THE UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA New TRIUMF director brings international experience to job by Gavin Wilson not fund the proposed KAON factory a TRIUMF, there is every indication tha Staff writer Ottawa will continue to support TRIUMI University of Victoria physicist Alan as it moves into a new phase. Astbury will bethe next director of “1 am confident that TRIUMF has i TRIUMF, effective April 1, the TRIUMF bright future.The federalgovernmen Boardof Management announced re- has said that TRIUMF is Canada’s pre cently. mier laboratory in particle physics an( He replaces Erich Vogt, who is step- that, in fact, it will be Canada’sgatewa! ping down after 13 years as director of to international collaboration in particll the Tri-University Meson Facility, a part- physics. cle accelerator located on south campus. “I look forward to renewed programs a “As chair of the Board of Management, TRIUMF. The idea of international in I am pleased thatDr. Astbury has agreed volvement also intrigues me, especialt to serve as the next di- as it relates to CERN, rector~~ said. ofTRIUMF. he I think he will make anout- Vogt saidhe wa “I am confident Stephen Forgacs photo standing director,” said pleased said director,”standing with the selec Growing Gift Robert Miller, who also that TRIUMF has 8 tion of Astbury as ne\ A Bruce Macdonald (right), director of UBC’s Botanical Garden, presented serves as UBC’s vice- bright future.” director,whom h Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Minister David Zirnhelt withthe Clematis president, Research.president, “a praised as wonderfu “Erich Vogtwill be scientist with an enor plant ‘Blue Ravine,’to mark the ministry’s centennial year. Zirnhelt met missed. He’s done a ter- - Alan Astbury mousinternationa with AgriculturalSciences Dean Jim Richards andother faculty members, rificjob and we wish him reputation.” March 10, before presenting the dean with a $50,000 cheque, the fmal wellin the next phaseof “It’s a wonderful op instalment of a $160,000grant forthe B.C. Agriculture research partnerships. his scientific career,”Miller added. portunity for both TRIUMF and Dr The British-born Astburyis an experi- Astbury. He is remarkably well-equippel mental particle physicist who has held to take this position,” he said. Authors record history of the R.M. Pearce Professorship in UVic’s Vogt said heis leaving the directorshi Dept. ofPhysics. jointlyfundedbyTRIUMF of TRIUMF without regrets. and UVic, since 1982. He is a fellow of “We’ve gone through a major drear with KAON and it didn’t succeed, butl’v nursina txoaram at UBC both theRoyal Society of London and the Y’ W Royal Society of Canada and is a past been extremely fortunate to be involve’ by Connie Filletti winner of the RutherfordMedal, awarded in TRIUMF at atime when its sciencean UBC’s School of Nursing by the British Institute of Physics. its scientists have emerged into worl Staffwriter prominence,” he said. celebrates 75 years At the European Commissionfor Nu- When UBC’s Department of Nursing clear Research (CERN) in Geneva, Swit- Vogt, 64, will alsosoon retire fror and Health opened its doors in 1919 it UBC, where he is professor a inthe Dep of caring. See Page 8 zerland, Astbury was a co-leader of the offered a five-year degree program, had of Physics, but he said willhe continue t research team whosediscovery of W and four students and an annual budget of Commissioned by the Schoolof Nurs- pursue his research and teachingintel 2 bosons, types of subatomic particles, $800. ing and the nursing division ofUBC’s ests. led to Carlo Rubbia and Simon Van der All applicants hadto be female, single, Association to commemorate the TRIUMF is managed as a joint ventur Alumni Meer’s 1984 NobelPrize for Physics. 20 years of age, high school graduates, school’s 75th anniversary, the book was by four universities- UBC, Simon Frasc Astbury continuesto conduct research at physical@fit and immunized against dis-written by Ethel Warbinek, an assist- University, UVic and the University ( CEKN, which has theworld’s largest par- eases such as smallpox. ant professor of nursing, and Glennis Alberta - and is operated with fundin ticle accelerator. When the diploma program in public Zilm, graduates of UBC’s nursing pro- from the National Research Council ( Astbury said that although federalthe health nursing began a year later, stu- gram. Canada. government recently announcedit would dents took courses in nutrition, .sanita- The founders of UBC’s nursing pro- tion and motor mechanics, an essential gram believed that a university education I course for many of those whose careers for nurses was thebest way toprovide a would be spenttravelling throughout re- high level of health promotion and dis- mote regions of the province. Although easeprevention in the community,” the horse andbuggy was still a common Warbinek said. UBC child care rates sight on B.C. roads, the Model-T Ford ‘We felt that the rich heritage of the was rapidly gaining popularity. school and its contributions