Environment and Social Due Diligence Report March 2012 IND: India Infrastructure Project Financing Facility II –IRB Pathankot Amritsar Toll Road Pvt. Ltd. Prepared by India Infrastructure Finance Company Limited This report has been submitted to ADB by the India Infrastructure Finance Company Limited (IIFCL) and is made publicly available in accordance with ADB’s public communications policy (2005). It does not necessarily reflect the views of ADB. Environment and Social Due Diligence Report IRB Pathankot Amritsar Toll Road Pvt. Ltd. IIFCL Due diligence Report on Environment and Social Safeguards Sub Project: Four Laning of Pathankot-Amritsar section of NH-15 under NHDP Phase- III on DBFOT Basis SUB PROJECT DEVELOPER: IRB Pathankot Amritsar Toll Road Pvt. Ltd. March 2012 1 Environment and Social Due Diligence Report IRB Pathankot Amritsar Toll Road Pvt. Ltd. 2 Environment and Social Due Diligence Report IRB Pathankot Amritsar Toll Road Pvt. Ltd. CONTENTS PROJECT BACKGROUND: ...................................................................................................... 5 1. SUB-PROJECT TITLE: ............................................................................................... 5 2. SUB-PROJECT DESCRIPTION: ................................................................................. 5 3. CONCESSIONAIRE: ................................................................................................... 6 4. EPC CONTRACTORS:................................................................................................ 6 5. INDEPENDENT CONSULTANT: ................................................................................. 6 6. LENDER’S ENGINEER: .............................................................................................. 6 7. STATUS OF SUB-PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION: .................................................... 6 DUE DILIGENCE ON ENVIRONMENTAL SAFEGUARDS: ...................................................... 7 8. AVAILABILITY OF EIA/EMP REPORTS: ................................................................... 8 9. VISIT TO SUB-PROJECT LOCATION: ....................................................................... 8 10. ENVIRONMENTAL SENSITIVITY AND DUE DILIGENCE: ......................................... 8 11. CATEGORIZATION OF SUB-PROJECT: ................................................................... 9 12. STATUS OF REGULATORY CLEARANCES: ............................................................ 9 13. PUBLIC CONSULTATION AND INFORMATION DISCLOSURE: ............................ 11 14. ALTERNATIVE ANALYSIS: ...................................................................................... 12 15. ENVIRONMENT AND SAFETY CLAUSES IN CONCESSION AGREEMENT AND EPC CONTRACT: ................................................................................................................... 13 16. EMP IMPLEMENTATION BUDGET: ......................................................................... 14 17. ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN (EMP) IMPLEMENTATION: ...................... 14 17.1. institutional framework for emp implementation: ................................................................ 15 17.2. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING: .......................................................................................... 15 18. SITE VISIT:................................................................................................................ 15 19. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION: ............................................................. 16 DUE DILIGENCE ON SOCIAL SAFEGUARDS ....................................................................... 18 20. DUE DILIGENCE OF SOCIAL IMPACTS: ................................................................ 19 21. MINIMIZATION OF SOCIAL IMPACTS: .................................................................... 19 22. PUBLIC CONSULTATION: ....................................................................................... 19 23. LAND ACQUISITION IN THE SUB-PROJECT: ........................................................ 20 24. RESETTLEMENT IMPACT IN THE SUB-PROJECT: ............................................... 20 24.1. Impact on private structure ..................................................................................................... 20 24.2. Impact on Religious properties .............................................................................................. 21 25. COMPENSATION AND ENTITLEMENT: .................................................................. 21 26. INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENT:.......................................................................... 21 27. GRIEVANCE REDRESSAL MECHANISM: ............................................................... 