Science Seminar Profile: Tom Series — page 2 Brophy — page 4 SUDS HAS NEW Rock the Block: cold, Brandon University’s Student Newspaper: mostly running on autopilotHOURS! since 1910 — page 3 hardVolume cash 104, Issue — 6 page — October 5 8th, 2013 Alarming article from WFP does not reveal BU’s actual budget carryover funds if the large and moder- ALEX MURR A Y , ASSIST A NT EDITOR -IN-CHIEF ate increases in the next two years were “T for Bran- granted. Without this money, the Universi- don University is well beyond doom and ty will be forced to continue pushing their gloomhe -- budgetway beyond.” forecast These were Nick financial problems ahead, filling vacan- Martin’s depressing words that began his cies with sessional and/or term positions BU Jobsth Not Going Anywhererather than tenure-track appointments. article on September 30 in regards to the BU budgetary cuts for the next year. Mar- When Mr. Martin went on to say tin’s article sent many at Brandon Univer- “More than 40 of 334 full-time jobs, two- sity into a panic that is, right now, unneces- thirds of them teaching positions, are in sary. His article, “BU predicts big job cuts jeopardy, BU said in its forecast for 2014- without 12.6% grant hike,” is misleading. 15”, this is solely referring to the forecast The information on which Martin information BU submitted to COPSE. This based his article is similar to that which is not the information that BU is using to has been relayed to the University com- create their budget, nor is it actually ex- munity for the past couple years. This pected to occur. This information was year, the University was asked by COPSE clarified in the last Board of Governors (The Council On Post-Secondary Educa- meeting. The budget is no worse this year Photo credit thebanana/Flickr under Creative Commons licence CC BY 2.0. tion) to show what the effects would be than in previous years, although this may if there were 0% increases over the next the school actually anticipates is very which have compounded over the years. change depending on the government’s 3 years, and these were the numbers BU different from what his article reported. The increase avoids compromising BU’s next three years of funding. Approxi- submitted. Nick Martin then used those The 12.6% operating budget in- academic integrity by making significant mately 80% of the University’s budget figures, rather than the budget with the crease reflects what would be needed budget cuts. The University could func- is composed of salaries and benefits. § estimated increases, for his article. What to compensate for short-term measures tion without drawing from surplus or A look at Michael Decter’s history and his thoughts on BU I came back to Winnipeg and went into nadian Institute CA RISS A TA YLOR , SENIOR REPORTER the provincial government and worked for Health In- M became Brandon there for the first part of my career in a formation. I’ve University’sOur new Chancellor New on May 31st, numberChancellor: of positions. This culminated in kept my attach Michael- Decter 2013,ichael replacing decter the late Henry Champ for 1981 when I became Clerk of the Execu- ments to Mani- the remainder of Champ’s term. Michael tive Council and Secretary to the Cabinet. toba: I have is the brother of Derry Decter, a prominent I did that job for five years and then I want- family here in doctor in Brandon, and his sister-in-law is ed to try the private sector. Brandon, and Mayor Shari Decter Hirst. Michael Decter I went into the consulting world and so I was very was in Brandon for the Board of Gover- ended up being a partner at Peat Marwick honoured when nors meeting on Saturday, September and I moved with them to Montreal. Then I was asked to 28th. I was pleasantly surprised by how I went back into the public sector in On- become Chan- down-to-earth and personable he was as tario as Deputy Minister of Health. I did cellor. Brandon a recipient of the Order of Canada and that very interesting but challenging job University has and then went back to consulting. always had a as someone who rubs elbows with very TQ: So what is your connection to Bran- My hobby had been investing and I special place in my heart. I knew Stanley wealthy people on a regular basis. don University? started a firm in 1998 and have been do- Knowles very well and was pleased when MD: I’ve always admired Brandon Univer- ing that for the last 15 years in Toronto. I [former BU President] John Mallea asked The Quill: Can you tell me about your his- sity. I think it’s always punched above its have stayed very involved in health by serv- me to chair a campaign to raise money for tory, background, where