>' y - t i 1 ..* 1 1 . ' WBltlT«ybDB CffURfibAYrFEBKUAllY 16. 1961 idbnrtrfBt^r Ettpttitto Hfrslb Average Daily Net Press Run _ _ x For the Wedt Eaded Tha FrMioh Club o t Manchestar Febmary 10. 1883 The Weather will meet tomoirow at 8 pm. in and third Saturday of aach monUi. Foreeaat of ,U. 8. Weather Bnreoa MM>ut Town Orange 'Kait Cards wUl be plwed Square Dancers A new class ,will form In the fall ENJOY FDSNITUBE after the meeting and box lunch for those tntsrsstsd in laaming to am a n .r r v - 13,545 . Snow devdoptaig thlo evMtaig, Tha tlpM r Club will hold » Mt> exchanged. Eadi member Is re- To Get Diplojpaas square dance. BWEPHEBn SITPEBOASTEBS Member af the Audit cloudy, snow to n l^ t oad port i t h *^ -p u rer Buturdar at 8 pJB* hilnded to bring a box lunrii In a Friends or- the graduates are BEEUKES TYPEWRITER BoreM ot Cbealotiim Saturday. Not 80 cold tonight. Vaaaban «ad frianda ara welcome. decorated oontinner. For^-sevan couples wUl neeive invited Saturday. , SiaVICSB Low la 20e. High Saturday 28 to At the Green Htmcheater^A City o f Village Charm 90* Ih a noatbly meeting of the club diplomas and badges Saturday win be held Sunday at 2:S0 pm. 478 E . Middle Ip k e. night at Waddell School, graduat­ M3 8.8477 VOL. L X X X L NO. 116 (Claeertlad Advartlelag oa Pago 14) Welfare Cases MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16. 1962 Iha little Flower of Jeaua ing from a aarias of classes which (SIXTEEN PAGES) Ifflthan Circle will meet tbmor- siArted last Septm her and ds- ' p r i c e FlVij CENTB/ fOtr at 8 pm. at the home of Mra. Dip for Month WllUam Anderaoe. 340 Burnham ooming' full-fledged members of FOOD SALE St. Co-hoateaa Will be Mra. Robert The ’Town Welfare Department the Manchestor Square D anes At ""fo r Flow ers^ Back Up Protest tligan. reports 18 fewer cases for the Club. The preaenUUon will be House Hsie Stora Slate News month of January than for the made In a special ceremony dur­ For AO Ooeaeions. It*e ing an evening of square dancing n o Otrla Friendly Society same period labt year. ’This year Speasorsd by Qlsaiisrs Itoetiaora of S t Mary'a EpiacopaT in January there were a totid of called by club caller Earl Johnston Gbba*s Flowers of Venion. A feature ot the eve­ O^ofWAAl.8.. Roundup Onirch will meet tomorrow at 8 47 cases at an expenditure of IT,- Seirtii Methodist Ohnrdi Osil PAUL BUETTNEB pm. a t the church. Bandages will 282.40. Last year 38,333.31 was ning will be a demonatratloh of round dancing by an exbibiUon (Pomerty with Pantlaad’s) West Fighters be folded for the American Cancer authorized for 68 cases. group from Uio Springfield area. SAT., P E R 17th 1133 BURNSIDE AVE. Society. Hoateaaea will be Mrs. Biggest drop was in the num­ BA8THABTFOBD Edward Pbltham, Mrs. John Me- ber of family relief cases. This The club la sponsored by the At lOAJM. PUC Refuses Manchester Recreation Depart­ JA 84M88 o r MI S-M78 DewM and Mra Kail Nielsen. January there were 38 cases ln- teUveifas DaUy to htaneheotei volving 78 people at an expendi­ ment and holda dances tha first IVew Hearing Mr. and Mrs. James N. Britton, ture Of'33,110.91. Last year there 488 Woodland S t, left today by wore 57 oases involving 165 people, On Rate Boost IM for New Orleans. La., where costing 34,441,52. Britton will attend a convention The number of hospital cases BERLIN (AP) — Informedeous” game by AiUad offleiau who HARTFORD (AP) t- The for the Association of Diesel Spe- also decreased from last January, state Public Utilities Commis­ elBllsts. sources said Western military admitted they were puZzled by the with seven cases reported this Soviet harassment. sion says it does not intend to airmen, backing up a protest Maj. E. Walter Lamia will oon- year and nine last year^’This year's U.S. officiaia in Washington ex­ reopen hearings on Hartford tbiua his teactalngs on the doc­ e .pcnditure, however, was greater to Moscow, Dew to isolated pressed fear that a dangerous sit­ than last year's. Hospital cases Electric Light Co. rate in­ trines ,of the Salvation Army to- Berlin today in - a corridor uation could develop rapidly if the creases. „. iilglit at 7:30 at the midweek serv­ cost the town 33,665.6ES in Jan­ whose lower levels the Soviet Soviets keep up their air antics in A request for additional hearing 1 l.Motorms Injured ice at the. efauroh. Hie public is uary, compared to 33,076.51 last the 20-miie-wide corridors linking Jainuary. “Jolm, this aftennien I met PHo- Union wanted to reserve for had been