IMO STATE COMMUNITY PRIORITY PROJECTS PROPOSED PROJECT RESPONSIBLE COST PAGE CODE S/N COMMUNITY LGA PRIORITY PROJECTS LOCATION MINISTRY IMPLICATIONS RECONSTRUCTION/REHAB AHIARA ABA BRANCH - MINISTRY OF 444 1 1 AHIARA AHIAZU MBAISE ILITATION OF ROAD AHIARA JUNCTION ROAD WORKS 800,000,000 RECONSTRUCTION/REHAB AHIARA JUNCTION - MINISTRY OF 444 2 AHIARA AHIAZU MBAISE ILITATION OF ROAD OKPALA JUNCTION WORKS 1,000,000,000 COMMENCEMENT/EQUIPPI NG UMUOKISHI MINISTRY OF 466 65 2 AMUZI AHIAZU MBAISE VOCATIONAL SCHOOL AMUZI AHIAZU MBAISE EDUCATION 110,000,000 AMUZI AHIAZU MBAISE- RECONSTRUCTION/REHAB OWUBINUBI-OKPALA MINISTRY OF 445 17 AMUZI AHIAZU MBAISE ILITATION OF ROAD AMAKOHIA WORKS 800,000,000 AFOR ORU BUILDING AND MINISTRY OF 453 3 AHIAZU MBAISE AHIAZU MBAISE TIMBER MARKET AHIAZU MBAISE COMMERCE 5,000,000 ESTABLISH OF SCHOOL OF MINISTRY OF 465 AHIAZU MBAISE AHIAZU MBAISE HANDICAPPED AHIAZU MBAISE EDUCATION 25,000,000 i. Installation of Transformer NNEMERE of Ogboto Umuoriehi Nnemere 4 MPAM AHIAZU MBAISE Mpam. NNEMERE MPAM ii. Rehabilitation of School NNEMERE Hall and Borehole at Orie MPAM AHIAZU MBAISE Nnemere. NNEMERE MPAM 5 OGBOR AHIAZU MBAISE i. Fencing of health centre. OGBOR OGBOR AHIAZU MBAISE ii. Drilling of Borehole OGBOR iii. Building of more shops at OGBOR AHIAZU MBAISE Nkwor Ogbo Market. OGBOR IHITTE UBI, i. Building of Bridge-Ihitte ISIALA Ubi Duruowerre Umuopara, IHITTE UBI, ISIALA 6 OPARANADIM AHIAZU MBAISE Iheukwu-Eke Eziama. OPARANADIM ii. Utilization of 450 hectares IHITTE UBI, of land for the community, ISIALA sending of primary school IHITTE UBI, ISIALA OPARANADIM AHIAZU MBAISE teachers. OPARANADIM i. Construction of civic hall, 7 AGUNEZE AHIAZU MBAISE constructing of 3km AGUNEZE AGUNEZE AHIAZU MBAISE ii. Building of health centre. AGUNEZE 8 AMUZI AHIAZU MBAISE i. Building of shopping mall. AMUZI ii. Tarring of St. Jude church- Umuowasi umuemiri Nguru road-2km, Umuochamoko- Izuohalink road-1km, Amuzi- AMUZI AHIAZU MBAISE Obodo Ujichi road AMUZI AMUZI AHIAZU MBAISE iii. Building of civic centre. AMUZI i. Completion and equipping 9 ORU AHIARA AHIAZU MBAISE of Oru Health centre. ORU AHIARA ii. Construction of Oru Town ORU AHIARA AHIAZU MBAISE hall. ORU AHIARA iii. Construction of Afor- Ogbe/Afor-oru/Obodo Ahiara ORU AHIARA AHIAZU MBAISE Road ORU AHIARA iv. Fencing of the two primary schools-community school Oru ORU AHIARA AHIAZU MBAISE Town school Oru. ORU AHIARA UMUMBIRI i. Construction of Nkwo 10 OPARANADIM AHIAZU MBAISE Umumbiri, borehole UMUMBIRI OPARANADIM UMUMBIRI OPARANADIM AHIAZU MBAISE ii. Building of civic Hall. UMUMBIRI OPARANADIM i. Access roads from Afor- oru-Nkwo Lude, Nkwo Lude- Obohia-Afor Oru Umuogologo 11 LUDE AHIARA AHIAZU MBAISE Obodo Ahiara. LUDE AHIARA ii. Replacement of vandalized Transformer, water-supply boreholes to the 8 villages and LUDE AHIARA AHIAZU MBAISE village halls. LUDE AHIARA iii. Construction of modern LUDE AHIARA AHIAZU MBAISE Health centre. LUDE AHIARA AMANO i. Renovation of school 12 OBOHIA AHIAZU MBAISE building AMANO OBOHIA AMANO OBOHIA AHIAZU MBAISE ii. Grading of roads/gutter. AMANO OBOHIA AMANO iii. Transformers and sinking OBOHIA AHIAZU MBAISE of borehole. AMANO OBOHIA UMUIHUOCHA i. Reconstruction of Eke 