--.«/i. uonege LiSr-ry Harnsonburg, Vin.uu \ 0CU8'66 Big Weekend Brings 3 Groups For Sat. Night The Beau Brummels, The Chart- have been paid. .The dress for the busters, and the British Walkers dance is informal. will appear in Wilson Auditorium, October 21 for the Big weekend Arrangements for the dance were entertainment. There -m{{ fc« tw?_ made through the efforts of the concerts, one at 7:00 p.m. and one nc-m'ij-Sznv^ Social Dance Com- at 9:00 p.m. *H mittee composed of class represen- tatives, S.G.A. members, S.G.O. The admission is $1.00 a person members of German Club. plus class dues, or $2.00 per couple. The four classes will set up pay Madison's Big Weekends were dates to be announced later The first inaugurated in connection with dress for the concert will be in- May Day celebration, April 30, formal. 1965. The entertainment for the Friday concert was the Modern Concluding the big weekend will Folk Quartet. be a dance on ^Saturday, October The second BWE, October 29, 22, in Bluestone between 8:00 p.m. 1965, featured the Shirelles in con- and 12:00 midnight. Music will be cert and a dance with The Top provided by the Newports from Hats. Washington, D. C. and the affair Jay and the Americans were the Beau Brummels is for couples only. There will be attraction for the previous BWE a charge of $2.00 unless class dues of April 29, 1966. Versatile Profs Direct, Act With Valley Players Miss Mimi Marr, Assistant Pro- Miss Marr took her B. A. in fessor of Physical Education, and drama at Oklahoma College for Mr. Wayne Nelson, new Assistant Liberal Arts, where she participated •;-v~"»- T—--* +y ■•■=-- -*—*■£*:—* £z5£Jk2m from* their teaching fields tov par- recefvlng'an'awara'as best assTstahT™* ticipate in the local community director of the college plays. At theatre. Miss Marr will direct « the University of Arkansas, where Penn. Prof. Spiller To Discuss Don Shirley Trio "Invitation to a March," the first she received an M. A. in Theatre show of Valley Players' fifth sea- and Dance, Miss Marr did acting, 20 Years Of Literary Trends Presents Concert son. Mr. Nelson will star in the dancing, choreography, production, high-style comedy by Arthur Lau- drama judging, and won an award . Robert E. Spiller, professor of Albrechts University, Kiel, Ger- The Don Shirley Trio presented rents. A Broadway hit, the play as best actress in a prize-winning a program in Wilson Auditorium, English Literature at the Univer- many. will be produced on October 21 play. She has worked in commer- October 11, 1966. This concert and 22 at 8:00 P.M. in the Har- cial radio and toured widely with sity of Pennsylvania, will speak at / Among other positions, Dr. Spil- opened the 15th season of the risonburg High School Auditor- her exhibition ballroom dance and Madison on Wednesday, October ler has been visiting professor of Harrisonburg-Rockingham Com- ium. \ modern dance groups. 19, at 11:00 a.m. on "American Howard, Columbia, Michigan, Oslo munity Concert Association. Mr. Nelson, who \eaches voice Literary Trends Since 1945." Universities, and King's College of Jamaica-born Don Shirley, pia- and directs the concert choir on Valley Players welcomes the col- the University of London. His nist, heads the group. He has campus, has had extensive experi- lege community to its productions, Dr. Spiller was born in Philadel- professional activities include being studied at the Leningrad Conser- ence as a performer, both profes- which are staged only a few blocks' phia, Pennsylvania. He received former- president of American vatory of Music and holds three' sionally in New York in Opera, walk down Grace Street from the his B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees Studies Association and Chairman doctorate degrees. He has taught musical comedy, and TV, and more campus at the High School. Stu- recently in Indianola, Iowa, where from the University of Pennsyl- of die Editorial Board of the and lectured in psychology at sev- dent tickets will be available at American Quarterly. he directed and took leading roles the door for single performances vania and an honorary Doctor of eral colleges and universities in the United States and the Carib- in plays and operas. or for the season of four plays. Philosophy degree from Christian Professor Spiller has written sev- bean. Shirley has also designed eral books, a few are The Cycle of sets for television programs and American Literature, Third Dimen- has designed jackets for record College Poetry Center sion, and Fenimore Cooper, Critic albums. of His Times. He was co-editor The program was described by Offers Student Awards of Literary History of the United Shirley as "all American music States, and helped in