mads by the Connecticut Invited. eUla and she told me abeot PIL- Weat Berlin and West Germany. The number of convalescent its own planes. The weather She United State*; Britain Euid SUte Labor Council, AFL-CIO. The cases dropped from four to three, OiUM MUXS in Cheney HsU on was bad. council claimed the rate increase A vlatt of Grand Master Sir H artford JU. i never sew sneh France in stiff notes to Moscow recently approved by Ui* PUC dis­ nnioniM W. Cooke Jr. and his and cases of non-commltted chil­ Thie time the Hamburg-Barlla Thursday charged the Soviets In Enfield Collisions benutffnl and exdtfng fabrics tat corridor, northeramoot of three criminated against residential cus­ staff from New York City to the dren renmined at one for both my whole life—and so reasonable with “sggressive and dangerous tomers of HELCO. Royal Black Preceptoty, Star of years, this year's case Involving tooP» auch links, wiu InvdvOd. It nmi behavior” and warned the Allies acroee Oommuniat territory to In its reply to Norman Zolot, at­ the Shut, will be made on Friday, two children and last year’s only were determined to protect their torney for the labor council, PUC EN HELD (A P)^Eleven vehicles crashed into each other March 10, at 8:30 p.m., not tomor­ one child. Berlin from the area of the Brit­ rights to clear air passage to this ish zone. said yesterday that it had not been on a fog-.slirouded expre.tsvvay here early today. Two men row night. The meeting will be There were no burials for either Winners in Bennet Scierice Fair outpiiost 110 miles inside Commu­ shown sufficient cause why any In the lodge rooms at Orange Hall. year In the month of January, and At leaat one U.S. military plane nist territory. were killed and M others injured. ” Hieae Bennet Junior High School “sdcntlsts” show the eoiencs fair projects that won them llrri Hare wae reported to have made the more hearings were needed. Tlie two meiykill(»d were occupants of an auto smashed bv tha town had no additional ex­ awards In their grade levels. Eighth grader Steven Goodstlne aits in front of his project, " E x ^ . ’"nie United State* government,” In his letter to the commission, The Polish Ladles Alliance, No. pense payments to other towns flight from Hamburg. the U.S. note laid, "will take the trail^ truck. Nine other motorists were admitted tn menting With Solid PropellanU,” and seventh grader David Baker displays his Van de Graff geneni- Commercial planen kept regular Zolot said 70 per cent of the 35 . 348, will meet Sunday at 2:30 p.m. this year. Last January the town tor. Mies Janice Peadi, a ninth grader, was judged a winner for her cloud chambef. A total of necessary steps to insur* the safe­ million increase was to be borne the Hartford Ho.spital. Two were treated for minor injuries J at the dubhouse. paid 3369.60 to other towns.' acheduiee. They generally fly ty of such flight* of transport and 84 exhibits were on display In the school’s auditorium. (Herald photo by Oflara); by residential users. He observed at tlie scei^ of the pileup. * above the altitude the Soviets set passenger aircraft and will hold that in the original HELCO request Cub Scout Pack 47 blue and gold for the lower-level operationa. the Soviet government responsible only 47.7 per cent of a 3S.4 million The cr^ h occurred on a highway running between Hart. banquet will be held tonight at There was no immediate report for the consequence* of anv Inci­ boost would be carried by residen­ Jo*’j^*JJ^^y5pringfield, Mass. Hartford is about 12 miles south 8:45 in the lower hall of South of any incideht. dents which might occur.” tial users. Methodist Church. The Wee tern Big Three was re­ The Soviets five tlmcg In the He requested that the dates the ported ready to send fighter pa­ past week asked for exclusive use rates would go into effect be de- The^eaft men were identified as Robert F. Moran, 20, New. Manchester Barracks, Veterans trols into the corridors unlees So­ of various of the three Berlin air! layed until a new hearing. This was Lflwrenefe D. SuUivan, 21. Lincoln. Neb., of World War I, and Isidies auxil­ viet MIOs atop bussing Allied corridors below the 7,500-foot: also turned down by the PUC and/Chicopee balls, Mass. iary will have an Installation of military and civilian traffic. flight level tor certain periods to The president of the labor coun- witnes-ses to the accident said the "fog rolled over the officers Sunday at 3 p.m.
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