to promi- So began the first degree-granting nent nursing leadership, particularly in remain stable for ’94-’95 nursing program in the British Com- the field of public and community health - monwealth, the subject of a new book should be recorded.” entitled Legacy: The Historyof Nursing Some of themajor influences that by Connie Filletti cost of $1 15.000 for the year. Education at the University of British shaped the growth and development of Staff writer The existing monthly fee for UBC Columbia 1919-1994. students with an infant aged fourto See NURSING Page 2 There will be no increase infees 18 monthsin one of UBC’s child at UBC’s 12 child care centres for care facilities is $860. Non-students 1994-95. pay $900 per month. The child care services budget The parent fee increase was Campus Cuisine was approved at the March 17 sought to cover inflationary rises in 3 meeting of UBC’s Board of Gover- expenses such as utilities, salaries, Offbeat: A taste of what’s cooking on campus nors without a proposed rate housekeeping and maintenance. increase. The increase would have In addition to parent fees, Creative Kids5 seen parent feesrise anywhere from operating costs of the centres are 4.65 to 13.3 per cent, depending on financed by provincial grants anda Children’s artwork from Italy’s unique Reggio Emilia schools visits UBC the child’s age and parents’ eligibil- subsidy from UBC’s Department of ity for discounts. Housing and Conferences. Bevond Art 6 UBC will continue to subsidize Total expenses last year stood at the housekeeping and mainte- $1.67 million. This year’s total Forum: Exploring the controversy about National Gallery acquisitions nance portion of the child care operating expenses are expectedto services budget at an estimated reach more than $1.8million. Bridge Work 7 ~~ ~~ UBC Engineers build 2 1 -metre-long replica of the Lions Gate Bridge 2 UBC ReDorts . March 24,1994 Lest Haydon remain abjectly But important issues have It's timeto stop fearful for my oppressed been raised. I believe Florence students, I mention that Ledwitz-Rigby is certainly right speaking past Psychology conducts anony- in her assertion thatwe can, mous student evaluationsin and must, improve warmth each other all its courses. My instructor and a senseof participation in Editor: rating in Psychology 3 17 was our classrooms. Men's rights 4.63 (5 is perfect). The average activists are certainly correct Recent letters in UBC rating in the course, over its in saying men are often Reports reinforce, rather entire history, is 3.84. The invisible victims of violence. dramatically, some assertions previous high rating in the (Has anyone, before this A New Spirit in my previous letters. "Chilly course was 4.40. Roughly 70 moment, seen a discussionof climate" is, as defined, a per cent of my 94 students the Hebron Massacre that of Giving sexist, racist, anti-male were women. As a psycholo- explicitly pointed out thatall IMAGINE THE DIFFERENCE YOU COULD gist, I anticipate, with interest, victims were male? ) Feminists HAKE WITH YOUR ACTS OF GIVING AND concept. "Chilly Climatology" is VOLUNTEERING motivated by a simple ideologi- Ms. Haydon's attempts to are certainly right that women cal agenda -- to have in place a incorporate these results into have been stifled, denied a quasi-legal apparatus to stifle her belief system. voice, and all too frequently left critical discussion of radical unprotected. Thereis much feminism and reverse discrimi- Veronica Strong-Boag is injustice in the world. Society ' Berkowitz & Associates 11 nation. Just aschilly climatol- uncomfortable with Peter is looking to us for answers to ogy dispenses with academic Suedfeld's admonition that these problems. I believe that Statistics and Mathematics Consulting 11 freedom, its researchersglibly rent-seekers in glass houses by speaking to each other, analysis datadesignresearch dismiss the needfor a logical shouldn't throw stones, and rather than past each other, forecasting- sampling connection between data and understandably ruffled by Greg we can solve them. And I don't "" . ~ ~~ theory. Lanning's incisive comments. believe we have to sacrifice a Jonathan Berkowitz, Ph.D Calling Suedfeld "astoundingly single one of the best princi- B.C., V6N 3S2 The letters of Janice naive," she dismisses the ples of academic discourse Fiamengo and Kelly Haydon, achievements of white male while doing so. I urge my Office: (604) 263-1508 Home: (604) 263-5394 voicing the standard hyperbole academicians, labeling them colleagues to take a firm stand about victimization, have "patriarchy's most pampered against any attacks on these much in common. Fiamengo sons." Having bypassed a principles, especially by fantasizes thatwomen on rigorous evaluation process, administrators claiming THE UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA campus "areoften subject to she apparently haslittle ideological immunity, bearing threats or acts of violence for appreciation for it.
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