Hauftsmttttn ffl^t Published Weekly By Davidson College Students Vol. LX. No. Twenty-One Davidson College, Davidson, N. C. 28036 April 9, 1971 Peace Group Backs April 24 Offensive By GRAY WILSON here n.n campus." will have some kind of mor- Managing EdiUr Meza explained thai the al commitment before they The Davidson Peace Coali- possibility of civil disobedi ;;.) to Washington." ence was much less on the - ' - tion has decided to throw its This week also several .jft aa earlier date, ■■■■■■■■■■■■■ weight behind April 24 as the and thai a num group members have been hrr nf log.il mass marches - -— " important date in the spring circulating the Peo pic's fci,-iiM are planned day, ..«-m^*» offensive to end the Vietnam for the i' i' a c e Treaty, dispensing He .uliftnl thai War. it will bv cop es in the dorms and con- "There are many reasons." mort' convenient for students :.u :ing professors. taking comprehensives and said j un io r Mark Meza, Me/.a stated that a part modi'.Tts to go on April 23 of spokesman for the group, the group wanted to bring but thai the coalition voted (Photo by Lyle) "but one of the strengths of the treaty before student in its meeting Tuesdaj njghi the April 24 over May 1 lies in Senate for sponsorship since THE to provide transportation LAW OF SUPPLY AND DEMAND its legitimacy. This split over for the Assoeia people going up to Washing National Student Assistant Director of Financial Aid Peter Sterling dates is nationwide, and we lion iNSA), which the ton on either weekend. of explains freshman scholarship squeeze. are trying to iron this out Senate is a member, origin The first of the Activities ally hacked the document, plannedby the group on cam- Beginning pus included two 45 minute Thursday night Freshman Financial Aid films which were shown In the group also began taking the College Union Thursday the treaty into the town of Davidson, waging night and will be run again a door to tonight. door campaign to gather sig Not To Meet Total Need The May Daj Trtto* pro natures. duced the lirst movie, A peace vigil on campus is By RICH WILSON great majority of our stu- have to rely on other re- "Time IV (Running and planned about three days be- Managing Editor dents; however, in the ease sources to supplement the Out." the second is a fore the April 24 trip, and Director of Admissions and nf some accepted applicants, college's award." Schoenbruner film', and Beyond.'1 the coalition has contacted Financial Aid H. Edmunds the college does not have the "Vietnam White noted that the col- based his Queens College to see if such White revealed this week that financial resources to meet on actual trip 1<> lege h.is run out of scholar- South Vietnam. .in event might be able to Davidson College will n<i their total need." said White. ship money; consequently, Junior Cecil Burney is try include both schools. longer be able to meet the "In such cases we shall of scholarships, jobs 1 loans and ing to arrange Agnes The split over ihc April.24 financial needs ftI all the in fer some loan and work for will be distributed competi Hofstettler, May l offensive began last coming freshmen. study .aid." he said. "Bui in to gpeak on cam lively on the b;isis of over- pus March; after the "We will continue to offer order student to sometime in the nexl - Cambodia for the en- all qualifications of the ap few weeks. protests, v aid equal to the need of the roll, hi' and his family will plicants, Me/a said thai one of the The National Peace Action White also said that much mo-it Important events will Coalition (NiPAo was con- HousingLotteryDelayed . of the financial aid for in be .in ecumenical .church centrating solely <m ending coining freshmen will l>e in service to be held before the war, which led to a break the form of loans and work April 24. "The MTvicc is not with the People's Coalition for ByAdministrationOrder study, 11:1c tn end the war iinincdi IVa< e and Justice < PCP.I), a Assistant Director of.Finan ately, bul one for peace. group which wanted to In- By ROBERT TOUCHTON after permissions for off- icial Aid Peter V. Sterling es "We hope thai people will clude larger domestic prob- Asst. Managing Editor campus living have been timated that approximately take advantage of what we lems into the thrust of the Housing granted. Director of Student ]iH)-2(HI incoming freshmen are. offering here SO that they protest. says might Scottie Nicholls she '.'Otherwise we have will require some form of is falling further behind in people switching roommates financial assistance; whereas