APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY VOLUME 40 0 NUMBER 5 0 NOVEMBER 1980 EDITORIAL BOARD James M. Tiedje, Editor-in-Chief (1985) A. L. Demain, Editor (1981) Michigan State University, East Lansing Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge Robert T. Belly, Editor (1984) Martin S. Favero, Editor (1985) Eastman Kodak Company Centerfor Disease Control, Rochester, N. Y. Phoenix, Ariz. R. H. Deibel, Editor (1981) Robert B. Hespell, Editor (1985) University of Wisconsin, Madison University of Illinois, Urbana Bernard J. Abbott (1980) Edwin E. Geldrekch (1982) W. 0. Pipes (1981) Martin Aexander (1980) Charles Gerba (1982) Hap Pritchard (1982) Milton J. Allson (1980) Richard E. Goldstrand (1982) Donald J. Reasoner (1982) Ronald Atlas (1980) Reinaldo F. Gomez (1982) C. A. Reddy (1982) Richard Bartha (1982) C. P. Leslie Grady, Jr. (1982) Douglas Ribbons (1982) Joan W. Bennett (1981) Charles Hagedorn III (1982) Antonio H. Romano (1980) Merlin Bergdoll (1981) Bruce Hamilton (1981) John P. Rosazza (1982) Martha D. Berliner (1980) Paul A. Hartmn (1980) Harry Rosenberg (1982) Thomas L. Bott (1980) Melvin T. Hatch (1981) Dwayne Savage (1982) Charles Boylen (1982) Charles W. Hendricks (1980) Robert D. Schwartz (1982) Thomas Brock (1980) Robert B. HespeUl (1980) Ohlrich K. Sebek (1980) Lee A. Bulla, Jr. (1980) John C. Hoff (1982) John McN. Sieburth (1981) Lloyd B. Bullennan (1980) David H. Hubbell (1981) Willam H. Sperber (1980) Victor Cabelll (1982) John J. landolo (1980) James T. Staley (1980) Paul E. Came (1982) John Johnson (1982) Hiroshi Suglyama (1981) Tom D. Y. Chin (1980) David M. Karl (1982) Anne 0. Summers (1982) Alex Ciegler (1980) Edward Katz (1982) Jon H. Tuttle (1980) Richard T. J. Clarke (1981) Michael J. Klug (1980) Claude Vezina (1982) Michael A. Cole (1982) Roger-Knowles (1982) Edward Voss (1981) Rita R. Colwel (1980) Paul Lemke (1982) D. 1. C. Wang (1981) Richard A. Consigi (1982) Carol Litchfield (1980) David White (1982) Joseph J. Cooney (1980) Gordon A. McFeters (1981) William J. Wiebe (1980) Frank Dazzo (1982) Prakash Masurekar (1982) Fred D. Williams (1980) Steven W. Drew (1981) Joseph L. Melnick (1980) R. P. Williams (1981) Richard Elander (1982) Terry L. Miller (1982) G. N. Wogan (1980) Beatrlce England (1980) Richard Morita (1982) Alan G. Wolin (1980) Jerald C. Ensign (1980) Claude H. Nash (1981) Meyer J. Woli (1982) Douglas Eveleigh (1982) Betty H. Olson (1982) William Yotis (1982) Carl B. Fllermans (1981) Ronald Oremland (1982) Stanley A. Zahler (1982) Heinz G. Floss (1980) Eldor A. Paul (1980) Alexander Zehnder (1982) Dennis Focht (1982) Frederick C. Pearson (1982) Gisella Pollock, Acting Managing Editor Cheryl Cross, Production Editor 1913 I St., NW, Washington, DC 20006 EX OFFICIO Albert Balows, President (1980-1981) Frederick C. Neidhardt, President-Elect (1980-1981) J. Mehsen Joseph, Secretary Brinton M. Miller, Treasurer Applied and Environmental Microbiology (ISSN 0099-2240), a additional mailing offices. publication ofthe American Society for Microbiology, 1913 I St., Made in the United States of America. NW, Washington, DC 20006, is devoted to the advancement Copyright i) 1980, American Society for Microbiology. and dissemination of applied knowledge as well as ecological All Rights Reserved. knowledge, both applied and fundamental, concerning misroor- ganisms. Instructions to Authors are published in the January issue each year. Applied and Environmental Microbiology is pub- The code at the top of the first page of an article in thisjournal lished monthly, two volumes per year. The nonmember subscrip- indicates the copyright owner's consent that copies of the article tion price is $70 per year. The member subscription price is $17 may be made for personal use, or for personal use of specific per year. Single copies are $6.00. Correspondence relating to clients. 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E., Jr., 897 Hussong, David, 981 Restaino, L., 939 Ayres, John C., 870 Rogenmuser, Kurt, 977 Iandolo, J. J., 897 Bachmann, Marc, 876 Sato, Yasushi, 967 Bott, Thomas L., 977 Jacobson, Stuart N., 917 Seidler, Ramon J., 922 Brill, Winston J., 931 Jeter, Wayburn S., 939 Shay, D. E., 970 Brunner, Walter, 950 Simon, Robert D., 984 Bulla, L. A., Jr., 897 Smiley, Martin B., 862 Kniseley, Richard N., 888 Sozzi, Tommaso, 862 Koehler, Phillip E., 870 Spence, K. D., 959 Calabrese, Diane M., 973 Kralikova, Eva, 855 Staub, Doris, 950 Campbell, B. S., 897 Kramer, Vance C., 973 Straskrabova, Vera, 855 Colwell, Rita R., 981 Swanson, Steve P., 901 Connor, Douglas A., 883 LeChevallier, Mark W., 922 Leisinger, Thomas, 950 Tanaka, Ryuichiro, 866 Davidson, L. I., 897 Lembke, Linda L., 888 Toombs, Russ W., 883 Davies, F. Lyndon, 964 Michael McCambridge, J., 907 Voigt, N., 870 Eggimnann, Bernhard, 876 McMeekin, T. A., 907 Evans, T. M., 922 Mirocha, Chester J., 901 Weiner, Ronald M., 981 Mutai, Masahiko, 866 Williams, H. N., 970 Wyatt, Roger D., 870 Falkder, W. A., Jr., 970 Nickerson, Kenneth W., 973 Yoneya, Takefumi, 967 Gasson, Michael J., 964 Noel, K. Dale, 931 Yoshizawa, Takumi, 901 Gerba, Charles P., 892, 912 Goyal, Sagar M., 892, 912 O'Mara, Nancy L., 917 Zerda, Katherine S., 892 A - Fermentation Superntendent (San Francisco Bay Area) Immediate opening for an aggressive management oriented Bio-Engineer with 3-8 years' industrial fermentation experience including supervisory responsibilities. Growth position reporting to Fermentation Manager. Ideal candidate will have a degree in biochemical engineering or related field, have good technical communication skills and be a rolled-sleeve type. Responsibilities will include process optimization, trouble shooting and engineering coordination of a large fermentation production facility with ad- ditional involvement in maintenance production scheduling and personnel. Our company is ideally situated in San Jose offering suburban living and proximity to many fine universities. We also have employment stability with competitive salary and benefits. For immediate consideration, please send resume in confidence to: Professional Employment, Stauffer Chemical Company, 1931 South First Street, San Jose, CA 95112. We are an equal employment facility. au er INDEX TO ADVERTISERS page American Optical Corporation ................. ............................... 8 * Difco Laboratories ................................... Cover 4 Nalge Company ............................................................. 7 Nikon Inc. .... Cover 2 * Sustaining Member, American Society for Microbiology. 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