you’re from? weight as a smaller place that has had a ing on a number of boards. I have chaired a Stanley Knowles endowment for a pro- Michael Decter: I grew up in Winnipeg. big impact. It has a pioneering spirit: no- the Health Council of Canada and the Ca- fessorship. I went away to Harvard University, then body — continued on page 6 Volume 104, Issue 6 — October 8th, 2013 — 1 Tuesday, October 8st Thursday, October 10rd Memory Strategies – How can I Memory Strategies – How can remember all of this? I remember all of this? Academic10:40–11:30 am/11:40 amWorkshops – 1:40–2:30 pm, McKenzie editorialstaff 12:30 pm, McKenzie 005 003 Editor in Chief | Emily Diehl 12:40–1:30 pm, McKenzie Probability [email protected] 003 12.40–1.30 pm, McKenzie Assistant Editor in Chief | Probability 003 Alex Murray 12.40–1.30 pm, Brodie 1-35 [email protected] General Manager | Elinor Murray [email protected] A new tongue twister for Jim Forsythe, perhaps... Senior Reporters | Agency Misconduct: ALEX MURR A Y , ASSIST A NT EDITOR -IN-CHIEF Carissa Taylor, Katie Driedger Spatial patterns of Miss Q | Science Seminar Series a spare moment, you should police malpractice [email protected] I in the United States, Classifieds | check out BU’s Science Seminar Series. f you have [email protected] The first seminar, a fascinating look at “Ant 1989-2005” Advertising | Colony Algorithms with Application to Data Jose López, Depart- [email protected] ment of Geography, Mining”, by Professor Ashraf Abdelbar, is nities in the aftermath of the 2011 disaster Minnesota State University, Mankato already over, but not to worry: over the next in Japan” two months there will be free seminars put Etsuko Yasui, Applied Disaster & Emergen- contributingstaff Friday, November 1st Dakota Bicklmeier, Joe Dolecki, Jonathan on by various professors about special top- cy Studies, Brandon University Filewich, Holly Kalyniuk, Roland Liwanag, ics of interest. They are always at the same Tyler Foster, Department of Physics & As- tronomy, Brandon University Richard Wong, Jenna Clinton (BUSU), Brit- time, in the same room, and in the same Friday, November 22nd tany Derouin (ACC) building: 3:00 pm, room 4-47, the Brodie “Tourism in Mexico: cui bono autem cui Friday, November 15th Building. Just in case you get lost. malo – who wins/who loses” “Be not defeated by the rain, nor let the The Quill is published weekly by The Bryan Massam, Department of Geography, th wind prove you better: Cultural resilience Quill, Inc., and is printed by The Kil- Friday, October 18 York University larney Guide in Killarney, MB. “The Geography of American Public Safety and disaster vulnerability of rural commu- NOTE: Editorials, letters, and viewpoint articles do not necessar- ily reflect the opinion of The Quill Official press release detailing Ms. May’s talk this week th staff, The Quill, Inc., or the faculty, 141, Health Studies Building. dents, as well as the general public, are staff, or administration of Brandon JOE DOLE ck I Ms. May’s talk, entitled “Living on this invited to attend. University. Elizabeth May to Speak at BU on October 9 the leader of the Planet as Though We Intended to Stay: Sus- For further information, please con- M st The Quill is a member of Canadian Green Party of Canada and the Member of tainability in the 21 Century,” will be fol- tact Joe Dolecki, Department of Eco- University Press (CUP), one of the Parliaments. elizabeth for Saanich-Gulf may, Islands (BC), lowed by a question and answer session. nomics, at 204-727-9749; Meir Serfaty, world’s largest student organiza- will be speaking at Brandon University on This event is sponsored by the Depart- Department of Political Science, at 204- tions, with a membership of over 70 th ment of Economics, the Department of 727-7429; or Michael Juce, BU Politics student newspapers in Canada. Wednesday, October 9 at 2:40 pm in the Political Science, and the Political Science Club, at [email protected]. § Advertisers wishing to buy space in He Oyate Tawapi Ceremonial Room, Room both this newspaper and other CUP- Club. All interested Faculty, Staff, and Stu- affiliated newspapers should contact our multi-market ad representative: We might actually have all the candidates now! FREE Media HAVE TO th nation was confirmed on Thursday after 11629 105 Avenue KA TIE DRIEDGER , SENIOR REPORTER Edmonton, AB T5H 0L9 Update on Bdn-Souristhe Liberal by-election committee screening potential Phone: 780-421-1000 T by-election con- candidates green-lit his credentials for can- H AVE YOUR SAY [email protected] tinues to get complicated as we near the didacy.
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