yearly day her tasks every and changing their plans." per 1 only 40 cent of the class because the administration Nicholls said; and that would of '74 required aid, delaying authorizing the complicate proc- is further the "Despite the fact that the selection of students to live ess. college is increasing t.he off-campus next year. Nicholls and Dean of Stu- money it is putting into schol- Over the years Nicholls dents Will II. Terry are re- arships, costs have increas- developed what she thinks is sponsible reviewing and for ed, more people are applying the most efficient way of do granting requests for permis- for scholarships, and the av- ing her work, and every day sion to live off-campus dur erage need of each applicant the room drawing is not held ing the senior year. has increased," said Sterling. that plan is delayed longer When asked why silo felt and her problems are com- there was a delay this year. "The applicants with.strong pounded. Nicholls said that undouht qualifications will have all As a result of an order edly the main problem was their needs met." he said. from Vice President for Aca- money. The administration "But the small group of in demic Affairs, Dr. John M. wants to allow for maximum coming freshmen who didn't Bevan, the drawing was possible occupancy of dormi rate as high as the others postponed from the original lory space to obtain maxi- will have to turn to state plan for this week. mum revenue. government loans or go to a To avoid trouble and mix She said the administra- cheaper college." ups after the drawings, Nich- tion was probably also wait- Sterling. noted that there olls delayed the lottery until ing until they had some idea Will be no change in the fi of how many freshmen would nancial policy for uppcrclass be coming next year. men. The drawings for order in Vice President for Aca I Inside S choosing rooms for "next year demic Affairs John M. Be- are presently planned for the van said that-the financial aid decision was by Cathy Ross reviews the art second week of May. At least .made the administration. "Frank- work of Laura Crosch and two weeks are usually need- ly I'm surprised that the Steve Sufflas thinks "Wood- ed to complete the opera- previous financial policy last- stock Two'" is a "damn good tion. ed this long," he said. !x:_ v.— — j said if the _._ album,' all on page 5. Nicholls that fc. " .. /*^^^^5^H*' .... then, "There are very few col- Allen , Page 4 drawing were not held 1 process leges that are able to meet MEZA AND MAY DAY Anderson Page 4 the room selection ... all the financial needs of its Mark Meza outlines April 24 plans for Davidson Peace Editorials Page 4 might be forced into the Coalition. Sports Page 7-9 summer months. students." Page Two April 9, 1971 frfa* JBauftfiamatt roreign Education Programs Net 48 By DOUG BROWN Freshman will be able on he believes the program is a Asst. Managing Editor April 21). In Perkins Audito- "lemendous financial bar- rium a ■)::;(), to make pre- gain. The total costs for a Forty-t'igh; Davidson stu- liminary application for the 10 11 month stay is will be spending abroad dents their j inior year abroad program. approximately the same as junior year in four European Fisher belives this new pro- the cost for attending David- countries, India, and Africa. cedure "will help us to plan son for eight and a half The universities of Marburg, programs better and to give months. Germany, and Montpelier, (i in r e complete academic "Students b e c o m very France, will, as in the past, e counseling." Fisher does not conscious of the take the largest numbers 12 value of a f'< el thai students are aware dollar, as they are respon- and 24, respectively. There opportunities, of all the and sible for their own finances will be five in Spain, five in knows that he some are noi while abroad." said Fisher. Britain, one in "Africa, and " aware of some of the pre- "This program is not only one in India. requisite curses. opi-n for the affluent because "Being immersed in a for "Foreign countries have scholarshipstudents also par- eign culture is one ticipate the program." of the limited9 laboratory facilities in most enriching experiences and it is only fair that their added Fisher. a college student can have," students be given first pri- Students spend 11 months commented Vice President ority in addition to students in Germay and nine to 10 in for Academic Affairs John France, prior from developing natfons," lie and to the ac- (Staff Photo by Davidson) M.
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