to Friday 30 January 2015 Development Panel Will meet on Tuesday 10 February 2015 at 1.00 pm in Council Chamber - Allerdale House Membership: Councillor Peter Bales (Chairman) Councillor John (Binky) Armstrong Councillor Carole Armstrong Councillor Nicky Cockburn Councillor Bill Finlay Councillor Margaret Jackson Councillor Peter Kendall Councillor Jim Lister Councillor Billy Miskelly Councillor Sam Standage Councillor Martin Wood Councillor Joan Wright Members of the public are welcome to attend the meeting. If you have any questions or queries contact Paula McKenzie on 01900 702557. The following Site Visits will take place: 2/2014/0796 – New detached 3-4 bed dwelling, garage, landscaping and access. Land at Tallentire Hall, Tallentire, Cockermouth. 2/2014/0805 – Outline application for residential development comprising of 4no dwellings. Land at Belle Vue, Papcastle, Cockermouth. Members of the Development Panel will be picked up from Allerdale House, Workington and the bus will leave at 10.30am prompt. Lunch will be provided in the Lonsdale Room, Allerdale House for Members of the Panel. Agenda 1. Apologies for absence 2. Declaration of Interest Councillors/Staff to give notice of any disclosable pecuniary interest, other registrable interest or any other interest and the nature of that interest relating to any item on the agenda in accordance with the adopted Code of Conduct. 3. Questions To answer questions from members of the public – 2 days notice of which must have been given in writing or by electronic mail. 4. Development Panel - 2.2014.0805 - Outline application considering access only, for residential development of 4 no dwellings. Land At Belle Vue, Papcastle, Cockermouth. (Pages 1 - 12) 5. Development Panel - 2.2013.0227 - Proposed wind farm comprising of three wind turbines upto 115m tip height, with associated crane pads, substation building, anemometer mast, new tracks, new entrance plus temporary construction compound. Land at Carwath, Rosley, Wigton. (Pages 13 - 54) 6. Development Panel - 2.2014.0690 - Outline application for up to 25 dwellings. Meadow Bank, Oughterside. (Pages 55 - 70) 7. Development Panel - 2.2013.0664 - Outline application for erection of 60 dwellings. Land Adjoining West Road, Wigton. (Pages 71 - 102) 8. Development Panel - 2.2014.0786 - Erection of food store (use class A1) with associated access and car parking. Land off Curzon Street, Maryport. (Pages 103 - 126) 9. Development P anel - 2.2014.0858 - Outline planning application for 24no self-build plots with details of roads access, layout and scale and demolition of 3no buildings. Land at Former RNAD, Derwent Forest, Broughton Moor, Cockermouth. (Pages 127 - 142) 10. Development Panel - 2.2014.0842 - Erection of 1 no. 20kW wind turbine with a 15.43m hub height and a maximum 21.97m blade tip height. Clea Green,Westward, Wigton. (Pages 143 - 156) 11. Development Panel - 2.2014.0796 - New detached 3 -4 bed dwelling, garage, landscaping and access. Land at Tallentire Hall, Tallentire, Cockermouth. (Pages 157 - 166) Chief Executive Date of Next Meeting Tuesday 3 March 2015 at 1.00 pm Council Chamber - Allerdale House Agenda Item 4 Allerdale Borough Council Planning Application 2/2014/0805 Proposed Outline application for residential development comprising of 4no Development: dwellings Location: Land At Belle Vue Papcastle Cockermouth Applicant: Mr D. and Mr W. Robinson Recommendation: Refused Summary/Key Issues Issue Conclusion Principle of The proposed site is not considered to be physically associated Development with the village of Papcastle and as such is in an unsustainable location in the open countryside with no justified or essential need for residential development. Site History Previous application 2/2009/0612 refused as an unsustainable site in the open countryside with impact upon the landscape and with inadequate supporting information regarding habitat and archaeology. Other site histories, 1990, 1991 and 1995 of refusal and dismissal of appeal for residential development regarding non- essential development in the open countryside. Trees Protected trees within the development site and on adjacent land have been removed in recent years with approval from the Council. The proposals do not require any further protected trees to be removed based upon the illustrative layout. The layout of the site would allow for the protected trees to be safeguarded and additional trees planted as part of a comprehensive landscaping scheme. Habitat Report concludes no significant harm with further bat survey recommended. The report is considered out of date and insufficient to assess likely impact of the development on wildlife and biodiversity. Archaeology Survey concludes no significant remains with no evidence associated with the Roman fort Landscape Smaller