ShellbrookShellbrook ChronicleChronicle && SpiritwoodSpiritwood HeraldHerald VOL. 108 NO. 41 PMR #40007604 Thursday, October 8, 2020 www.shellbrookchronicle.com | www.spiritwoodherald.com Moe promises hope amidst COVID-19 From left, Krista Moe, Premier Scott Moe, campaign business manager Grant Hladun, campaign manager Bevra Fee, and youth volunteer Aidan von Holwede attend a subdued campaign office opening in Shellbrook. Premier Scott Moe says campaign “It’s been a great, rewarding week ing we’re adhering to the public health made have a unified goal: moving Sas- season is easily his favourite part of for me personally, and a good week for guidelines that are in place. That in- katchewan beyond COVID-19. politics, because it gives him a chance our campaign.” cludes the size of the gatherings we’re “Our campaign is focused on the to get out and meet the people he’s Aside from having to travel more able to bring together,” he said. very valid question of who you trust been representing for the past nine than ever as leader of the Sask. Party, “A safe campaign. They did it in New to recover the Saskatchewan economy years. Moe says this campaign is also vastly Brunswick, they’re doing it in B.C., post COVID-19,” Moe said. That’s more true than ever in his different from his previous election and we’re doing it here in Saskatch- On that front, Moe feels his party’s third go at being elected to represent bids due to the ever-present reality of ewan as well.” record is solid from both a health- the Rosthern-Shellbrook constitu- the COVID-19 pandemic. While COVID-19 is impacting the care and an economic perspective, ency, which is also his first go since Normally, campaigns would launch way Moe and his team’s campaign, it’s providing Saskatchewan with plenty taking the reins of the Saskatchewan in front of crowds of hundreds, even also changing the way his government of opportunity to bounce back post- Party from his predecessor, Brad thousands, of people with the help of is pitching itself to Saskatchewan vot- COVID. Wall, in 2018. a whole team of volunteers. But at his ers. As of Tuesday’s update, Saskatch- “We’ve had the opportunity to be in constituency office opening on Sun- In a normal election year, party plat- ewan was sitting at 1,984 total cases, a number of different constituencies, day, it was just Moe, his wife, Krista, forms typically consist of promises and 24 deaths. Moe credits the prov- visiting with volunteers, candidates, his campaign staff, and a handful of from across many government portfo- ince’s successes to the guidance pro- as well as people who live in those others. lios loosely connected by a theme or vided by Chief Medical Officer Dr. constituencies,” he said during the of- Moe says it will stay this way until slogan. Saqib Shahab, and to the people of the ficial opening of his constituency of- election night on Oct. 26. This time around, the pandemic is province for respecting the rules. fice in Shellbrook on Sunday. “We’ve been very careful with ensur- the theme, and all the promises being Continued on page 2 BOOK YOUR FLU SHOT! Call for an appointment Main Street, Shellbrook Woodland Pharmacy Ph: 306-747-2545 2 Shellbrook Chronicle & Spiritwood Herald www.shellbrookchronicle.com | www.spiritwoodherald.com October 8, 2020 Moe promises hope amidst COVID-19 Continued from 1 bills, and a 50 per cent addressed. From an economic per- increase for the Saskatch- Given its recent invest- spective, Moe says the ewan Advantage Schol- ments in Highway 24 province has felt the im- arship — all point to its north of Spiritwood, the pacts of the pandemic to commitment to those two opening of a new school a lesser extent than other key pillars. in Rosthern, and another jurisdictions, allowing it “Those are the focuses: new school promised for to keep 87 per cent of peo- the affordability for fami- Blaine Lake, he says his ple working and re-open lies in the province, and government will continue the economy quickly. the recovery of our econo- to meet those needs, if As a result, Saskatch- my and our communities voters give it another op- ewan has the lowest un- in our province,” he said. portunity. employment rate in Can- “We feel that is where the “There are always ada, and has recouped people want to see the needs in the community nearly all the job losses it government focused at for the core aspects of experienced at the start this point in time.” what the provincial gov- of the pandemic. Speaking more locally, ernment provides, and Premier Scott Moe, the incumbent in the Rosthern-Shellbrook constituency, Going forward, Moe Moe said the agricul- that’s education, health- arrives at the opening of his campaign office in Shellbrook. says his party’s message ture-oriented