DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR , BUREAU OF EDUCATION i BULLETIN, 1920, No. 33 EDUCATIONAL DIRECTORY 1920-1921, 1' I WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1921 CONTENTS. Page. I. The United States Bureau of Education 1 41. Department of State: Educational activities 6 III. Department of War: Educational activities 6 IV. Department of the Navy: Educational activities 12 V. Department of the Interior: Educational activities 13 VI. Department of Agrieuiture: Educational activities. 19 , VII. Department of Labor: Educational activities 19 VIII. Independent establishments: Educational activities 19 s .IX. Principal State school officers 23 X. Executive officers of State boards of education 31 XI. County and other local superintendents of schools 32 XII. Suyertiitendents of public schools in cities and towi 4 65 XIIL psinew managers of public schools in cities of over 30,000 popu- lation 83 XIX. Chief medical inspectors or school health officers in cities of over 30,000 population . 85 XV. Presidents of uni an leges .65 XVI. Presidents of ju, .r colleges ss k 95 XVII. Deans or direct .. of colleges or schools of engineering 97 X V n I. Deans or direct of colleges of agriculture 99 . XIX. Presidents of S to colleges for Negroes 100 XX. Heads of departments of education 100 XXI. Presidents or deans of schools of theology... 109 XXII. Presidents or deans of schools of law 113 XXIII. Presidents or deans of schools of medicine 115 ..--. XXIV. Presidents or deans of schools of dentistry 116 _ XXV. Presidents or deans of schools of pharmacy 117 XXVI.. Presidents deans of schools of vricrinary medicine 119 Principalf normal and kindergarten training schools 119 XXVIII. Summer school directors . 130 XXIX. Directors of museums 148 XXX. Librarians of public and societ!, libaries 160 XXXI. Executive officers of State library commissions 185 .Axil. Directors of library schools 185 XXX III. Educational boards and foundations 186 XXXIV. Church educational hoards and societies 186 XXXI'. Jewish educational organizations 187 XXXVI. Superintendents of Catholic parochial schools 188 X XXVII. Directors ottichools for social workers 189 X XXVIII. International associations of education 189 XXXIX. American educational associations 190 XL. Learned and chic,organizatious 205 \ . XLI, State Federation of Women's Clubs 207 XLII. National Congress of 14.othere and Parent-Teachers Associations. : 209 XLIII. Ekticatioal periVicals: ...:., . - 210 ..- r., r iul " , . EDUCATIONAL DIRECTORY, 1920 -21. I. -Tile l'NFt'F.D STATES BUREAU OF EDUCATION. C+,olinissioner of Ed ucati,,,i, Philander P. Claxton. Theo. Honour, privtee secretary to the commissioner. Other of the Chief Clerk: James F. Abel, chiefclerk J. t open, a,sistanta. to the chief clerk. Eunice \ urtl s, in dairge of malls and flies. Mrs. Louie ltat.t ,,n, clerk. 411. Alden B. Collins, clerk. It. Frank Morrison, clerk. William Newman, Messenger. .;,,wge W. Johnson, vsistant niefsenger. Clara I. Hall, messenger girl. freorial Jomcs C. Boykin, chief. \ Ilen E. Miller, editor. 1.0v ick Fierce. Henry It. Evans. Fltrence DuBois. Birdie II. Hill. John R. Hendiev. T. Dyer. Joseph H. Richardson. Statistical Dirision: Lewis A. Kalbach, director of statistics. Barrie R. Bonner, specialist in educational statistics. Alex. Summers, statistician. Mrs. Pearl 1Woolverton. Nathalie Ieveque. Jana M. Comstock. Mrs. Margaret G. Boykin. Nadelntan, tjrover C. Young. Mary Ella Webb. Library Division: John P. Wolcott, chief. Edith A. Wright. Miltenberger N. Smut. Martha R. McCabe. Agnes I. lee. ndine Levy. Beatrice Mills. Ruth P. Belden. Mrs. Gertrude H. Puryee. Division of Cily School Systems: Frank F. Bunks, specialist In city school systems. Walter S. Deffenbaugh, specialist In education in villages and towns. Florence C. Fox, specialist In edtkational systems. Julia W. #bbott, specialist in kindergarten education,. Nina C. Yandewalker, specialist In kindergarten education. Mrs. Alice B. Fernandes, specialist lir industrial and economic relations In education. Mrs. Florence K. Evans. Bertha Y. Hebb. Mabel Thaeleys 1 2 , EDUCATIONAL DIRECTORY,1920-1921. Dlrision of Higher Education: George F. Zook, specialist in higher education. Chester D. Jervis, specialist. In agriculturel education. Olin L. Swiggett, specialistri commercial education. Walton C. IPan, specialist in charge of landgrant college statistics. Ella B. Ratcliffe, clerk. Division of Rural Education.. Jasper L. Mc Brien, director rural school extension. John C. Iluorrnan, specialist in noel education. Mrs. Katherine M. Cook, specialist In rural .4111(.31 ion. Edith A. Lathrop, specialist in rural education. William R. Hood, specialist In school legislat ion. Division of Foreign Fidecatiessel System,: specialist in foreign educational systems. Theresa Bach, translator. Peter II. Pearson, translator. Division of Vocational Education: William 'I'. isawden, specialist i ti iudu t vial eel LICal ion. Mrs. Henrietta W. specialist i n home conemies. Division of 11ome.F.ducniior: Ellen C. Lombard, director of home <ducat no' Division of School Ilvgicne: Willard. S..