessee 406 26.5 Plan of the Acropolis 407 26.6 Apollo with a sword fighting a giant 408 26.7 Potters in their workshop and youths leading an animal to sacrifice 410 26.8 Preparation for the sacrifice of a goat in the presence of Apollo 411 26.9 Aftermath of a sacrifice with youths preparing to roast splanchnaoptai on an altar 412 26.10 Phineus raising his hands in prayer as he addresses the gods 413 26.11 Ecstatic worship in the presence of two deities 414 26.12 Women worshiping at mask image of Dionysus 416 26.13 Hermes leading a woman to Charon 418 26.14 Sleep and Death lifting the body of a dead warrior 419 Ogden / Companion to Greek Religion 1405120541_3_posttoc Final Proof page xii 17.11.2006 4:53pm Notes on Contributors Andreas Bendlin is Assistant Professor published widely on Greek religion and of Roman History at the University of social life, early Christianity and the his- Toronto at Mississauga. His research toriography of the history of religion, interests cover ancient polytheistic reli- and his works have been translated into gions, particularly the religious systems many languages, including (Dutch and of ancient Greece and Rome, and the English aside) German, Italian, Spanish, culture and literature of the Roman Portuguese, Romanian, and Chinese. He Mediterranean. He is preparing a book is the author of The Early Greek Concept on polytheism in Republican Rome.
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