site with less encroachment into open countryside than previous application. Any landscape impact considered minimal with potential for mitigation. Page 1 Affordable The size and location of this small hamlet does not trigger the Housing need for affordable housing. Local Need/Elderly The Local Plan does not make provision for an individual’s local Need need due to personal connection with a site or locality. The notion of a retirement home does not justify the site to be developed for four dwellings. Policy S10 may consider appropriate sustainable sites as an exception outside of defined settlements. The application site and circumstances do not satisfy this policy. Proposal Outline application for residential development considering access only. A plan has been provided illustrating a layout of four dwellings with generic house types. The application is a resubmission to that withdrawn (2/2013/0783) after Officer’s recommendation for refusal as an unsustainable site and with the lack of supporting information. This follows a previous outline refusal (2/2009/0612). The Site The application site comprises undeveloped land to the north of the small hamlet of Belle Vue with the A595 bypass to the north. The site is accessed from the former ‘stopped up’ route of the A594 within the hamlet. The nearest village Papcastle is 260 metres to the south with Cockermouth 820 metres away. Relevant Policies Allerdale Local Plan (Part 1) Adopted July 2014 Policy DM14 - Standards of Good Design Policy DM17 - Trees, hedgerows and woodland, Policy S1 - Presumption in favour of sustainable development Policy S2 - Sustainable development principles (excluding highways Policy S24 - Green infrastructure Policy S29 - Flood Risk and Surface Water Drainage Policy S3 - Spatial Strategy and Growth Policy S30 - Reuse of Land Policy S32 - Safeguarding amenity Policy S33 - Landscape Policy S35 - Protecting and enhancing biodiversity and geodiversity Policy S4 - Design principles Policy S5 - Development Principles Policy S7 - A mixed and balanced housing market Policy S8 - Affordable Housing Policy S9 - Rural exceptions sites National Planning Policy Framework Page 2 Relevant Planning History 2/2013/0783 Withdrawn 2/2009/0612 Outline refusal. Details reported below Representations Parish Council – Refuse with regard to the following Insufficient detail and inappropriate outline application subject to change Beyond settlement limit of Papcastle Contrary to Local Plan and strategy for housing growth Precedent for further development joining settlements Encroachment into open countryside Provision of affordable housing unclear and indeed unviable at this location Foul and surface water drainage issues Increased traffic generation Proximity to trees Site management issues Inaccuracies within call in request of Cllr Garrard. United Utilities – No objection subject to standing advice. Natural England – No objection subject to standing advice. County Archaeologist – No objection or conditions. Cumbria Wildlife Trust – No objection subject to standing advice on hedgerows as a habitat with an additional bat survey recommended. Highway Authority – No objection subject to conditions Environmental Health – Objection regarding the methodology and assessment criteria of the submitted noise report. The application has been advertised on site and adjoining land owners have been notified. Eight letters of objection and six letters of support have been received and reported below. The application has been called in by Cllr Garrard Assessment Site History 2/2009/0612 is the most recent planning application relevant. Outline refusal for residential development of 12 dwellings including affordable housing. This application was refused at Development Panel in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation. The reasons for refusal regarded non-essential development in the open countryside with no essential need, loss of trees, detrimental to landscape character and lack of appropriate habitat and archaeological surveys. This assessment was subject to the policies of the Allerdale Local Plan Adopted 1999 now superseded. The current application is subject to the new Local Plan and the NPPF however the previous decision is seen to carry significant weight with common policies Page 3 regarding housing development in the open countryside. 2/1990/0878 Outline Refusal for one dwelling. The primary reason was of non-essential development in open countryside. 2/1991/0825 Outline Refusal for three dwellings. The primary reason was of non- essential development in open countryside. An appeal was made and dismissed by the Planning Inspector. With regard to the reason for refusal the Inspector is quoted as follows. “In my view it would extend
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