Rosthern- care, and highways,” he to voters will be twofold, Shellbrook constituency said. “Those are three the Sask. Party doesn’t tion with constituents This, he adds, hasn’t al- focusing on affordability is very fortunate, eco- items that make up the represent. that the Saskatchewan ways been the case. for families, and on re- nomically speaking, to be bulk of the provincial “Good governance is Party has developed its “What can I offer the covering the economy. experiencing what looks budget every year, and not an accident. Good 2030 Growth Plan, which people of Rosthern-Shell- He adds that his gov- like a good harvest sea- they will continue to.” governance — who- sets targets of creating brook? Good representa- ernment’s promises thus son. Along with his govern- ever the government it 100,00 jobs and increas- tion within a Saskatch- far — including a small However, he also ac- ment’s record, Moe says is, whatever stripe, and ing Saskatchewan’s popu- ewan Party government,” business tax reduction, knowledges that there are the Sask. Party deserves whoever the individuals lation by 200,000. he said. a home renovation tax local, community-based voters’ support because are — is when govern- Moe says this will cre- “What can a Saskatche- credit, a 10 per cent re- concerns across the con- of its approach to govern- ment listen to the people ate opportunities in the wan Party offer the same duction in SaskPower stituency that need to be ing. they represent,” he said. Rosthern-Shellbrook people from Rosthern- His government, he “We always need to re- constituency, and across Shellbrook and across the says, is one that doesn’t member to listen first and Saskatchewan, allowing province? That hope and Shellbrook Skating club govern on an ideological speak second, and ensure those in the next gen- opportunity for a future basis, but based on what we’re having collabora- eration to find careers in where we can continue REGISTRATION it feels to be the best deci- tive conversations.” the communities and the to experience the growth OPEN FOR: sion to meet a challenge. It is partly through this province they were born we have over the last de- Canskate - 1st day Wed., Oct 28th Most important of all, listening and collabora- and raised in. cade.” Parents & Tot - 1st day Sun., Nov 1st he says his government is Adult Lessons - 1st day Sun., Nov 1st one that listens before it Program info & registration: speaks, and collaborates shellbrooksc.uplifterinc.com with people from every or email RCMP warns thief of constituency across Sas- [email protected] katchewan — even ones poisoned steaks On Saturday, Oct. 3, 2020 at 10:16 located outside the residence were poi- a.m., Blaine Lake RCMP received a re- soned for use in wild animal control. port of a break and enter at a rural resi- If consumed, these steaks could seri- dence near the Wingard Ferry road. ously harm or kill someone. Preliminary investigation indicates a The investigation into the break and large amount of household items were enter continues. taken. The break and enter is believed If you have information about this or to have occurred sometime between any other crime, please contact Blaine Tuesday (Sept. 29, 2020) and Friday Lake RCMP at 306-497-3600, or you (Oct. 2, 2020). There is no suspect de- may contact Saskatchewan Crime Stop- scription. pers anonymously at 1-800-222-TIPS The homeowner advised investiga- (8477), or submit a tip online at www. tors that six steaks stolen from a freezer saskcrimestoppers.com. 20103pr0 PICK OF It’s Easy THE WEEK to place (9718UA) a classied! 2017 Edge SEL AWD $27,995* Phone 3.5L-V6/ Kylss Entry/ Rmt Strt/ 306-747-2442 SYNC/ Htd Strng Whl/ Rvrs Snsng/ Rvrs Cmr/ NAV/ Fax: Blue Jeans 59kms* 306-747-3000 Toll Free 1-800-667-3353 Email: #2 Highway West, Watrous, SK DL907154 chads@ www.centennialford.sk.ca sbchron.com *Kms and price in thousands. Taxes not included in price. October 8, 2020 www.shellbrookchronicle.com | www.spiritwoodherald.com Shellbrook Chronicle & Spiritwood Herald 3 Idylwild Lodge gazebo gets fresh sod The Idylwild Lodge Aux- that were to arrive last Sat- yard of bees busy at work” ally wrapped squares cour- iliary is a group of women urday. Requests had been when the first pallet of sod tesy of Pauls. from Spiritwood and the put out by Linda, Wayne, came in. Linda says that the next surrounding area who came and some other members of Volunteers went to work steps for their outdoor proj- together 63 years ago with the Auxiliary for volunteers hauling rolls, lining up the ects include purchasing and the goal of helping improve to come and help lay down pieces, and trimming it to a installing some coach house the quality of life for resi- the sod.
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