writing Eight written by Americans with the in- Madison College students are in- entry will be judged anonymously. American Authors, The Early Lec- tent of perpetuating American vited to participate in the fourth A copy of the complete rules and music." Annual Kansas City Poetry Con- regulations may be obtained by tures of Ralph Waldo Emerson, tests, Mr. Thrope Menn, literary sending a self-addressed stamped Ronald Nasop and Martin Sklar, and A Descriptive Bibliography of editor of the Kansas City Star, an- envelope to: Poetry Contest Direc- bassists, accompanied Shirley. James Fenimore Cooper. nounced recently. tors, P. O. Box 8501, Kansas City, A total of $1,600 in prizes and Mo., 64114. Art Prof shows P(dntin8S publication of a book-length manu- o———— Neatrour Receives script is offered., The Hallmark Joanne Lakey Doutre, member of Honor Prize competition is offer- the Art Department, exhibited ing six $100 awards for single Stroaska Gives $1,500 Scholarship paintings and etchings at the Win- poems. ston Salem Gallery of Fine Arts in The Dr. Edwards A. Devins Defense Aids To Complete PhD a closed invitational show June 6- Award, offered on a national basis, will give $500 advance on royal- Mrs. Betty Baylor Neatrour, the August 23. The first of three lecture-demon- ties for a book-length, original professor of Russian here, has_been The acrylic paintings were "Com- strations on the "Prevention of As- manuscript to be published and dis- awarded a $1,500 scholarship by position Jimmy" and "Figure Study saults on Women" will be given Robert E. Spiller tributed by the University of Mis- the Iota state board. Mrs.. Nea- II." The etchings, both black and on Monday, October 17, by Mr. souri Press. Winner of this award trour is a member of Pi Chapter, white, were entitled "Indians at Frederic Storaska of Raleigh, will be asked to speak at the 1967- Delta Kappa Gamma International Mass" and "Loneliness." North Carolina, in Wilson Hall 68 American Poets Series. SEA Hears Smith Society. Auditorium. The two following February 1, 1967, is the closing Mrs. Neatrour is on sabbaticali sian and her minors are French lecture-demonstrations will be held The Student Education Associa- date for the submission of entries. leave from Madison to continue and Polish literature. on Tuesday and Wednesday, Oc- Winners will be announced at the tion will hold its first meeting on work toward her Doctor of Philos- A member of the Indiana Uni- tober 18 and 19. Each of these fifth reading of the 1966-67 Ameri- Wednesday, October 19, at 6:45 ophy degree at Indiana University, versity study tour in 1963, she was three lecture-demonstrations will can Poets Series of the Kansas p.m. At this meeting, Dr. Elmer Bloomington. Her major is Rus- chosen to be one of 25 American begin at 6:30 P.M. (not 6:00 P.M. City Jewish Community Center on as was previously announced). All Smith, head of the Social Science teachers of the Summer Exchange i of Language Teachers between the April 27j 1967. freshman women will be required Department, Eve Hobson of the Hockey Team Opens Season All work submitted must be both United States and the USSR. She to attend the first lecture and Education Department, and Doris original and unpublished. Each Madison's hockey team met spent ten weeks at Moscow Uni- upperclassmen are strongly urged Stage of the Chemistry Depart- Westhampton Friday, October 7. versity. by the administration to attend. ment will relate some of the un- The score for the first team was After a year's study at the Sor- The last two lectures will cost a total of $5.00 (not $5.00. each as usual incidents of their teaching 2-2 and the second game ended 1-1. bonne in Paris, Mrs. Neatrour re- Rule of the Week previously announced). Tickets careers. Any student who wishes In the September 30, game against ceived the Certificate D'Etudes Bridgewater College, Madison s Francaises. Student Government has an- may be purchased in the Office of to join SEA but was unable to do first team won 2-0. The Delta Kappa Gamma In- nounced that the rule of the week the Assistant Dean of Women, so at the time of the membership The first team consists of: Pat ternational Society is an organiza- concerns attire in the Tea Room. Room 5, Alumnae Hall, or they drive may bring the three dollar Klejn, captain; Cindy Corso; Gay tion of key women teachers who Carolyn Larkins, president of may be purchased in the lobby of Wilson Hall auditorium following membership fee to this meeting. Davis; Nubbie Liebns; Chris Shel- chose as one of their goals to-en- SGA, said that sports attire could be worn in the Tea Room without the first lecture which is free.
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