Vol. 2, N o. 21 14th Ocwbc'", 1968 MANDATORY DEATH PENALTY ABOLISHED Security position strengthening HE dedslon to abollsb tbe mandatory death penalty imposed in 1.963 to T deter extremists from using petrol bombs and further imposed in 1967 to deter terrorists from entering the country with arms of war, was an indi­ cation of the policy of keeping tbe security Jaws under continual review, said the Minister of Law and Order, Mr. D. W. Lardaer-Burke. Speaking to the second reading in Parliament to the Law and Order (Maintenance) Amendment Bill, he said that as the security position changed so must the legislation. The security position was strengthening from day to day-mainly thanks to the efficiency of the security forces, the co-operation of the jndigenous population and the wise application of the emergency powers. Where it was necessary for strong measures to be taken, Government did not hesitate to do so. but when the need Terrorist is a MR. DA VID SMITH, M.P., disappeared then the appropriate amend­ wh o luu been appointed M inister of ml!nto; to the law were made. traitor Agricullure in succession to Mr. Gcoi'JC A'l nn example, censorship had been Rudland, who bas relinquimed the post inlroduced wilb reloclance. bul it was The Geneva Convention, pro­ for health reDJ~ons but will remain in the ended wbeo the need for it fell away. leering tbe tiJlhls of prisonerS of Cabinet as Minister without Portfolio. With regard to the use of petrol bcmbs. Government was satisfied that war, could nol provide prolection Mr. Smith was born at Corran [or terrodsls and this view was Clachan, Argyll, Scotland, in 1922 and tho dc:tc;:rn:nt asp~t of the penalty had proved effective aod that the position was taken by HrUain nnd .l"nmce in came to Rhodesia in 1946 as a farm so well under control-there had beeo the lerrorist cnmpaigns in MnJoya, assistant, becoming a farm manager no offences this year-that the provision Cyprus and Algeria, said the befor.: establishing a farming partner­ Minlsler o£ Lnw and Order, Mr. could be abolished. ship which has developed into a big Lordner-Burke. enterprise. Kepi in isolalion It bad been mnde clear that a He has been the driving force in the A"' far as terrorists were concerned, lerrorist was o trailor. formation of sevem.J agricultural bodies. the Minister pointed out that t he orgnn­ He was chairman of the Cattle Co-opera­ ilcrs in countries to the nonh ensured tive and of lhe Cotton Marketing Com­ mittee and three years ago became that these men were isolated and kept Often it was only when the security unawara of the provisions of Rhodesian chairman of the £10m. Farmers' Co-op. law. forces arrived on the scene that the in Salisbury. He is a director of many terrorists bad a chance to evade the companies and a member of the board of Moreover. the strict d iscipline exer­ vigilant control of their leaders. It cised by the terrorists' communist­ the Netherlands Bank of Rhodesia. indoctrinated hard-core leaders orevented appeared from a practical point of view that it was more often than not impos- the abandonment of arms until after (Sec tribute to :\fr. Rudland on next entry into Rhodesia. (Co•liauHI oa a ut pale) page) www.rhodesia.me.uk 2 RHODESIAN COMMENTARY 14th October, 1968 Millions in U.S. are against Chocolate demand A new £58,000 automatic plant sanctions for maldn& chocolates wiD be able to meet Rhodesia's lncreaslna It was imporbmt for the people Americans. demand for a "11riety of chocolate "It is our sincere desire that the admin­ C<lo(edionecy for the foreseeable of Rhodesia, of an races, to know istration in Washington may be changed future, says a report. The plant that many American people valued after our November elections, so that is beio& imaniJed by M. E. their friendship very highly, said we may have the choice of reappraising Charbon (Pvt.) Ltd. after a major many of our policies both at home and extension to tbe company's cboco­ Mr. Prestoo G. WooH, of India· internationally. lale, sweel and biscuit fadory in napolis, in a letter published In We believe that you have built a Salisbury's Industrial situ. Rhodesia. beautiful country and civilization during these pa.st 70 years, and that your policies He was he leader of a aroup of 12 of helping all races is Christian, con· industrialists. bankers, engineers and structive and for the ultimate bene6t of £150,000 FACE- LlFf: Rhodesian civic lenders who visited the country as all. This is in marked contrast to the Bre\\ cries is planning a £2.50,000 face­ private individuals at their own expense. policies of other nations we have visited lift for Bulawnyo's Hotel Victoria. ··we are