13 OBOHIA AHIAZU MBAISE Umuihuocha UMUIHUOCHA OBOHIA UMUIHUOCHA ii. Rehabilitation of two OBOHIA AHIAZU MBAISE boreholes UMUIHUOCHA OBOHIA UMUIHUOCHA iii. Construction and OBOHIA AHIAZU MBAISE completion of Health centres UMUIHUOCHA OBOHIA UMUIHUOCHA iv. Renovation of Town school OBOHIA AHIAZU MBAISE Obohia. UMUIHUOCHA OBOHIA i. Skill acquisition centre, OKRIKAMA/UM palm kernel processing plant, 14 UGWA AHIAZU MBAISE poultry farm. OKRIKAMA/UMUGWA i. Rehabilitation of primary schools-Obodo Ujichi and 15 OBODO UJICHI AHIAZU MBAISE Ihenweorie secondary school. OBODO UJICHI ii. Construction of roads-Orie Ikpa-obodo Ujichi-Ogwuokwu- Nkwogwu-Amuzi Obodo OBODO UJICHI AHIAZU MBAISE Ahiara. OBODO UJICHI OBODO UJICHI AHIAZU MBAISE iii. Building of Health centre. OBODO UJICHI i. The replacement of 3 Transformers that were 16 UMEUDO AHIAZU MBAISE damaged. UMEUDO ii. Rehabilitation of Umeudo UMEUDO AHIAZU MBAISE Health centre UMEUDO iii. Reconstruction of Eke UMEUDO AHIAZU MBAISE Umeudo, Obohia/Ikeduru roads. UMEUDO i. Reconstruction of Ekeokwe-Nkwo Okponkume roads, Nkwoala-Numuakam- Umuaguzie-Nikenga Akpim 17 OKRIKA NWEKE AHIAZU MBAISE roads OKRIKA NWEKE ii. Nkwon-Umualoma, Obowo-Afor Oru-General OKRIKA NWEKE AHIAZU MBAISE Hospital-Ekeokwe roads. OKRIKA NWEKE iii. Building Health centre, OKRIKA NWEKE AHIAZU MBAISE civic centre, livestock feed. OKRIKA NWEKE i. Waste management at Ahiara junction, Ihu Oparaugo, 18 NNARAMBIA AHIAZU MBAISE Nnarambia, grading of roads. NNARAMBIA NNARAMBIA AHIAZU MBAISE ii. Drilling of boreholes. NNARAMBIA ALADINMA/EZI i. To complete the Civic Hall 19 AMA AHIAZU MBAISE under construction. ALADINMA/EZIAMA ALADINMA/EZI ii. Reactivation of Moribund AMA AHIAZU MBAISE borehole ALADINMA/EZIAMA ALADINMA/EZI iii. Renovation of Eke Eziama AMA AHIAZU MBAISE Market ALADINMA/EZIAMA i. Reconstruction of Ihitte IHITTE UBI, Ubi-Duru-Owerre river road- ISIALA Umopara, Iheukwu-Eke-Eziama IHITTE UBI, ISIALA 20 OPARANADIM AHIAZU MBAISE market. OPARANADIM IHITTE UBI, ii. Furnishing and equipping ISIALA Health Centre at Ihitte Ubi IHITTE UBI, ISIALA OPARANADIM AHIAZU MBAISE Isiala Oparanadim. OPARANADIM IHITTE UBI, iii. Utilization of 450 hectares ISIALA of land posting of teachers to IHITTE UBI, ISIALA OPARANADIM AHIAZU MBAISE their primary schools. OPARANADIM i. Rehabilitation of Nna Ahiara comprehensive secondary school, blocks 21 OBODO AHIARA AHIAZU MBAISE fencing of the perimeter wall. OBODO AHIARA ii. Health and Orie Ahiara OBODO AHIARA AHIAZU MBAISE market. OBODO AHIARA UMUBIRI i. Market, healthy centre, 22 OPARANADIM AHIAZU MBAISE security secondary, good road. UMUBIRI OPARANADIM i. Primary health extension, installation of transformer construction of Omaorie-old St. 23 UMUOKRIKA AHIAZU MBAISE Pauls Church Road. UMUOKRIKA ELEKENOWASI i. Healthy centre, dilapidated 24 OBOHIA AHIAZU MBAISE classroom blocks ELEKENOWASI OBOHIA ii. Grading of roads- ELEKENOWASI Elekenoqasi- Lude,Nkwo OBOHIA AHIAZU MBAISE Obohia, Orie Obohia. ELEKENOWASI OBOHIA iii. Completion of electricity project at Ndiowerre, market. ELEKENOWASI Acess roads from afor-ogbe, OBOHIA AHIAZU MBAISE Ezinhitte Ndohia, Umuihukwu. ELEKENOWASI OBOHIA i. Umuzu, Amorji, 25 OGBENNEISII AHIAZU MBAISE