§cciall, specialist in school hygiene and sanitation. Julia II. Tappan, special assistant I ii school hygiene. Mrs. L. D. Goldsberry. Arthur MacDonald. Mrs. Marie K. Young. J. Mace Andress, special agent in health education. Fletcher IL Dressier, special agent,I eorge Peabody College for Teachers, Nashville, Tenn. Division rf Civk Education: Arthur W. Dunn, specialist in ci v ic duration. Division of Cemmunity Organization: Edward J. Ward, special agent. or Celled States School Garden Division: John L. Rapdall, special agent. Stenographic Section: Mrs. Marthena Whipple Wolcott, in charge. Mrs. Lucy M. Manning. Emma Schwab. Mrs. Gladys G. Chaney. Andrew H. Gibbs. Mabel E. Rile. Alfred Chielrieco. Edna M. Nelson. Cletus F. Mortimer. Juanita Newlon. Mrs. Merle W. Hersey. Julia F. Barr. Florence E. Reynolds. Alice Hilliard. Alaska Division: Trashintrion e.) officr William Handiton,acting chief. David E. Thomas, accountant. Marie C. Kenealy. Seattle( Wash.) office William T. Lopp, superi it tenth tit of education of natives of Alaska. ,assistant to the superintendent of education of natives of Alaska. Harry C. Sinclair, sueply agent. Chauncey C. Hester, specialdfsbursing agent. -James O. Williams. Mrs. Ivy M. Knox. Special Cbilateralors in Field SCTClef: I. RepresentaHom of Stale departments of education J. W. .ibercromble, State superintendent of public instruction, Montgomery, Ala. IV% Arthuillass, chief clerk, State department of education, Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Mary C. C. Bradford, State superintendent of public instruction, Denver, Cola. truest W. Butterfield, State superintendent of public knstnict Ion, Conccrd, N. II. Tr. 'S. BUREAU OF EDUCATION. 1P11117peNalCollaboratorsinFkldSatireContintied. 1.RepresentatiresofState departmentrofeduention--eGotinwd a Charles Carroll, Stine department of public inst wetIon ,l'rov idepee, 11. 1. Julius A. Churchill, State superintendent of public instruct ion, Salem, Oreg. Ewing N. Collette, State department of (ducat ion, oklattomakla. !Sennett C. Douglass, Stat r dep4tment of education, Montpr, Vt. Spright Dowe11,8tate0111xvintendent of education, Montgomery, Ala Leo M. Favrot, assistant rural school supervisor, State department of education. Morton Potsge. La. Thomas R. Finegan, deputy eosnmIssioner of %Wanton, Albany, 1.1. V. Fred Gladden, clerk, State board of education, Indianapolis, God. Lester I). Henderson, commissioner of education, Juneau, . tasks; Ida M. Huston, chief clerk, State department of public instniet Ion, Lansing. Mich. Calvin N. Kendall, commissioner of education, Trenton, N. J. T. B. McDonodgh,8tate department of education, t'heyenee, my". W. W. Marquardt, director of education, Manila, P. I. Elvin J. Norton, deputy State superintendent of publiciastruetion . salt Lake y. tab. Francis it. Pearson, superintendent of pub' le I estruei ion. Ceb onies I sin, W. 1I. Pittman, chief clerk, State deportment of public instruction,ItaleiFlu,N. t , Mrs. Josephine C. Prestos', State superintendent of public i nttruet ion ,Olympia.wash. Ethel E. Redfield, State superintendent of public i nst riles ion, Boise. Idaho Charles 11. Saylor, State departuont of education, Springtleld, !II Fred L. Shaw, State superintendent of public lust ruction, Pierre. S. lust. M. I'. Shswkey, State superintendent of free schools. Chariestou, Va. l'ayson Smith, commissioner of education, Boston, Mass. Arthur R. :Wald, commissioner of education, 1')over, Del. N. Bates Stephens, Baltimore, Md. John Swearingen, State superintendent of public nett wet ion,) °turn bia. Augustus 0. Thomas, State superintendent of public lust met ioe, Augusta. Mel May Trumper, Stale superintendent st public instruction,Ilelene.,.Mout. Will C. Wood, State superintendent orpuhlic instruction, Sacramento, Calif. 2.Higher education h:endric C. Babcock, dean, College of Liberal Ariel niversity of Illinois, Urbana, George W. Bissell, processor of mechanical engineering, Michigan A grietilturaVollege, East Lan. sing, Mich. Eugene C. Branson, University of North Carolina, Chapel Bill, N. C. Hiram Byrd, professor of hygiene, University of NtisaissIppl, Ws, Eugene Davenport, dean of the College of Agriculture, University of Illinois, Urbana, 111.t Edward C. Elliott, chancellor, University of Montana, Helena, Mont. Fred M. Fling, professor of history, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr. Edwin Greenlaw, professor of English, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. Charles I I . Handschin, professor of modern
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