leaving with great admiration to the north." for your nation and your courageous policies. "Each of our members belongs to the Rhodesia is not a police state American Republican Party. We express deep sadness and dislike for the preaent Mr. A. T. Cape. a metallurgist. and his few years. sanctions imposed against your nation wife, Dr. Florence Cape. of Monterey, They :~.re eager to prove to their fellow by our present liberal Democratic John­ California, are seen here meeting the Americans •·that Rhodesia is not a police son administration. This is not the wish, Prime Minister, Mr. Ian Smith. during sute." In the past two years they have or desire of millions of our fellow their third visit to the country in the last taken back home slides and photographs and given first-hand views about Rho­ desia. From their latest visit they will take Mandatory death penalty abolished with them copies of the Constitution (Coall.. al fro• prnlo• pap) case and other High Court judgments sible for them to surrender within one to prove their point at lectures and by mile of the border or within one hour writing to prominent people and news­ from the time of entry. pape~. This stale of affairs led to the intro­ Dr. CBpe said most Americans had duction of a Bill to make possible an such a wrong impression of Rhodesia. amendment primarily designed to make "We love the people and your country it easier to surrender and thus avoid and ''e will be back again neXt year." unnecessary bloodshed. Left to jud&a With the prime object of saving the Tribute to lives or security forces, leaftet.s were dropped on terrorists suggesting they surrendered nnd thus save their lives. Mr. Rudland But it was realized then that there was Paying tribute to Mr. Rudland's hand­ n connict with a section of the law and ling of the agricultural portfolio. Mr. it \\as decided to amend that section. David Smith. his successor. said: " I The amending Bill was withdrawn and think history· ,.,.ill pro\·e he has been the the current Bill introduced. greatest Minister of Agriculture this In the section concerning terrorists, country has ever had, and he has had to the Government was now quite satisfied achieve his results under conditions that that it could abolish the provision with arc unique." regard to the mandatory death penalty. Mr. Desmond Lardner-Burke. Jt is reported that because of his wide "legislation can express to the judges ministerial experience-he has also been how serious Parliament considers a Minister of Commerce and Industry. crime to be by setting out the penalties, In the case of those offences which carried tbe mandatory death penalty a Transport and Po,,er, and Roads and but 1t should be left to the judges to Road Traffic-and the fact that since minimum sentence of 10 years' Imprison­ decide on such a penalty. U DI he hll~ been a member or the ment must be imposed :~.nd in the case ··we can confidently bring the law Prime Minister's Economic Council, Mr. back to what it should normally be, that of other offences a minimum of five years. The normal provision for a lesser Rudlnnd should prove valuable as a is, prov1ding for the death sentence. but co·ordinator for complicated problems sentence in special circumstances \vas le:l\ing it entirely to the High Court which cover a wide range of Govern­ judges to decide whether such sentence also included. ment activity. should be passed in each particular The Minister concluded: "Although case.'' the Government is repealing the man­ datory death penalty, let there be no EX-SERVICE~EN: The Rhodesian Life imprisorunent misunderstanding that, in respect of the legion is to alter its constitution to The Minister said the opportunity h:~.d two offences mentioned in the sections include ex-regular members of the Rho· also been taken to provide for life of the Bill, the death sentence may still desian Armed Forces who have served imprisonment as the alternative to the be imposed if the court considers it during an emergency in the country, as death sentence. appropriate." e."t-scrvicemen. www.rhodesia.me.uk 14th October, 1968 RHODESIAN COMMENTARY 3 School preserves memory of famous pilots The picture below shows the pipe band of Churchill School in Salisbury, when it renewed its assoc10tion with the Battle of Britain - its six houses arc named after pilots who fought in the battle­ with nn open-air ~rvice commemorating the Battle's 28th anniver­ sary. Wing-Commander D. W. Dnlden, a survivor of the Battle. in an address said Rhodcsians had much in common with those who defcnted Hitler's air armadas in 1940 in that "we arc few".
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