Umueleke, Umuihi roads OGBENNEISII UMUCHIEZE, i. Construction and IHITTEAFOR Rehabilitation of Afor UMUCHIEZE, IHITTEAFOR 26 UKWU AHIAZU MBAISE Umuchieze UKWU UMUCHIEZE, IHITTEAFOR UMUCHIEZE, IHITTEAFOR UKWU AHIAZU MBAISE ii. Nursing Quarters UKWU UMUCHIEZE, IHITTEAFOR UMUCHIEZE, IHITTEAFOR UKWU AHIAZU MBAISE iii. Two boreholes UKWU i. Construction of roads from UMUEZE- Umuakaii-Umuze Akabor –Eke 27 AKABOR AHIAZU MBAISE Akabor market square. UMUEZE-AKABOR UMUEZE- ii. Provision of farm AKABOR AHIAZU MBAISE settlement piggery, poultry. UMUEZE-AKABOR i. Construction of Eke- UMUDURUAHU Eziama-Umuduruahurur- UMUDURUAHURU 28 RU EZIAMA AHIAZU MBAISE Ihitterubi Oparanadim EZIAMA UMUDURUAHU UMUDURUAHURU RU EZIAMA AHIAZU MBAISE ii. Nursing/Doctors Quarters EZIAMA UMUDURUAHU UMUDURUAHURU RU EZIAMA AHIAZU MBAISE iii. Civic Hall EZIAMA i. Building of secondary and 29 MPAM AHIAZU MBAISE primary schools. MPAM ii. Construction of roads within the community and MPAM AHIAZU MBAISE outside. MPAM RECONSTRUCTION/REHAB EKE NGURU-IBEKU MINISTRY OF 445 14 30 EKE NGURU ABOH MBAISE ILITATION OF ROAD OKWUATO ROAD WORKS 700,000,000 RECONSTRUCTION OF EKE MINISTRY OF 454 EKE NGURU ABOH MBAISE NGURU MODERN MARKET EKE NGURU COMMERCE 10,000,000 RENOVATION OF EKE MINISTRY OF 454 EKE NGURU ABOH MBAISE NGURU ABATTOIR EKE NGURU ABO MBAISE COMMERCE 5,000,000 31 NGURU ABOH MBAISE i. Building of health centre NGURU IMO STATE MAGISTRATE COURT JUDICIARY HIGH 470 32 OKE UVURU ABOH MBAISE RENOVATION/REROOFING OKE UVURU COURT 5,000,000 RECONSTRUCTION/REHAB EKEUGIRI MARKET- MINISTRY OF 446 39 33 UVURU ABOH MBAISE ILITATION OF ROAD UMUNUME-UVURU WORKS 200,000,000 ii. Rehabilitation of their UVURU ABOH MBAISE market and community hall. UVURU i. Road rehabilitation Eziala 34 UMUNNEATO ABOH MBAISE opera-child UMUNNEATO ii. Rehabilitation of health UMUNNEATO ABOH MBAISE centre, market. UMUNNEATO i. Rehabilitation of health 35 AMAOHURU ABOH MBAISE centre, civil centre AMAOHURU ii. Grading of roads-Umuof- AMAOHURU ABOH MBAISE Umuakali. AMAOHURU i. Reconstruction of Nguru Nworie market, Town Hall, 36 NGURU NWORIE ABOH MBAISE Agro/Cassava processing unit. NGURU NWORIE NGURU i. Reconstruction of Afor NWAFOR ABOH MBAISE Ajala market. NGURU NWAFOR ii. Fencing of Ahiato health NGURU centre/staff quarters and Obibii NWAFOR ABOH MBAISE community school. NGURU NWAFOR NGURU i. Rehabilitation of palm 37 NWEKEOHA ABOH MBAISE oil/kernel processing mill NGURU NWEKEOHA NGURU ii. Youth acquisition NWEKEOHA ABOH MBAISE centre/civil Hall. NGURU NWEKEOHA 38 OBETITI NGURU ABOH MBAISE i. Development of market OBETITI NGURU ii. Reactivation of blacksmith OBETITI NGURU ABOH MBAISE industry OBETITI NGURU OBETITI NGURU ABOH MBAISE iii. Borehole. OBETITI NGURU NGURU 39 NWENKWO ABOH MBAISE i. Upgrading of their market NGURU NWENKWO ii. Rehabilitation of health NGURU centre, Nkwogwu-Ogwuokwu NWENKWO ABOH MBAISE road. NGURU NWENKWO UMUODA i. Reconstruction of their 40 NGURU ABOH MBAISE market UMUODA NGURU UMUODA ii. Rehabilitation of roads and NGURU ABOH MBAISE health centre. UMUODA NGURU UMUEZIE i. Reconstruction of their 41 NGURU ABOH MBAISE civil hall UMUEZIE NGURU UMUEZIE ii. Rehabilitation
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