21 28. MONITORING AND EVALUATION: .......................................................................... 21 29. EMPLOYMENT GENERATION AND INCOME RESTORATION: ............................. 22 30. SITE VISIT:................................................................................................................ 22 31. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ........................................................... 22 LIST OF TABLES: TABLE 1 : Project Salient Features…….……………………………………………………………………………………..5 TABLE 2 : Status of Regulatory Clearances Obtained ……………………..……………………………..10 TABLE 3 : Participation in consultation meeting for environment, Health & Safety issues………12 TABLE 4 : Affected families as per the type of structure………………………………………………….……..20 3 Environment and Social Due Diligence Report IRB Pathankot Amritsar Toll Road Pvt. Ltd. APPENDICES: Appendix I: EIA/EMP Report Appendix II: Copies of Relevant Clearances, Consents and Permits Appendix III: Concession Agreement Appendix IV: EPC Agreement Appendix V: Implementable EMP Appendix VI : QHSE Policy Appendix VII : Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) Appendix VIII : Letter related to the disputed land Appendix IX : Sample Labour sheet Photoplate-I: Site Visit Photographs 4 Environment and Social Due Diligence Report IRB Pathankot Amritsar Toll Road Pvt. Ltd. PPRROOJJEECCTT BBAACCKKGGRROOUUNNDD::: 1. SSUUBB---PPRROOJJEECCTT TTIIITTLLEE::: 1. NHAI has taken measures to increase the capacity Pathankot to Amritsar Section of NH-15 from Km. 6.082 to Km 108.502 in the state of Punjab by widening it to 4-lanes under NHDP III B on Design, Build, Finance, Operate and Transfer Basis. 2. SSUUBB---PPRROOJJEECCTT DDEESSCCRRIIIPPTTIIIOONN::: 2. The project road section is a part of National Highway No. 15 (NH-15) and is located in the North-Western part of Punjab. The project road passes through two districts of Punjab i.e. Gurdaspur and Amritsar. The 102.42 km of the project road covers two district headquarters – Gurdaspur and Amritsar four tehsil headquarters – Pathankot, Gurdaspur, Batala and Amritsar town. NH-15 starts from Pathankot and traverses through Gurdaspur-Amritsar-Bhatinda- Ganganagar-Bikaner-Jaisalmer-Barmer and ends at Samakhaiali near Kandla Port in Gujarat and has a length of 1526 Kms. The length in Punjab state is 350 Kms only. 3. The awarded project corridor of Package-APBOT, DBFOT, Phase-III starts from existing chainage km 6.082 at junction with NH-I A near Pathankot and terminates at chainage km 108.502 at Amritsar covering two districts namely Gurdaspur and Amritsar of the state of Punjab considered under the Rehabilitation and Up-gradation of NH-15. 4. The proposed widening and strengthening work would mainly involve: (i) widening of existing two lane road into four lane divided carriageways; (ii) new construction of 4 lanes; (iii) Pavement strengthening and provision of drains, service roads, sidewalks, pedestrian crossing, cattle crossing, underpasses, bus bays and truck lay byes etc. The project salient features are given in table 1. Table 1: Project Salient Features Particulars Project Road Length 102.42 Km Terrain Mostly Plain and land slopes gently from North- to South. Bypass Dinanagar, Dhariwal, Batala, Kathunangal, Verka and Gurdaspur 4 Nos. Major Bridges 6 Nos. Minor Bridges Railway Over Bridge 5 Nos. Pipe Culverts 235 Nos. Vehicular Underpass (VUP) 14 Nos. Box/Slab Culverts 82 Nos. Toll Plaza 02 Nos. Source: LIE’s Monthly Progress Report, August 2011 5 Environment and Social Due Diligence Report IRB Pathankot Amritsar Toll Road Pvt. Ltd. Project Facilities: Further as part of the project, various project facilities shall be provided which will also put advantage to the environmental and safety safeguards of the project. The project facilities to be provided as part of the concession agreement include: Road side, furniture (e.g. Traffic Signs and Pavement Markings, Concrete Cash Barriers, Metal beam crash barrier, Separators (MS Railing); Toll Plaza at two locations (km 16.000 and km 88.500); Pedestrian facilities Landscaping and Tree plantation including median plantation; Truck Lay Bays Bus bays and Bus shelters Highway lighting; Highway patrol; Ambulances; Emergency Call Boxes (ECBs) at every 2 kms. 3. CCOONNCCEESSSSIIIOONNAAIIIRREE::: 5. NHAI has appointed M/s. IRB Pathankot Amritsar Toll Road Pvt. Limited as the concessionaire for this sub-project. The Concession Agreement was signed on 16th November 2009 between NHAI and M/s. IRB Pathankot Amritsar Toll Road Pvt. Limited. The financial closure has been achieved on 19th March 2010. 4. EEPPCC CCOONNTTRRAACCTTOORRSS::: 6. M/s. IRB Pathankot Amritsar Toll Road Pvt. Limited has signed the EPC contract agreement with M/s IRB Infrastructure Developers Ltd. 5. IIINNDDEEPPEENNDDEENNTT CCOONNSSUULLTTAANNTT:::
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